True Grit

Door TwelveNoobLordX

88 0 0

On a mission to find her father's killer and uncover the truth behind a web of deceit, a resilient 14-year-ol... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

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Door TwelveNoobLordX

In the tranquil morning light, the three riders set out from the cabin, their horses plodding through the fresh snow, leaving behind a hushed silence. Leading the way is Rooster, a grizzled and weathered man, who takes a hearty swig from a bottle, the contents warming his insides as he hums a hauntingly beautiful tune. His rugged demeanor gives off an air of experience, and he navigates the trail with ease, showing an intimate familiarity with the wilderness. Following Rooster is Mattie, a young and determined girl, her eyes wide with curiosity and a touch of fear. Glancing over her shoulder, she notices the chilling sight of four lifeless bodies, their figures wrapped in a cold shroud of snow near the cabin wall. Though it unsettles her, she tries to focus on the journey ahead, trusting Rooster's guidance. As they continue riding, Rooster reminisces about his past, sharing tales of a fiddle tune he once knew. His heart carries a hint of melancholy as he reveals that his large, calloused fingers prevent him from playing the fiddle, a lost pleasure he mourns. Seeking comfort in music, he begins singing "Soldier's Joy," a tune that conjures memories of better days. However, the song is interrupted as he pauses to take another swig from the bottle, momentarily lost in his thoughts. Observing Rooster's habits, LeBoeuf, the third rider in the procession, remains quiet but vigilant. He senses that Rooster may not have slept the night before, recognizing the signs of a man who's always alert, constantly on guard. It's a testament to Rooster's hardened nature, someone who's learned to survive in this unforgiving world. Nonetheless, Rooster's gruff exterior belies a protective side. He cautions LeBoeuf that they are still far from Fort Smith, a dangerous stretch of wilderness where vulnerability could prove fatal. He advises LeBoeuf to push his horse to its limits, hoping they can reach the relative safety of the fort within a day. The wilderness harbors its perils, and Rooster knows that LeBoeuf, a one-armed man, faces an additional challenge. Despite the warning, Rooster's words carry an underlying sense of camaraderie, assuring LeBoeuf that they're in this together. With their fate intertwined, the trio continues their journey, riding in single file through the vast expanse of snow-covered terrain. Each step forward carries them closer to Fort Smith, but the wilderness holds its secrets, and the trials that await may test their resilience and bonds as companions. The adventure has just begun, and the unfolding tale promises both danger and discovery for Rooster, LeBoeuf, and young Mattie.

As the journey continues, LeBoeuf's concern for Rooster's well-being becomes increasingly evident. He questions Rooster's decision to persist, given his physical limitations as a one-eyed man, doubting his ability to shoot accurately and defend himself if the need arises. With a hint of frustration, LeBoeuf reminds Rooster that he lacks depth perception and may not be as formidable as he once was. However, Rooster remains steadfast in his determination, brushing off LeBoeuf's worries with a wry grin. He insists that he's perfectly capable and well-provisioned for the journey. Reminding LeBoeuf that they agreed to part ways after reaching a certain point, Rooster seems determined to see this mission through to the end, regardless of the challenges. Just when the tension between Rooster and LeBoeuf starts to escalate, Mattie interjects, bringing her perspective into the mix. Her youthful wisdom shines through as she shares a thought-provoking observation. She firmly states that resorting to violence and shooting one's competitor would always give an unfair advantage in any competition or dispute. Mattie's words strike a chord, causing both Rooster and LeBoeuf to pause and reflect. Rooster, feeling the need to defend himself, denies LeBoeuf's accusation of shooting him. He counters that there were multiple gunshots fired during the incident, and it's entirely possible that LeBoeuf was mistaken. However, LeBoeuf remains adamant, recounting how he distinctly heard a rifle shot and felt the impact of a bullet that grazed him. He points out that Rooster's missing eye might have compromised his aim, leading to the errant shot. Rooster bristles at the implication, his pride and skill as a marksman at stake. He vehemently denies missing his shot due to his missing eye, stating that his shooting abilities are unrivaled. With a touch of swagger, he boasts of being able to hit a gnat's eye at a considerable distance. To silence the doubts and demonstrate his prowess, Rooster decides to showcase his sharpshooting skills in a spur-of-the-moment display. Empties bottle in hand, he tosses it high into the air, its glinting surface catching the sunlight. With lightning-fast reflexes, Rooster draws his navy six-gun and fires three shots in rapid succession. The first two shots miss the target, causing LeBoeuf to raise an eyebrow skeptically. But on the third attempt, a resounding crack fills the air as the bottle shatters into a thousand sparkling fragments. Rooster's impressive accuracy is undeniable, leaving LeBoeuf momentarily stunned. The display proves Rooster's point, and while he may have a missing eye, his shooting skills remain as sharp as ever. The tension between the two companions subsides, replaced with a newfound respect for Rooster's abilities. Mattie smiles, relieved to see the dispute settled amicably. With their differences set aside, the trio continues their journey, their camaraderie somewhat strengthened by the unexpected display of marksmanship. As the vast wilderness stretches before them, they march onward, knowing that challenges await, but also aware that their unique skills and shared determination will guide them through the trials ahead.

