The Treasure Hut

By KennedyCarroll6

55 2 0

One day when the fun gang and background gang was over at the bob gang house and amor they got a knock on the... More

The note at the door
The Car Chase
Amor's new look
The meet up and the search for the 2 keys

Looking for the next clue

7 0 0
By KennedyCarroll6

Bobot: Guys were here
Boweav :0
Boweav: CAN WE GO ON-
Bofo: No boweav
Boweav: But-
Boweav: okay....
Bob: Wow no need to use high voice emo
Amor: Shut the f7ck up!
Bobot: Guys get out of the car
Everyone: Okay
Amor brings the book
Chairles: Amor can you get your headout of the book for a awhile
Amor: Hm no
Bosip: That's it
He grabs the book
Amor: HEY!
Bosip: You will get it back later
Amor: Hmp!
They kept on walking
Amor pov: There's so much screams let me lut my head phones on
He puts them on
Amor pov: I will just play a beat
He turns on the music in his head phones
What he played

Bob: Hey amor
Amor: ....
Bob: Amor?...
Bob: Oh he has gis music on
Bosip: Hey guys over here there's people looking at us
Chairles: Hold up
Chairles grabs amor's hand
Amor: Huh?
Chairles grabs amor's head phones
Chairles: Just hold on
He puts his head phones down
Amor: Uhh okay
Chairles then ran fast
Amor: WTF!
Amor skirt went up
They were able to catch up to the rest
Chairles: Oh here
He puts amor skirt down
Amor: Thank you
He blushes a little
Chairles: Hahaha! I see someone blushing
Phillie: That's what they all say
Phillie: Haha!
Bofo: When we get home amor pls change
Amor: fine
Amor: Can-
Chairles: No you can't burn this place
Amor: Aw man
Bobot: Come on guys!
They ran to the others
????: Oh come in i told you we should never trust them
????: I know babe but am sorry
????: It's okay
Bob: Hello?
They both scream
????: STAY BAC- oh hey bob
Bob: Hey star amd flame
Flame: We didn't notice you there
Star: Yeah sorry
Bob: Wanna join us we have lots of extra room in the car
Star: Sure
Flame: That would be nice after what happen....
Bosip: What happen??
Star: Well we had two friends who were lairs they help us get this far until they stole are book and the one part of the page and brought then home with them
Amor: Wait are there names Villy and Vemon?
Flame: YES!
Bobal: Say it dumba$$
Amor: I can't
Chairles grabs amor
Chairles: I'm not letting go until you say it
Amor: Okay so um i may be friends with them and i told them where we live and there coming to are house tmr for a deal i mad-
Everyone: WHAT!
Bofo: What deal!
Amir: Well i help them with obe clue and they will help me with one and if they lue i will burn them alive!
Star: He's dumb
Amor throws a water ballon at star
Amor: Hmp!
Flame: Woah!
Amor: Wait nvm i won't use my powers again even though i want to burn stuff i won't us them
Star: Them?
Bob: Yeah he's a power holderand mix with other things
Amor: Yeah and one day i killed my friend and then people so i said to nyslef that am a monster and a freaj and to never use my powers a.g.a.i.n!
Flame and star was shock
Flame: I hope your okay
Amor: Thank you....
Chairles: That's why i still live him even if bad stuff happens i will still love him
Star: Oooo a new ship
Amor throws his shoe at star
Star: OW
Amor: That's what you get
Star: Oh hwre have this paoer it has a clue where 2 of the keys are
Flame: Oh and we have 3 keys
Boweav: Can we ride rides first?
Boder: ( Hm? )
Bosip: Soumds fun why not
They ran of in groups to ride rides
Amor: Can we get food?
Chairles: Hm first
He grabs amor
Chairles: You still have your demkn tail out hide ut
Amor: Oh okay
He hides his demon tail
Chairles: Good
He kisses amor
Amor: Hmp lover
Chairles: Lover my little emo baby!
Bobot: Hey guys
Bobot: We got to go back to the car
Amor: Okay
They walked back to the car
Amor: FRIES!
Bob: Here
Amor: Thank you!
Amor takes the fries
Amor walks back to his seat
Amor sits down
Bobot: Everyone buckles?
Everyone: Yes
Bobot: Time to go hom
Bofo: Amor remember when we get home get change
Amor: i know i know
Bobot started driving
After 54 mins they got home
Amor goes inside first to get change
Amor: Hmm what shouldbi wear?....
Amor: OH THIS!

Amir sits on his bed
Amor let me just...
He puts his head phones on
Amor: Hello bob can you hear me?
Bob: Everyone can! Also amor were going to sleep first because it's late
Amor: okay bye
Bob: Huh?
He hangs up
Amor: Phew at least i have a outfit
Amor: time to sleep
Amor gets change
Chairles: Hey amor-
Amor: .....
Chairles: I'll just leave.....
Amor: No stay pls
Chairles: Uh okay
He comes in amor walks over to him
Amor: Here
He kisses chairles
Chairles: Uh...
Amor: Night
Chairles: Uh night
Amor goes in hus bed and falls asleep
Chairles: Alright love you
He leaves the room to go to sleep
Boder: ( But i want kisses! )
Bofo: NO!
Boder: ( Then i will not sleep )
Bofo: Fine i'll do it my way
Boder: ( Hm? )
He grabs boder
Boder: ( A- )
Bofo: This is my way
He takes off his shirt and puts boder in his chest
Boder: ( Warm.... )
Boder felled asleep
Bofo: Night
Bofo fell asleep to
The end words ( 928 )

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