The Shadows of the Spectrum (...

By Truck-KunIsekai

33.8K 1K 512

Y/n Suzuki, a young man average in grades at school, average in physique and of relative appearance is shot d... More

Chapter 1 - The Young Akane Nishino
Chapter 2 - Promises
Chapter 3 - Reincarnation
Chapter 4 - We are Shadow Garden
Chapter 5 - The Rescue of Clarie
Chapter 6 - Confession... accepted?
Chapter 7 - Facade Relationship (2)
Chapter 8 - Tonight, everything begins!
Chapter 9 - I am...
Chapter 10 - Chocolate Operation
Chapter 11 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 12 - The Attack on the Academy
Chapter 13 - Twisted Heart

Chapter 7 - Facade Relationship (1)

2.1K 73 25
By Truck-KunIsekai

Y/n was walking in the cafeteria towards his friends table, the other students were whispering about L/n.

Random Girl 1- Is that really him?! It can't be.

Random Boy 1- He's very average!

Random Girl 2- I heard that he barely passed the test this week.

Random Boy 2- He's not worthy! I'll kill him!

The previously Atsushi listened to that in silence just shrugging his shoulders.

Y/n- *Thoughts* This was expected, I don't care about the comments the problem is this spotlight on me, I didn't imagine Alexia would want to publicize this relationship like this....


Y/n approached the entrance of the academy with his friends.

Hyoro- I can't believe she actually accepted, no offense, but you're not a man worthy of her.

Jaga- If she accepted you, I should have had a chance, I should have asked her on a date first.

The two begin to walk a little forward, Cid approaches his friend.

Cid- *Whispering* Don't worry, I have a perfect plan for you to end this relationship!

Y/n- *Whispering* Will it work like the "Perfect Rejection" plan?!

Cid- *Whispering* Don't worry this time it will work-

Hyoro- Cid, Y/n, she's way ahead!!!

The blond says warning his friends and pointing to the entrance of the academy, where a white-haired girl was waiting for a certain boy.

Y/n- She's waiting for me, I think we split up here, I'll see you later.

The boy turns away from his friends and approaches the girl.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Let's play this game for now... *smiles* G-Good morning, I hope you didn't expect too much.

The girl looks towards the young man and smiles.

Alexia- Good morning, I haven't been here long.

Y/n- *Thoughts* That smile... It reminds me of someone's...

The boy is brought out of his thoughts when the white haired girl hugs his arm.

Alexia- Let's hurry, we might be late.

She pulls Y/n inside walking in the schoolyard, all the students see that with utter amazement.

Y/n- *Thoughts* That girl! She's making me stand out too much!

End of Flashback

Our protagonist sits down next to his three friends, sighing he says.

Y/n- Don't you think it's strange?

Hyoro- Oh, it's strange.

Jaga- Definitely bizarre.

Cid- Yes very, very strange.

Hyoro- To be honest, I still don't see why she accepted you.

Cid- Maybe she likes humbler people?

Jaga- If that's it any of us had a chance.

Y/n- I'm worried, there must be a catch, I mean we don't live in the same world.

Hyoro- Who cares? If you're lucky you might have good memories of it.

Jaga- Exactly, but if you want I can change places-

A familiar girl approaches the table looking at the four of them.

Alexia- Do you mind if I join you?

Hyoro- G-G-Go ahead!

Jaga- I-If this place will s-satisfy you!

She pushes Y/n into the chair next to him, causing Cid to do the same.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Those two are the pure definition of secondary characters!

The other students in the dining hall are amazed to see the princess sit next to the lower nobility. Her servants began to place food on the table, catching Y/n's interest.

Y/n- *Thoughts* How much food, I wonder if the food of royalty is good?

Cid nudges his friend who looks towards him, Kagenou just shakes his head, Y/n understands the signal.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Time for operation "Get off me, Damn it!".

Alexia- I can never finish. Honestly, I wouldn't mind ceding options to the lower classes, but...

Y/n- *Picking up a piece of meat* So can I have a taste?

Hyoro and Jaga are startled by such behavior, Cid smiles discreetly, Y/n brings the food to his mouth.

Y/n- Hum, how delicious! Cid you should try this!

Cid- *Taking the same plate* If it's like that, I'll try it!

Y/n- *Taking another plate* Wow, this is really good too!

Cid- Let me try it!

With each movement Jaga and Hyoro were getting closer to fainting.

Cid- *Thoughts* There's no way anyone from royalty would tolerate that behavior.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Well the food was really good, maybe I'll miss it...

The girl was smiling.

Alexia- I heard you're studying Royal Bushin Fencing in your afternoon physical education?

Y/n- Yes, in a few minutes.

Alexia- I thought we could do class together.

