Dying Starlight

By NaokiWrites

251 15 0

What are you expected to do when war is inevitable? ****** 50 years after the defeat of Bluefeather and Thund... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

29 2 0
By NaokiWrites

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Poppystar." Bluepaw's voice was thick with grief as he lowered his head to console the mourning leader. The calico she-cat was shaking as Goosewhisker and Tumbleholly carefully and quietly carried Briarslip's brown tabby corpse away for burial. "He was a great warrior and deputy."

Poppystar's paws trembled as she watched the two warriors carry the fallen tom away, looking as though her life was falling apart in front of her. Her blue eyes were watery as tears spilled down her cheeks. She said nothing, but she didn't have to. Bluepaw knew the pain she was in was greater than anything any herb or consolation could do to help.

He won't get to meet his kits. Bluepaw glanced down at Poppystar's bulging belly and lowered his ears. They both were so excited when she announced her pregnancy almost two moons ago, but now he wouldn't get to meet them until they joined StarClan. Looking at the sky, he searched the clouds for a hint of something- anything to show that Briarslip made it to the stars safely. May StarClan treat you well, Briarslip.

The position of deputy was open now that Briarslip was dead. Bluepaw scanned the surrounding warriors, who were grieving together. The deputy was a well-respected and charming tom and everyone liked him. He and Poppystar were inseparable at all times even before she became leader. Now that he was gone, it felt so wrong to think of Poppystar without the father of her unborn kits.

Fur brushed against Bluepaw's flank and he jumped, before relaxing. Sweetfur looked at him apologetically for a moment before turning her attention to Poppystar. She's always so quiet. He nudged Poppystar's shoulder, snapping her out of her trace-like state and her eyes focused on the gentle medicine cat.

"I need to make sure you and your kits are doing okay," the dark tabby she-cat requested softly, her green eyes feather-soft. "Will you please come into my den with me? It'll only take a moment, I promise." Sweetfur's gaze was shadowed with grief, but she held herself strong despite the slight quiver in her voice.

Bluepaw politely dipped his head and backed away, not wanting to interfere with the conversation between the medicine cat and emotionally vulnerable leader. He looked around and spotted a familiar pale-ginger speckled pelt and felt his throat tighten. Sandypaw looked so upset at the loss of Briarslip, and his made his chest hurt seeing his best friend look so pained. He and Poppystar almost have the same raw look on their faces. Bluepaw approached his friend, pulling back his ears and softening his steps.

Sandypaw noticed his approach and Bluepaw saw tears in his friend's eyes. "I can't believe he's gone," he whispered, his voice shaking as he sat down. Bluepaw settled beside him and ran his tail up and down Sandypaw's back to comfort him. "I don't understand why RiverClan would kill him when his mate is about to have his kits..."

"There's no rhyme or reason to it." Bluepaw agreed, his voice light as he placed a big paw on Sandypaw's shoulder. The gesture made Sandypaw stumble slightly, making him crack the smallest smile that Bluepaw nearly missed. The two toms were the same age, but Bluepaw's massive size made him look like a fully grown warrior compared to his more normal-sized friend. "StarClan will welcome him warmly and he'll watch all of us from the comfort of the stars."

His friend seemed grateful for the little comfort and shook out his pelt. With his eyes slightly more clear but still somber, Sandypaw looked at Bluepaw. "Do you want to go hunting?" He asked, seeming desperate to get away from the frankly depressed Clan. "We could have a contest on who can catch the most prey again."

Bluepaw smirked and nudged Sandypaw with his nose. "The last time we had a contest, you were stuck looking after Starlingkit for a moon and hated it!" He teased as he stood up, fully confident that he'd prevail once more over his smaller friend.

"That's only because I twisted my paw on a root!" Sandypaw argued, jumping to his paws and trying to size up Bluepaw. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he jabbed Bluepaw's chest with a claw. "You're just fluff and fat, so you can't climb trees like I can to get the squirrels and birds who run away!"

