A Destructive Family-Sequel t...

By HappyWriter62

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Hey! This is the sequel to the Errormare story:A Blind Deal of Destruction and continues the events from ther... More

Chapter One: A Brothers' Monsteranity
Chapter Two: Garlic and Cake
Chapter Three: Anniversary
Chapter Four: Meet the Parents
Chapter Five: Time with the Boys
Chapter Six: Documentation
Chapter Seven: He's Multiplying!
Chapter Eight: Let it Go!~
Chapter Nine: Terror and Mistaken Identity
Chapter Ten: Error's Wrath
Chapter Eleven:Collection from the Rings
Chapter Twelve: Intruder
Chapter Thirteen: Couples Reunited
Chapter Fourteen: Dating Error
Chapter 15: Understanding and Phases
Chapter 16: Survive the Nightmares
Chapter Seventeen: Celebration
Chapter 18: Expectations vs. Independence
Chapter Nineteen: You're Good Enough
Chapter 20: A Place for Paps
Chapter 21: Distract GoopMa!
Chapter 22: Toys and Intoxication
Chapter 23: Cuddles and Paint
Chapter 24: Children
Chapter Twenty-Five: Kids and Plans
Chapter 26: The Wrong Start
Chapter 27: Moving On
Chapter 28: Yes You Moron!
Chapter 29: News Gets Out
Chapter 30: Preparations
Chapter 31: Distract the Fiances
Chapter 33: Parenting at the Wedding
Chapter 34: Honeymoon and Horror in Charge
Chapter 35: Surprises at Home
Chapter 36: New Routine
Chapter 37: Too Early
Chapter 38: Unintentional Octopus Murder
Chapter 39: Glitchy Test
Chapter 40: Child Cured
Chapter 41: No More Queen
Chapter 42: Don't Mess with Glitch-Dad
Chapter 43: Arrested Chaos
Chapter 44:Prison Chaos
Chapter 45:Scars and Translations
Chapter 46: Tension and Trust
Chapter 47: Operation Liberation
Chapter 48:Killer's Choice
Chapter 49: Liberation at a Cost
Chapter 50: Hospital Time
Chapter 51: Regroup and Recover
Chapter 52: Reconstruction and Convention
Chapter 53: Busted by Brothers
Chapter 54: Couple's Happiness
Chapter 55: Cutting Ties
Chapter 56: A Meeting with Destiny
Chapter 57: Romance is Dead
Chapter 58: An Encounter
Chapter 59: Grandbabies!
Chapter 60: Swimming and Sand Castles
Chapter 61: Beach Day Surprise
Chapter 62: Poor Probe
Chapter 63: Distant Company
Chapter 64: A Rough Patch
Chapter 65: Hack Meets Husband
Chapter 66: A Tense Anniversary
Chapter 67: Cuddles Once More
Chapter 68: Recovery and Shard
Chapter 69: Probe and Pocky
Chapter 70: 1÷1=5?
Chapter 71: Cured and Peaceful
Chapter 72: Strange Guest
Chapter 73: Fandom Exploration
Chapter 74: The Stringster's Biggest Fan
Chapter 75: Horror's Preparations
Chapter 76: The Feast
Chapter 77: A Meal and a Show
Chapter 78: Love and Peace
Chapter 79: Probe's Discovery
Chapter 80: Probe's Warning
Chapter 81: A Talk
Chapter 82: A Club's Mission
Chapter 83: A Visit and Signal
Chapter 84: Masterpiece Activated

Chapter Thirty-Two: The Big Day

57 1 37
By HappyWriter62

Dream's POV a few days later

Ah yes, today is looking wonderful. Sun is shining, birds are chirping, and flowers are blooming. On days like these, everything seems to have the potential to go right. And yet here I am, struggling to keep things on track.

Bang bang bang!

"Nightmare you better come out right now!"I snap

For the past hour I have been trying to get my brother out of this room since he started to get cold feet. I could sense that his insecurities spiked at the worst time and have been trying to talk him out of it.

Never in my wildest dreams have I imagined that we'd be on good enough terms to attend his wedding. Yet here I am, the "Groom of Honor" or Maid of Honor and trying to get him out ten minutes away from his cue to go down the aisle!

I stop banging, getting an idea. All of my supportive or sweeter approaches have failed, so maybe hitting some nerves will get him out.

"Tch, never thought that I'd be related to a coward?"

"Excuse you?!"He snaps

"It's true. Out of all the things I thought I could be related to, a coward wasn't one. How much have faced head-on? Heck you have chaotic killers for children and don't even flinch yet a WEDDING has you running to hide with your tentacles between your legs? You've got to be kidding me, Nightmare. Or you're more of a moron than I knew Error was attracted to."I say

I could sense his anger through the door. Still, it remains locked shut. I lean against the wall beside it.

I'm so dead but he will thank me later.

"Honestly, Brother. Haven't you considered this? Where do you plan to go from here? Sit your own wedding out and hope for the best because a little voice in your head scared you? Come on, Nightmare. You can't be that much of a fool. You're the one who proposed to him, remember? You had this coming one way or another. What? Too scared to march down that aisle and face him as well as everyone for a few measly hours before having the rest of your future to enjoy? What would your sons think of you? What would Error think of you?"I tell him

He goes silent.

"Fine, I'll go let them know that you're too scared to actually put a ring on it."I say

"AM NOT!"He snaps

"Oh yeah? Prove it. Come with me and do it, I dare you."I chuckle

The door swings open and he is glaring me down, narrowing his eye at me as his tentacles swing wildly.

I'm so dead but it's worth it.

I offer my arm to him.

