The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

Por T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... Más

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21

Episode 15

144 1 1
Por T-Bonezesteak2

A montage of flashbacks and cuts of previous events all the way from the first episode of the OG series up until this point...

The Powerpuff Girls, the perfect little girls that any father and mother could've asked for that saved the city of Townsville every day.

The Rowdyruff Boys, the perfect little villains that caused chaos and destruction that doomed the city of Townsville every day.

However, there's a saying: "Nothing is perfect." Although the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys were considered "perfect" in their own way, at the end of the day, no one is perfect.

The Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys always fought each other. But a new rising enemy changed their lives forever as it targeted them both.

Having lost everything the girls and the boys have ever known and had, they are now walking together toward somewhere or maybe nowhere, depressed and lost in the rain...

By the way, this song's pitch tone is the same as the Powerpuff Girls' theme. Just thought I'd put it out here.

The Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys were walking among the grasslands through the harsh weather of heavy rain and thunder. While Brick was determined, everyone else was depressed, especially the girls who were hopeless.

The camera cut multiple times, showing the kids traveling through grasslands, small mountains, and forests. The final cut showed the kids near a road, walking beside it. The rain continued, but the music faded; Blossom raised her head to look forward.

Buttercup and Bubbles did that, too; the girls stopped. The boys looked back.

Brick: Hey, why'd ya stop?

Blossom: It's (pause) this place.

The boys turned around to look at what was in front of the girls.

Boomer: The city in front of us?

Butch: What about it?

Buttercup: We never wanted to come back here ever again.

Bubbles: The city of Citiesville...

Boomer: Huh... It does look a bit creepy with all this rain.

Brick: Creepy or not, it's better than anything right now.

Brick walked forward.

Boomer: Hey, wait, we're going in there?

Brick stopped.

Butch: You see anywhere else that's better?

Boomer: Uh... No. But why won't we hear what the girls have to say?

The boys turned to the girls.

Blossom: It's a... a... (sneezes) AH-CHOO!

Brick: Let's get inside somewhere before we're all gonna get sick, and I don't see anywhere else than this city. So let's get goin' already.

Brick walked forward, and everyone else followed him. They approached the bridge connecting the city to the mainland.

Bubbles: Hey, they fixed the bridge.

Butch: "Fixed?"

Bubbles: Oh, right. (embarrassed a bit) We, uh, stopped a bunch of criminals stealing from the bank, and we... Destroyed the bridge in the process. Hehe...

Butch: You girls got a lot to talk about with us.

Brick: Let's cross the bridge.

The girls and the boys were crossing the bridge as cars drove by. None of the cars stopped or slowed down. The camera then cuts to the kids walking along the sidewalk in the city.

Butch: Brick, dude, my legs hurt; we've been walkin' for... I don't know how much time anymore. Can't we just go into a house around here and rest?

Brick: Sure, if you want somebody to recognize and sell us out to the cops or the Yakuza.

Buttercup: Well, what? We can't just walk around all day. Blossom is already sick of all this rain, and we're soaking wet.

Blossom: I'm... a... (sneezes) A-CHOO!

Buttercup: Say, how about this house over here?

Brick looked to his left and saw an ominous-looking and run-down apartment building. The camera cut to a dark and empty room; the door slowly creaked open, and the kids peeked through the door. Particularly, there was a broken mirror too.

Brick: This'll do. Come on.

The kids entered the room. The boys sat together on one side, and the girls sat together on the other. The boys looked at the girls, and they at them. There was no response from either side; the only sounds heard were the rain and thunder from outside.

Bubbles: This is, uuuhh... different.

Buttercup: Yeah, let's see: our house burned to the ground, everyone now hates us, the police and probably the Yakuza are hunting us, we have no powers and no food, it's cold, and now we're sittin' in the middle of a dirty dark, dank little room with our biggest nemeses, the Rowdyruff Boys. So yeah, things are REALLY different now...!

Buttercup crossed her arms while looking at the Rowdyruff Boys with a grumpy expression.

Bubbles: S-Sorry...

The silence continued for some seconds. Boomer looked left, right, and then at Brick.

Boomer: So, uuhhh... What now?

Butch: (yawns) If you ask me, sleep. (lays on the floor) I'm tired of today.