The pale-gray-and-white apprentice feigned offense and with one swipe of a hefty paw, he sent Sandypaw toppling over onto the ground and kicking up dust around them. He let out a laugh while watching his friend scramble to his paws, ears flat against his head with embarrassment. "Come on, you scraggly scrap of fur," he taunted, trotting toward the camp entrance. "Let's get this contest over with so I can rub it in your face that you've lost again."

"The one with the least amount of prey has to clean out all the dens for a moon!" Came Sandypaw's shout as he hurried after Bluepaw.


Bluepaw flattened himself to the ground while he spied on the rabbit from afar. He'd gotten close enough that a quick burst of speed would have the furry little animal turn into fresh-kill, but he waited a little bit longer. No need to rush things when waiting can make it easier on me. As he watched the creature sniff around and come closer and closer to him, Bluepaw prepared to spring out and claim his prize. He readied himself, aimed, and leapt forward. The rabbit reared up with fear flashing in its eyes that was short-lived as Bluepaw tackled it and killed it neatly with a quick bite to the neck. The rabbit fell limp beneath his paws and Bluepaw lifted his muzzle, feeling proud.

Scooping up the biggest catch in his apprenticeship, Bluepaw carried it toward a patch of ferns and swiftly buried it and covering it with leaves and sticks to make sure no scavenger could get to it. He moved on, feeling safe that he'd gotten one up on Sandypaw already. Tasting the air, Bluepaw quickly picked up on the scent of a squirrel just a couple fox-lengths away. Bluepaw dropped into a crouch and followed the tantalyzing scent through some tall grass that parted to reveal the little fuzzy tree animal nibbling on a seed, unaware of the danger it was in. Narrowing his eyes in concentration, Bluepaw let out a silent sigh, unsheathed his claws, and lurched forward. He took the squirrel between his teeth and bit down until the squirrel fell limp in his jaws.

Sloppy, but at least I can show Sandypaw I can catch squirrels.

A sharp cry split the air, causing Bluepaw to drop the squirrel and his fur bristled. There was another shrill shriek that was a lot closer than the last one, and Bluepaw bolted toward the cries of distress. Bluepaw braced himself as he tasted the bitter scent of blood as he came upon the commotion. A red fox had Sandypaw cornered against a tree. The fox's muzzle was scratched and it looked furious, but it was Sandypaw's condition that scared Bluepaw the most. His pale fur was ripped and torn, bleeding from punctures and heavy wounds that laced his body. Despite his injuries, he looked ferocious as he snarled at the fox.

"Sandypaw!" Bluepaw hurled himself at the fox, snapping at one of its legs to keep it away from his friend. There was a gasp from the other apprentice as the fox yapped and turned on him, beady eyes blazing with anger and starvation. "Run!" He yowled as he jumped at the fox, latching himself to its fur and digging his claws and teeth into the fox's flesh. The fox yelped and bit into Bluepaw's shoulder, making him hiss in pain.

Sandypaw's blood-streaked fur appeared in Bluepaw's view, and he looked terrified beyond belief. "I-I'll go get help!" He gasped, but he didn't move. He seemed frozen in place as he watched the fox savage Bluepaw's shoulder.

Agony sizzled in Bluepaw's body as the fox's fangs tore through fur and flesh, and Bluepaw grit his teeth against the pain. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he fought to be freed from the fox's jaws. He frantically clawed at the closest part of the fox that he could reach, but it didn't seem to faze the animal as it held onto him. When he looked over at where Sandypaw had been, he was gone. Bluepaw was all alone against one angry fox that refused to let him go.

The fox slammed Bluepaw against the tree it had Sandypaw backed up against. Bluepaw let out a pained cry and clawed madly at the fox, desperate and panicking. What was he thinking, taking a fox on all by himself? Sandypaw was the better fighter out of the two of them, yet Bluepaw told him to run and he had. Please be back soon! For now, he had to distract the fox. If only he didn't have to nearly die to do so.

