My GirlFreen (FreenBecky)


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Rebecca Armstrong never thought that she would return to her mother's homeland for good when the Armstrong fa... More

Chapter 1: The New Girl
Chapter 2: Nose Bleed
Chapter 3: BABY
Chapter 4: A Game
Chapter 5: Once & Twice
Chapter 6: Of Butterflies and Shoelace
Chapter 8: Straightforward & Undecided
Chapter 9: Little Bunny
Chapter 10: GirlFreen
Chapter 11: Known
Chapter 12: Bad Things
Chapter 13: The Human Anatomy
Chapter 14: Sports Day
Chapter 15: Catfight
Chapter 16: Glimpse of The Past

Chapter 7: Mine

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Chapter 7

"Jim, Kade look at your friend." Tee called the two girls, gaining their attention at the mention of that 'friend'. Both Jim and Kade followed the direction where Tee was pointed to and there was no other person than the Chankimha.

"What's wrong?" Kade was annoyed as she was interrupted. They were in the middle of finishing their homework during night prep time. The amount of homework was rather unusual today that Kade felt like she's losing her mind.

"She's looking weird." Tee commented. She has been observing Freen for quite some time now that she could come to that assumption.

"What that supposed to mean? She's always an odd one." Kade wished she did not have to bother.

"She has never been that easy and carefree, isn't it?" Jim guessed. Freen was listening to her MP3 player, humming to the song while doing her homework. At certain point she even danced with the music.

"Correct! You got it right there." Tee said before raising her hand for a 'high five' with Jim.

The Fabulous Three then stared at Freen for a while before Jim and Kade decided to approach the girl. They sneakily took out the earphone from Freen's ear and listened to what the girl's was listening to.

Oh, for you, I would've done whatever,

And I just can't believe we ain't together,

And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you,

I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring.

"Uh huh...Who's your Baby?" Kade teased, realizing that Freen was listening to 'Baby' by Justin Bieber, a hit song released a year before.

"Is it Rebecca Patricia Armstrong?" Jim jested, having the difficulty to pronounce the English name.

"Excuse me? Does everything need to be related to her?" Freen was annoyed. She tried to take back the earphone from the girls just snatched it away from her.

"Well, you kind of obsessed with her lately and you ever called her 'Baby' once." Kade recalled the scene of that night. Both Jim and Tee agreed to the statement too.

"Stop the nonsense. Don't you guys have better things to do? Go back to your place and finish your homework." Freen shooed her friends but the Fabulous Three wouldn't move an inch.

"You think we didn't know anything, isn't it?" Tee had always found her way to provoke Freen.

"As if I have anything to hide?" Freen played it cool even though deep inside it felt like she was caught red-handed. What the Fabulous Three could possibly discovered? Was it about the game they've been playing? Or perhaps the Fabulous Three had seen them kissing forehead and lips?

"Nah, let's just cut it short. Tell us, are you and Becky dating each other now?" Whatever Kade queried caused Freen to choke on her own breath. Sometimes Freen thought that she could not handle the bluntness of her best friends. They're just too straightforward in everything.

"Are you crazy? That's absurd." Freen denied. The grimace on her face described every emotion she had about the groundless question. She totally disagreed with it.

"Be serious, Freen. You know that you can count on us if you need some help for that." It's Jim turn to step in. Unlike Tee, Jim has always been gentle when she's approaching Freen on whatever matter of concern. She played the biggest role in maintaining the harmony of the girl gang.

"Really girls, I don't know what you guys are talking about but it's really nothing. Thank you so much for your concern." Freen heaved a long sigh. Her best friends were too manifested in her life lately, well perhaps ever since Becky came into their life. Nonetheless, Freen thought there was nothing to be concerned about.

"Well, if you said so...I guess I can line up for the Becky's faen line. When I rethink about it, she's my type too." Tee said. Jim and Kade had no objection on that though. They even gave their thumbs up to Tee for the support.

(Faen = in Thai slang is the term you use for someone you have a serious relationship with; girlfriend or boyfriend)

"Excuse me? What line again?" Freen could not believe her own hearing.