Bubbles: Wait, if we wanna sleep, we have to lay on (pause) the floor?

Butch: (lifts head to look at Bubbles) Yeah. Got a problem? Floor too dirty? Hard? Not comfortable?

Bubbles: W-Well...

Butch: Deal with it. For us, it's been the only bed we've ever known. (drops his head on the floor) Ah, that's the spot.

Brick: Honestly, I could use some sleep, too (lays on the floor). I suggest you do the same, Boomer unless you wanna be bored to sleep.

Boomer: Ok.

Boomer lay on the floor.

Bubbles: Huh.

Buttercup: Well, I'm glad I won't have to play starin' contest with them (lays on the floor).

Bubbles: You too?

Buttercup: What? I'm tired too. So like Butch said, we gotta deal with what we have right now, and I can't believe I just said that.

The camera cut to Butch's face; he raised his eyebrows twice with a smug on his face. It then cuts back to the girls.

Bubbles: But (pause), is it comfortable?

Buttercup: (readjusting body) Ngh. Not really, but it's not as bad as I thought.

Bubbles: Huh. I am tired, so... (lays next to Buttercup) Ow. I hope I can sleep like this.

Buttercup: You comin' over too, Blossom?

Blossom: Eh... (sneezes) HGNN-CHOO! (sniffs) Uuugggghhhhh...

Bubbles: Blossom?

Blossom: Hm?

Buttercup: You wanna come over to sleep too?

Blossom: (looks away from the girls) Uh, not right now. I don't feel (pause. sniffs) sleepy yet.

Buttercup: Are you sure? You caught a cold, and now you're telling me you're not sleepy from everything that happened?

Blossom: I'm... Sure. I'll sleep later...

Bubbles: Ok. Good night, Blossom. Or is it good afternoon? What do you think, Buttercup?

Buttercup: Honestly, I lost track of time.

Bubbles: Well, good sleep anyway, Blossom.

Bubbles and Buttercup proceeded to sleep. The camera focused on Blossom; she looked out the window at the rain. The camera cut to show the building and zoomed out. Three lightning strikes, one after the other; the third made the camera cut to a black screen.

The camera cuts to a dream sequence of the past. It first showed the girls' house before it cut to the girls' room. Blossom arranged her hair with a brush and hummed a tune in front of a mirror while Buttercup and Bubbles watched her.

Blossom (dream): Hmm-hm-hmmm...

Bubbles (dream): Wow, Blossom, your hair looks amazing.

Buttercup (dream): Why bother doin' it when it's just gonna get messy when servin' knuckle sandwiches to criminals and monsters?

Blossom (dream): (confident tone) I'm glad you asked, Buttercup. As superheroes, we have to keep a beautiful image to make the people around us leave a good impression on us.

Buttercup (dream): Aren't we doing that already when we're saving the day?

Blossom (dream): Yes. But think of all the other people that don't know us; would you want them to leave a bad impression on us as a whole because of unappealing looks?

Buttercup (dream): (pause) No...

Blossom finished arranging her hair and whipped it.

Blossom (dream): (chuckles, opens her eyes, and looks at the mirror) See, girls? This is how a superhero should look; elegant and beautiful, with a smile that charms everyone that looks at it.

Suddenly, a lightning strike made the camera cut to Blossom out of the dream sequence sleeping on the floor. It was nighttime outside. Blossom was rolling on the floor, trying to find the perfect comfortable spot.

Blossom: Ngh... Nrgh... (opens her eyes and sits. quietly to herself) Oooohhhh, I can't sleep at all (sniffs).

Blossom looked at the broken mirror to her left, got up, and went to it. She looked at her broken reflection with despair. An apparition of her appeared in the mirror, and her appearance resembled Blossom without her hair and clothes being dirty. The apparition also posed confidently before it disappeared, and the mirror reflected the current Blossom now.

Blossom slowly reached her hands to her bowtie and took it off her head. She looked at the strap holding her bowtie, particularly the heart shape that connected the strap. Her hands were shaking as she pulled in opposite ways. But then Blossom calmed down and gently put the bowtie on the floor.

Blossom: (to herself quietly) I don't deserve to wear this.