"Glad you came to your senses."I say

He takes my arm and frowns. I check the time and see that we have three minutes. I could hear music playing outside, where the ceremony is meant to be happening. I walk him outside and see dozens of chairs arranged and filled with friends that were able to attend. There were even some chairs marked for the voices that bother Error. Paps stands beside Error, who waits in his suit and fixing his glasses anxiously at the other end of the aisle. Paps is the Best Man obviously and Blue stands with papers ready, being the one that's going to officiate the marriage. 404 stands besides Paps as the only one that isn't in the gang that is standing on either side of the aisle meant to be the "groomsmen and bridesmaids" as they would be traditionally called in weddings. The only one not present at the moment is Horror.

Error's face turns a bright yellow and he smiles once seeing Nightmare. His anxious glitching dies down. I feel Nightmare tense up and squeeze his arm.

"Don't freeze up now, Brother. Prove that you're brave."I remind him through clenched teeth as I smile

He doesn't do anything in response but I could sense his anxiety for down into excitement. I walk him down the aisle and pass him off to Error, standing aside and greeted by Cross who was lined up with Dust. Killer stands behind 404 in line on Error's side.

"Hey, Dream. You look great."He whispers

"Thanks..."I whisper

"I'm surprised Dad is still conscious."Dust chuckles as we wait for the music to die down

"He certainly didn't make getting him here easy. I'm so dead after this."I sigh

The ceremony commences and Blue goes through reading the usual lines. Nightmare passes his bouquet to me and his tentacles hang low. Then Horror comes running down the aisle with a pillow in his hand.

"Sorry I'm late! I was trying to get all the food in order!"He says, his face burning as he lowers his head

"You're just in time. Now Error, do you take Nightmare as your husband  to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"Blue asks

"I d0."Error says proudly

"Slip his ring on please."Blue says

Error smiles wider, sliding a ring onto Nightmare's finger. His tentacles went limp and I could sense his anxiety picking up again. I subtly poke his tentacle as a reminder for him not to freeze up or back out of this big day. I can sense his annoyance with me but this seems to overpower his anxiety as he grows motivated to get through this just out to spite me.

Horror never looked happier than he is now standing as the ring bearer, watching this unfold.

"Okay, Nightmare. Stay with me here. Do you take Error to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"Blue asks

"I do.."Nightmare says

"Slip his ring on please."Blue says

He nods, slipping it on Error's finger carefully. His tentacles spring back to life, snatching the bouquet from me. Horror eagerly steps beside Dust.

"Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace."Blue asks with a roll of his eyes

It's dead quiet.

"Okay, then I pronounce you both husbands. You may now kiss."Blue says

And they certainly do.

Everyone cheers happily and applaud them. Then Horror leads them to the actual party area as they follow, holding hands. We follow behind them.

"Yay! Dads got married!"Horror cheers

Soon music is blasting and candles shine on tables arranged. Everyone is getting food that Farmer and Horror cooked before dancing in a designated area. I see my brother dancing happily with Error, smiling and his tentacles forming hearts. They talk happily and I let them enjoy themselves, helping Paps where I could. The gang soon join the newlyweds, dancing with their lovers after everyone gave them space to have their own dance.

"You look relieved."Cross comments

"Well I haven't died yet and he made it through the ceremony. Both good things."I say, seeing Error give Nightmare to his brother to dance with

"True."Cross says with a nervous chuckle

We start chatting and I smile at him as we get some food. He frequently attempts to wrap his arm around me but hesitates and puts his hand away. I smile at him and his face burns a bit. He pulls me closer slightly and I feel my soul beat a bit faster.

"Cross...?"I ask curiously

"Are we...sitting together?"He asks shyly

I nod.

"HeY drEaM."Error says, catching my attention

I glance over and get slapped in the face by his overwhelming positivity radiating from him.

"NiGhTy t0lD mE wHaT yOu diD tO gEt hiM oUt. He iS aNnOyEd bUt I juSt wAnT t0 sAy tHaNkS. KnOw1nG hIs sTuBbOrN miNd, h3 wOulD'v3 nEvEr cOm3 oUt."He says, smiling at me

I can see Nightmare glaring us down as he dances with Paps. Error catches on, glancing over and smiling wider. He signs to him with his hands:"This is called tough love, Nighty. You needed it to get out and you should thank him for saving you, dummy."

Nightmare turns away, stubbornly acting as if he didn't see it.

"SoRrY aBoUt h1m."He sighs

"No no! It's fine! I know my brother and expect it at this point. I'm just glad that it worked and you got to be happy now."I tell him

He smiles at me, then at Cross. He chats a bit more before returning to Nightmare. I sit and eat with Cross, chatting with the other guests and everyone seems to be having a good time.

POW! Thud!

Then I jinxed it. Next thing I know, my chair is knocked over and I hit the back of it hard after getting a bouquet of flowers to the face.

"Nightmare! You're supposed to throw the bouquet in the air, not chuck it like you're playing dodgeball!"Blue snaps

"Whoops!"Nightmare says, playing innocent

Yep...That's my brother...

"Are you okay, Dream?"Cross asks, helping me up

"Yeaah...Kinda had that coming."I say, chuckling

"Wooow, Dad really wants to get rid of you huh? Not even married for a day and wants to get you sent off with someone."Killer chuckles

"DO NOT!"Brother snaps

"Then why did you chuck the flowers at him? Whoever gets those are fated to be married next!"Killer responds

"Sssssh, hush Killer. Don't mess with him on his wedding day."A voice says

I glance over, seeing Killer quickly calm with the touch of a hand.

"Yes Outer."He says with a grin

I shake my head and Error has Nightmare apologize to me.

And yet..They're in for a bigger surprise soon..


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