Keepers of Pokemon

By CMDobbs

623 139 14

Wilfride Beth Carter, a being known as a Keeper is lost in an alternate world, where she encounters these biz... More

Chapter 1-Why do novels always start with someone waking up?
Chapter 3- A mouse that doesn't listen, a cowardice fox, and a caterpillar.
Chapter 4- The Rabid-chu
Chapter 5- The Pain of Steel Toe Boots
Chapter 6- The city that has a Rock infestation.
Chapter 7 - There is no Moon on Mt. Moon. Just bats and rats.
Chapter 8- When the motto is worse then the battle.
Chapter 9- The funny short chapter. No one will remember.
Chapter 10- Ash Ketchum Is A Dumb Name.
Chapter 11- When The Turtle Likes The Misery Of Others.
Chapter 12- What A Flushing Turtle!
Chapter 13- No, I don't know where the cherry tomatoes are.
Chapter 14- The First Ambush.
Chapter 15- The Rabid-Chu Chase
Chapter 14- The Spelling Bulbasaur
Chapter 15- The Curse Of The Eternal Flame
Chapter 17- Breaking the Wheel

Chapter 2- How they lost to a blueberry?

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By CMDobbs

This world is crazy. Wilfride was not afraid to say.

They don't have Keepers, but instead creatures called Pokemon, where they leave home at age ten usually and go collect these creatures then use them to battle each other. The whole concept is bizarre and a little morbid when you try to think about it...Don't try to think about it.

When Wilfride pushed through another thick patch of bushes, she stumbled a bit, nearly running into a large sign that arched over the road that said.

"Welcome to Viridian City: We have less bugs here."

Wilfride lifted her eyebrows, not noticing Domino stumble out behind her. "You have powers,"

"No more than usual," Wilfride replied. "Don't you have folks with gifts?"

"Uh, not that many," Domino said. "And they usually keep their distance,"

The city was immaculate, busy cars zoomed by on the roads while people and Pokémon crossing the avenues between buildings, it was crowded and noisy and within the gates, that were made of colored glass, not parchment.

Even among the homeless, Pokemon sat next to them; one was even pushing a cart as a homeless man was collecting cans out of the trash bins.

Something besides more homeless waited outside a local tavern, however. A large group of folks had surrounded something at a distance and got Wilfride's attention, who nudged Domino, and pointed towards them. "What's going on over there?"

"My guess is someone is having a Pokemon battle," Domino said. "Someone must be putting on a show." Domino grabbed her arm. "Come one, I'll show you!"

Domino forced herself and Wilfride through the crowd of people and Pokemon just in time to see one Pokemon that looked like a blueberry slam into a duck, who fell to the ground.

"What are they doing?" Wilfride asked.

Domino sighed. "You really aren't from this world. Their battling, just like I told you about."

"Seems a stupid way to fight if you ask me, the humans here use these things to fight their own battles."

This is another world, Wilfride thought, but not so different from the world she knew.

"Psyduck." One of the trainers cried, running up to its Pokemon.

The square was dominated by more people doing battles with their Pokemon and it didn't seem like anyone but her saw it as wrong.

Wilfride's eyes landed the round bodied creature that took down the duck and saw it's beady red eyes, small mouth, and ovoid feet that approached them. Five large, green leaves sprouted from its head. A girl with curly red hair stood behind the creature and pointed to Wilfride.

"My Oddish wants to challenge your Flareon." She said, pointing at the fox thing at Wilfride's feet.

"One: The fox thing is not mine and Two: I have no intention of fighting the blueberry, not unless I'm going to make a salad."

"You're afraid I'll win." She gloated.

Seeing the blue color, Wilfride looked at Domino.

"What is this thing and how do I put it on a salad?"

Domino blinked. "I'll look at the guide." Domino then reached into her bag and pulled out a small red book, opened it and started flipping through the pages as Pichu climbed up on her head. "Oddish...Oddish...Oh, no. That's an Oddish. A Grass type,"

"So what? It shoots grass or something?"

"Eh, sort of," Domino's only reply as she shifted through the book some more. "And you have a... Flareon...Ah...Here, it is...Flareon, the Evolution of Eevee when exposed to a Fire Stone. When storing thermal energy in its body, its temperature could soar to over 1600 degrees."

Wilfride blinked, looking down at the fox. "He's like a walking fire place,"

"Sort of..."

"Maybe I should just shoot it."

"Maybe you should not use the Ice that much," Domino said in a soft tone. "Unless you want this world to turn on you,"

Wilfride rolled her eyes and gave a groan. She then turned to the girl. "Fine, but know I am doing this in protest." Wilfride ushered the Flareon to step out to the battle.