Blossom turned around and went back to sleep while the camera cut in an angle that panned down to reveal Brick with his eyes opened.

Brick: ...

Brick closed his eyes, went back to sleep, and the camera faded to black. The camera then cuts to Citiesville's city overview of buildings in day time but with clouds and smoke covering the sky.

Narrator: (unenthusiastic) The city of (sighs tiredly) Citiesville...

This city makes me wanna puke. The weather is ugly, the citizens are rude, the police are incompetent at stopping crime, the streets and the buildings are rickety and hideous, and the criminals are running this city. Everything about this city is WWWRRROOOONNNNNGGGGGG! (clears throat) Sorry about that. I only hope our beloved gir-. Uuuuhhhh... the kids will be able to get out of this situation.

The camera cuts to a street. The kids were walking on the sidewalk; Blossom, in particular, was holding in her hands her bowtie instead of it on her head.

Bubbles: Ugh, my head still hurts from that sleep. And I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

Buttercup: Me too, Bubbles. But I'm sure we're looking for something to eat right now. Right, Brick?

Brick: More or less. But are you fine eating trash if that's the only thing we find?

Buttercup: Um...

Bubbles: Ew, no. M-Maybe there's a convenience store where we can buy food?

Brick: Buy? We don't have any money.

Bubbles: Oh, right...

Brick: But then again, if we could find a convenience store, we could hit a score there and get both.

Buttercup: A score? Hold up; you mean stealing?

Butch: Hell yeah, we're gonna steal, Butters. Got a problem?

Buttercup: Ok, first off: Don't call me Butters, Butchie boy. And second: Yes, I do have a problem. Stealing food is somethin' I can understand, but money? What do we need it for in this situation?

Bubbles: Well, we need money for many things; besides, didn't you punch every villain's teeth to get money from the tooth fairy?

Butch: Wait, what?

A pause of silence.

Buttercup: Why you gotta remind me of old stuff?

Butch: Hold up. (to Buttercup) Hold up, you punched every bad guy's tooth to get money from the tooth fairy?

Buttercup: Y-Yeah. So what?

Butch: "So what," she says. "Oh, StEaLiNg Is WoNg." Yeah, tell me a new one, Butter-sandwich. Stop actin' all high-n-mighty when you're the one who's done it before, and in a clever way, too, I'll give ya that.

Buttercup: Tsk. I'm not proud of it. And I've grown and changed since then.

Butch: Ssssuuuuurrrrrrreeeeee, and I just robbed the rainbows of the unicorns' land and made ya dance like a sissy. Hehehehehehehehe...

Buttercup: (grunts) Why I oughta...!

Brick: Knock it off, you two! Butch, just shut up. Buttercup, if you have a problem with stealing, you either deal with it or take your sisters and go back to Townsville.

Buttercup: (sighs) Ok.

The kids continued walking along the sidewalk and approached a white van with a suspicious-looking man leaning on it. The kids planned to pass by it, but the man had other plans.

Suspicious man: (devilish smile) Hey, kids.

The kids stopped and turned to the man.

Brick: Hm?

Suspicious man: I see you are a little lost and probably hungry. Could I perhaps interest you in some candy?

Boomer: Candy? Where is it?

Suspicious man: It's in the back of the van behind me. Just get inside, and you'll see.

Boomer: Oh, thank you, mist-oh.

Brick reached his hand toward Boomer's chest to block his way.

Brick: We would rather you give it to us than go inside that van.

Suspicious man: Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders? C'mon, I'm letting you take the candy instead of waiting for it.

Boomer: Brick, I'm hungry; let's take the candy already.

Brick: Shut it, Boomer. (to the man) You think I was born yesterday, pal? You have the word "shady" written all over you. I bet you're gonna take us when we take the candy inside that van. Heck, maybe there's no candy at all. So with all my respect to you, elder, please fuck off! (to the boys and girls) Let's go already.

Boomer: But I want to eat something!

Brick: We'll eat someplace else. Away from this fucker.

The man got angry and violently grabbed Bubbles in a quick session.

Bubbles: (grabbed) Eh?! AH!

Brick: What the-?

Buttercup: Bubbles!

