โœ“ infrunami โฅ caitlin clark

By -pinkladiess

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๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ฅ, ๐ข ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐›๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ข๐ง ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ง๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฆ๏ฟฝ... More

1. season starts again
2. pre-game win or lose
3. the morning regret
4. im in your head like pretty posion
5. change of feelings
6. how to get the girl
7. paige bueckers
8. a get to know me
9. barbie movie marathon
10. the new kinsley and caitlin
12. fast and furious bitch
13. calm before the storm
14. am i enough?
15. get you
16. once upon a december
17. eres mi religion
18. lost in fire
19. those eyes
20. thru your phone
21. the hurricane
22. bitches be bonkers
23. baecation
24. no touch
25. dance with me
26. i know you
27. know its for the better

11. jealous jealous jealous girl

4K 112 188
By -pinkladiess

jealous jealous jealous girl !

wisconsin, madison WI
W 102-71

KINSLEY was too into her zone as she cheered. coach lucy put her as the leader so it was kinsley's turn to lead and chose which cheers they were gonna do. kinsley wasn't even focused on the opposed teams. neither a certain blonde staring at her the entire time. expect, caitlin did notice and she didn't like it.

"hey, what's wrong?" kate asked slapping caitlin's arm. it's barely the first quarter and caitlin clark had been distracted the entire time. caitlin shook her head at kate and jogged away. kate put her lips in a tight line looking over to where caitlin was previously looking at.

"someone has a liking towards you." stefani said bumping her best friends shoulder. it was the second quarter of the game and the cheerleaders were sitting on the ground taking their break but still cheering with their voices. stefani pointed over to number twenty six in the wisconsin team.

kinsley turned her head and looked at the blonde. the blonde waved her hand at kinsley who gave her a tight smile and looked back at stefani. "not my type." kinsley said.

"yeah and what's your type?" stefani asked leaning forward on her on her knees.

"brunettes." kinsley said shrugging her shoulders and looking back to the court. stefani almost laugh loudly when kinsley said that and to add on looked at the tall athlete that just scored another hoop.

kinsley watched as caitlin jogged over to the blonde and gave her a smirk. kinsley made a face and leaned back against her seat, crossing her arms over her chest and tilting her head to the side. jealousy was all that was bubbling inside of her body.

when the halftime hit, kinsley went inside of the locker room to fix her ponytail. caitlin saw her and told her teammates that she'll be right back.

"you look good cheering for me kenny." caitlin said leaning against one of the lockers. kinsley rolled her eyes tightening up her ponytail and putting on the bow again. "what? you're back to hating me."

"mhm. you sure you don't want that goldie from the other team to cheer for you instead?" kinsley asked walking away from caitlin. kinsley accidentally showed her true colors but it was a moment of weakness. the second caitlin smirked at the blonde, kinsley lost it.

and to think that caitlin was the one jealous because the blonde was lookin at her kinsley. caitlin ran her tongue over her mouth and went out of the locker room. she wishes she could throw the blonde inside of a trash can because when she walked out kinsley and the blonde were talking.

"you're good at what you're doing." she said crossing her arms over her chest and grinning down at kinsley. the cheerleader couldn't help but imagine it being a certain basketball player grinning down at her instead of whatever was in front of her.

"you're a hey mamas aren't you." kinsley said humming to herself and turning around. stefani watched from afar and burst out laughing using her brother to balance herself so that she wouldn't fall on the ground.

caitlin then walked over to the blonde and roughly put her hand on her shoulder. "imagine her saying no to you. you can't? oh well i certainly can. she's way out of your league." caitlin said giving her a tight smile before jogging back over to her team that was huddled up in a circle.

for the rest of the game the blonde seemed to have it as her mission to gain kinsley's attention just to piss or caitlin. it was working at first because caitlin almost "accidentally" pushed her on the ground but she didn't. then kinsley started cheering on extra loudly for caitlin catching everyone off guard since it was the first time kinsley has ever cheered directly to caitlin.

they won and kinsley couldn't be more prouder. kinsley ran over to the girls and jumped on kate hugging her first. kate laughed hugging the smaller girl back. kinsley then went over to monika, doing a small handshake before hugging her properly.

monika pulled away going to tell kinsley something but stopped once she looked over kinsley's shoulder. kinsley held a knowingly smile turning on her heels to see the tall athlete with a grin.