He walked out very slowly, with his head lowered.

"Well go on three." The girl said..."One...Two...Three..."

"Use...." Wilfride's voice trailed off as it seemed her mind went blank.

"Oddish, use vine whip," A set of vines emerged from its leaves.

"I STILL DON'T KNOW ANY OF HIS MOVES!!!" Wilfride cried, looking at the Flareon. "You are a boy, right?"

Flareon looked at her and nodded.

"According to this he should be able to do Ember, Swift, Tackle, CopyCat, Growl and Tail Whip to start off with." Domino explained.

"Do Growl and Tail Whip sound as stupid as I heard them?" Wilfride asked.

"Well, let's try them and see how he does." Domino said in encouraging voice, her head lifting at the Oddish. "I mean Fire beats Grass."

"Alright, use Tackle! Since it's the only thing I remember." Wilfride said to Flareon, who looked from Domino to Wilfride then to the Oddish. Instead of charging towards it's opponent like it was supposed to do Wilfride saw a terror consume come over the creature's face as it watched the Oddish walk right up to it, just inches away. Its eyes grew small and wimps, its lips puffed out as trembles over took it's very fluffy body. By the time it stopped in front of Flareon, his face was trembling and gasping for air then to our surprise the fox gave a girly cry out, hightailed it and dove behind Wilfride cowering and clinging to her legs, still trembling all over.

"He's a coward?!" The strange girl laughed out. "In all my-I have never seen a Flareon cower to a grass type. You must be a pathetic Trainer for your Flareon to be so weak,"

That shouldn't have offended me since I wasn't a trainer nor did I want to be, Wilfride thought. But it might have been because she used the term "pathetic"

Wilfride looked up at her, trying to pull it away from the terrified creature's paws that were wrapped around her legs. After managing to get it off her legs she set it on the ground and glared at the girl. Giving a growl, ripping off her gloves, and stuffing them in her pocket. "You want to battle, than let's battle..."


"Here's a pillow and a blanket. If the weather is too cold, please move further into the house

A simple pillow and wool blanket came flying at her with the words that sounded like a torrent, and she hurriedly reached out to receive them.

Wilfride sat down on the bed, and the person standing in front of her was a woman that looked in her twenties with pink hair wearing a white nurse's outfit.

"Then, is there anything else you don't understand?"

"Uh, no." On hearing Wilfride say "no", her expression eased slightly, and she moved out of the room in her slightly oversized habit. Wilfride waited for the sound of her footsteps to go further away before heaving a long sigh.

The place she was staying at was a room on the second level of what the people here call the Pokemon Center, where trainers come after battles to heal there Pokemon and stay for the night alot. The building even had rooms set up like a hotel even with a cafeteria and library built in. Wilfride looked around at the room, where she saw it had a bed made of cast iron, a table set with a chair, a small bookshelf and a cupboard. She put the wool blanket and the pillow on her knees onto the bedsheet, put both hands behind her head and laid on the bed. The lamp above her head let out a creaking sound as it swayed.

Wilfride felt something furry move on her leg. She sat up quickly, locking eyes with the Flareon, who had jumped on the bed and was inching closer to her.

"No way. No how. Get down." Wilfride spat, pointing to the floor. "I don't cuddle."

His ears dropped down to his sides, than he jumped off the bed and onto the floor. He gave her one final look before, plopping on the mat Nurse Joy had given him with a huff.

Wilfride lay back down and rolled over.

She entered dreamland and listened to the voice deep inside her consciousness.


Wilfride seemed to hear a bell from far away.

Just when she treated it as a sound in her dreams, her shoulder just felt like it was being nudged by someone, so she nudged her head into the blanket and grumbled,

"Uu— Another 10, 5..."

"No way. It's already time to wake up."

"3 minutes...just 3 minutes will do..."

Just as her shoulders continued to shake, a slight sense of disorientation caused her to lose her sleepiness, the worst that could happen.

At this moment, Wilfride realized that where she was now was not on Elyon or even her bedroom at the Southern Palace, and she poked her face out from the wool blanket. Her eyes widened slightly and exchanged looks with Domino and Pichu, who both had their arms crossed, glaring at her.

"It's 5.30. The other trainers have all woken up and washed up. If you don't hurry, we won't be able to make it to the Poke Market and out of the city on time."

"...Okay, I'll go shopping..."

Wilfride left aside the warm bed and the peaceful rest and sat up. She looked around, and it's just like her memory from the previous night. Even the Flareon was still there, curled up on the mat.