The man was going for the back of the van. But Brick used his ability to launch himself at the man and kicked him in the back of the head, which made him let go of Bubbles. Brick landed on the ground, grabbed the man's throat, and slammed him into the van.

Suspicious man: Why you little-?!

The man reached his hand toward Brick to choke him, but Brick intercepted it by using his blast hands to damage the man's hand.

Suspicious man: (holds damaged hand) AAAAAAAHHHHHH! MY HAND! OH! OOOOOOHHHHHHH!


Suspicious man: NNNRRRGGGHHHH...! What the fuck are you, (pause) you bug-eyed freaks?!

Brick: We're your worst nightmare, you sick fuck! NOW TAKE YOUR SO-CALLED CANDY AND GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I DO BLOW OFF YOUR ARM!

The man was scared; he got up, went to the van's driver seat, and drove away quickly.

Brick: Tch. Everyone alright?

Bubbles: (gets up) Y-Yeah; more or less. Thank you for saving me, Brick.

Brick: Don't mention it. (walks forward) Now let's leave this stinkin' area; I'm gettin' kinda hungry now too.

The boys and the girls followed Brick.

Buttercup: Why do I get the feeling we won't find a convenience store?

The camera cut to the man driving inside the van; his damaged hand was bleeding.

Suspicious man: Nnnnrrrggghhhhh... Damn, little runts! Next time we meet, I'll CUT OFF the kid's hand!

The camera cuts to the van stopping at a building. The man got out and went toward the building.

Suspicious man: I just hope there's enough time to pay the money.

The man went to the building's entrance door to open it. But it opened from the other side, and men with trench coats and hats emerged.

Trench coat man 1: Hhheeeeyyyy, pal.

Suspicious man: (turns around and walks away) Damn!

Trench coat man 1: (grabs the man's shirt) Where you off to?

Trench coat man 2: Where you runnin' off to, huh? 'Thought ya said we were business partners, yet I see you wearin' no suit and holdin' no suitcase fulla money.

Trench coat man 1: So what're you doin' these days, pal?

Suspicious man: (turns to the trench coat men) L-Look, I'll get you the money; I just need more time, that's all.

Trench coat man 2: By groomin' and traffickin' children, hm?

Suspicious man: Wh-What? How'd you-?

Trench coat man 1: Your van's a dead giveaway. "Free candy?" Yeah, tell me a new one, ya stupid fuckin' pedo.

Suspicious man: It's just for the money! I promise it's not anything else!

Trench coat man 2: Get him, boys. (the other trench-coated men grabbed the man. goes to the back of the van) Now, I'm gonna take those kids to child protection services, and you just rot in a basement to never see the light of day. (opens the van's backdoors. there's nothing inside) Well, now would you look at that; you can't even kidnap helpless kids.

Suspicious man: Those kids were bug-eyed freaks! They were the ones who damaged my hand!

Trench coat man 1: Like we give a fuck about your spaghetti-lookin' hands. And also, "bug-eyed freaks?" 'You take the Sicily Salso family for stupid? Get him outta here, will ya, boys?

The other trench-coated men lead the man toward the building.

Suspicious man: No! NO!

The other trench-coated men and the man went inside the building. The second trench-coated man joined the first one.

Trench coat man 1: (pulls a cigar box) Another pedo down and dealt with. (takes a cigarette and puts it in his mouth) You want one, Guido?

Guido (trench coat man 2): Sure.

Guido took a cigarette and put it in the mouth. He pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth and the other for the trench-coated man.

Guido: Say, Joe.

Joe (trench coat man 1): Hm?

Guido: How about you go trash the van, eh?

Joe: Why me?

Guido: It was your idea to make this surprise party for that fuckin' child toucher. And I ain't a fan of bein' in cars that people like him were in.

Joe: Oh, so now you're gonna leave me to drive in a van that says "Free candy?" There ain't so soap around here to wash it, and what am I supposed to say if the cops show up? Tell 'em I'm mafia and not a pedo? That's why ya should come with me.

Guido: Well, I could come with you...

Guido looked at Joe with a smug.

Joe: (sighs) Name your price.

Guido: Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland album, plus his unreleased version of All Along The Watchtower.

Joe: Deal.

Guido went to the passenger seat and Joe to the driver's seat.