"Becky's faen line." Tee repeated casually.

"What that supposed to mean?" Freen's eyebrows knitted into a deeper expression of confusion upon digesting what Tee has been telling.

"Don't you know that everyone is trying to pursue Becky? She gained more attention ever since the theatre play. She becomes the Princess of the Academy without she even realized it." Kade helped to explain. It's no surprise for Becky to become famous instantly overnight. People were curious and tried to discover about her as if she's newly found gems. After all, Becky has a clear record and clean reputation because she's new.

"There's also a rumor spreading out that you and Becky are dating so everyone is keeping their interest low key for now." Jim added.

"I heard that Engfa is interested in Becky too and that caused some chaos." Tee brought up the name which Freen detested the most. Tee and Kade were not by their side that night for her to perceive the entire situation. Jim must have told them about it.

"It seems like I missed a lot of things." Freen contemplated. Was she too ignorant about everything that she missed the trails of the entire situation?

"You just did not bother and aware of anything because you're just too occupied with somebody else. Somehow you even neglect us." Jim scoffed with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Jim, not again and not now. Tell me, what's the chaos about?" Freen was curious. Did Engfa complain about what happened that night to everyone else and spread rumors around? Judging from the character, Freen could tell that it's possible for it to happen though. The senior always got what she wanted. A player like her would not let the failure slip away.

"It's Charlotte. She found out about Engfa's interest in Becky." Tee answered.

"And then?" Freen could not get it. She brushed her gaze at each of her friend, demanding an immediate explanation to that.

"I would say that a ticking bomb is about to explode." Kade commented with shrug.

"Huh? What does it mean?"

"Do you know what a jealous girlfriend would and could do?" Jim gave a bigger picture to it. Only then, the understanding gradually slipping in to Freen's mind. A great war might happen sooner or later – the wrath of a possessive girlfriend.


Becky and Irin have been staring at their desks for the longest seconds now. There were just too many things on Becky's that she needed to take up some space from Irin's desk for that. The two have become desk mates. That's when Yah being kind that she agreed to switch her place with Irin so that both Becky and Irin could sit together side by side.

"Is it normal to have this in all girls' academy?" Becky queried. She began to sort the items she had on her desk according to the type.

"It doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy, I guess it's normal if you got a lot of secret admirers." Irin commented.

"This is insane." Becky knew she should not complain about it but arranging those things took up a lot of her time.

"If you think it's insane, why don't you share some with us?" Yah showed up, eyeing every item on the desk like an excited toddler who was waiting for her reward. There were mostly edible things like fancy biscuits or snacks and some drinks.

"Go on Yah. Choose whichever you want. I can't finish them all." Becky offered. It has been going on for a week now. Becky would receive things from anonymous senders, offering her food or drinks with either 'Happy study', 'good day' or 'good night' notes. She might be able to open a pop-up store for that too if she's about to gather everything that she received. The abundance of choices was uncountable.

"Thank you, Becky sweetie! Let me have these naa." Yah grabbed a can of caffeinated drink and a pack of chocolate from the pile. The girl skipped her way to her place right after that. A burden to Becky was a blessing to the other. Sharing is caring after all.

"Becky, there's some more for you." The other classmate handed her another anonymous 'gift'. It seemed like everyone was getting fed up with it too now. Their class has become like a zoo or perhaps an aquarium. Occasionally, you could see someone walk pass through the corridor and try to look inside just to get a glimpse of Becky's figure. It felt like they were being watched the entire time.

"Honestly I don't know how to feel right now." Becky sighed. It felt good at first but later it turned out to be misery. Why would people do this in the first place?

"You're just too popular ever since the Beauty and the Beast. Did you know that you have a faen line started?" Irin tilted her head to a side as she questioned that to her friend. Staring at that angelic face, Irin knew that the attraction would be possible. People chase after her for that known charm.

"You know I learned a lot of new things ever since I came here. Faen line huh? I can't recall if I ever announced I wanted to have any." Becky rolled her eyes out of annoyance.

"Let's just say that it's your pretty privilege. You know this face card thing?" Irin began.

"Eww I didn't like that term." Becky cut it instantly.