She frowned, at the realization and looked at Domino. "W-Wait. I didn't agree to go on this journey with you,"

"Well, I'm sure you don't want to stay here and turn into a hobo." Domino said. "Because Nurse Joy only has to let you stay a day or so then she can toss you out on the street, which I am sure even where you're from is a bad thing."

"I don't know what I am supposed to do here," Wilfride replied, pushing off the Flareon when he tried to jump up on her lap. "Usually I have a reason for being sent here,"

"What reason is that?"

Wilfride shook her head. "I don't know, it varies,"

After a noisy breakfast, with the other trainers, who all went out on their so-called "Journey's" Wilfride followed Domino out of the center's gate and headed towards the central town of Viridian City.

Then, the clock tower behind the church chimed a simple yet elegant melody.

She pondered for a while, following Domino as she led the way through the streets, her Pichu on her head and all around Pokemon could be seen.

"Oh, look at this dress," One girl said to a Pokemon that looked like a sunflower. "It will look lovely on me for the dance,"

This place is weird, Wilfride thought, giving a glance behind her to see the Flareon on her heels, watching her every move. I guess the Flareon following me, allows me to blend in more, She concluded. Which means drop kicking him to the moon is out of the question.

Wilfride sighed at the thought. She really wanted to kick him to the moon.

"Here, we are. Viridian City Pokémon Shop." Domino said as they stopped infront of the building that had the same letters printed on a sign. "A popular stop, much like the Pokémon Center for trainers who use it as a free medical facility to resuscitate fainted Pokémon. This shop contains important items for Trainers who needed common use for battling in-between destinations. And in preparation for Pokémon Gym battles..." Domino's voice trailed off.

Domino gave a look over her shoulder, probably expecting to see that girl from earlier.

"It'll take some time before she thaws." Wilfride responded, seeming to read Domino's mind. Pichu hung on Domino's shoulder like he belong there, as Domino barely noticed. "You shouldn't have done that, you know. Word is going to get out about what you did and next thing you know you're going to be locked up in some science lab."

A shutter ran through Wilfride at her last words and followed Domino from behind. It felt like heaven upon entering the building. The air coolers flowing across your skin from the blazing heat of the sun. This was refreshing, even after traveling from the Pokemon Center.

The store had three different aisles. One for food, one for items, and the other for collectibles. It certainly was kept very clean and the tile floors were free of dust and waste. The place was big enough to fit three helicopters. Upon further observation, it had Sodas and Fresh Waters in the back fridges, a nice place to quench your thirst after a long days journey. Wilfride walked off when she saw the Sodas, leaving Domino to give a sigh.

"If you make it home in one piece, it'll be a miracle."

Domino crossed towards the front counter of the store. The man eyed the girl as she made her approach. Domino rested her arms across the free polished countertop. Regarding the man's representation eagerly.

"Welcome to Viridian City's Poké Shop, you here to sell or buy?" He greeted.

Domino blinked and forced the words out "Uh, I just need a map of the region."

The man paused for a moment to think, placing his hand underneath his rough trimmed goatee. "Sure, I got a map along with a Poke Dex."

"Oh. much are those?"

"More than a map?" The man scoffed.

Wilfride listened to the two haggle as she let her eyes browse across the aisle, as she sipped the cold Soda in her hands. She knew the stuff was bad for her kidneys but she was at a point she no longer cared.

The more she thought about it, the more she was deciding she did not like the thought of Pokemon battles or how a lot of the humans seemed to treat these creatures, how these creatures just allow it and the entire system.

Domino was right about being discovered, which also was annoying. And it wouldn't be Domino the enemies would go after. It would be her and her gift, which was powerful but unstable at times, usually when she got furious.

Wilfride heard some ruckus behind her looked to see a furry head poking out from behind the aisle corner.

He feels guilty about losing to that plant, Wilfride realized. She didn't know how she knew that but she did. Maybe it's was his drooping head or how his eyes wouldn't lock with hers.

When Wilfride walked back up to Domino, still maintain her composure, the Flareon right behind me. She saw the man hand Domino a small bag of store items.

"Thank you for your purchases."

Wilfride followed Domino out the store, finishing her soda and tossing it in the trash can, just outside. Domino reached in the bag, pulling out a small red rectangular device, flipping it open and aiming it at Pichu.

"What's that do?" Wilfride asked, leaning over Domino's shoulder.

"It tells about the Pokemon and what abilities they have, like the book I have." Domino replied right before a computer voice spoke. "Pichu, the revolved form of Pikachu, it is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled."

"Ahhhh," They said together.

"Now that is cool." Wilfride said, taking the Poke Dex from Domino's hands and eyeing it closely. "How did you get that guy to give you this stuff?"