Joe: (walking to the driver's seat) How about at least you're gonna be the one payin' at Marty's?

Guido: That old geezer? (opens passenger seat and goes inside) You like to eat his trash?

Joe: (opens the driver's seat door and goes inside) Hey, don't talk to burgers like they're trash (closes the door).

Guido: (closes the door) There's a reason why it's categorized as "Junk Food," Joe.

Joe: (starts the van) Hey, everybody's gotta die of somethin'. There's a saying: You can't argue over taste and smell. So if trash is delicious, I'll eat it. (the van begins moving) You should try it too if you're hungry.

Guido: You're probably the only guy I know who likes to eat trash.

Joe: Ya never know who else likes to eat trash.

Guido: Probably homeless people.

The camera cuts to a trash dumpster in a corner. It then cuts to the boys and girls looking at it.

Buttercup: Trash. We're eating trash now.

Butch: Better than nothin' if ya ask me.

Buttercup: I didn't.

Brick: Boys, let's dive in and look for food. You girls will look if anyone's coming here (takes off his hat).

The boys went to the dumpster, opened its cover, climbed on it, and dived inside.

Buttercup: Born in trash, diving in trash, and now we're all eating trash. (sighs) How can this possibly get any worse?

Bubbles: (to Buttercup) Do you see any cockroaches around? I mean, I hate eating trash, but cockroaches taste like chicken.

Buttercup: (pause) I rest my case.

Buttercup then looked at Blossom, who looked down with a depressed expression.

Buttercup: (to Blossom) You've been quiet for a while. And you're not wearing your bowtie.

No response from Blossom.

Buttercup: Blossom?

Blossom: I'm... not in a talking mood...

Bubbles: (to Blossom) Is something bothering you?

Buttercup: Bubbles.

Bubbles: Oh, right.

Buttercup: (to Blossom) Look, we're all (pause) t-troubled. (to Bubbles) Is that the word? (Bubbles shrugs) Tsk, we're all (pause) troubled by this situation we're in. But-.

Blossom: But you want to know why I'm like this despite you girls being calm. (turns away from the girls) I told you I'm not in a talking mood already. So just leave me be.

Bubbles: But how can we help you if we don't understand what is making you upset?

Blossom: I don't need you to help me. I've done enough damage as it is.

Bubbles: What do you mean?

Butch: (emerges from the dumpster holding something) Yo, dudes! Check this out: a half-eaten burger. (sniffs) And it still smells good. (Brick and Boomer emerge from the dumpster holding something) What have you guys found?

Brick: I found a burrito. (sniffs) Doesn't smell too nice...

Boomer: I found a box that has vegetables.

Butch: Oooooohhhhh, no. You put that back inside, Boomie; I ain't touchin' those veggies.

Buttercup: So you don't want to eat vegetables, but you'd happily eat a half-eaten burger from the trash?

Butch: Hey, burgers are always delicious; vegetables are the easiest things in the world to make them disgustin' to eat, whether from the trash or straight outta plants.

Buttercup: Well, it's official, the Rowdyruff Boys eat trash, literally.

Butch: And soon enough, you girls will eat trash as well.

Brick: Wait! Sh-sh-sh! You hear that?

There were distant sounds of 2 people talking and footsteps coming closer to the area.

Brick: Someone's coming. Get inside the dumpster, quick!

The girls went to the dumpster, climbed on it, and went inside. The boys quickly closed the cover in a way that made little to no sound. The incoming footsteps and figures that entered the corner were Guido and Joe holding hamburgers in paper bags.

Joe: (in a conversation) The guy went batso. So then he took a pistol and shot the place. I get up and shoot him, and he dies; then I meet this pretty little thing under the poker table.

Guido: Don't tell me that you-.

Joe: The place was empty, so the rest was history if ya know what I mean. Hehe...

Guido: Joe, when was the last time you went to church? Just curious.

Joe: (bites hamburger) Easter.

Guido: Aw, that ain't too bad.

Joe: 1995.

Guido: I take that back then; you're goin' straight to hell.

Joe: What? I asked if she wanna do it, and she said yes. Ain't nothin' wrong with that.