"Speaking of this pretty privilege, don't you think that you can just pick anyone you like? Excuse me for being blunt here but have you ever tried dating a girl before?" Irin scooted closer to Becky as she spoke. Becky had never questioned Irin's preference but deep inside she knew that Irin is interested in girls. She might have some experience to begin with which Becky realized could be some help in the future.

"Uhm, nope. Never." Becky confirmed.

"Would you like to try it at least once? We should just live this teenage life being young and reckless. If anything goes wrong, people will just tell us this is just a 'phase'." Irin suggested.

The perplexed look on Becky's face spoke disagreement. "Uhm, I'm not quite sure of that, really."

"Well perhaps it's just a culture shock for you and it terrifies you in any way." Irin assumed.

"Let's say I have a different perceptive and view about the law of attraction and preference." Becky tried to sound natural. She believed that everyone has different opinions about the matter and involving herself in all girls' world is something new to begin with. It's too odd but not that foreign.

"Right, tell me about your preference." Irin was drawn to what Becky just stated.

"Are we really doing this right now? Like, right here? We need to finish our homework." Becky laughed. It would take forever if they were about to discuss the matter. Long way to go and much elaboration needed.

"Chill, Becky. It won't take too much of our time. Now, let me narrow the context so that it will be easy for you to answer." Irin seemed to be so enthusiast to begin.

"Okay..." Becky hesitated yet she knew she could not avoid it.

"What do you think about Freen?" It felt like Irin had just thrown the first question right to Becky's face – so out of the blue.

"Huh? Of all questions you could ask, why would you begin it with her?" Becky flinched.

"I don't know, you both seem to grow closer each day so I thought it will be the easiest subject." Irin shrugged innocently. She had a point there.

"Well, I think she's kind and sweet even though she's cold and mean most of the time." Becky said after some thought.

"Nah, that's too typical Becky. Come on, you can do it better. Tell me how she makes you feel or what do you feel about her." Irin waved it off as she rejected the response from Becky.

"I can't think any with you pressuring me like this." Becky scowled.

"Okay I'm sorry, let me guide you again." Irin laughed.

"Does she make your heart flutter whenever she's around?" Irin steered the conversation, making it casual as not to pressure Becky much.

"I feel happy and safe whenever we're together." Becky smiled at the thought.

"I'll take it as yes."

"Do you ever feel jealous with the thought that she's with somebody else?" Irin proceeded.

The question from Irin made Becky contemplated for the longest seconds. The remembrance of Neeta's existence made her feel envious. "Maybe."

"Yes, you are!"

"Did you ever feel like why she keeps lingering in my mind the whole time?" Irin jumped to another question.

"Uhm, I guess sometimes it does." Becky said.

"That's another yes from you." Irin smirked, realizing that all responses from Becky were heading in a positive direction.

Becky caught the expression red handed. "Oh huh, do you have more questions to ask Doctor Love?"

"I have a lot more if you insisted."

"No, please. That's enough. Now tell me what's your love detector can determine." Becky decided to put an end to the 'investigation' before Irin pulled a lot of tricks to brainwash her.

"Let's say that you're attracted to and interested in her for now." Irin voiced her opinion.

"That might be true." Becky would not deny it either. When Yah said that she should find something to pick up her interest and keep her motivated, Becky thought Freen could serve that purpose - a girl with so many dimensions.

"Take it easy, one at time. Just so you know, I think Freen likes you too." Irin said.

"How could you tell that? She's unpredictable most of the time. It's either she shows excessive affection at once or being distant a second later." Becky pouted. The Fabulous Three was not joking when they said it would take some time to understand Freen as who she is. Every day felt like an adventure which consisted of a roller coaster ride of emotions.

"It's your job to figure it out. Think about it, maybe she just plays hard to get." Irin gave her view on the matter again.

"Ah, I see that you have the potential of becoming a love guru here." Becky jested.

"Nah, let's do our homework now. Told ya, it won't take much of our time."


"Finally, it's done!" Irin sighed. A few stretches here and there and she's ready to close her book.

"Just enough time before the prep ends." Becky said, glancing at her wristwatch. It was just ten minutes before the bell rang.

