Fire Emblem Genealogy of the...

By kamenridergamer

66 1 0

This is a story of a knight of Leonster with blood of a Dragon. (Some things are taken straight from the Oosa... More

Chapter 2: Bloodlines Intertwine
Chapter 3: The Maiden
Chapter 4: The Dragon Sage's song
Chapter 5: End of the Lionheart
Chapter 6: Child of Ullr

Chapter 1: Tale of a Dragon

28 1 0
By kamenridergamer


A young girl was walking around Leonster. She was hungry and dirty. Her dark brown hair all tangled up. The people were a bit afraid. The girl was also scared. The girl noticed two people walking towards her. A boy who was a few years older than her and his father. The young girl's brown eyes looked around.

The boy asked, "Are you okay?"

The girl didn't say anything. The boy looks at his father.

"Father, what should we do?" He asked.

The boy's father said, "We should take her in, Quan. She seems scared and starving."

The boy, Quan, looks at the girl.

"I'm Quan, Prince of Leonster. What's your name?" Quan asked.

The girl said, "J-Jessica... A-A former noble of House Velthomer..."

Quan said, "Pleasure to meet you, Jessica."

Jessica nods.

"I'm King Calf of Leonster," Quan's Father, Calf said.

Jessica said, "P-Pleasure to meet you."

Some of the citizens spoke up.

"My king, that girl is a bad omen, look at her ears." One said.

Another one said, "She's related to Loptous!"

Jessica started crying. Quan hugs her.

Calf said, "Enough! This is just an innocent girl. Have you all forgotten that her grandfather was the one who helped Njörun and the other Crusaders with defeating Loptous!"

The citizens were quiet. Quan rubs Jessica's back. Quan and Calf take Jessica back to the castle.

Several years later, Belhalla

Jessica walks around with Quan.

"I can't believe that we are in the Royal Academy, Lord Quan." Jessica said.

Quan saw two people, a blonde haired man and a blue haired man.

"Sigurd, Eldigan." Quan said.

Sigurd and Eldigan look at Quan. Jessica felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Sigurd.

"Meet Jessica, she's a knight of training but also a former noble of House Velthomer." Quan said.

Sigurd takes her right hand and kisses her hand, "I'm Sigurd of House Chalphy, a pleasure to meet you."

Eldigan did the same, "I'm Eldigan of Nordion. Pleased to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Sigurd, Lord Eldigan." Jessica said.

A pink haired woman walks toward them.

Sigurd said, "This is my younger sister, Ethlyn."

Ethlyn smiles.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lady Ethlyn." Jessica said.

In the girl's dorm room, hours later

Jessica was laying down on her bed, her mind was thinking about Sigurd.

Ethlyn asked Jessica, "Do you have a crush on my brother?"

Jessica blushes darkly, "N-No!"

Ethlyn chuckles. Jessica covers her face with a pillow.

Ethlyn said, "Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing you."

"Oh thank goodness," Jessica sighs in relief.

Jessica sits up. Ethlyn pats her shoulder.

Several days later

Jessica was sparring with Quan as Sigurd, Ethlyn and Eldigan watched. Jessica's and Quan's lance clash against each other.

Eldigan and Sigurd said in unison, "Go Quan!"

Ethlyn was cheering on Jessica. Quan landed a pretty good hit on Jessica. Jessica growls a bit in frustration and attacks Quan. Eventually it ended up being a tie.

Sigurd said, "Alright, my turn."

Quan went to sit down. Jessica puts the lance back in its rack and grabs a sword. Sigurd grabbed his sword. Jessica and Sigurd started sparring. Jessica's and Sigurd's sword clashes.

"Not bad." Sigurd said.

Jessica and Sigurd continue sparring until Jessica wins. Sigurd shook her hand before sitting down. Jessica pants heavily.

Jessica said, "Phew..."

Jessica sits down next to Ethlyn.

Ethlyn smiles, "You did great today."

"Thanks," Jessica said as she put her head on Ethlyn's shoulder and fell asleep.

Days later

Jessica was reading a book. Ethlyn looks at Jessica.

Ethlyn asked, "What are you reading?"

"Some battle tactics." Jessica told her.

