The Rider's Harem (Futa Reade...

By Dark1o

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This is my second book yay I had this idea on my mind for a solid 4 weeks or so, I've read different types of... More

The Journey To Hell
Meeting The Tired Demon
Redemption In The Lustful City
Meeting The Lustful Demon
The Guard dog(s) of hell
Malina The Sour One
Zdrada The Queen Bitch of Bitchtopia
Azazel The Not So Fallen One
Justice The Awesome One
Lucifer The Fallen One
Judgment Vs Vengeance And Home Sweet Home
Spending Time With Charlie And Meeting The Goat Fetish Demon
Rescuing Charlie With The Famed Witch
A Lazy Day
A Day With The Mistress of Bitching
Beach Episode
The Hotel of Hazbin
The Fall From Grace
Time For An Exam
The Fate of Humanity
Quality Family Time
The Day of Spookyness
Judgement's Day
Pandamonica's Day off
The Harem Meets (Y/n)'s Parents
Christmas with Santa's "helper"
The Date At Ozzie's
The Date With The Devil
Can't Escape From Crossing Fate
A Meeting With The Gods & A Family Reunion
A New Cambion Amongst The Demon
The Rider's Stories
The Rider's Living Curse
A Meeting With Lords of Hell
A Day With The Witch
One Hell Of A Curse
Saving The Witch
A Christmas To Never Forget
Awakening of The Slayer
Two Types Of Fun
A Crazy Day With Crazy And A Saint
An Awesome Day Out
Preparing For War
Humanity's Warbringer
A New Companion

The Search For The Rider

235 8 0
By Dark1o

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
Bold = Ghost Rider talking
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

A week has passed since the war with Nephalems and (Y/n) turning into God's Greatest Monster and right now we see Charlie pacing back and forth as Babylon, Juri and Viola watch on but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

Babylon's p.o.v

Babylon: what's on your mind Charlie?

Charlie: I'm worried about Mum

Viola: Lucy will be fine

Charlie: *side eyes Viola* wrong one

Juri: we'll find Mutter Sis, two of her friends have stuck around to help look

Babylon: yes because having The Hellwalker and Hellboy walking through Hell is such a good idea

Viola: you're more concerned about if shit hits the fan with The Slayer aren't ya?

Babylon: of course I am! No one in this Hell has any connection to Argent Energy, they may have powers don't get me wrong but the only Demons that could possibly put a scratch on his armour are Bayonetta's summons, Jeanne's summons and Cheshire

Charlie: while you are correct, I'm worried about the balance of Inferno

Viola: The Seven Sins are still in charge of their respective Rings, so any form of riot will be quiet in a matter of seconds

Juri: The Seven Sins won't do much against a riot that's not against them you know

Babylon: meaning?

Juri: there's two Imps that used to belong to the Horde are serving under Mutter, they're branded with the Mark of The Beast and Mutter's mark. Those Imps are tasked to be her Eyes and Ears throughout Hell

Charlie: and you know this how?

Juri: she summoned them outside the house one night to talk with them, those Imps are quite intelligent

Viola: have they ever gone AWOL?

Juri: from what I could see, they are deeply loyal to her

Charlie: that means they'll protect Mutter's throne while she's absent

Zdrada: *walks into the room while blowing out some smoke* sup squirts, what you lot talking about?

Juri: Charlie is worried about Mutter, Auntie

Zdrada: makes sense, but I'm sure (Y/n) is fine. From what Michael told us she was dragged into Hell most likely to untie with her own soul

Babylon: forgot that Rider's that make deals with Demons usually cost them their soul and when they eventually die they appear in Hell

Viola: yeah, but how it was told it sounded like Umbra Witch's souls get dragged into Inferno

Zdrada: yep, so it's a high possibility that (Y/n) is alive, but most likely chained up somewhere out of Lucy's and Beel's reach

I ponder of the thought about where Mum might be held, but nothing comes to mind she could be anywhere within Hell. Just great well all we can is wait for some news about Mum's whereabouts... or we enter Hell and look for those Imps

Babylon: Charlie!

Charlie: yeah?

Zdrada: *notices what Babylon is doing* don't you dare!!

Babylon: Charlie, you can create a portal to Hell so we can look for those Imps!

Viola: next stop Inferno!

Juri: cool

Charlie smiles brightly as she creates a portal to Hell mainly the Hotel as we all enter with Zdrada chasing after us to most likely stop us or keep an eye on Juri. Once we arrive into the Hotel I see some of Sinner Demons wandering around the main lobby

Zdrada: you kids are fucking crazy!!

Juri: yet you followed us here

Zdrada: because I'm not explaining to your Mothers about how you all got yourself killed!

Vaggie: ¡¿Qué mierda está pasando aquí?! hola Charlie

Charlie: hey Vaggie! Have you seen any Imps around here?