"how'd i do pom poms?" she asked reading her eyebrows. last time kinsley asked her that she said that she wasn't even looking at her not going to admit that she was the only person her eyes were on.

but now it's different. they're in a different position now. "you did alright." kinsley said shrugging her shoulders shyly and stepping closer to caitlin. the tall girl grinned accepting that as her own win. she just didn't expect kinsley to get even closer to her and full on wrap her arms around her lower body and put her head on her chest.

caitlin hugged her back, laughing slightly as kinsley only reached up to her chest and still looked small pressed against her body. caitlin hugged her back, lowering down her head so that only kinsley could hear her.

"you've always been my favorite cheerleader, kenny." caitlin whispered and if kinsley wasn't down bad before, she is now. kinsley couldn't help but mentally fold for a simple sentence that she's received from multiple people before but this is different. kinsley groaned softly and smiled against her chest.

kinsley then pulled away using her hands to cover to nose and mouth. "you need to shower caitlin. go." kinsley said gagging when caitlin hugged her again. "ugh, caitlin! i'm going to pass out, i passed out." kinsley faked herself passing out in her arms.

"oh no, what would i do now." caitlin said in a monotone voice smiling widely. kinsley opened up one eye before closing it again. caitlin laughed as kinsley had her mouth open and her tongue sticking out. she was limp in her arms. caitlin then threw kinsley over her shoulder.

"help! help! madison! monika! kate! gabbie! anyone!" kinsley shrieked putting her palms on caitlin's back lifting herself up. "coach! any couch! help!"

"hey, i've got a pretty nice view." that earned a slap on the head by kinsley.

•   •   •

caitlin doesn't know if it's "everyone take their shot with kinsley and make caitlin want to stick a fork inside of their eyes for even looking at kinsley" day or if the universe was really out of her today because everyone had been shooting their shot with kinsley.

after the game they all went back to own places to clean themselves properly and get dressed for the night. first they went to a restaurant and two people hit on kinsley. in front of caitlin. and caitlin can understand the reason why. kinsley was wearing simple kahki jorts with a navy blue tube top and it showed skin and even though kinsley called it a simple outfit, she makes it look so perfect.

"i want a different waiter." caitlin muttered lifting up her menu covering her face.

"why?" stefani asked being nosy and leaning forward. caitlin grumbled something out but stefani didn't quiet grab. "wait what?" stefani whispered to caitlin. the basketball player couldn't even say anything because the waiter came back. stefani sat back down and then noticed the way the waiter only looked at kinsley. "oh!"

kinsley felt awkward. she knew that the waiter was hitting on her ever since the start and it didn't help that she was the one on the edge so whenever the waiter came to the table he stood right in between kinsley and matt.

"um, i'll have a dr pepper." kinsley said not looking up at the waiter. he then lazily asked the others for their drinks and they all gave him their order. kinsley finally looked up at the waiter smiled cheekily down at her and left. kinsley shivered physically and shook her head.

"you should totally ask for his number." gabbie said bumping into kinsley's shoulder and grinning like a wild cat. caitlin, madison and stefani all gave each other a look. kate and monika laughed and decided not to interfere. noah was too busy texting his boyfriend and matt couldn't care less unless they get physically with kinsley.

"no my type." kinsley said flipping through the menu to see what she can order.

"what! you'll totally look cute together. plus, it's not bad to have fun every once in a while." gabbie said giving kinsley a look. caitlin glared at gabbie who didn't know why the rest of the table went all silent. "what, don't you guys agree?"

"so what is your type? so that we're on the look out on who not to give them your number. you know, to save them from drowning." matt said dropping his menu and looking at his good friend. kinsley squinted her eyes at matt.

"tall," kinsley said first looking all around the restaurant, "definitely have to be athletes of any sort," kinsley said biting her lip looking back at the table. "and," kinsley's eyes landed on caitlin who had a cockily smirk plastered on her face. she was about to practically confess that her type was caitlin. "and blonde." but she didn't just to piss off caitlin.

caitlin scoffed more louder than she expected to scoff.

"you got a problem with that caitlin?" kinsley teasingly asked leaning on the table. the entire table sat their awkwardly watching their interaction. gabbie now realizing why the tall athletes was giving her all a glare, it was clear as day the tension between them.

