Ghost Boy (Hanako x Male!Rea...

By Glitchy_1987

11.7K 412 305

You are one of Nene Yashiro's friends. After helping Yashiro summon one of the Seven Wonders, your life spira... More

Hanako-Kun (Edited)
Yousei-san (Edited)
The Misaki Stairs (Part One)(Edited)
The Misaki Stairs (Part-Two) (Edited)
The Confession Tree (Edited)
The 4 O'Clock Library (Edited)
The Boys Who Changed Their Future (Edited)
Donuts For A Murderer (Edited)
The Young Exorcist's Older Brother (Edited)
Oyasumi (Edited)
Tea Party (Edited)
Found Memories (Edited)
Half Way Through One Shot! (Edited)
Missing (Edited)
Yugi Amane: Hanako-san Of The Girl's Bathroom (Edited)
Are We Still Friends? (Edited)
God Of Death (Edited)
Kannagi (Edited)
Sumire-Chan (Edited)
A View Of The Stars (Edited)
Caged Animals (Edited)
Nene, Aoi, And Sumire (Edited)
Teru, Akane, And Aoi (Edited)
Ghost Boys (Edited)
White Space (Edited)
Clean Slate (Edited)
Ending Author's Note

That's What Friends Are For, Right? (Edited)

377 12 9
By Glitchy_1987

 "A real friend is someone who accepts who the real you is. Those are the kind of people that deserve to be in your life."


"Let them go!" You could faintly hear someone shout. You couldn't identify the voice, but it sounded like a female, high-pitched and delicate. The taste of liquid iron was revolting, and you wanted nothing more than to banish it out of your mouth.

Things were still blurry, no matter how much you blinked, nothing cleared up. You couldn't see well, but you could hear decently. There were two people, shouting at someone else. Who were they shouting at?

"Don't do this Teru! They've done nothing wrong!" It was a male that yelled this time. You kind of recognized that voice.

You felt your legs wobble, screaming at you like no other, threatening to give out. And unfortunately, they did. Your knees buckled and you fell, feeling the harsh and hot floor collide with your legs, a surface you never want to feel.

"M/n!" You could hear someone shout, it sounded like the female again. She knew you. Something blue and electric started clouding your vision, and your head lulled forward, face to face with a weapon deep in your chest. Looking at it, unbelievable pain shot through your entire body.

What was happening?


Nene and Kou watched as the scene unfolded, still. Were they really seeing this?

"W-what is this? What's going on??" Mitsuba asked shakily, gripping Kou's arm fearfully. Kou didn't answer him, didn't hear him over his racing thoughts.

"I was wondering where you were, Kou. I couldn't find you anywhere," Teru said. The older male spoke as if nothing was out of the ordinary. As if he wasn't stabbing an apparition that did nothing wrong.

Kou took a shaking step forward, "Why are you doing this!? Stop it!" The younger sibling shouted, the nervousness in his tone overflowing his body. This was Kou's older brother, he could do anything. It was clear that he was the most powerful person in this situation.

"Don't exorcize M/n! What did he even do wrong!?" Nene screeched, understanding that if she didn't do something, M/n would die, then Hanako.

Although Nene fancied the president, there was no way she was going to let him get away with hurting her closest friends!

"He was in the way. I was going for the Wonder." Teru responded coldly, not bothering to look Nene in the eyes.

"Why are you trying to exorcize Hanako?" Kou asked, taking a shaky step forward.

"Before you had gotten here, Hanako attacked M/n and almost stabbed him. And I am aware that if M/n were to get stabbed, he wouldn't die. This just clearly shows how unstable Hanako is. He is dangerous, and therefore needs to be exorcized," Teru explained accordingly, sighing. Kou shook his head. "He hasn't hurt the living, if anything he's been nothing but a huge help! If he tries to hurt a person, leave that responsibility to me to exorcize him!" Kou shouted.

"You aren't mature enough, Kou. So don't bother yourself with these unnecessary thoughts." Teru said calmly, smiling calmly down at his younger sibling.

That smile did nothing but infuriate Kou.

Behind his back, Kou guestured Nene to move. She glanced down at his hands that urged her to do something. Kou kept Teru occupied, talking to him as Nene started to move as quietly as possible.

Mitsuba watched, confused out of his mind. What was happening?

To make sure he was distracted, and blinded by his own annoyance, Kou charged towards his brother, grabbing him harshly by his collar. The sudden force surprised Teru, and he took a few steps back, catching his footing before he could fall.

His weapon fell out of his hands. It clattered loudly, metallic rings of noise echoed out into the endless blue sky.