"Really? Oh, I better pack up." Irin stood on her feet hurriedly and began to tidy up her desk.

"Why are you in hurry? We're just heading back to the hostel." Becky looked at her friend intently.

"Uhm...Tee will be here any time soon." Irin grinned from ear to ear at the mention of the name.

"Ah..." Becky nodded, teasing Irin with a look.

"Stop right there, Becky."

"Why? You're pestering me with all about Freen, yet I can't do the same to you about Tee?" Becky laughed.

"It's just the beginning. We're at the stage of getting to know each other." Irin assured it.

"Good for you then."

"Becky, someone is looking for you." Their conversation was interrupted by the classmate.

"Who could that be..." Becky could not even finish her words when the unknown person already stood in front of her, pressing her arms across her chest like a dictator. Every eye was on them, witnessing the awkward situation.

"I see that you're Becky?" The person said. The intensity of her stare was feracious as if she was ready to pick up a fight. Becky stared at the person briefly, trying to recall if she ever had any encounter with the girl yet she could not grasp any memory either.

"Uhm yeah...How can I help you?" Becky hardly swallowed her own saliva. The presence of the unknown person gave her an eerie feeling. It made her stomach churn with uneasy sensation.

"We need a little talk. Shall we go to some other place for privacy?" The person suggested.

Becky exchanged her gaze with Irin asking for rescue, but Irin was just as helpless as her.

"I assure you that I mean no harm." The girl said.

The whole classroom went silent, and the tension started to build up in the air at the sight of the scene. Becky heard them whispering to one another, yet she could not capture the entire details about it. However then, judging from the horror expression of everyone, Becky could tell that the girl's sudden appearance might lead to a disaster.

Becky trailed behind the girl, wondering what she had done that they needed to speak in private. Later she figured out that they were heading to the laboratory area. The instant remembrance of Freen warning her not to go there at night frightened her. Becky was unsure which one was more terrifying; the ghost stories or the unknown girl that she blindly followed.

"Are you sure that we're heading to the right way?" Becky spoke up but that did not stop the girl from walking.

"There's nothing to be scared of." The girl said, not paying much attention to the surroundings.

"Why do we need to go this far just to talk?" Becky stopped on her track.

The unknown girl turned around when she realized Becky was no longer following her. "Isn't it obvious? Because I don't want people to see us." There she went with her dictatorship gesture, pressing her arms across her chest while glaring at Becky from the distance.

"Or perhaps you're just scared of getting caught?" Becky taunted her with a smug look.

"You surely have smart mouth, don't you?" The girl grew impatient but then was able to compose herself a split second later.

"Can we just please cut the chase? What do you need from me? I didn't even know you." Becky groaned. They could hear that the bell finally rang, indicating that every student should be heading back to the hostel by now, yet they were here, at the most prohibited place at night.

"Right, that's so rude of me. I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Austin." The girl introduced herself for the first time.

"So, how can I possibly help you then?" Becky sighed.

"There's nothing much. I just need to make sure something." Charlotte said, making her way close to Becky again.

"Which is about...?"

"By any chance, do you know who Engfa is?" Charlotte queried.

Becky's mouth formed a perfect 'O' shape upon hearing the familiar name again. All the memories from that night came rushing in, which included the information Freen told her. She figured out that this is the farang girl that Freen ever mentioned. Charlotte did not have that prominent Caucasian look like she does but the name surely portrayed that.

"My first encounter with her was during the theatre night." Becky confirmed it.

"Right. And what did she ask you?" Charlotte asked and began to move in circular motion around Becky.

"She asked for a picture which we didn't manage to have any." Becky said.

"Sounds like you're hoping to have one with her?" The sudden halt in Charlotte's movement startled Becky. Why would the girl act like a psycho?

"No, no! Please don't misunderstand that. I'm just telling you that nothing happened that night. Wait a second. Why do we need this? Are you jealous?" Becky could not believe that she needed to explain herself for that.

Then as if the words from Becky had triggered something in her, Charlotte did not hesitate to hold Becky by her collar and pinned the helpless girl against the wall. "Listen carefully. Do not ever interact with her again even if she is the one who approaches you. Do you understand that?"

