Moon & Fire

By ThatsZodi

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Between the hours of 12am and 4am deadly spirits enter London, yet none of this is known to the city. This is... More

Chapter 2 - Romeo

Chapter 1 - Snowflake

7 0 0
By ThatsZodi

It was a night in London like any other, the sound of people leaving bars and pubs and the inebriated punters shouting in the distance. The bitter winter night sky was dulled by the cities neon lights, at 12am it was time when the people would start heading home, however for me and my partner Azeria Black. This is when we started our patrols, we waited patiently on the rooftop of a skyscraper overlooking Trafalgar Square, instead of the sight of tourists and business men, we sifted through the drunks and the homeless. We were waiting for a sign that spirits had joined us.

I looked to my partner Azeria Black, his chin length almost white hair ruffled by the wind. His black fitted suit tight against his slender toned frame, the material reflecting the city lights around us. We had been working together for the last three months, ever since we got our powers. Ridding the city of spirits and recovering lost people. I was still getting used to his ways. He loved puns and took nothing seriously, I was jealous of how carefree he appeared to be. Behind the fitted black mask covering his eyes he always had a smug grin, I was positive that he was handsome, as only someone with that much confidence could be. I knew nothing about him behind the mask, everything I knew is what I had observed. He was crouched on the side of the building in his signature way, it was almost feline like. I had no idea how he didn't fall. He was looking to the ground below us, I could see his piercing green eyes scanning the surroundings. He stood and turned to me and said nonchalantly.

"Think I've found us our next target my Snowflake" A huge grin plastered across his face, gesturing an exaggerated bow with one arm crossed behind his back the other reached out towards me. 

"Ugh" I accidentally voiced my disdain. "I hate it when you call me that!" 

He fluently raised his head and his body from the bow and stepped closer towards me, almost like a dance. His smile still unaffected by my words, he said suggestively "Yes but, I can't help it. The name suits you so perfectly. Would you rather me call you Frank? Or maybe, Bugs?" His bright green eyes surveying mine, with his face growing ever closer to mine with every question. 

I leaned in and turned to his ear and whispered "Call me that and I'll call you Swiper." The grin on his face grew in response, he laughed and said;

"I personally prefer Foxy Loxy, If I'm honest." My serious face cracked and I couldn't hide the smile that was working it's way across my face. Before I could think of a response, commotion broke out beneath us. 

"Spirits!" I signaled to Azeria. We both jumped down into the street below, opposite the fountain with our weapons in hand. Azeria's movements were precise and swift. His dagger ripped through the first spirit and dropped him to the floor with a thud. I flexed my bow and delivered the final shot. The second spirit's foot lunged and kicked him across the face. The blood from his mouth dripped toward the floor, he quickly returned to his feet and swiped the spirits feet from under him into the fountain. The water drenched us and the plaza, he nodded and I grabbed my arrow and plunged it into his chest.

We looked to each other and took a breath at the carnage around us. And I gently spoke the phrase;

"Requiem aeternam dona eis, et lux perpetua luceat eis." 

I sighed in relief and collected my arrows. Azeria was stood relaxed beneath the streetlight, the water glistening on his face and suit and dripping off the ends of his hair. He used his arm to wipe the blood from his face "Why is it me that always gets hit? The ladies are going to go off me at this rate" he smirked.

"The ladies have to be on you first and you always act without thinking?" I chuckled whilst wiping the water from my brow.

He retorted quickly "The sleeping fox catches no poultry, my dear Snowflake."

In the three months that we had been patrolling I had grown accustomed to our banter and how we functioned as partners. I was the clean up crew, Azeria was the chef. He would attack with his daggers and use fire to subdue the spirits, I would hit the spirits with the arrows I made, along with the phrase Nala taught me. It would heal their souls so they could return to the afterlife. 

Nala, the white rabbit of the moon and my guardian. Vex the black fox of fire, Azeria's guardian. They gave us our weapons and powers respectively. The moon granted me the magic of healing and rebirth, and Azeria the magic of fire and destruction. This made us perfect balance for one another apparently.

Between the hours of 12am and 4am, this is how we spent most our nights. The Earth's connection to spirits is at it's highest during this time. Though when spirits have taken away a person, our job was a bit more tricky. Thankfully it hasn't happened often, the spirit takes a person away that is suffering in their lives. For us to rescue the missing person, the taken needs to address their own issue allowing them to join us back here. That's where we come in, to find them and figure out their trauma and help them overcome it. Nala & Vex hadn't reported any missing people, so thankfully that wasn't the case tonight.

We cleaned the area of any debris and ensured we hadn't left any clues behind to our existence and made our way to the roofs of London. 

The only sounds that could be heard from the rooftops were the black taxi's below and the rowdy people returning home from drinking on a Friday night, now Saturday morning. We sat together in our spot, facing Big Ben. The bright orange lights hitting the frosted concrete, covering the city in glitter and that warm glow of the city reflecting on us both. My legs dangling over the side of the elaborate building, I gazed up to the sky above. I looked to Azeria, he was relaxed as always. He had one arm draped over his knee, his leg bent towards his chest. His other thigh was meeting mine, the warmth was helping to fight the cold from the November morning.

He turned to me and said with a gentle smile. "Don't you think we should invite Vex and Nala to our party? We don't want them getting jealous" he spoke gently, his eyes examining mine as he spoke.

I returned his gaze and agreed "Yeah, don't want our weapons quitting on us." He gave a nod and smiled.

We placed our weapons down by our sides and said quietly;

"Lunam requiem"

"Ignis requiem " 

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