Kou shook Teru around before he could even think about going to his weapon. "Stop treating me like an idiot!" He pulled Teru down, forcing the older brother to be eye-level. "I know I'm weaker than you are! But that doesn't mean I have to not think about anything!" Kou took a shaking breath before continuing in his rant, his hold on Teru tightening. "You're right about me not knowing much about him. Even M/n, I don't know much about him either. . .But exorcizing supernaturals just because 'supernaturals are dangerous'. .I just. . .I just think there's something wrong with that," Kou wiped his teary eyes, sniffling uncontrollably.

The moment Teru dropped his weapon, Yashiro ran over to the fallen over M/n. She kneeled down next to him in worry. He looked to be in a daze, eyes clouded over and breath ragged.

Nene grabbed the handle of the exorcizing weapon, carefully removing the blade from M/n's body; he didn't react when she did this. Once the weapon was removed from M/n's body, Nene kneeled in front of him, gently cupping his face with her hands. She slowly moved M/n's face so his eyes met her own. His eyes were still clouded over, and he was clearly dizzy, but his wound started to heal itself, Nene was thankful he was a supernatural.

"Can you hear me?" She asked slowly. M/n blinked, and his eyes slowly started to dilate. Nene smiled, watching as her friend gathered his bearings.

Kou wiped his eyes again, but tears still dripped down his face. "It's gonna take some time. . .but I will get as strong as you are. And. . .And then I'll decide what to do, and if I need to, I'll exorcize Hanako. So keep your hands off him! The same goes for M/n, he hasn't done anything wrong, but if he does I'll do the same that I'll do with Hanako!" Kou exclaimed, grip impossibly tight on Teru. Teru stared at Kou. "He may attack a student tomorrow. And you don't truly know M/n's past, he could be planning something as well," Teru explained skeptically.

"I-I'll keep an eye on both of them! I'll take responsibility! I promise!" Kou assured Teru. The school president stayed silent, thinking to himself.

Eventually, he sighed, forcing Kous hand off him. "Honestly, we should exorcize them both now. But I don't want you to hate me, so don't forget what you said. . . And I'm only doing this once. Next time, don't expect me to back off," Teru threatened, moving past Kou and picking up his weapon, sheithing it and walking away without saying another word.

Once Teru was completely out of sight, Kou turned around. "Everyone alright?" He asked, observing the situation. Nene nodded, looking back at M/n, who fully grasped his sense of being, nothing was blurry to him anymore.

"You alright?" M/n asked Nene slowly, and the girl giggled. "I should be asking you that," She said. M/n chuckled and nodded, bringing Nene close to himself in a tight hug. "Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up." He whispered, bringing her closer. Nene returned the hug, and she sat there for a few seconds, living in the moment.

Letting go of Nene, M/n slowly stood, wobbling a little but quickly catching himself. He walked towards Hanako, picking up his fallen hat on the way. He was sitting on the dirty ground, recovering still. You offered him a hand, placing the hat atop his head and adjusting it so it wasn't lopsided.

"I hope you heard my talk with Teru. So for now on, I'll be keeping an eye on you! If I catch you pulling even the tiniest of shenanigans, I'm gonna exorcize you on the spot! So keep that in mind!" Kou stated, standing his ground.

Although it was a threat, no one took it as one, more as a joke, especially right now.

"Excuse me!" A voice interrupted the serenity. Everyone turned towards the voice, it was that pink boy that Kou was with.

Guess you all forgot about him being here this whole time. . .

"What the hell is going on and who the hell are all of you!?" He spewed loudly, demanding answers.

"Mitsuba! Sorry about that, these are my friends"–Kou pointed to each person, stating their name–"Yashiro, Hanako, and Y/N."

"I thought you already dealt with him." Hanako said, looking at Mitsuba with a head tilt.

"Yeah, well, this happened. . .Kinda ran out of time for that. ." Kou responded, crossing his arms over his chest.


It was late, the school was missing students, teachers, and faculty members. But one light remained on, and that was the girl's bathroom, the one in which resided in the old abandoned building on campus. Inside, two supernaturals resided, taking part in a small conversation and a game of Hanafuda.

"So, you're not going to question me?" M/n asked, head dipping lowly. After the incident just a few hours ago, he had expected questions from everyone, but it seems like everyone knew about the truth of who he really was, and just never thought to tell him they were aware of it.

"About what? That you're a supernatural? I've had my suspicions for a while now," Hanako responded, placing down a card. "I myself, am an apparition, too. How wouldn't I suspect?" He asked amusingly.

The two of them currently sat on the large windowsill, the moon overlooking their conversation. The sun had completely vanished behind the mountains a few hours ago, and now a full blue moon shone brightly, and the stars twinkled kindly.

You chuckled. "Apparently, everyone's been having their suspicions," You said, looking over the card Hanako put down, then choosing one of your own to place. It was quiet for a while, but only for a little while, you were the one to break the silent peace. "Did you give back Kou's earring?" You asked, remembering the reason you were up in that tower in the first place. Hanako laughed and nodded. "The minute I gave it to him, he thought I stole it! Then, he started telling me off about it. He looked so dumbfounded when I told him the real reason why I had it, it was hilarious! You should've seen it." Hanako responded enthusiastically, almost dropping his cards from how much he laughed. You snickered, imagining a complaining Kou.

