Before we met

By twentyoneplans

3.6K 133 7

Taylor wasn't your normal 18 year old girl. She didn't enjoy things you'd expect girls her age to like, and s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 27

82 4 0
By twentyoneplans

She began to start like she was begging, and usually I would love teasing her until she couldn't take it anymore...but I wanted her so badly that I felt as if I would just be torturing myself.

'I want all of you.' I replied to her as my eyes travelled up and down her chest. I moved myself down slightly, tracing kisses on her cheek, her neck, and down to her chest. I began to flick my tongue around her nipple and worked my way between them both before travelling further down her body. She arched her body as I got closer to her centre, my fingers hooking the inside of her panty line before pulling them down off of her completely. Her body buckled as I placed kisses on her inner thighs, getting closer and closer each time.

'Please...' She begged. I looked up to see she had moved her arms above her head and was gripping tightly onto my bed frame.

My stomach flipped as I felt a wave of electricity fire through my body as my tongue touched her centre. She took in a sharp breath as I continued to move my tongue around to where she was most sensitive. I moved one of my hands to meet where my tongue was, teasing her centre with my fingers before slipping one inside.

'God you taste so good.' I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about this moment. I thought about her when I went down on Alexis, only this was so much better. She tasted so much better. It was strange, I felt like I was connecting with her, in a way that I'd never done with anybody else.

'More...please.' I did what she asked and slipped another finger inside of her whilst my tongue continued it's work.

'Please...don't stop.' I never ever planned on stopping this. I wanted her. I needed her. Not just now but for my whole life. It's her.

My rhythm intensified on the surface and inside of her as I felt her getting closer and closer to the edge until I felt her tighten around my fingers.

'Yes! Oh my god...yes!' I wanted her to scream my name but I guess that was good enough. She panted heavily as I continued to work until she couldn't take any more.

'Kiss me.' I gently slid my fingers out of her before reaching them up to my mouth as I maintained eye contact. I sucked gently on both my fingers, savouring every last taste of her on my tongue, before reaching my hand to her mouth and making her do the same. She needed to know how good she tasted. I kissed her as passionately as I could, taking breaths as often as possible as we both caught our breaths. She reached her hands down to the top of my leggings before attempting to pull them down.

'Would you like some help with that?' I chuckled against her mouth, not moving my head further than a couple inches from hers. She nodded before I pushed myself off the bed and removed my leggings.

'And those.' She pointed at my panties. God she looked so beautiful. She sat up slightly resting her weight on her elbows. My bed sheets draped effortlessly around her naked body as she invited me back on to the bed purely with her eyes.

I climbed on top of her momentarily before she flipped our positions and straddled over me. I never expected her to be the type to want to take charge, but it was usually me so I kind of liked the change. She worked her way around my body, planting kisses at every chance she got before moving her tongue against me just like I did.

My body ached for her. Desperate. I've never felt like I was going to cum this quickly in my life. I hardly ever did. No one could ever get it just right, but she didn't even have to try. I was close when I went down on her, she didn't even have to touch me to make my body feel good. It felt like only a minute before my body was sent over the edge.

'Yes...yes...yess.' I don't know how I knew this but I could feel her smile against my centre, pleased with her work. Soon after she moved back up the bed and lay by my side, we turned around to face each other, catching our breaths.

I didn't want to talk about anything. I just wanted to be here, with her, in a moment that I thought might not happen again.

'I don't know why this feels so right.' Taylor broke the silence as we looked into each others eyes.

'I know what you mean...' I wasn't going to lie, as much as there was a part of me that wanted to just so I didn't get myself in too deep, I couldn't.

'I feel like I've known you my whole life, like I could talk to you about anything and you wouldn't judge me.' She looked nervous at her own words, like it would somehow scare me off.

'I don't know what this is, or what it might be, but I know is that I hate the fact that I haven't been able to talk to you all the time. I hate the fact that I only get to see you for a couple hours a day...and no matter what I do...I can't seem to get you out of my head.' This seemed like the perfect time as any to pour my heart on my sleeve.