As the riders continue their journey, Rooster can't help but grumble about the ammunition he recently purchased from a Chinaman. He attributes his earlier missed shots to the poor quality of the bullets, blaming it for the lack of accuracy. LeBoeuf playfully teases him, recalling how Rooster had initially blamed his missing eye for the inaccurate shooting. The banter between the two companions highlights their humorous and competitive relationship, a mix of camaraderie and good-natured ribbing. Determined to prove his skills, Rooster decides to demonstrate his shooting prowess. He throws a corn dodger into the air and, with a swift and practiced motion, fires, hitting the target with precision. Confidence brimming, he challenges himself further by attempting to shoot two corn dodgers simultaneously. However, this time, his aim falters, and both shots miss their mark, causing LeBoeuf to chuckle at the minor setback. Unwilling to give up, Rooster continues to shoot at falling corn dodgers, but each attempt fails. LeBoeuf, seeing an opportunity to showcase his marksmanship skills, joins in the shooting but fares no better in hitting the elusive targets. Laughter fills the air as both men miss shot after shot, their friendly competition taking center stage. Rooster decides to raise the stakes, throwing a corn dodger high into the air and instructing LeBoeuf to hold fire. The tension mounts as they aim, and when the corn dodger explodes in a shower of crumbs from the combined impact of their shots, they immediately begin arguing over whose bullet hit the target. It's a lighthearted dispute, both men eager to claim the bragging rights for the impressive shot. During their playful competition, Mattie intervenes, her practical nature asserting itself. She reminds them that shooting cornbread won't help them find the Ned Pepper gang, the real reason they set out on this perilous journey. Her words bring a moment of clarity, and the two men chuckle at their diversion, realizing that their friendly rivalry may have taken them off track momentarily. With their spirits lifted, the trio refocuses on their mission, riding forward with a renewed sense of purpose. The shooting competition may have been a playful diversion, but it also showcased Rooster and LeBoeuf's marksmanship skills, reinforcing their capabilities as they face the challenges that lie ahead. The scene illustrates not only their camaraderie but also their shared sense of adventure and a touch of humor amidst the dangers they encounter on their quest to confront the notorious Ned Pepper gang.

Determined to redeem himself and prove his shooting accuracy, Rooster decides on one final test. With a confident grin, he tosses another corn dodger into the air and takes careful aim. However, to his dismay, the corn dodger appears to defy gravity, maintaining its trajectory and falling untouched to the ground. LeBoeuf can't help but wear a smug expression, delighted at the opportunity to taunt his companion. Rooster's competitive spirit flares, and he refuses to accept defeat. His irritation rises as he insists that LeBoeuf should have noticed a piece flying off the corn dodger, a clear indication that he indeed hit the target. The tension between them heightens, and their banter takes on a more heated tone as Rooster emphatically defends his marksmanship. LeBoeuf, enjoying the opportunity to get under Rooster's skin, playfully disputes his claim, suggesting that Rooster might be seeing things that aren't there. The back-and-forth argument between the two companions adds both humor and tension to the scene, showcasing their strong-willed personalities and the friendly rivalry that often fuels their interactions. As the dispute continues, Mattie can't help but chuckle at the spectacle before her. She's seen these two men bicker and challenges each other time and time again, and their dynamic never fails to entertain. Yet, even amidst the humor, she understands the significance of their bond and the strength it brings to their shared quest. The playful shooting competition might have veered into a more serious argument, but it ultimately reinforces the deep camaraderie between Rooster and LeBoeuf. Beneath the teasing and challenges, they respect and value each other's skills and experiences. Mattie's amusement and intervention help ease the tension, reminding them that their ultimate goal lies beyond the realm of corn dodgers and shooting tests. With laughter and camaraderie restored, Rooster and LeBoeuf finally set aside their friendly dispute and continue their journey together. The scene serves as a testament to the enduring friendship between the two, proving that even in the face of lighthearted competition and playful bickering, they stand united in their pursuit of justice and the confrontation with the notorious Ned Pepper gang.