"Buddy, calm down. I'm not going to steal your girl." Becky tried to free herself, but she was trapped in Charlotte's capture. Where did all the girls in this school gain their strength from?

"I am dead serious! I'm warning you." Charlotte leaned in closer until their noses almost touched.

"You don't need to do this to me. I don't mess up with anybody else's partner." Becky grew uncomfortable. Charlotte might see her as a rival which entirely a false assumption. People were right when they said jealousy is the jaundice of the soul. It's a completely useless emotion which could cloud someone's fair judgement.

"CHARLOTTE!" The loud voice interrupted them.

"BECKY!" Another union of voices were heard. Becky glanced to her side and saw the Incredible Four from a distance. There was somebody else too which turned out to be Engfa.

"Stop it, Charlotte. That's too much." Engfa strode her way to their direction.

However then, someone else was even faster than her. It was Freen, seeming like she almost sprinted all the way to Becky's side.

"What the hell are you doing?" Freen removed Charlotte's grasp from Becky's collar causing the girl to stumble backward with that sudden thug.

"Hey, you don't have to be that harsh." Engfa spoke, pulling Charlotte sideways.

"She's crossing the line. Don't you see that she just threatened her?" Freen snapped, glaring at both Charlotte and Engfa. If the venomous look in her eyes could really kill people, both girls would be dead by now.

"Nah, it's just a soft reminder." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Charlotte, keep quiet." Engfa warned.

"Why would I? Did you like the girl that much that you feel like you need to defend her?" Charlotte was infuriated. Engfa tried to calm her down, but Charlotte would not listen. The possessive girlfriend seemed to be losing her mind over groundless accusation and there the couple quarrel began. The Fabulous Four including Becky were witnessing the entire scene with their very own eyes.

"Now you choose whether it's me or her." Charlotte burst out.

The situation became more tense that it already was. Engfa was being put into a tight situation and everybody else was just too stunned to react as well.

"I suppose you haven't told your girlfriend yet." Freen spoke up after seeing how unresponsive Engfa has become upon the pressure.

"Freen, what are you trying to do?" The Fabulous Three tried to stop her, thinking that their friend would just add more trouble to the matter.

"Don't you remember what I told you the other night, Engfa? Listen carefully the both of you and Charlotte, you can stop being jealous unnecessarily. Becky is mine. Let me repeat that in case you thought you misheard it. BECKY IS MINE." Freen said.

The statement that came out from Freen's mouth caused everyone to gasp in their uttermost shock. Well except Engfa who did not seem to be disturbed by it.

"Now please excuse us and you can continue your couple quarrel if you'd like to."


The sound of their footsteps echoed through the empty space of academy compound as they walked down the path to the hostel. Freen had her hands intertwined with Becky the entire time as she dragged the girl together with her while the rest of the Fabulous Three trailed after them from behind.

"What was that about, Freen?" Kade walked a little faster, catching up with Freen and Becky's pace.

"What?" Freen acted nonchalantly.

"You just said that Becky is yours." Jim appeared next to her.

"I did."

"Are you serious about that?" Kade dissatisfied with her friend's unseriousness.

"Does it sound so wrong to become a hero here? I'm just saving the situation." Freen shrugged.

"You're unbelievable!" Kade stopped them.

"Freen, did you realize what you've just done?" Tee seemed to be disagreed with the entire situation as well.

"Nope. There's nothing wrong with it." Freen sighed. Annoyance slowly crept into her.

"You just sealed your fate with Becky by saying she's yours and closing the opportunity for the others. You can't simply say that if you did not mean it." Tee emphasized, hoping that it would knock some sense into her friend's head.

"So, what if I tell you that I meant it?" Freen sounded like she was about to lose her temper.

"Stop it all of you. I'm still here yet you guys are discussing about me as if I'm an object." Becky snapped suddenly. Startled by that sudden outburst, Freen's held from her hand slipped off spontaneously.

"Becky..." Everyone was just too shocked that it's their first-time seeing Becky getting mad.