'You know...before we met I had a hole in my life that I thought was Sophie's to fill, but then you came along and now when I'm not with you, that hole feels empty again. I want to talk about you all the time, to everyone, but I can't so everything about you just builds up inside.'

The fact that she said she couldn't talk about me made my heart sink a little. It made me realise how truly difficult this situation is, and the fact that I didn't want to talk about it, not when this moment feels too perfect to break.

'You should get some rest, we can talk more tomorrow.' I sat up and slipped on my t shirt before I felt her hand grab my arm gently.

'Are you staying here...with me?' There was a strong part of me that knew the right thing was to take the sofa, but also a part of me that thought my sleeping in my bed with her wouldn't be the most detrimental thing we did tonight.

'Yeah..I just need to use the bathroom.' She nodded as she released her hand from my arm. I put a new pair of panties on from my drawer and headed to the bathroom. I went to the toilet even though I didn't really need it. I just needed a moment to myself, wondering what the fuck I was going to do next.

I headed back out of the bathroom to see Taylor had slipped my t shirt back on and was already asleep in my bed. It was as if all of my questions had been answered in that moment, like everything had fallen into place and this was right where I was supposed to be.

Taylor's POV

I stirred as my eyes began to open slowly and take in my unfamiliar surroundings. It took a moment for me to adjust to the light sneaking in through the gaps in the blinds. What time is it? I flipped over in the bed to find Demi still asleep next to me. Shit. I can't remember too much from last night whilst I was at the party, I mainly remember what happened after. I briefly remember being on the floor in one of Rachel's bedrooms, then I thought I saw Demi but I also thought my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I remember being back here, I presume her apartment. Then know...I remember that. Except I had no idea how she was going to feel about it when she woke up. Was she going to kick me out? Tell me it was a mistake? Fuck. I remember pouring part of my heart out to her, and I'm sure all she responded with was 'get some sleep' (or something like that) so now I feel stupid and embarrassed, I don't really remember her saying anything else.

I looked around to find my phone but could only find what I presumed was Demi's on the bedside table.

12.07pm. What the hell? How did we sleep in so late?

She had a few missed calls and a couple texts but I wasn't about to snoop through her phone the first chance I got - besides I didn't even recognise most of the names, only Zach.

I placed the phone quietly back on the table before rubbing my head and face trying to piece together last nights events. I'm not sure how we got from the party to sleeping together but I can't say I'm mad at it. I'm only worried about how she'll react about it today and whether I should even be here when she wakes up. I pulled the bed covers off of me, trying to be as quiet as possible as I moved one leg onto the floor, then the other. I pushed my body upwards before needing to reset my balance as I stood. I desperately needed the bathroom so I made my way to the slightly open door in the bedroom, being able to view a sink in the gap so presuming I was headed in the right direction.

Jeez, I looked rough. I stared at myself blankly in the mirror before trying to make myself look a bit more presentable. I borrowed a tiny bit of face wash she had on the side and rinsed it off with cold water - I hope she doesn't mind. I fixed my hair into a slightly less messy bun before going to the toilet, I was scared that the flush would wake her but I didn't really have much of a choice.

I washed my hands and tried to open the door as quietly as possible, peaking my head back into the bedroom as I faced my fear. She was leaned over to my side of the bed, well, not my side, know what I mean, grabbing her phone from the nightstand and doing exactly what I had done not 10 minutes ago.

', hi. I'm sorry for using the bathroom. I was just going to get changed then I'll leave.' She turned her head to face me as her body still laid diagonally across the bed.

''s fine don't worry, you're allowed to use the bathroom. And okay...but don't feel like you have to...if you don't want to.' She sat up on the bed slightly, adjusting herself back over to one side. It seemed as though neither of us really knew how to approach the situation. Like we were both just trying to avoid the elephant in the room.

'It's okay, I should get going anyway, I didn't realise the time and I have a few things I need to do.' Which was a complete lie. I had nothing I needed to do today apart from piece together the night before.

'Okay...would you at least like a cup of coffee....before you go?'

'I really shouldn' mom will be wondering where I am, have you seen my phone?' I wanted to say yes to coffee, it sounded perfect with how I was feeling right now, but I don't think I could bare any more of this awkwardness.

