Dangan Ronpa Youtube 2 (on ho...

By cshygamer

3.5K 63 101

Sixteen people. All stuck on an island, forced to kill each other if they want to leave. How many will make i... More

Chapter one~ An Island of Despair
Chapter two~ Plans and Leaders
Chapter three~ The Motive
Chapter four~ My Turn
Chapter six~ The Second Island
Chapter seven~ And Boom Goes The Islands
Chapter eight~ Really Fricken' Clever
Chapter nine~ Why?
Chapter ten~ Kellz Had A Bad Day
Chapter eleven~ The Despair Disease
Chapter twelve~ Down With The Sickness
Chapter thirteen~ Down In Flames

Chapter five~ Foot Steps

254 3 9
By cshygamer

"So...what do we do now?" Dan asked, looking around the room. "Let's start with how the killer got in to Logan's cabin in the first place." Drake said. "But that's obvious! They broke the door handle with something. Maybe the knife handle or some other thing." Adam explained.

"Hey, I was wondering, why was Logan chosen. To kill, I mean. He hadn't done much while he was alive, so why was he targeted?" Dan asked. "May he was the first person the killer could think of?" Joshua suggested. "Maybe Logan knew they were up to something, so the killer had to get rid of him." Sky added. "Wait, wasn't Will with Logan all the time? Maybe Will just hung out with Logan to gain his trust, then kill him." Alex said. Everyone looked at Will. "Actually, Will doing it is possible. He was the one who found the black cloak in Rocket Punch. It was hidden in a pretty strange place, yet he found it right away." Phil explained. "Even the foot prints lead in the direction of Logan's cabin." Kellz said quickly. "And Will knew right away that it was a knife from the hotel kitchen that was used to kill Logan." Jeremy exclaimed. "What the hell guys! I didn't do it! L-Logan was my friend, I wouldn't kill him!" Will yelled, terrified. "You're already doing the typical 'killer freaks out and yells at everyone about how they're not the killer even though they are' thing. Just give it up and get this over with already!" Nico muttered.

"But what if he didn't do it." DanTDM said. "Who else could it be though?" Charlie asked. "I'm not exactly sure, but I have my suspicions. Let's actually go over the evidence first, just to narrow it down." DanTDM explained. "Alright, well, what we know is that the killer must have gotten the cloak either earlier that day or right before they committed the crime. After that they retrieved the knife from the hotel kitchen." Nappy said. "Then they put on the cloak and broke in to Logan's cabin. This probably woke up Logan, since he wasn't in his bed when he was killed. We can prove this from the lack of blood on the bed." Drake added. "They then stabbed Logan to death, covering them self with the cloak so that the blood wouldn't splash on them. After they finished the deed, they walked out of the cabin, leaving a short trail of bloody foot prints behind them. They went directly back to they're cabin to hide away before anyone saw them." Phil concluded. "Uh, Phil, the killer couldn't have gone right back to they're cabin. They had to go hide the cloak and knife back at Rocket Punch." Will said. "Minor oversight. Does it even matter?" Phil asked. "It might." DanTDM said.

"Wait a second, Dan and Phil, you both heard someone leave their cabin last night, right?" Will asked. "Yeah, that's right. It was pretty faint, but I could hear it." Phil explained. "So? That was probably me. Last night I went to Rocket Punch for a computer." Sky said. "Really? You were gone for a long time. It wasn't until thirty minutes later that you got back to your cabin." Dan said. Sky shrugged. "I took my time." he explained.

DanTDM got a serious look on his face. "Dan? Or Phil? How many people did you hear leave their cabin?" he asked. "One, but I fell back asleep." Dan said. "I heard one too, but I stayed up all night. I couldn't sleep." Phil added. "So if there was only one person who left their cabin, and Sky has confirmed that it was him, then how did the killer leave their cabin?" DanTDM asked. Everyone paused, then looked at Sky. "...I-I didn't do it." Sky said quickly. Nico raised his eyebrow. "Really? Then why were you the only one to leave their cabin last night?" Nico asked. "...It's only one theory. It's not enough to call me the killer, right? I-I'm still in the clear." Sky said.

"Wait! I almost forgot about this!" Will said suddenly. He pulled the purple shard out of his pocket. "What's that?" Nappy asked. "I don't know. I found it on the floor in Logan's cabin, next to the body." Will explained. "Why would that be there?" Joshua asked. "Maybe the killer dropped it at some point?" Drake suggested. "Or maybe it Logan's, and it just fell during the murder." Adam added. "Or it could be a piece of something that broke." Charlie continued.