Morning. As they ride on, sometime later, Rooster appears a bit unsteady in the saddle, clutching an empty bottle and humming a tune. He lifts the bottle to take one last swig but finds it devoid of any remaining contents. Undeterred, he continues forward, swaying as he leans out of the saddle, attempting to discard the empty bottle on a large rock as they pass. Struggling to maintain his balance, Rooster manages to prop himself up with one hand on the back of his saddle. He turns halfway to face Mattie and LeBoeuf, his speech slightly slurred but determined. With a gesture, he instructs them to find their way back, implying that he might need some time to recover. Despite his apparent inebriation, Rooster's command carries a sense of authority, showcasing his strong-willed nature even in less-than-ideal circumstances. Mattie and LeBoeuf exchange glances, silently acknowledging the situation as they continue their journey, knowing that Rooster's resolve remains intact despite his current state. The trio rides on, determined to navigate the wilderness and fulfill their mission, with Rooster leading the way, albeit with a touch of indiscretion. The sky serves as the backdrop, framing the scene of a mine entrance. Rooster steps into the square frame of the entrance, cautiously peering inside. Without hesitation, he draws his six-gun and fires a shot into the darkness, the sound of echoing ricochets filling the air. Outside the entrance, Rooster stands with Mattie and LeBoeuf, who remain close by, their expressions serious and motionless. The camp they have stumbled upon appears abandoned, devoid of any signs of life. Rooster turns his gaze, scanning the surrounding hills for any sign of activity. Finally, he speaks, addressing the elusive figure they seek. "Lucky Ned!" he calls out, the echo of his voice faintly reverberating. From a distant perspective, LeBoeuf responds, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and curiosity, "Very good, Khoghburn. Now what?" The air is charged with anticipation as the trio faces the unknown, their determination unyielding in the pursuit of their quarry.

The crackling campfire provides a comforting warmth during gentle rain. Shielded by a makeshift canopy fashioned from a hide, the flames dance beneath the shelter of two tree branches. Mattie takes charge of their simple meal preparation, pouring hot water from a kettle into a large tin cup, where a corn dodger awaits. With a fork in hand, she expertly mashes the dodger into a mushy consistency. Seated before the fire, LeBoeuf wears his coat over his head, nursing a swollen jaw. He laments about Cogburn's reluctance to share supplies from his store. Mattie dismisses the notion, arguing that LeBoeuf needs nourishment after going the whole day without eating. She asserts that the camp's provisions are as much hers as they are Cogburn's. Rooster, ever the brash and outspoken one, interjects with a gruff remark, declaring that LeBoeuf should be left to starve. He joins the scene, stumbling toward the fire with a few thin branches in hand. As he leans closer to the fire, the water trickling off the low edge of the canopy unexpectedly drums onto his neck. Rooster swats at the droplets with his hand, reacting as though he's being pestered by flies, further revealing his cantankerous nature. Despite the rain and the challenges they face, the trio perseveres, finding both camaraderie and occasional squabbles as they huddle around the campfire. Their resourcefulness and resilience in the face of adversity, and highlights the complexity of their relationship, blending moments of care and camaraderie with humorous bickering.

Rooster, a weathered man with a swollen jaw and a mangled tongue stands apart from the infamous Lucky Ned Pepper Gang, having no association with their criminal activities. Though he carries the scars of past battles, Rooster remains a formidable figure, a man unafraid to voice his opinions and step in front of bullets when the need arises. But now, facing a single-handed attack from Mr. LeBoeuf, he finds himself incapacitated, unable to rise and defend himself. Gathering his belongings, Rooster decides to strike out on his own, no longer bound to engage with a drunken assailant. He knows the importance of picking his battles and engaging in a senseless confrontation with a man inebriated would serve no purpose. Determined to make his camp and carve his path, Rooster bids farewell to the company he was once part of. Unbeknownst to him, a Texas Ranger awaits Rooster's arrival. The ranger seeks his assistance, and Rooster finds himself entangled in a new quest, one that leads him on an unexpected journey. The presence of the young girl, Mattie, further cement Rooster's decision to leave behind the reckless and volatile situation. Mr. LeBoeuf, on the other hand, believes he has accomplished a noble deed by rescuing Mattie from danger and leading her into the safety of the Choctaw Nation. He revels in the idea of taking charge and guiding the young girl to safety, viewing himself as a protector of sorts. As the paths of these characters diverge, each embarks on their separate quests, their destinies intertwined in a tapestry of adventure, danger, and self-discovery. Rooster's decision to make his camp reflects his independence and resilience, while LeBoeuf's sense of accomplishment in guiding Mattie displays his dedication to duty and a desire to do what he believes is right. Little do they know that the future holds unforeseen challenges and unforeseen bonds that will test their mettle and shape their fates in unexpected ways.