Guido: Yeah, shootin' back at a crazy guy who lost on a bet and then havin' some snoozy time with one of the girls there. Nothin' wrong with that, you say. (bites burger) His burgers are still shit.

Joe: You ain't gonna eat that? Just give it to me.

Guido: Hell no, fatso, I'll just throw it in the dumpster, as should you.

Joe: Hey, I like to eat what you called "trash," remember?

Guido: Yeah, and as your (takes burger from Joe) friend, I don't want you to get diarrhea from it (goes to the dumpster).

Joe: Hey! Hey! I ain't gonna get diarrhea from a burger.

Guido: You will thank me later.

Guido opened the dumpster cover. He and Joe opened their eyes widely as they looked at the Rowdyruff Boys and the Powerpuff Girls, and they looked at them.

Boomer: Uuuuhhh, hello.

Guido blinked twice and closed the dumpster cover.

Joe: Guido, please tell me it's the burgers that made us hallucinate bug-eyed kids sitting in the dumpster.

Guido: How can I hallucinate when I barely swallowed a bite from that burger?

Guido opened the dumpster cover again. The kids were still there.

Joe: Should we... Leave them there?

Guido: (to Joe) Probably for the best. (to the boys and girls) Here are some burgers if you're hungry.

Guido threw the burgers to the boys and girls, and Brick and Buttercup caught them. Joe and Guido left the area; the boys and girls were confused and looked at each other. The camera cut to Butch taking a bite of a burger; the kids were back in the apartment room eating whatever they had found from the dumpster and Guido and Joe, except for Blossom.

Butch: Mmm. For trash, this is some pretty good stuff.

Bubbles: (swallows bite) Although it's from the trash, it does taste somewhat good. But I'm not sure this is healthy.

Butch: Healthy, shmellthy, all you girls do is complain. Deal with what we have and end the story right here and there (bites burger).

Boomer: Hey, Brick, I dunno if it was just me, but I heard those 2 guys in the corner talk about someone's burgers. Maybe there's a burger shop near that area.

Brick: Yeah, I heard that too.

Butch: So what's the plan, dude?

Brick: Tomorrow, we will find that burger shop.

Boomer: Ooh-ooh, can we also find an arcade or anything that has games? I don't wanna be stuck in this room doing nothing.

Butch: Me too.

Brick: If there's time, then yeah. It's kinda boring here doin' nothin' (bites burrito).

The camera cuts to the girls. Buttercup and Bubbles noticed Blossom not eating and looking down tiredly.

Bubbles: Are you not going to eat that, Blossom?

Blossom: I'm... not that hungry.

Buttercup: "Not that hungry." Now that's a load of baloney. If all of us were hungry to eat somethin', what makes you say that you're not?

Blossom sighed with a slightly frustrated grunt.

Buttercup: No, don't "eeehhhhhh" me. We only want to help you, but you're not even letting us do it. Besides, you haven't worn your bowtie all day; that must mean something's bothering you.

Blossom: I don't want to talk about it!

Buttercup: Why not?!

Brick: Leave it, Buttercup. If Blossom doesn't want to talk about it, then let it be her own problem. But Blossom, I ain't gonna feed another mouth that doesn't want to open itself if you're not gonna eat anythin'. Just so you know...

Bubbles: Brick, that wasn't nice.

Brick: I don't care. If Blossom isn't going to eat anythin', then we're gonna have a problem.

Buttercup: But Brick, she's-.

Suddenly, Blossom stood up, and everyone looked at her. She then walked toward the room's exit.

Buttercup: (stands up) Hey! (Blossom stops) Where are you going?

Blossom: Outside.

Blossom exited the room.

Buttercup: Blossom! Nnnnrrrrggghhhhh! What's up with her?!

Brick: (stands up) I'm going to talk to her.

Buttercup: Wha-? You? Yeah, right.

Brick: I just wanna talk to her.

Buttercup: Nuh-uh. You're gonna do somethin' bad to her, and I ain't gonna let you do anything to her.

Brick: You don't trust me?

Buttercup: No, I don't! Even if you're friends with Robin, you haven't gotten my trust in you.

Brick: What will make you trust me and my bros then?

Buttercup: W-Well...