"I'm leaving. And Freen, you don't need to act like a hero. I don't need you to protect me all the time." Becky said before she left with exasperation.

"Now look at what you have done." Freen sighed.


Later Freen figured out the sudden mood swing in Becky was due to the 'time of the month'. Becky vomited multiple times and had to endure terrible stomach cramps. The girl even cried her eyes out for no reason.

"Can you take it? Here, drink some water." Freen made sure that Becky took her painkiller as she's ready to tuck her in bed. Becky has been quiet for the whole time. Probably she's still upset about what happened just a while ago.

"Sleep now. Hope you'll get better tomorrow."

Becky managed to stop Freen before she walked away, "Freen, I'm sorry."

Freen was taken aback by that and took her seat at the edge of the bed again, "What's that for? There's nothing for you to apologize."

"Don't make too much noise. Everyone is asleep." Freen spoke in low voice.

"I was a little too mean and emotional." Becky pouted, making that innocent cute face. Freen smiled, remembering their game but she would just let it slip tonight.

"Never mind. I understand that." Freen assured it, staring at those swollen eyes of Becky.

"I want you to know that I'm glad you came. I was scared to death." Becky continued before she sobbed again.

Freen knew it coming but she was still surprised to see Becky crying like a child again. She wiped off the tears with her thumb and caressed the girl's cheek simultaneously, "Don't cry. Now you're being emotional again."

"My tummy hurts like hell." Becky complained.

"Shall I give you massage? Let me put some hot ointment for that." Freen offered. She did not know since when she cared so much about someone but for Becky, she willingly did anything for the girl. Sometimes Freen thought she's getting insane or perhaps Becky must have cursed her with something, but the girl really did not do anything though. Becky just suddenly showed up in her life and now she's everywhere around her.

"Let's just sleep. It's getting late." Becky declined the help politely.

"Okay then."

Freen was about to get up from the bed when Becky stopped her again, "Wait, sleep with me."

"It sounds wrong when you casually request it that way." Freen cringed.

"I must decline it. The bed is small, and you should get a proper rest." Freen was firm with her decision. It would be uncomfortable for them to share the bed. You could barely move and toss around in your sleep by sharing the limited space.

"It's plenty space for two, really. Remember you ever fell asleep here once." Becky brought up.

"Shh...don't say it out loud." Freen quickly covered Becky's mouth with her palm. The panic in her expression showed everything. The truth was Freen was scared that people might see them.

"What's wrong with two girls sharing the same bed. I've seen other people doing that too in this hostel." Becky blurted out.

"You surely take the advantage of being this sick to get whatever you want huh?" Freen heaved a long sigh knowing that sooner or later she would give in to what Becky requested for.

"Never mind, you can just go back to your bed." Becky let go of Freen's hand, telling her to go away.

"There you go. I wonder why I'll always give in when it comes to you." Freen groaned. She took her place next to Becky as the girl scooted over for some space.

Becky smiled her victory. For some reason, Freen has loosen bit by bit ever since they first met. The warmth of her kindness that slipped through her cold attitude was something that enthralled Becky the most. She kept craving for that feeling and Freen was the only person who could ever do that.

"Perhaps that's because you have a soft spot for me in your heart. Didn't you say that I'm such a baby?" Becky guessed and again, bringing up the thing that Freen has ever mentioned from their first encounter.

Freen was taken aback for the second time tonight. Becky seemed to be aware of everything. "Right, I must have lost my mind." Freen shuddered at the thought of it.

Becky turned on her side and faced Freen who seemed comfortable in her position. "I'll make sure you keep losing your sanity and fall head over heels for me."

"Oh huh, you're surely confident about that. Stop flirting with me. That's not going to work." Freen responded with her eyes closed.

"Freen, are you asleep?" Becky poked her finger to Freen's cheek.

"Hmm? I'm listening."

"Do you really mean it when you said that?" Becky asked. She figured out that it must be the reason why Engfa went dumbfounded when Freen whispered something to her during the theatre night. Becky was not expecting Freen to claim her in such way – hers.

"What did I say?" Freen played dumb.