Vaggie: what kind of Imps?

Viola: ones that are meant to fight The Hellwalker

Vaggie: *deadpans and walks off* follow me

We all give each other a quick look of confusion but follow Vaggie up to the to the second floor and into a room where the Imps we are looking for only they're badly injured

Imp#1: what is it now?! Can't you see we are busy treating our wounds!

Imp#2: settle down, who are you and why are you here?

Charlie: I'm Charlie owner of this hotel and Princess of Inferno, the Empress's Daughter

Imp#2: I see, but we're unsure with the rest of your group

Babylon: understandable, but I keep this short and say that we've all got a connection with the Rider

Imp#1: very well, what can we help you with?

Juri: would you two know where the whereabouts of Mu— the Ghost Rider is?

The Imps look at each other then the second one nods to the first then they look back towards us

Imp#1: the Empress is in the Ring of Wrath

Imp#2: she is stuck between two powerful forces, Satan and Madama Butterfly

Babylon: I understand why Satan, since she sold her soul to his messenger. But Madama Butterfly doesn't make much sense

Charlie: it's most likely the two have a contract

Viola: I've never heard of an Infernal Demon having two contracts before

Zdrada: that's because (Y/n) isn't a Umbra Witch, yet she knows Umbran magic

Charlie: that's because she'd trained with Jeanne

Zdrada: whatever, *looks at the Doom Imps* do you know where in the Wrath Ring?

Imp#2: near Satan's fighting pit and the Butterfly Mansion

Viola: that makes sense, if neither can have (Y/n), no one can

Juri: we'd still need to find Zarathos, without him Mutter isn't at her peak of her power

Vaggie: you can't be serious?

Babylon: oh calm down Vaggie, when we find Zarathos will have an exact way to get to Mum

Vaggie: Jesús jodido Cristo, you know looking for Zarathos is like looking for a needle in a haystack and is most likely being tortured in Pandemonium

Imp#2: while that may be the start of Zarathos' treatment here in Hell, but he's most likely escaped by now and is probably razing hell within the lower rings

As the Imp finished talking screams of the damned could be heard followed by the sound of fire burning as Niffty barges into the room

Niffty: Charlie! Thank your Mother that you're here!!

Charlie: Niffty? What's going on?

Niffty: I suggest you come and see yourself

As soon as everyone hears that, we make our way downstairs and see that Alastor and Zarathos are staring down each other and actually Spirit and seeing flames burn an angry blue is an understatement of terrifying

((A/n): this is what Zarathos looks like))

Babylon: he's actually quite cool in person but also extremely terrifying

Charlie: Zarathos?!

Zarathos: *looks towards the group* oh good you're here, I was going to ask this Sinner where you were but you've came here before me and I see you brought Zdrada along as well

Zdrada: I'm only here so the kids don't get themselves killed

Zarathos: and you know 3/4 of them know how to fight, right?

Zdrada: shut your skull face up

Zarathos: anyways, since you're all here I'd say you're trying to find (Y/n), correct?

Viola: how the hell did you know that?!

Zarathos: because you young witch need to work on your mental training

Viola: fuck you skull head!

Babylon: calm down Viola, though he isn't wrong. Ok Zarathos what's the plan? We know where Mum is, thanks to the Imps that are under her servitude

Zarathos: I see, if we do go straight to (Y/n) we'll most likely need to fight for her freedom—

Viola: that shouldn't be so much of issue

Zarathos: —for 40 rounds straight against his top warriors

Juri: *deadpans at Viola* you're a dumbass, you know that right?

Viola: oh shut it!

I let out a sigh in frustration and shake my head as Charlie places a hand on my shoulder trying to help me calm down and not punch someone in the face that doesn't deserve it. I just wish Mum is doing ok

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

(Y/n): this fucking sucks

Guard#1: quiet mortal! The Dark Lord is coming to have an audience with you

(Y/n): you want to be more specific, or do I have to guess which one?

Guard#2: you'll find out soon...

I let out a groan as sit against the wall which I'm currently chained to by my wrists as this bloody collar that sits on my neck is starting to chafe. After 5 minutes of silence a well dressed man walks into the room with fiery red eyes, neat short black hair and with a black moustache and goatee

(Y/n): now who could this be

???: could you two leave us for a bit, this talk is a private conversation

I watch as both guards nod at the man and leave the room, leaving only him and I alone but I couldn't help but notice a small smile forming on the man's lips as he snaps his which a chair appears which he sits on said chair

???: my, you seem uncomfortable. Is because of that collar?

(Y/n): a little, but I want to ask Devil. What's the purpose of this collar?

???: I'll get to that eventually. But you must be hungry, here eat something

With another snap of his fingers some food appears before me, but with how I'm chained up it's out of reach. This guy is starting to piss me off

(Y/n); I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass

???: very well. So tell me, what got you in this situation?

