All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)

By Assassin_sin

255K 5.9K 6.4K

Katsuki is struggling with his feelings toward Izuku, trying to figure them out. While doing this, he ends up... More

- 1: I Know What You Want Girl -
- 2: Let Me Be The One To -
- 3: Hold Your Hand Forever -
- 4: We'd Be Good Together -
- 5: I'll Make You Feel Special -
- 6: Help You Feel Less Stressful -
- 7: Fix The Holes In Your Heart -
- 8: Its What I Wanted From The Start -
- 9: I Got Mental Issues -
- 10: Always Fucking Miss You -
- 11: Tons Of Bloody Tissues -
- 12: All Over My Room -
- 13: I Need To Clean Them Up -
- 14: Baby I'm Fucked Up -
- 15: Baby Will You Help Me? -
- 16: Because I'm Gonna Help You -
- 17: All I Want Is You Now -
- 18: All I Wanna Do Now -
- 19: Is Wait For You To Call Me -
- 20: Baby I'm So Sorry -
- 21: Do You Wanna Hurt Me? -
- 22: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -
- 23: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 24: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 25: All I Want Is You Now -
- 26: All I Wanna Do Now -
- 27: Is Wait For You To Call Me -
- 28: Baby I'm So Sorry -
- 29: Do You Wanna Hurt Me? -
- 30: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -
- 31: Please Don't Desert Me -
- 32: Please Don't Desert Me -
- 33: Please Don't Desert Me -
- 34: I Was Up Early -
- 35: Up All Night -
- 36: I Was Scratchin Off The 30s -
- 37: You Make Me Feel Dirty -
- 38: Tell Me I'm Disgusting -
- 39: Tell Me That You Love Me -
- 40: But Really You Mean Nothing -
- 41: I Don't Wanna Talk -
- 42: No, It's Not Up For Discussion -
- 43: You Control My Life -
- 44: I Feel Like A Fuckin Puppet -
- 45: Keep Tellin Me To Shut It -
- 46: Okay Baby Alright -
- 47: I Remember Nights -
- 48: We Were Dancing In The Moonlight -
- 49: I Remember Hiding -
- 50: I Was Shy And I Had Stage Freight -
- 51: I Remember Crying -
- 52: I Just Want You To Be Alright -
- 53: Want You To Be Okay -
- 54: Okay Baby Alright -
- 55: Want You To Be Okay -
- 56: Okay Baby Alright -
- 57: All I Want Is You Now -
- 58: All I Wanna Do Now -
- 60: Baby Im So Sorry -
- 61: Do You Wanna Hurt Me -
- 62: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -
- 63: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 64: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 65: All I Want Is You Now -
- 66: Baby Im So Sorry -
- 67: Please Dont Desert Me -
68: Please Don't Desert Me

- 59: Is Wait For You To Call Me -

2.4K 64 72
By Assassin_sin

They are now in their last year of middle school and Izuku really didn't think this is what it would be like. He expected it to be like all of the other years, where he would just hang his head low and try not to get any unwanted attention. 

But this year was different. A lot different.

He wakes up and gets ready for school. He gets all of the things he needs to get done and starts to head down the stairs. Once he gets downstairs, he reads the posted note put up on the fridge by his mom. 

'Have a good day at school Izuku! I love you!' 

He walks past the kitchen and goes to the door to put his shoes on. Right when he's done tying them up, there is a knock on the door. Kacchan always manages to be on time every single morning to walk him to school. 

He opens the door, the cold morning brushing against his face as he gives Kacchan a big smile. His light solid color scarf is wrapped around his neck and small puffs of air leave his nose as he breathes. His red eyes land on Izuku, looking a lot softer than before. 

"Good morning kacchan!" 

"Morning nerd." 

He shuts the door and both of them begin to walk off of the porch. Kacchan walks next to him, his hands shoved inside of his pockets. Izuku wraps his coat tighter around himself as they walk. Despite being so busy because of all his extra school stuff, Kacchan has always managed to walk him to school.

"Are you still busy today kacchan?" 

"Yeah, i have to up my training and get some of that shit done for my UA application." 

Kacchan takes his hand out from his pocket and holds it out, silent. He doesn't look ahead, but when Izuku glances at him, he can see the tips of his ears turn red. Maybe it's just from the cold, but that thought doesn't stop his heart from racing. 

With a smile, Izuku takes his hand, feeling the warmth. Kacchan heats it up and it doesn't feel that cold anymore. Kacchan lets out a small huff and Izuku laughs. They talk while they go towards the school, as they do every morning. 

He loves just being able to talk to kacchan, even when he's so busy. They both get to the school and get to the front, hand in hand. He can feel his heartbeat pumping in his ears and through his veins, his face warming. 

Ever since the party, kacchan hasn't really cared about showing people that their friends again. Sure, that means holding his hand and walking him to his classes, even having him sit with his friends at lunch, but Izuku has no problems with that whatsoever. 

Even with the awkward and forced conversations with kacchans friends, it's still a lot better than before. The hallways are crowded as people start to come in, ready to go to their homeroom. The bell for first period rings, echoing throughout the loud halls. 

Kacchan grips tighter, his thumb trailing small circles into the back of his hand. He leads him to the wall, continuing to walk so Izuku doesn't get shoved by the crowd. Kacchan is always doing things like this, it's hard to keep up. 

He doesn't want to get the wrong idea, because him and kacchan are friends. 

Best friends.

 Thats all they have to be, and Izuku is more than happy to follow. Even when the things he does make his heart race and his brain scramble in ways that aren't meant for people who are just friends, Izuku will keep it that way. 

Katsuki stops walking when they are in front of their homeroom classroom, people going back and forth by the door, laughing or yelling loudly. He looks back at him and Izuku smiles at him. Kacchan doesn't let go of his hand for a while. 

"I'm going to the teacher's room again, so i won't be around first period. You go in though nerd, I'll see you soon." 

Izuku nods and is already halfway through the door as he looks back at him. 

"Yeah, I'll see you soon kacchan, good luck!" 

He lets go of his hand and kacchan just nods, walking to the teacher's room. Izuku watches him for a second before quickly walking into the classroom and sitting down. There is chattering from other students sitting at their desks or standing around as Izuku just takes his stuff out. 

Right as he's about to just put his head down, he suddenly gets a huge headache. He's no stranger to headaches, no one is, but this one is different. It feels like it's moving his brain, slamming it against his skull harder and harder each time. 

It makes his vision feel blurry and like its tilting. He has to stop moving for a second, putting his hand to his head and trying to just ride it out. He closes his eyes, everything dark. The sounds of the students around him don't make it any better. 

Then, there is a flash. 

A sudden image of a box, but he doesn't recognize where it's from or where it is. It feels like a memory, but he doesn't know where the hell he's even seen something like that before. He doesn't even get time to try and find out, because there is another quick flash. 


Pictures of himself put on a wall, taped up and drawn on. He couldn't have posed for those pictures, because most of them are from far away, doing things that shouldn't even be turned into a photo. 

The headache gets worse, and his breathing is slightly heavy, until suddenly, the flashes stop as well as the headache. It's so quick that his first thought is that it never happened at all. But he had felt it all so vividly that there was no question that it happened. 

What is going on? 

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