"Heh, why did I bother to ask when I already knew that you'll keep avoiding from explaining that." Becky scowled.

"Just close your eyes and sleep, Rebecca. We have classes tomorrow." Freen mumbled in drowsiness. It has been a long day for her and everyone.

"Can I hug you?" Becky queried, just to tease the sleepy girl.

"No." Freen said. Becky laughed at the thought that Freen was still able to hold her conscious mind even though the drowsiness has already enveloped her.

"What about holding hands?" Becky teased again.

"Hmm..." Freen seemed unresponsive which Becky figured out the girl has gone to her deep slumber. It didn't take long for the girl to be gone. She must be so exhausted, Becky thought.

"You're asleep." Becky covered themselves with a blanket before she moved to lay on her stomach, propping her head up with her arms so that she could take a good look at Freen.

"You're the true definition of a Sleeping Beauty. So beautiful that it hurts my heart." Becky commented. She scrutinized the face meticulously. The chance like this would not come so often. To be able to see this angelic face in this close distance was somewhat a miracle. Freen would not allow it to happen if she's ever conscious self.

"I pouted earlier, why don't you kiss me?" Becky pretended as if she's scolding the sleeping Sarocha.

"Is it alright if I steal a kiss from you?" Becky leaned in closer and whispered those words.

"Jim, Kade! Give it back to me." Freen suddenly talked in her sleep. Becky laughed at the sight as she newly discovered that somehow Freen has the habit of sleep talking.

Becky thought it would just end right away but she was wrong about it. Freen's hand wandered blindly before she grabbed Becky's neck and pulled the girl closer to her chest. She must have dreamed something about getting her belonging back that she needed to clasp it so tight in her held, Becky ended up in Freen's embrace.

"It's mine." Freen mumbled under her breath.

"Are you sure it's really yours?" Becky teased and muffled her laugh.

"Hmm..." That was all Freen could respond in her sleep.

"What about Becky?" Becky gave herself a try. It went silent for the longest seconds and Becky knew Freen was not responsive to any external factor anymore. She decided to just sleep and let them stay in the position for some time.

"Becky, what are you doing?" The clear voice startled Becky when she's just about to doze off. Becky looked up just to find Freen staring at her with eyes wide opened. How was that even possible? The girl was in her deep slumber just now.

"You're the one who did this. You sleep talking and dreaming about something." Becky groaned, knowing that Freen would blame her for this.

"Right. Let's just sleep normally." Freen did not want to drag it long either and tried to remove Becky from her embrace.

"No. Let's just stay like this for a while." Becky leaned all her weight onto Freen and made it difficult for Freen to move.

"You're taking advantage of the situation." Freen said having no energy to argue yet still want to voice out her point.

"You might as well want to kiss me." Freen said.

"You heard that?" Becky was taken aback. Did Freen really hear what she has spoken the entire time?

"Nah, I'm just saying. Wait, what? Did you ever thought of kissing me? While I'm asleep? I suppose it's just your hormonal imbalance impact." Freen chuckled.

"Well, since you bring that up, can I really do it?" Becky lifted herself before moving to a hovering position over Freen.

"Becky, I think we should really go back to sleep." Freen stuttered. Becky seemed serious in her action. Her eyes lit up with deep desire and Freen could feel that the girl's body temperature began to elevate too. Did Becky just get turned on?

"I can't. I can't hold this anymore." Becky shook her head.

The next thing Freen knew, their lips brushed slightly before pressing completely against each other. Becky's soft lips kissed hers and she corresponded to that. Becky pulled the blanket over their heads as if it could prevent them from getting caught but she did not really care about it anymore. Freen's hands explored Becky's smooth cheek, her wavy hair and her gentle arms, down to the small of her back. With every brief pause within kisses got them addicted, torturing them to the very core as much as it made them incredibly delighted. It drove them mad.

"Becky, that's enough." Freen ended the kiss before she lost all her sense of control. She pulled Becky into her embrace, calming the girl down. Becky sighed as she clenched her teeth, trying hard to lock up her raging hormones.

"Friends don't do like this." Freen sighed. There was a hint of regret in her tone.

"Then, we should stop being just friends."

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