(Y/n): I ain't gonna trauma dump, because I know for a fact you ain't a psychiatrist, are you Satan...

The man drops his head but let's out dark chuckle as he looks back up at me as two blood red horns stand prominent and a pointed tail sprouts out from behind him

Satan: I underestimated your awareness Rider, but no matter it's not you can do much. Since you've got that collar on you any cantrips or powers you possess are out of this picture. You are completely mortal

(Y/n): it's even suppressing my Ki. So why does the Great Red want with me?

Satan: because of the deal you made with Mephisto

(Y/n): ah yes. The time I sold my soul to him so I could protect my family, only to see my Aunt and Uncle to be gunned down by sex traffickers whom kidnapped my Cousin while leaving my ofter Cousin traumatised and untrusting of anyone outside of family

Satan: everything comes at a price

(Y/n): this is why I only take blessings from a Goddess or a Dragon. But in all seriousness why am I here? I should be dead and being tortured for eternity

Satan: while selling your soul to Mephisto puts said soul under my jurisdiction you've also made a contract with Queen Butterfly, that's why you were dragged into Hell and not keeling over

(Y/n): so I've been kept alive with my soul, because of Madama Butterfly?

Satan: along those lines, yes. She has an interest in you and now since you've been reconnected with your soul Butterfly is asking for payment

(Y/n): I'm not surprised, but the contact I made with her was only temporary

Satan: yet you can summon her as you wish, if The Famed Witch isn't summoning her

(Y/n): and why are you telling me this? I was readying myself for an eternity of torture by your hands and yet here you are being nice to me, why?

Satan: do you want me to go against my very nature? *(Y/n) glares at the Demon* fine. By technicality you are still the Supreme Empress of Hell because you didn't die thanks to Butterfly whom then reunited you with your soul, but she still went through the process of separating you, Zarathos and the Wendigo

(Y/n): I was wondering why my subconscious was silent, but that doesn't explain the collar

Satan: that part was either of us

(Y/n): I'm sorry, what?!

Satan: while you were unconscious, the Son of God approached us both

(Y/n): I don't like where this is going

Satan: he's the reason why you have that collar on you

(Y/n): you sure it wasn't your "Son"? Because I'd understand why it would be him

Satan: so would I, since you did decapitate him with Death's Scythe. Back topic at hand, Yeshua approached us and put that collar on you then told us that even without Zarathos you are still powerful enough to shake the realms

(Y/n): so Heaven and Hell agreed that I'm still a threat?

Satan: apparently so, since you are still in possession of The Eyes of The World, that Sword that can kill Primordials and being chosen by Death comes with a lot of precautions

(Y/n): ok besides those three, how else am I a threat?

Satan: your use of Umbran magic, Ki and many other cantrips that I can't be bothered naming

Narrator's p.o.v

(Y/n) lets out a sigh as she lets her body fall limp as the Icon of Wrath sits across from her and stares at the Rider, while her mind starts wander as she reflects on her memories until her mind stops at the destruction that she caused and watched that was either necessary or not, but her mind stays on that subject as a purple aura slowly floats off (Y/n) as her (F/c) eyes turn a shade of amethyst which catches the Demon of Wrath's attention

Satan: *stumbles out of his chair* what the fuck?!

(Y/n) easily breaks free of her confines leaving the shackles on her wrists, she then grabs the collar that's wrapped around her neck and tears off little effort as she stares down the Demon as Death's flames flickered around the Rider's neck

Satan: that should be impossible! You shouldn't be able to use any power!!

(Y/n): the collar that JoJo put on me only suppressed my normal Ki not the Ki of a Destroyer...

Satan: a Destroyer?! As in a Destroyer God like Shiva?!?

(Y/n): something like that... but far different from anything he could ever do...

(Y/n) turns away from Satan and stares at the wall she was chain to and with a shift motion of her hand the wall is deduced to dust, the Rider then slowly levitates off the ground then blitzes into the skies leaving Satan in disbelief at what he saw

Satan: what is Multiverse has become of her?

???: because she has felt betrayed, JoJo is the one person that she trusted the most and with her being reunited with her soul, her human emotions have clouded her belief and better understanding and judgment

Satan: *faces the voice and sees the Wendigo* you!

Wendigo: me!

Satan: I'm impressed you escaped from Lilith, beast

Wendigo: yes because trying to starve and torture a Wendigo is such a smart idea, she only made my hunger stronger

Satan: not her smartest choice I agree, but why and how are you here?

Wendigo: how and why I'm here is not important, but what is important is that if (Y/n) manages to leave Hell, you may find beings other than Demons walking around here

Then the Wendigo walks past Satan and out the hole that the Rider created and makes their way to where their nose leads them and that ends today's chapter I hoped that you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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