At that moment, something seemed to click in Will's head. He glanced at the person just to be sure. "Sky, where is your amulet?" Will asked. Sky raised his eyebrow. "Why do you care about that right now?" he asked smuggly. "Because, unless I'm mistaken, that amulet has a purple gem in it. An amethyst, to be exact." Will explained. Sky looked from Will to the shard, then back again. "Really? You think that's from me. I'm the leader, remember? I promised to keep you all safe from this kind of thing. Why would I kill the people I'm trying to protect?" Sky lectured. "Oh for the love if god, quit stalling and show us the damn thing!" Nico yelled. Sky paused, his hand over his shirt. His amulet was under his shirt at the moment. "Sky, if it really isn't you, this shouldn't matter, right? It should just prove your innocence." DanTDM explained. Sky held his now shaking hand in place. Then, he moved it toward the collar of the shirt, reached under it, and pulled out the amulet.

The amethyst had a large chunk missing, along with a few cracks.

"...This means nothing." Sky said. "Actually, it means everything." DanTDM explained. "No, it doesn't. H-How would I break it?" Sky asked. "You must have fell at some point." Will answered. "Why would it break and not my sunglasses?" he asked. "You weren't wearing your sunglasses. It was already dark out, why make the world darker?" Will explained.

"Why would I hide the knife and cloak at Rocket Punch?"

"In case anyone found it in your cabin, which would be a major giveaway."

"Why did I kill Logan?"

"Because Logan and I saw you acting suspiciously earlier that day. Hell we even saw you on your way to Rocket Punch to pick up the cloak."

"Why would I kill at all? I. Am. Your. Leader!"

"Because of the motive. You had forgotten something important, didn't you? Something you need to get back to at any and all costs!"

Sky froze. His eyes were wide, face was pale, breaths shaky. Will glared at him. Sky said nothing for a while. "I...I have a kid. And a wife. I...I k-know I do. I h-had to s-see them, and this w-was the only way to leave!" Sky yelled, voice cracking. He looked down, causing his sunglasses to fall off his face and hit the floor. "I-I'm sorry. Really." Sky muttered.

"Ahem. I think that's all the time we have! Please make your vote using the switch in front of you. And do try to pick the right person. Would be a shame if you didn't. Upupupup!" Monokuma called from his throne. Everyone reached forward and flicked their switch.

A large slot machine came out of the ground next to Monokuma. All of the slots landed on a picture of Sky's face.

"That's right! Skydoesminecraft was your killer!" Monokuma yelled happily. "I'm s-sorry." Sky mumbled. "...Really, that's it. That's your killer freak out. Psh, boring! How 'bout this; I'll give you back your memories right before you die! That sounds like fun, right?" the bear explained with a smile. "W-What?" Sky gasped. "Uh huh! All I have to do is give you this shot, and-" Monokuma said as he gave Sky a needle in the neck. He let out a small cry of pain. "Presto!" the bear said. Sky was silent for a moment.

Then he started screaming.

"No, no, no! Oh god, Alesa, no! Tyler, oh god Tyler. Fuck...NO! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? THAT WAS MY FUCKING KID!" Sky yelled, crying. "Upupup, that's some nice despair you got there! Now, it's time to die." Monokuma said gladly. "No, please, no. I-I-I-I can't...I have to...n-n-n-no! I-I need to s-s-s-see them! I n-need to see i-i-if they're alright! DON'T LET ME DIE!" Sky yelled, crying violently. "Upupupupup, IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!"

A big red button appeared in front of Monokuma. After he pressed the button, a black and red Monokuma sprite dragged away a black and red Sky sprite.

Sky was standing in a large glass bowl that was slowly being filled with water. Sky back to the wall as the water cane to his knees. As it rose higher, something else was dropped in.

A squid.

And another. And another. As soon as the water had reached Sky's neck, the squids had nearly filled the bottom of the bowl, and were pulling Sky down with them. As he helplessly thrashed his limbs and tried to swim away, the water had started to fill the bowl faster. It was now half way full, and Sky was just barely keeping his head above the water. After a while if this, the bowl was full of water. As Sky took a last gasp of breath, he was forced below the water as the squids pulled him lower and lower beneath. Finally, as Sky struggled live any longer, he opened his mouth, allowing the water in to his lungs, drowning him.

The squids pulled him in to the darkened deep, never to be seen again.

Everyone was frozen in fear and shock. "Upupup, what a great way to get started, am I right? Okay, you all can go back to your cabins now. Enjoy your sleep!" Monokuma said happily before disappearing. Everyone shuffled to the elevator like zombies, too shocked to talk or look at eachother.

No one slept that night.

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