"no, it's just funny that you prefer a dumb blonde. i should've seen it coming, huh, kinsley?" caitlin asked raising her eyebrows at kinsley. the cheerleader taken back by the fact that she called her her real name and not kenny. she didn't know that her saying that would make her that mad.

but caitlin wasn't mad. she was just over the day. she wanted to go home, to rest and to pretend nothing ever happened expect the win. she wants to keep on pretending that no one in the world finds kinsley attractive other than herself. she's not insecure of herself because she knows how she looks, she knows her position in kinsley's life but she knows how kinsley is.

"you're such a fucking dick, clark." kinsley said copying her scoff. kinsley stood up from the table and walked away heading towards the bathroom. luckily it was a one person bathroom so she didn't have to see other people and they didn't have to see her. she was never good with interacting with people.

kinsley didn't even use the bathroom all she did was stare at herself inside of the mirror. she doesn't understand why she even likes caitlin. there are many things. she said to herself. kinsley was only trying to convince herself that she didn't see anything in caitlin.

kinsley reapplied lipstick, washed her hands and fixed her hair before heading out. she didn't even make it past the door since she was shoved back inside of the bathroom. "what," kinsley gasped looking up at the tall athlete. "what the fuck is wrong with you! you're getting too cocky ever since i gave you that hug today. you're getting really annoying too."

"you think he's cute?" caitlin asked placing her hands on each side of her body down on the sink. kinsley's eyes widen as she leaned back as far as she can away from caitlin but the basketball player lowered herself down to be in the same height as her.

"what." kinsley whispered. her thighs automatically pressing against each other. she pressed her body more against the counter but it was only hurting her body now.

"the waiter, you think he's cute?" caitlin asked her eyes never leaving kinsley's eyes. expect kinsley's eyes then shamelessly travel down to caitlin's lips and then hurriedly back to her eyes.

"why?" kinsley asked earning as much courage as she can. she leaned her head forward so that their nose were touching. "you jealous clark? you wish that you were the one taking my orders?" kinsley said with a soft giggle escaping her mouth. "you wish that knowing that you receive more than that nobody waiter?"

"it's getting so hard kenny," caitlin whispered making kinsley's eyes widen. caitlin brought one of her hands up and placed it on the nip of her neck. kinsley's breath quickened looking down at her hand on her neck. "i want to do so many things to you, kenny. fuck."

"do i make you feel things caitlin?" kinsley whispered asked her doe eyes looking with caitlin's desired eyes. kinsley brought her hands on caitlin's waist and tugged her even closer to her. "do you feel something when you're around me?" kinsley asked grinning softly feeling her courage come back to its surface.

"fuck it." caitlin muttered to herself confusing kinsley but then her confusing soon left when caitlin's lips landed right on top of kinsley's. it wasn't a soft and sweet first kiss. it was rough, filled with lust, with desire for one another.

caitlin having to wait for this for years ever since she realizes her crush on kinsley but convincing herself it was never going to happen due to the cheerleader hating her. kinsley only having to wait at least a month because she only just realized the amazing and unique person that caitlin is. the many reasons why she even fell.

kinsley pulled caitlin in by her waist desperately wanting to feel closer to the taller girl. caitlin larger and rougher hands on her hip. kinsley let out a moan of approval making caitlin even more cocky than before. caitlin lifted kinsley up and placed her on the counter.

kinsley arched her back and sat at the very edge of the counter. their lips moving with so much fierce so much desire. "oh fuck," kinsley moaned out as caitlin started attacking her neck and soon finding her soft spot. "fuck caitlin."

caitlin was right on the edge. she was about to go to the extend with the girl of her dreams until someone banged on the door. kinsley groaned loudly letting the person on the outside know her frustration when caitlin pulled her mouth away from her.

"go away!" kinsley shouted.

"the food is here so hurry!" matt said sounding like he was in pain. he was because he was forced to go and interrupt them when he very much knew what they were doing.

"i fucking hate him." kinsley deadpanned hopping off the counter. fixing her hair and not bothering with her lip stick. kinsley was about to angrily stomp away and kill matt but she was pulled back by caitlin. her arm found itself back around her waist.

kinsley spines around and didn't get to comprehend what was going on. caitlin gave her a sweet peck on her lip before turning back around and dropping her arm around kinseys shoulder.

"wouldn't they think we did something we didn't?" kinsley asked her hand on top of caitlin's arm.

caitlin shrugged her shoulder and intertwined their fingers together. "let them." caitlin said and then at that moment kinsley fell deeper into the rabbit hole of caitlin clark.

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