Cid- *Smacking his chopsticks on the table* No, I don't think so, we're in Section Nine, the lowest of all the sections.

Alexia- Don't worry, everything is fine. I spoke well of Y/n and they opened a position in Section One.

Y/n- Ok, t-thank you Alexia.

Cid and Y/n- *Thoughts* That girl!


???- We have a new member joining our team today.

Zenon Griffey

Y/n- *Bows* I'm Y/n L/n, thank you for receiving me.

The blond man, Zenon Griffey is an official Royal Fencing instructor, unlike the other sections there is an overarching air of constant vigilance.

Zenon- As you know, the Royal Bushin style we study here is an original style, derived from the traditional Bushin school. You can say as a new friend, we faced a lot of resistance at first. But thanks to the highly praised genius Dark Knight, Princess Iris, the sister of our Princess Alexia, we have gained momentum to rival the traditional Bushin. In other words, if you're strong, you'll divert the skeptical eyes of the masses. Now... how strong do you have?

Y/n- *Thoughts* Hmmm, it would be interesting to learn a bit more of these techniques.

Zenon- Split into pairs and start warming up.

Y/n approaches Alexia and they both start stretching, the boy noticing something in the girl's behavior.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Looks like she's imitating my warm-up... Let's see...

After that move Alexia copies it perfectly.

Y/n- *Thoughts* She sure is!

After finishing preparing both enter into attack position, Y/n is the first to attack, advancing his sword against the young woman who retreats avoiding the attack, counterattacking Alexia tries to hit Y/n who also avoids the attack by stepping back, then the sword of both clash.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Alexia's attacks never hit and her movements are slow. She doesn't use much magic either. At first I thought she was taking it easy on me, but that's not it... The purpose of this practice is to train our attacks and counterattacks, she also copied my warm-up... In short, she is very patient.

Both continue to exchange blows, her attack style was refined, sticking to the basics without any excess.

Y/n- *Thoughts* It's a very interesting way to fight, but it's too simple.... Being Iris Midgar's sister the world sees her as inferior to her sister.... But I can see that this softness is the result of much effort, it is proof that she has built her skill on the basics, step by step.

Advancing the tip of the sword against each other they stop before striking each other, along with the ringing of the bell, signaling the end of class.

Zenon- That's all for today everyone.

Y/n- *Lowering the sword* Good, that was good training.

Alexia- *Doing the same* Yes, thank you for training with me, you have a good fencing style.

Y/n- Thank you.

Alexia- But I hate it, it's like fighting my reflection.

The girl approaches the blonde man.

Zenon- Can I assume that's your answer, Alexia?

Alexia- Yes, that's right. I decided to be his girlfriend... *Smug smile* Zenon-Sensei.

Zenon- Oh please, you are behaving like a child. You know you can't run away forever.

Alexia- I'm just a child. I can't understand these adult problems.

Zenon- It hasn't been disclosed yet, but we are still engaged.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Hmm, now I get it, that explains everything.

Sighing Y/n leaves the room.

Y/n- *Thoughts* For now I won't intervene in these main character situations.

The L/n was sitting on a fountain near the exit of the academy, in one of his hands was a book, its content was unknown by Alexia who was standing nearby with her arms crossed.

Alexia- Aren't you going to ask anything?

Y/n- *Still reading* About what? Your relationship with Zenon-Sensei?

Alexia- Yes, I know you heard.

Y/n- *Turning a page* From what I understand, you don't want to be Zenon-Sensei's fiancée, and you needed a scapegoat to help you get out of it, right? *Turning a page* That's why you chose a low-level noble that you could easily control, like me.

Alexia- *Putting her hands on her waist and smiling* Yes, that's right.

Y/n- *putting the book down* Look, I understand how this arranged marriage business is a nuisance, but I don't want to attract any more attention and I don't feel like getting involved in big royal problems...

Alexia- *looking at him* That's cold, coming from my boyfriend.

Y/n- Well, boyfriend in name only.

Alexia- Like you're any better, Mr. Y/n "I confessed fake love because I lost a bet" L/n.

Y/n- *sigh* Let me guess Hyoro and Jaga told you?

Alexia- Yes, they turned red as beets and sang like canaries, this is no joke, playing with the pure heart of an innocent young girl. If the student body finds out, your days as a student at the Academy will be over.

Y/n- *Back to reading the book* you talk like you're going to accept my "feelings" if you did not have this arranged marriage.

Alexia- Oh, is everything all right, dear? Your face is terribly tense.

Y/n- *Smiling* I'm fine, my face tends to change when my soul is touched by comments like yours... *whispering* But I'm not as bad as you.

Alexia- *approaching Y/n* Did you say something?

Y/n- I didn't say anything.