"I bow out! I wash my hands!" Rooster declares vehemently, his frustration evident. Mattie, determined to keep the group together, interjects with a plea for unity, reminding the gentlemen that they cannot fall out now, so close to their goal of apprehending Tom Chaney. She emphasizes that the elusive culprit is nearly within their grasp. However, Rooster erupts with a burst of emotion, dismissing Mattie's optimism. He angrily asserts that if Tom Chaney isn't already buried in a shallow grave somewhere between their current location and Fort Smith, he's surely long gone, thanks to Mr. LeBoeuf's actions. He blames their missed opportunity on LeBoeuf, claiming that they have barked at the birds, only to watch them fly away. Lucky Ned and his gang are gone, and with them, any chance of collecting the fifty dollars bounty or retaining the whiskey seized as evidence. Frustration mounts as Rooster denounces the journey as a futile wild goose chase, a consequence of being drawn into it by a harpy in trousers (referring to Mattie) and a nincompoop (referring to LeBoeuf). He mocks LeBoeuf's prospect of wandering the Choctaw Nation indefinitely, suggesting that the local Indians might even honor him by making him Chief due to his nonsensical ramblings. Rooster doesn't stop there; he offers Mattie, the freedom to go wherever she pleases. In a decisive declaration, he terminates their engagement in this pursuit, vowing to return home. He ceremoniously whips his robe over himself, a gesture signifying the finality of his decision. The tension in the air is palpable, the heated emotions threatening to scatter the trio apart. Rooster's outburst exemplifies his weary and cynical demeanor, a man who has seen too much and grown disillusioned. Mattie's unwavering determination and LeBoeuf's sense of duty will surely clash with Rooster's disillusionment, setting the stage for a complex and riveting resolution as they navigate the unpredictable path to confront Tom Chaney.

In the distance, Mattie emerges, her determined stride carrying her toward us, leading Little Blackie by the reins. As she nears, we move her into the foreground, capturing the sense of purpose in her movements. With a determined heave, she manages to lift the saddle and expertly secures it onto the horse's back. The act of saddling Little Blackie showcases Mattie's resilience and self-reliance, a testament to her indomitable spirit. In the background, LeBoeuf readies his woolly horse, cinching the saddle in place while keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. His wariness reflects his duty as a protector and guide, ever cautious of potential threats on their journey. With the saddle in place, Mattie reveals her intention to accompany LeBoeuf, her resolve unwavering. She brandishes Colt's dragoon revolver, a symbol of her newfound independence and readiness to defend herself. The offer is clear: she will not allow LeBoeuf to be a burden to her, just as he had been to the marshal. The revolver speaks to Mattie's determination to carve her path, refusing to be hindered by anyone or anything in her pursuit of justice. The scene captures the trio in a moment of unity, each bound by their reasons to confront the challenges that lie ahead. Mattie's determination and resourcefulness, LeBoeuf's protective instincts, and the shared sense of purpose bring them together on this journey. The dynamics between the characters promise an engaging and transformative narrative, as they face the unknown with courage and resilience. As they set forth on this quest, each with their unique strengths and motivations, they embark on a journey that will test their mettle and forge a bond that transcends the trials and tribulations that await them.

LeBoeuf's concern for Tom Chaney's safety weighs heavily on his mind, as he believes he has earned the fugitive's trust during their time together. He acknowledges that Rooster Cogburn might be right about their prospects, even if he doesn't like to admit it. Despite his doubts, LeBoeuf is also grappling with a sense of disappointment and frustration. The trail has gone cold, and he feels his determination diminishing as the days turn into months of fruitless searching. Mattie, never one to hold back her opinions, questions LeBoeuf's resolve. She points out that after all this time, he may have misjudged Chaney and pursued the wrong man. The weight of this realization compounds LeBoeuf's doubts, leaving him uncertain about their next move. LeBoeuf recognizes that returning to his company might provide him with a clear direction, but he acknowledges the danger of blindly forging ahead without a solid plan. The absence of Chelmsford, a valuable member of their group, further adds to the uncertainty. Despite his previous determination, LeBoeuf comes to a difficult decision. He believes it's time for both Mattie and himself to return home, realizing that continuing this pursuit without a clear way forward would only lead to further frustration and disappointment. The trio's journey has been fraught with challenges, and LeBoeuf's inner struggle reflects the complexities of their mission. As they confront their doubts and reevaluate their paths, each character faces their internal conflicts, their determination tested by the harsh realities of their quest. The road ahead is uncertain, and they must navigate their choices with wisdom and resilience. Ultimately, they must decide whether to persevere in the face of adversity or heed the call to return home, knowing that each choice carries its consequences.