"When you're a Pokemon Trainer, you get a lot of stuff for free." Domino snatched the PokeDex back from Wilfride, placing it in her bag with a smile. "Now that is settled you can focus on adjusting."

"Adjusting?" Wilfride spat. "I don't want to adjust, I want to leave,"

"You've fallen through The Veil openings before, right?! And you said you won't get back unless you solve the problem God wants you to solve."

"I'm not good at solving problems; I am good at making them." Wilfride complained, following behind Domino as they walked through the city streets and gave a spat. "These creatures are everywhere,"

They seem to be interlaced with this world, like the Denizens we have back home. Wilfride added in thought seeing Domino pet the Pichu, who was in her arms. Only they seem to have relationships with their trainers.

"Oh...." Her voice trailed off and she stopped, Wilfride almost ran into her.

"Oh? What's oh? I don't like that word,"

Domino turned to me. "Well, I plan on earning badges, one of the reasons I came to Viridian City but the Gym is locked up tight. So I'll have to come back later to get the Earth Badge."

"So, what does that have to do with "Oh?"

"Well, it's more of for you than me." Domino said, eyeing me. "Do you plan on coming with me or staying here?"

"Oh," Was the only word to leave her lips.

"See, we trainers have to battle Gym leaders to qualify for the Kanto League, according to this Kanto Guide, and I don't plan on waiting for you to find your purpose. So you either come with me on my journey until you find your purpose or stay here."

Wilfride gave a look around the city. "I don't do well in cities."

"Then there's the other problem."

"Other problem?"

"The first gym is a Rock Type Gym in Pewter City," Domino claimed. "And with what Pokémon we have....Were going to use,"

"I could take him..." Wilfride said.

She was eager to fight something, truth be told. All she had seen people do is boss their creatures around and talk...Pretty boring on the human side.

Domino rolled her eyes. "You can't fight their Pokemon, your Pokemon have to under your command to prove your leadership skills."

Wilfride blinked. "So that means we have to get more?"

Domino nodded.

Wilfride shook her head. "Nope, no way, no how. I am not doing this." Wilfride sat down on the curb and crossed her arms like a little girl throwing a fit.

"You can't be serious?!"

"Serious as having two feet," Wilfride stated then looked up at Domino. "You realize we lost the battle with the plant with eyeballs, right? No way were going to win anything without my Ice,"

"This leader specializes in Rock types, so we just need to figure out what beats rock."

Wilfride shrugged, shifting her gaze to the streets. "Explosives, paper, drowning,"

Domino gasped. "We need Water Pokemon,"

"How about we go and see if we can beat this guy on our own," Wilfride said, climbing to her feet.

"We have the balls and some Pokemon," Domino said with joy. "We just need to use them and get the Water type,"

"How can you fight Pokemon but you can't just buy them?" Domino grabbed her arm and pulled her along, the Flareon darting after them.

Domino glanced around at the shops. "Where do think the Water Pokemon would be?"

Wilfride gave a blank stare, "Uh, the water. Hence the title,"

It only took a few hours to enter the forest between Viridian and Pewter. Being gigantic, Domino relied heavily on the map. "It's a pretty intimidating forest judging by the size. All we have to do is keep heading north and we should be in Pewter City in just a day or two." Saying this Domino put the map up and pulled out the guide Wilfride suddenly wanted to burn.

"We should catch some Water Pokémon while we're here. Some training wouldn't hurt either if we have time." Domino said with a smile.

"I really don't like the fact you are enjoying this." Wilfride mumbled, watching as Flareon pranced beside her, keeping an eye on the surrounding flowers. He ran over and took a big whiff of a few daisies, his tail wagging.

Wilfride crossed her arms and looked at him. "I really don't understand how you can shoot fire? I mean, you're covered in fur."

"Maybe its fire proof," Domino suggested, giving a gaze around. "I wonder what kinds live in this forest anyways?"

The Pokédex helped in her pocket started answering with, "In Viridian Forest, a Trainer can find many Bug-type Pokémon. "

They looked at Domino's pocket where the Pokédex was poking out.

"Oh, great. It's spying on us, just like the butler."

"It's like the Pokédex has a voice recognition program. That's pretty handy." Domino said. "But we need Water type Pokémon, so keep your eye for any source of water. Keep a sharp eye peeled for any—"

Flareon cried out, darted behind Wilfride and pointed over to the trees off the path a little with its paw,

A little caterpillar came crawling out on a branch.

Wilfride huffed, crossed her arms and looked down at the Flareon. "And I had such high hopes for you."

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