Brick: I let you girls come with us when you lost everything. I saved Bubbles from that guy who tried to kidnap her. And if we're talkin' about Robin, she's the only reason I changed my mind on girls. But if you still don't trust me, I won't go.

Buttercup looked to the side for some seconds. She closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled, opened her eyes, and looked at Brick.

Buttercup: Ok... I trust you.

Brick looked at Bubbles, and she at him.

Bubbles: If Buttercup trusts you, then I trust you too.

Brick: Alright, I'm goin' after Blossom, but I'm gonna have to take that thing (points at the bowtie) with me.

Brick went to the bowtie, grabbed it, and left the room. The camera cuts to Blossom walking on the street nearby the apartment building with a sad expression. It started to get rainy and dark. She went to a corner and slowly walked, looking down on the floor. Blossom stopped at a point, looked up, and then down a water puddle. She saw her reflection, but it got obscured by the rain as it got stronger.

Blossom's expression slowly changed from sadness to anger and frustration. With her leg, she swept the puddle, splashing water around. She saw a trash bin, went to it, and kicked it down, looked in another direction, saw a glass bottle, went to it, kicked it to the wall, and it broke on impact.

She breathed heavily out of frustration but calmed slightly as she looked at the broken glass bottle. Her hand was shaking, and she slowly reached for one of the broken parts of the bottle. She grabbed it, slowly stood up, pointed the sharp parts at her face, and breathed heavily with hesitation. Suddenly, a distant voice made her open her eyes.

Brick: Blossom! Blossom!

Blossom looked toward where she came from. From a distance, she saw Brick holding her bowtie.

Brick: Where are you? (looks at the corner and notices Blossom) Wha-?

The two gazed at each other for some seconds. Brick realized the situation, so he ran toward her; midway, Blossom was about to stab herself with the broken bottle, so Brick used his blast hands to charge toward her. Luckily, he arrived just in time to kick her arms, making her let go of the bottle. Brick landed, grabbed Blossom by her shirt, stood her up, and slammed her to the nearby wall.

Brick: I'll ask you this only once. What the FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!

Blossom: Ngh... Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to end it all!

Brick: LIKE HELL YOU WOULD! (Blossom struggles to get released from his grip) I ain't lettin' go until you calm down and get yourself together!

Blossom struggled for seconds until she finally calmed down and looked at Brick in his eyes.

Brick: So, are you ready to talk?

The camera cut back to the apartment room with everyone else inside. The room's entrance opened, and Brick, holding the bowtie, and Blossom entered the room.

Bubbles: (stands up and goes to Blossom) Blossom! (hugs her) We've been worried for you...

Buttercup: Where'd you find her, Brick?

Brick: In a corner not far from here.

Buttercup: What was she doing there?

Brick: Not relevant. But can I make a request to all of you, guys?

Bubbles: (stops hugging Blossom) A request?

Butch: Sure, dude; what is it?

Brick: Can you leave the room for the two of us? We need to talk eye-to-eye.

Buttercup: Alright. (goes to the room's entrance) Come on, Bubbles.

Butch and Boomer stood up, too, and went to the room's entrance and exited. Buttercup and Bubbles exited the room after them. After everyone else exited the room, Brick and Blossom took a few more steps inside and sat on the floor, facing each other.

Brick: We're all alone now, Bloss'.

Blossom: Y-Yeah... (sighs) Oh, boy; where do I even start?

Brick: Start with today; Your sadness made ya ignore Bubbles bein' taken by that guy. You refused any help from Buttercup and Bubbles. Not to mention the fact you were tryin' to stab yourself with a broken bottle.

Blossom: I know...

Brick: So what made ya act like this today?

Blossom: Isn't it obvious? We lost everything. Our home, our friends, (sniffs) our professor (pause) because of me.

Brick: You? Now that's not true, and all of us know it. That Damien guy said he would've taken Robin and Alice even if you girls stayed away from him and his Yakuza pals.

Blossom: But what if he lied? What if we wouldn't have been in this situation if I just hadn't gone after them? What was I thinking? Saying to myself, "Oh, LeT uS kInDeRgArTeN kIdS gO aFtEr A cRiMiNaL oRgAnIzAtIoN." Pfffffttt! I sound so pathetic! Now I know why you hate me so much, mainly because of that know-it-all trait I have, and now it's all my fault we're here.