She nods, "I see."

Jessica closes the book.

A man opens the door.

"Miss Jessica?" The man asked.

Jessica gets up, "That's me."

The man said, "Prince Kurth will like to see you."

"Alright." Jessica nods.

Hours Later

Jessica walks back in with a tome.

Ethlyn tilts her head as she asks, "What is that?"

Jessica spoke in a quiet tone, "The Book of Terramos... My Grandfather's tome."

Ethlyn exclaimed, "Wait, the Terramos?! The Dragon Sage?!"

Jessica nods. Ethlyn was shocked.

Ethlyn said, "Wow. I'm so glad we are friends."

Jessica smiles, "Agreed. My Grandfather is actually good friends with Baldr."

Ethlyn was even more shocked as she looked at Jessica, "So our family bloodlines are connected."

"Yup," Jessica spoke.

Several more years later, Grann 757, Velthomer

Jessica was traveling around with her horse. Jessica arrived at Velthomer. Jessica's horse trots around until Jessica pulls on the reins to make her horse stop. Jessica looks around and notices Arvis and Azelle. Jessica shakes her head and continues riding.

Arvis saw Jessica, "Jessica? Is that really you?"

Jessica stops her horse once more before speaking, "Hey Arvis."

Jessica took off her helmet. Arvis walks towards her with Azelle.

Azelle said, "Hey, Jessica. It's good to see you again."

Jessica smiles, "You too, Azelle."

Minutes later

Jessica and Arvis were sitting down in the gardens.

Jessica asked, "So those who burned my mother at the stake were imprisoned?"

Arvis nods, "That's correct. However I need to ask you something? Are you willing to come back here to Velthomer?"

She shakes her head, "I can't, Arvis. My home is Leonster now."

He nods once more, "I understand."

Jessica sighs softly, before looking at him.

"Arvis, I thank you for helping me flee." Jessica said in a soft tone, "I don't know what I would do without you..."

Arvis puts his hand on her left shoulder. "Don't need to thank me. That's what friends do."

Arvis gets up and offers his hand to Jessica. Jessica grabs his hand. He pulls Jessica up.


Arvis nods.

"I should continue traveling around," Jessica told Arvis, "I need to get stronger so I can serve my liege."

Arvis raises one of his eyebrows, "You're a knight now?"

Jessica nods. Arvis smiles.

"I wish you luck," Arvis spoke.

Months later

Jessica was leading her squadron of knights against the Thracians. Jessica gets up on her horse with her sword in hand. Jessica jumps towards one of Thracia's wyvern knights before killing the knight.

Jessica shouted, "Come at me you, Thracian Hyenas!!!"

Jessica and her squad fights as hard as they can. Jessica noticed a village was burned down and a young girl was scared. Jessica spurs her horse to protect the young girl before the wyvern knight gets her. Jessica pulls out her bow and kills the wyvern knight. Several hours later, the battle was over. Jessica noticed how half of her squadron was wiped. Jessica closed her eyes.

"Rest well, my comrades. You all did well for Munster," Jessica mutters under her breath.

A Leonster knight walks towards Jessica.

"Ma'am! We got a message from Leonster." He spoke to Jessica.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

The knight said, "Grannvale has asked for you, more specifically Lord Arvis. They want you to be in the front lines in their battle against Isaach."

Jessica shakes her head, "I refuse, I'm not going to get myself killed in their battle."

"I'll notify the castle," The knight spoke before leaving.


Jessica saw Ethlyn taking care of Altena. Jessica walks towards Ethlyn.

"How's the Little Princess, Lady Ethlyn?" Jessica asked.

Ethlyn said, "She's a bit fussy."

Jessica sits next to Ethlyn. Jessica started tickling Altena's belly. Altena started laughing as she was being tickled. Jessica chuckles a bit before she stops.

Ethlyn asked, "Jessica, can you watch over Altena for a few hours?"

Jessica was shocked, "Me? I don't know what to do but I'll try, Milady."

"Splendid." Ethlyn said before she hands Altena to Jessica.

Jessica holds Altena close to her. Ethlyn kisses Altena's forehead.

"I'll be back in a few hours, sweetie. Jessica will look after you." She told Altena before leaving.

