Strike Witches : The Red Bliz...

By HMS_Perseus

83 8 2

This story follows a witch named Yuria Ivanovna Antonov from Orussia in her struggle against the Invading Neu... More

Episode 1


47 3 0
By HMS_Perseus


1. Yuria Ivanovna Antonov is not a reincarnator but got transported to the world of Strike Witches and got genderbend.

2. Before she got transported to the world of Strike Witches her old name was Yuri Ivanovich Antonov.

3. Yuri Ivanovich Antonov is a fictional character made up by Youtuber Wolfpack345 for his IL-2 Great Battle Career Series.

4. In the series Yuri Ivanovich Antonov is an air ace of the Soviet Union with a kill count of 70 German Machines before his death.

5. Which made him the highest scoring Soviet and highest scoring Allied ace surpassing a in real life historical figurehead, Ivan Kozhedub.

6. And because of that he became one of the highly decorated ace with 3 Hero of Soviet Unions, 3 Order of Lenins, 3 Order of Red Banners, 3 Order of Red Stars, a Medal "For Battle Merit'', a Medal "For Courage'', a Hero of the Mongolian People's Republic, an Order of Sukhbaatar ,3 Mongolian Order of Red Banners and a Order Of Tuvan People's Republic.

7. In this fanfiction Orussia Empire is dissolved in 1917 and replaced by Union of Serene Socialist Republics (aka a lite version of Soviet Union).



Name : Yuria Ivanovna Antonov

Nickname : Yura

Birth Date : 23 September 1926 (1919 back in old world)

Birth Place : Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Krai, The Most Serene Socialist Republic of Orussia, Union of Serene Socialist Republics (USSR)

Height : 138 cm (1931), 142 cm (1937), 151 cm (1939), 160 cm (1944).

Affiliation(s) :

15th Military Aviation School of Navigators and Observers. (Chelyabinsk Military School of Pilot Observers) (1931-1934) (Officer Cadet)

K. E. Voroshilov 3rd Military School for Pilots and Observers. (Orenburg Military School for Air Combat) (1934-1937) (Senior Officer Cadet)

2nd Squadron, 48th Fighter Aviation Regiment (48th IAP VSS), 61st Fighter Aviation Brigade (61th IAB), Air Force of the 1st Red Banner Army of the Far Eastern Front. (1937) (Flight Leader)

1st Squadron, 22nd Fighter Aviation Regiment (22nd IAP VSS), 100th Mixed Aviation Brigade (100th SAB), Air Force of the 57th Special Corps of the Trans-Baikal Military District. (1938) (Deputy Squadron Commander)

4th Squadron, 67th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Regiment (67th IAP PVO), 43rd Fighter Aviation Brigade (43rd IAB), Air Force of the 9th Army of the Southern Front. (1939-1940) (Squadron Commander)

401st Special Purpose Fighter Aviation Regiment (401st IAP ON VSS), 23rd Mixed Aviation Division (23rd SAD), Air Force of the Western Front. (1940-1941) (Deputy Regimental Commander)

69th Fighter Aviation Regiment (69th IAP VSS), 21st Mixed Aviation Division (21st SAD), Air Force of the Separate Maritime Army, Transcaucasus Front. (1941-1942) (Regimental Commander) (Upgrade to 9th GvIAP VSS in early 1942)

9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (9th GvIAP VSS), 268th Fighter Aviation Division (268th IAD), 8th Air Army, Southwestern Front. (1942) (Regimental Commander)

503rd Joint Fighter Wing "Typhoon Witches", Allied Eastern General Headquarters. (1942) (Assistant Officer, Temporary Assigned)

505th Joint Fighter Wing "Mirage Witches", Allied Eastern General Headquarters. (1943) (Officer, Temporary Assigned)

Stavka of the Supreme High Command. (1943-1944) (Special Member, Representing Orussian Land and Air Mechanized Infantry)

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. (SHAEF) (1944-1945) (Stavka Representative to SHAEF)

509th Joint Fighter Wing "Cyclone Witches", Allied Central Europe General Headquarters. (1945-1946) (Commanding Officers)

Rank :

Cadet (Kadet) (1931)

Platoon Commander (Komandir vzvoda) (1934)

Lieutenant (Leytenant) (1937)

Senior Lieutenant (Starshiy leytenant) (1939)

Captain (Kapitan) (1940)

Major (Mayór) (1942)

Lieutenant Colonel (Podpolkóvnik) (1943)

Colonel (Polkóvnik) (1944)

Brigadier General (Generál-Mayór) (1946)

Striker Unit(s) :

Tupolovich I-4 (Backpacked) (1931)

Polikarpovich I-5 (Backpacked) (1934)

Grigorov I-Z (Grigorov Striker Type) (1937)

Polikarpovich I-153M-62 (1938)

Polikarpovich I-16W Type 24 (I-16TK-3-M-62) (1940)

Mir-Gosudarstvo MiG-3 (Early Series) (1941)

Mir-Gosudarstvo MiG-3AM-38 (Late Series) (1942)

Lavrov LaGG-3 Series 29 (1942-1943)

Lavrov LaGG-3 Series 66 (105-02) (1944)

Mir-Gosudarstvo MiG-7 (I-225) (1945)

Weapon(s) :

TT-33 Pistol (7.62x25mm Tokarev) (1935)

C-96 Pistol inscribed with Order of the Red Banner (Honorary Weapon) (7.62x25mm Tokarev) (1942)

Fedorov Avtomat Rifle (6.5x50mm SR Arisaka) (1937)

AVS-36/40 Rifle (7.62x54mm R) (1940)

PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle (14.5×114mm) (1942)

Pattern 1927 Shashka Sword (1935)

Pattern 1940 Officer Sword inscribed with Order of the Red Banner (Honorary Weapon) (1942)

Familiar : Siberian Tiger

Unique Magic :

None (Hardcore mod)

Ace Archetype : Yuri Ivanovich Antonov


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