There was a pause of silence for some seconds.

Brick: (sighs) Look, even if it is your fault, we're in this together. You're upset about losin' everythin'? Fine, keep it to yourself. But because of that, this day could've been worse if I hadn't gotten involved.

Blossom: ...

Brick: Do you have nothing to say?

Blossom: What is there to say? You're right about everything, about what I did today. And I was wrong about everything, including you boys.

Brick: Us? What do you mean?

A pause of silence.

Blossom: (looks down and sighs) I mean, you boys changed so much. (looks at Brick) I remember that you were arrogant and disrespectful a year ago; I always thought that if someone was a criminal, he would always be a criminal. And now you saved Bubbles when I was acting like a fool. You boys are almost complete opposites of what you were before. (looks down) I'm sorry... For everything; for mocking you boys that day; for thinking you were stupid and won't ever change. I'm such a fool (sniffs).

Brick was a bit surprised. He looked left and right, sighed, stood up, went to Blossom, and sat beside her (Brick still had the bowtie in his hands).

Brick: L-Look, Blossom, don't give us that much credit. I mean, I let you girls join us because of two reasons: Although we're enemies, you girls are friends of Robin, and she trusts you; I don't want her to be sad if you're gone for good. The other reason is that I promised my bros to settle the score with you girls; I don't want you dyin' to something stupid like those Yakuza fuckers. (inhales) Both reasons are (pause) selfish if I gotta be honest.

Blossom: Brick? Can I ask you a question?

Brick: Sure.

Blossom: How did you boys meet Robin? What made you change your mind and care about her?

Brick: (grunts quietly) It's a long story; involving me makin' a big mistake. But the bottom line is that we almost died on the street as we barely walkin' toward somewhere we can heal. Robin and her mommy found us and helped us recover. At first, we thought they were goin' to sell us out to you or do anythin' bad to us. But they didn't; Robin and her mommy helped us even though they knew who and what we were. These two were the only reason we changed our minds about girls.

Blossom: Huh...

Brick: But let's talk about somethin' else a bit. This thing of yours that you put on your head. This, uuuhhhh...

Blossom: Bowtie.

Brick: Right. This bowtie, why didn't you wear it all day?

Blossom: Because I don't deserve to wear it. I made so many mistakes that because of them, I don't deserve to wear it.

Brick: You're lettin' a simple bowtie decide who you are?

Blossom: W-Well, I've always worn it to lead us to victory against evil. Without it, I'm not sure what I would do for what comes next.

Brick: I take that as a yes.

Blossom: But what about you? You wear your hat all the time.

Brick: Yeah, but I'm still the same Rowdyruff Boy Brick, with or without the hat. Don't turn all upside down into someone else because of a simple thing.

Blossom looked at Brick with an inspired expression.

Brick: So how about from now on, you don't let anything decide what you are?

Blossom stood up, facing Brick.

Brick: So tell me: who are you?

Blossom closed her eyes, inhaled, and exhaled deeply. She opened her eyes and had a determined expression.

Blossom: I'm Blossom. And we're gonna need a plan.

Brick had a smug.

Brick: Heh.

Blossom: Brick.

Blossom gestured to Brick to give her the bowtie. Brick handed it over, and Blossom put it on her head.

Blossom: Thank you. I will not forget this.

Brick: Hmph. So, what's the plan?

Blossom: For now, we survive. If we get the chance, we'll save Robin and Alice from the Yakuza. Robin trusts you, maybe even Buttercup and Bubbles, so I trust you too (reaches a hand toward Brick).

Brick looked at her hand for a few seconds before he looked at her and shook her hand.

Narrator: What's this? The girls and the boys have an alliance? Well, I'm not complaining. Let's hope our beloved girls and rowdy boys can escape this situation! Ooooohhhh, I can't wait for what happens next...

End of Episode 15!To be continued...!

Post-Production thoughts:

Alright, part 2 of my story is underway. I had some time to decide what direction the story would take, so it took longer than usual. But it was worth it.

Although the episode might be serious, here's a message that'll liven you up (at least for me, it does): Today is also my birthday! :D

But at any rate, I'll see you guys in the next episode...

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