You placed your final card down, and Hanako followed suit, placing his final down.

"Looks like I won!" Hanako said happily, clapping his hands in victory with a cocky grin on his face. You looked over the spewed out cards, he was right, unfortunately, you lost.

"Damn, I thought I was gonna win this one. ." You grumbled, picking the cards up and stacking the deck back up. Hanako laughed, "Maybe next time."–He giggled menacingly–"Now. . . your punishment . ." Hanako brought a hand up to his chin with a smirk, thinking.

"Hey! We never said anything about punishments!" You protested loudly. "That isn't fair!" You said annoyingly. Hanako laughed, a smirk brightening his features. "Well, now you know! And now, you can't back down from what I say!" Hanako said joyously, laughing even more. You glared at the school Wonder. "I never agreed to this. ." You murmured, crossing your arms over your chest. Hanako laughed even more at the sight of your childlike behavior.

"I need you to go into the Four O'clock Library and recover Yashiro's book for me," Hanako instructed. You stared at him, "Are you serious?" You asked, deadpanning. "Mr Tsuchigomori will kill me."

"You'll be fine! I believe in you!" Hanako brushed off, cheering you on. You weren't having it. "Why do you want me to get her book anyways?" You asked.

"Don't tell me you don't want to know her past, we can use it as blackmail!" Hanako said happily.

"I don't want to invade her privacy," You said. Honestly, you weren't surprised that Hanako wanted to invade Nene's memories and privacy, but that didn't mean you were going to do it as well.

Hanako smirked, "Well. . .You still have to do it anyway! So, let's go!" He said, jumping off the windowsill, hanafuda cards flying everywhere. Your eyes widened, "Wait! I'm doing this now? Right now?" You asked spastically, watching as the cards fell to the floor. Hanako looked at you. "Do you think I'd make you do it when Tsuchigomori's in the library?" He asked.

You shook your head, standing up from the windowsill and following Hanako out the bathroom sluggishly.

Your footsteps echoed throughout the empty building, it used to unsettle you, knowing how vacant and dark this place was at night. But now, it was weirdly comforting.

"So, what got you to want to read through her book so suddenly, is it actually just for blackmail?" You questioned. Hanako tilted his head. "I need to check something about her," He answered honestly.

"What do you need to check?" You asked, prying further. Hanako stopped walking. You did the same and stopped, looking at him confusingly.

"I'm going to be honest with you," Hanako started, a sudden hint of seriousness in his voice. This was unusual for Hanako, and you knew he wasn't playing around. You nodded, gesturing to him to continue.

"You remember when Yashiro summoned me?" Hanako asked.

"Yeah, how could I forget that?" You responded. Why was he bringing this up now?

"Well, It's only the people on the near shore who can summon me." He stated.

Only people on the near shore.

Only people near death.

"What are you trying to say?" You asked, hoping it wasn't what you thought it was.

"Yashiro. . .If I'm not mistaken. .is due to die soon." You grabbed Hanako's shoulders, shaking him lightly. "You're lying, right? She can't just die suddenly!" You shouted, scared for Nene.

Hanako shook his head. "I'm not lying. That's why we need to get her book, read into the future, and see when her due date is. Then we can help to prevent it," Hanako explained. Your hands gripped tighter around Hanako's shoulders. Nene's supposed to die soon? Why did he tell you now? After everything that's happened today. . .

"Then, let's find that book." You spoke sternly, adamant on getting her book. No matter what, you were going to find that book, read her future, and prevent her upcoming death!

Letting go of Hanako's shoulders, you briskly walked down a hallway leading to the courtyard, Hanako followed quickly behind.

It was a full moon tonight, it looked a good 100 feet away, although it was thousands of millions miles away. It helped to illuminate the courtyard as you walked through the gardening club's garden. It didn't make you feel any better looking at the fruits and vegetables and flowers, it only reminded you of Nene.

Finally entering the main building, you moved through long hallways lined with lockers and classroom, numbers on top of each door. The walls were covered with art from the art club, club posters and upcoming activities. The walls were always so clustered, why was it now that you realized this? You didn't know, and probably never will.

Turning one last corner, you were finally facing the closed doors of the library. You hastily walked in the library, Hanako following silently behind.

From the dark shadows of the building, someone was watching M/n and Hanako walk into the library. Their smile widened, "If it isn't M/n and Amane in the same place at the same time. Lady luck must be on my side tonight!~" They said, skipping into the library, giggling to themselves.


"Library's hold many secrets. But do you really want to uncover those secrets? Maybe they're better off being forgotten, for good."


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