Alexia- Anyway I'm going to make you keep up this dating act, at least until that man gives up on me.

Y/n- Huh, it doesn't look like he's going to give up that easy, anyone can see that, you and I aren't in the same world.

Alexia- I know, but I need you to give me some time, the rest I can handle on my own.

Y/n- *sigh* Okay, I'll help you get rid of your arranged engagement...

Alexia- Good, with your cooperation it will be easier... In that case...

The girl pulls out a coin from her pocket, its shine was undeniable, she throws the coin to Y/n who grabs it.

Y/n- Well, I wouldn't charge anything, but that's an incentive... *Thoughts* Tokiomi and Mr. Kagenou's allowance alone are not enough for me and Cid to invest in the Shadow Garden-

Another coin is tossed into the sky, Y/n grabs it with his mouth, Alexia laughs at such an attitude.

Y/n- *Thoughts* I can't let this chance pass!

Alexia- *Caressing Y/n's head*Own, what a cute puppy.

Y/n- *With the coin in his mouth* Wait a minute, I'm not going to behave like a dog.

Alexia- Don't be like that, come on take it!

The girl continues to throw some coins and Y/n catches them all, it is worth saying that Alexia treated him like a pet. From this the two continued the fake relationship.


Well the relationship continued and even had some interesting interactions. Y/n was in the library reading the book left by my parents that had been covered to hide the surname Atsushi, Alexia was there too but reading another book.

The silence was even comfortable, each in their own world, the book by Kei Atsushi and Violet Atsuhi has various techniques on fencing, magic, hunting among others.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Hmmm, when using a bow and arrow, taking a deep breath before shooting is the key to increasing precision...

Alexia- What are you reading?

Y/n- Nothing you like.

Alexia approaches Y/n and sees the book.

Alexia- What is this book, I've never seen something like this in the library.

Y/n- It's a book I brought from home, that's all I can tell you.

The girl approaches him and points to the book.

Alexia- Is that a bow? *draws her chair to Y/n's side* Why do you have an interest in that type of thing?

Y/n- *Thoughts* She approached me like that just to provoke me!

Some students began to look at the interaction of the two with contempt and jealousy.

Y/n- *Thoughts* I think I have a great idea...

Y/n puts his hand on the girl's shoulder and pulls her closer, then shows her the book.

Y/n- Did you know that? We can also use magic to strengthen the damage of the arrows.

Alexia was taken aback by this action, she feels a warmth on her cheeks.

Alexia- O-Of c-course I knew. *Thoughts* This took me by surprise.

The students watching that squirmed with jealousy, Y/n smiled discreetly as he heard the suffering of others.


Y/n was in the cafeteria sitting next to Alexia and her friend Rin Tohsaka, the boy had been watching her for a while to send the report, he can see that she doesn't have much affinity for direct combat, but her she has a performance in the theoretical classes.

Y/n- I'll never get used to this amount of food.

Rin- Yeah, it's too much food for just three people.

Alexia- That's why I want you to eat, Y/n.

Y/n- Huh!

The white-haired girl shoves food into Y/n's mouth, startling him and Rin.

Y/n- *Thoughts* This girl is trying to murder me!!! But it doesn't taste bad.

The boy swallows and looks at Alexia who had a mocking smile, Rin also laughed seeing the boy's reaction.

Rin- * Laughing* His surprised face.

Alexia- *Smiling mockingly* How was the taste?

Y/n- *Thoughts* You don't think I'm going to miss this opportunity.

The boy takes some of the food with his hashis.

Y/n- Why don't you taste it for yourself, say aaaahhh.

Alexia- W-What!

Some students around there are startled to hear Y/n and Alexia's words.

Random student- Did I hear that right?

Random student 2- He's going to feed her in mouth!!!

Alexia- *Thoughts* Damn it, in this situation if I deny it it will look very suspicious, you pay me L/n! *Speaks* Aaaaahhhh.

Y/n feeds her, she in turn was deeply blushing, Rin laughed at that and the students, well some fainted, some were planning a murder, some were in too much shock to say anything.

Rin- How cute is princess Alexia.

Alexia- Shut up!!!


Now we can see the couple walking in the corridor, as usual students were watching Alexia and her boyfriend, in that corridor was also Zenon who was in front of a door, probably waiting for someone. Alexia closed her face and pulled Y/n to ignore the blond man, but the boy looked in his direction.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Hmmm, Zenon-Sensei opted for the wait-and-see strategy.

A man opens the door behind Zenon, before Y/n could see him, Alexia pulls him tighter.

Zenon- Well, you took some time, how are the preparations going?

???- Everything is almost ready.













That was part 1 of chapter 7, I hope you enjoyed it, see you next time.

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