The other Torreto

By axbbie

197K 3K 206

Dom and Mia Torreto aren't the only ones. They have a younger sister Maria. She was sent away from her family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Authors note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

1K 20 2
By axbbie

Deckard's POV

She is an enchanting woman,truly.

She struck a nerve in me in a way no other woman ever had before. That night I took her for a drive, she wasn't bothered by my reckless driving, or the fact she didn't know where we were going. She never once said something which I didn't believe to be true, she didn't ask me about how much money I had or "what was the most expensive thing I owned" she was capable of sharing a comfortable silence without need to fill it with meaningless bullshit. She held herself in a way which was almost elegant and you  could tell she was confident yet not the type of girl who would constantly be obsessively all over you just because of your social status or your worth, she would'nt shoot her shot in an obvious or cringey way. She spoke with a soft tone as if she didn't want to hurt you, yet still had a seductive fiery side to her which she used carefully. She wouldn't put up with anyone's shit.

As kind perfect as she seemed, she was dangerous. But Not quite in the way that you think.

She was dangerous to me. I knew we could never work, she would end up hurt one way or another. she was my greatest weakness yet the thing that kept me smiling. Maybe that's why, she made me feel human, treated me as a human, not in the way other people had treated me like a mindless killing machine.

She is still a mystery to me. And I hope I will find out what lies within her curious exterior.

Maria's POV

Mornings were still rather lonely I don't think it's ever something I will get used to. I missed Dom and Brian and Mia. And as much as I hated to admit it I missed Roman and Tej too.

Living this new lifestyle made me feel alone too. Almost as if I was living in someone else's body rather than my own. I had grown up as a normal (if you can even call it) kid on a Spanish island. I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment with my adoptive family and their 2 kids. I could go anywhere and do anything I wanted, I didn't care about how I looked or how people saw me, I didn't care about what my future was going to be like. I guess that's just the beauty of childhood.

I had made friends here,sure, but nothing ever compared to being back home.

"We will see each other soon hermaita" Dom's words kept replaying in my head.

I felt a small tear escape my eye slowly trickling down my cheek. "Don't be so stupid Maria you will see them again soon" I thought to myself.

But at the same time I found myself having the best time of my life, partying with people I could've only dreamed of associating myself with a few years  ago. And I still have to remind myself that Me,Dom and the rest of the family have to lay low for a while.

                                   — — — — —

I finally pulled together the energy to get myself out of bed and got dressed. I put on my favourite black skirt, taupe knitted top, long black boots and put my hair into a messy ponytail leaving my front pieces of hair framing my face.

I left my room and made my way towards the stairs, looking around the big empty hallways of my beautiful house. "God Maria pull yourself together who wouldn't want this" I said to myself.

As I reached the bottom of my staircase and into my hallway I noticed something out of place on the Center table.

There was a large bunch of red roses Sat central to the table. I certainly hadn't put those there, and the cleaner wasn't due until Friday.

I noticed a small bit of paper attached to the stem of one of the roses, I picked it up curiously wondering who would bother putting in the effort of actually buying me a gift.

" I don't believe i have taken you on an official date yet, be ready 7pm

I felt a small smile appear on my lips.


He was right of course we were yet to go on a proper date. We had seen each other a few times over the last month since he took me for a drive the night after the party. He was a charming and extremely smooth talking man, he sometimes seemed almost too good to be true. Every time he had seen me he never missed an opportunity to compliment me or say something which got me blushing.

We had shared drinks together only last week when I had been out in London for dinner with some friends. He was easy to talk to, didn't make me feel awkward, we hardly knew each other but at the same time it felt like I had known him my whole life. His touch was comforting and soft yet he never pushed any boundaries and I always found myself wanting more.

He had kissed me goodbye and promised me a proper date.

I just hoped for my sake he didn't want me because I had a nice house and a good car and wore fancy clothes. As much as I do enjoy Alamogordo ever part of this life I can't help but feel scared that if he were to find out where I really came from he would see me very differently.

The rest of my day was filled in by meaningless activities. I had attempted to read a book but found myself not being able to concentrate in anticipation with waiting for tonight.

                                  — — — — —

By the time 6.30 rolled around I had showered, Sykes my hair, done my makeup and just had the small part of picking my outfit left to do.

I decided to go for a sleek black dress, elegant, which fell almost to the floor with a slit up my left leg showing just the right amount of skin to tease him but still appear subtle. Just the way I used to play it at the street racing. I may socialise with much more upper class people now but you can't take the race days away from a girl, that shit lives with you forever.

I found myself pacing as 6:55 rolled around. Just chill out Maria goddamn.

There was a knock at the door I eagerly walked towards the door then stopped to remind myself to play it cool.

"Good evening Maria" a smooth British accent said. I found his eyes subtly give me a look over before growing a smirk on him face.

"Deckard" I smiled as he picked up my hand brought it to his lips and kissed it gently.

He held my hand gently as I walked down the steps to the driveway and continued to open the car door for me and close it gently.

"I like the dress" he said getting in the car still wearing the same small smirk on his face.

God was it hot in here.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I teased him. What was wrong with me I never normally felt this way around a man, I could feel myself biting the inside of my cheek not to smile.

"I try" he laughed, starting the car.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going" I asked him carefully studying the way his hand moved over the gearstick while he steered with such precision, while still trying to stay in the conversation.

"I'm taking you to dinner, we never get the chance to properly talk, out attentions always seem elsewhere. At least this way we can be just me and you no interruptions." He explained his eye's remaining on the ride.

"Who know I might finally get to know a little bit more about you deckard shaw." I gave him a small teasing smile "your a mysterious man"

"I'm not nearly as interesting as I seem darling" he assured me with a quick glance. "I wonder if we can say the same about you"

"I guess you'll find out"

About 5 minutes later we pulled up outside of a beautiful old building, tall glass windows, big chandeliers, dozens of people hanging around in suits. The place screamed wealth.

Deckard handed the keys to a man waiting by the car in a red suit and thanked him while taking my hand to guide me to the doors.

"Wow this is quite something" I whispered in his ear

"No better impression than the first date Maria" he said back giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. I wondered if he could sense that I was nervous.

We were showed to our table. He had reserved a private booth right by the window on the 2nd floor of the restaurant with a view of London. We were served champagne almost instantly and handed menus.

"So maria tell me..."

And so it begins I suppose there was no hiding anything now.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Short but sweet chapter I will try my best to update whoever I can thank you for bearing with me 😅
Anyone have any predictions for the rest of the story I'd love to hear them (ps.we will see the original characters again 😉)

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