Jessica's dragon ears twitch as she nuzzles her head against Altena.

"Oh Naga, you're so cute, Little Princess." Jessica said.

Altena babbles.

Jessica said, "Let's have some fun."

Jessica puts Altena on her shoulders and walks around. Altena started laughing and clapping her hands. Finn was walking by when he saw Jessica and Altena. He smiles. Jessica saw Finn and waves. Finn waves back. Jessica suddenly felt her head hurting. Jessica shakes her head.

She mutters to herself, "What is that...?"

Quan and Ethlyn run towards them.

Quan said, "Jessica, Finn. We are heading to Chalphy."

"Milord?" Finn asked in confusion.

Ethlyn was about to say something but Jessica started to speak.

"I understand, Milord, Milady." She said as she handed Altena to a caretaker.

Jessica ran to get her stuff and her horse.

Why was my head hurting?

Jessica shakes away the lingering thought. Soon the four rode off to Chalphy, leaving Altena with a caretaker.


The four arrived. Jessica looks around and sees Verdane fighting against Sigurd's men. Jessica, Quan, Ethlyn and Finn charge in, helping out Sigurd. Jessica's dragon ears twitch as she hears something. Jessica looks around and sees Azelle with Lex being surrounded by the Verdane bandits. She spurs her horse and rides towards the two. Jessica holds out her tome. Jessica took a deep breath.

"Oh great dragon, shine your light and slay down evil! Terramos!!" Jessica chanted.

Jessica casts Terramos defeating the bandits. Azelle looks at Jessica.

"Jessica!" Azelle exclaimed as he was happy to see her.

Lex looks at Jessica and whistles, "Wow. Wait a minute, that's the girl you told me about?!"

Azelle nods. Lex looks at Jessica.

"I'm Lex of House Dozel." Lex said.

Jessica said, "Jessica."

Jessica puts back the Book of Terramos and pulls out a Brave Sword. She charges into the bandits, cutting down with ease while creating an opening for Lex and Azelle. The three work together until they manage to meet up with the others. Sigurd looks at Jessica.

"Well done, Jessica." Sigurd praises her.

Jessica was extremely happy that her voice cracked a bit, "T-Thank you Lord Sigurd!"

Ethlyn chuckles seeing Jessica's reaction. Yngvi Castle was seized. Oifey found Midir.

Hours later

Jessica saw Midir wake up. Midir sits up as he looks around.

She spoke to Midir, "Wait here until I get Lord Sigurd."

Jessica leaves the room to get Sigurd. Several minutes later, the two walk in.

Sigurd asked, "How are you feeling, Midir?"

"I'm feeling alright Lord Sigurd. Please let me join you! I want to help Lady Edain!" Midir begs.

Jessica looks at Midir, remembering how she was when she was younger.

Flashback, Velthomer

Jessica was in her room when she heard three people speaking. Jessica sneaks out of her room and goes to listen in on the conversation. Jessica saw Duke Reptor of House Friege and Duke Lombard of Dozel, talking to her mother.

Reptor said, "I'm sorry ma'am but your husband died while protecting citizens."

Jessica's mother started crying. Jessica couldn't believe what she was hearing. Jessica ran towards them.

"Where are they?! I want to make them pay for what they did to Dad!" Jessica exclaimed.

Lombard looks at Jessica, "How old are you, girl?"

Jessica said, "Only 5."

Lombard nods, "I see."

Reptor looks at her, "You definitely have spirit."

Jessica's mother holds Jessica close, "I'm definitely not going to let you fight, you're too young."

"But Mama!" Jessica spoke.

"Answer is no."

End of Flashback

Jessica said, "Let's head to Evans."

Sigurd nods. Everyone started fighting heading towards Evans. Jessica and Midir were working together as she was protecting him from close range and he was protecting her from long range. Arvis gave Sigurd the Silver Sword before leaving. Several minutes later, Evans Castle was seized but Edain was nowhere to be found.

Jessica slams her fist on the wall, "Fuck! They must've taken her deeper into Verdane! Those bastards!"

Arden puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down." Arden said.

Jessica took deep breaths. "I'm heading to the arena."

Jessica leaves.

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