''s on the side in the kitchen, you can go and grab it, don't worry.'

She must have noticed the nervousness within me as I hesitated leaving the room and being let free in her apartment. I headed out and spotted my phone on the side before scrolling through the texts I'd missed. I had a few from Dillon & Rachel last night and one from Riley asking if we were still on for tonight. Shit. I completely forgot I was supposed to be going for dinner with her tonight. Fuck. What do I do? Would it be rude of me to go...after I slept with someone else? Or would it be rude on Demi if I did go, after I slept with her? God this was a mess.

'Shit...fuck!' said to myself as I placed my phone back down to rest my elbows on the countertop and cover my face with my hands.

'Did I do something wrong?' Demi walked in from the bedroom clearly overhearing my cussing. I snapped my head around to respond.

'What? No..sorry, it's not you, it's just...' I sighed.

'It's nothing.' I looked downwards trying to think of a possible solution.

'Do you think you could maybe try to talk me through a little of what happened last night? I can't really remember much.'

' don't remember? Shit. I took advantage of a drunk person who didn't even know what they were doing. Shit.' She began to pace around the room as panic built in her voice, before I put her at ease.

'No, you didn't. I remember...that...I consented. It's just between the party and that, I don't really remember much.' She calmed down a little as she realised she hadn't done anything wrong.

She explained a little of what happened which all made everything a lot clearer in my head. She talked through the fact that everyone thought I got drugged and then that Zach came and then her and how we ended up here.

'....then know.' She finished her story.

'Do you regret what we did?' I wanted to get straight to the point. I needed to know whether I had to prepare myself for the next year of awkward encounters.

'Wow Taylor, straight to the point.' Well yeah that's what I was thinking. She cleared her throat before answering.

'Honestly...I wish I could say yes...for ease, but.' She waited a second.

'No...I don't regret it.' A wave of relief coursed through my body at her words. Because I knew more than anything that I didn't regret it at all. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before trying to hide the smile on my face.

'You don't have to look so happy about it you know.' Clearly I wasn't hiding it well enough. She chucked as I reciprocated the laugh.

'I just wanted to make case you hated me.'

'Stop saying that I hate you! Even if I did regret it, this would have been just as much my fault as it was yours...probably even more.' A moment of silenced passed.

'Does this mean we're passed the awkward phase?' She proceeded to ask.

'I think so...I know we obviously need to talk about everything but for now...I could really do with that cup of coffee...if you're still offering?' She offered a smile before walking over to the kitchen and grabbing two mugs from the cupboard. Her coffee machine was fancy, it looked like one you'd find in Starbucks except the baristas there wouldn't usually serve you coffee wearing a baggy t shirt and shorts.

'Thanks.' I took a seat on one of the stools she had on her kitchen island whilst she leant back, resting her weight on the countertop. It was good coffee, very good actually. It had the perfect mix of sweet and bitter and I think she added some sort of cinnamon or nutmeg which finished it off perfectly.

'That's amazing.' I had to comment.

'Seriously? You're not just saying that?' She asked, raising an eyebrow as if she believed what I was saying was sarcasm.

'No seriously, this is one of the best coffees I've ever had.' It wasn't a lie. And it didn't hurt to see her smile.

'Well thanks, not many people get to try my signature latte, count yourself lucky.'

'Oh I am, don't worry!' I took another sip as I wrapped my hands around the mug before looking down at the unfamiliar t shirt I was draped in.

'Sorry...that's mine, you didn't have anything else and I couldn't let you sleep in a dress covered in sick.' She explained.

'Oh that's so embarrassing! My dress is covered in sick?!' I covered my face with my hands.

'Unfortunately if you need to borrow any clothes for today then you're free to raid my wardrobe. I'll just warn you that apart from my work clothes, all you'll really find is oversized band t shirts and leggings.' It was almost like she was trying to justify what was in her closet, except I didn't care, I'm a sucker for oversized band tees myself.

'Thanks...I'd appreciate that.' We both finished our coffees as she took my empty mug and placed it in the dishwasher. There was a knock on the door to which we both glanced at each other with our brows furrowed.

'Are you expecting someone?' I asked considering she didn't make any movement to answer the door.

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