The marshal's warning to Mattie reverberates with urgency and gravity, as he cautions her against the perilous task of going back without capturing Tom Chaney. LeBoeuf, momentarily misinterpreting her unwavering resolve, lowers a gloved hand in a gesture of concern, attempting to dissuade her from venturing into such dangerous territory. However, Mattie remains steadfast, her determination unwavering as she is resolute in her pursuit of justice. Witnessing Mattie's unyielding commitment, LeBoeuf's perception of her undergoes a profound shift. Despite his initial misjudgment, he now recognizes the strength and tenacity that lie beneath her seemingly young exterior. A newfound admiration for Mattie's determination swells within him, prompting him to reach out and shake her hand, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they share as fellow travelers on this arduous journey. As they part ways, each character embraces their path. LeBoeuf takes the reins, guiding the horse into a prancing walk, the rhythmic sound of hooves on the ground echoing through the night air. He moves away from the campsite, leaving Rooster Cogburn snoring peacefully by the crackling campfire. LeBoeuf's newfound respect for Mattie highlights the depth of their shared experiences, their camaraderie cemented by their shared pursuit of justice. Meanwhile, Mattie's relentless commitment to her mission serves as a testament to her inner strength and resilience, even in the face of adversity. The night envelops the trio, shrouding them in darkness as their paths diverge. Each character is bound by their convictions and destinies, their quests shaping the course of their lives. The echoes of their journey linger in the air, hinting at the trials and tribulations that lie ahead, and the profound impact this shared experience will have on their lives. In the silence of the night, the determination of each character burns bright, their journeys intertwining in a tale of courage, justice, and resilience that will resonate long after the campfire has dimmed.

As the night settles around the campfire, Rooster's snoring becomes a constant backdrop, a testament to the man's untroubled slumber. The crackling flames cast flickering shadows on the canvas of the wilderness, creating an intimate and serene setting. In this moment of tranquility, Mattie emerges into the scene, her steps steady and purposeful. Her gaze lingers on Rooster, who rests soundly, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. With a thoughtful expression, Mattie settles down on her robe, seeking solace and time to contemplate the events that have brought her to this moment. As she lies still, her eyes are drawn upwards, captivated by the vast expanse of the night sky. The stars twinkle like distant beacons, a reminder of the unknown journey ahead. In the midst of the quiet, an inner resolve stirs within Mattie. Her eyes snap open, filled with determination, a testament to her unyielding spirit. With newfound purpose, she rises from her resting spot and moves towards the horses, the familiar snorts and blowing of Little Blackie breaking the silence. Returning with a coiled rope in hand, Mattie's actions become deliberate and strategic. She skillfully weaves the rope into a protective loop around her robe, an act of self-preservation as she prepares for slumber amidst the unpredictable wilderness. It is a symbol of her resilience and resourcefulness, a testament to her ability to adapt and survive in even the most challenging circumstances. With the makeshift safeguard in place, Mattie lies down again, finding comfort and security in her makeshift bed. The warmth of the campfire, coupled with the gentle night breeze, lulls her into a moment of reflection. Despite the hardships and dangers that lie ahead, Mattie's resolve remains steadfast. Her eyes close, shutting out the uncertainties of the world around her, as she seeks rest amidst the wilderness. The simplicity of Mattie's actions speaks volumes about her character. She is a young woman driven by an unshakable sense of justice and determination. The journey has tested her in ways she could never have imagined, but her unwavering resolve remains undaunted. Mattie's quest for justice is not just a matter of vengeance; it is a testament to her indomitable spirit, her willingness to face the unknown and her dedication to making the world a better place. As the night deepens, the campfire crackles and dances, painting an ephemeral tapestry of light and shadow. The wilderness becomes a backdrop to Mattie's quiet strength, a testament to her ability to rise above adversity and forge ahead on her quest. The journey may be challenging, but with Mattie's determination as her guiding light, there is no doubt that justice will prevail, and the echoes of her actions will be felt far beyond the flickering flames of the campfire.

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