He got a lucky shot in at the fox's eye, resulting in being dropped and the fox yapping with pain. Bluepaw gasped with relief at being freed, but then he saw the fury and hunger in the creature's beady eyes. Blood dripped into one of the eyes but it didn't seem to deter it one bit. StarClan, help me! He'd landed on all fours- which surprised him- but he was still nose-to-nose with a hungry, angry fox that had gotten a taste of his blood and fear.

The fox lunged for him, jaws snapping with saliva spewing everywhere. Bluepaw reared on his hind legs and slashed at the fox's face and muzzle. Fear prickled every hair on his pelt as he desperately looked for a way out. Running was a no-go as the fox would easily catch him. Keeping the animal at bay was an option, but he'd grow tired soon enough and he'd eventually be severely hurt or killed once he was thoroughly exhausted. For now, all he needed to do was stall until Sandypaw came back with help.

Bluepaw was pulled from his thoughts when teeth sank into his leg and he was thrown clear across the area. He hit the ground with a thud and he groaned, his vision doubling as his head connected with the grassy forest floor. Moaning with pain, Bluepaw slowly tried to get to his paws, only for his legs to shake and give out beneath him. The fox advanced slowly, as though it were stalking him like he had stalked the rabbit and squirrel mere moments beforehand.

Suddenly, the fox's eyes widened with shock as a blurry shape stood protectively in front of the apprentice, snarling and spitting with their fur standing up. Bluepaw made out the dark ginger fur of Tumbleholly with the tell-tale big ears and long legs. Finally. He tried to speak, but only a mew fell from his lips.

"Shhh, don't try to talk," meowed the familiar voice of Sweetfur as the dark tabby medicine cat crouched beside him. Bluepaw's eyes focused on her soft, pretty face as she pressed a wad of cobwebs onto his leg that the fox had bitten. "Your pupils are dilated, so you may have a concussion." A sharp yelp made her turn as Tumbleholly- joined by Starlingspeck and Goosewhisker- drove the fox away. "Can you stand? No, probably not... I'll do my best to help you home, okay?"

Bluepaw gave a small nod and with her help, managed to stagger to his paws. The world spun and a sharp pain stabbed him behind his ears and he cried out with pain. Sweetfur's green eyes flashed with worry as she took most of his weight on her shoulder and started slowly walking back to the camp. A sharp scent shot up his nose and he scrunched his muzzle. A blood trail leading in the direction both cats were going caught his eye. But who else had come this way and ended up injured? Bluepaw froze in his tracks. Sandypaw had.

He's hurt.

"Bluepaw?" Sweetfur's concerned voice sounded miles away as he picked up the pace into a painful trot. He's hurt. He's hurt real bad. "Bluepaw- slow down!" Fear prickled his pelt as he fought against the white-hot pain in his body. He had to make it back to camp to make sure Sandypaw was okay. He had to be okay. He can't be more hurt than I am, right? Blood roared in his ears, drowning out the medicine cat's cries as he broke into an agonizing run.

You took Briarslip from us, he thought as he glanced to the sky, you're not taking my best friend too.


Bluepaw watched with worry as Sandypaw slept in the nest next to him in Sweetfur's den. They both had been treated for their injuries, but Bluepaw barely felt the sting of the poultices as they soaked his wounds. All of his attention was honed in on Sandypaw. What if he hadn't heard Sandypaw's pained cries? What if he was in the wrong place?

What if I was too late?

The thought rattled Bluepaw to his core as he gingerly touched his nose to Sandypaw's ear. The other apprentice stirred for a moment and flicked his ear, but quickly fell back asleep. Bluepaw let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in and looked down at his own injuries. Beech leaves- as Sweetfur had identified them- were wrapped around his right foreleg from where the fox had bitten and savaged the fur and flesh before throwing him. His head was bandaged with more beech leaves, but coupled with feverfew to help with the headache that was bound to come within a few hours. A few scrapes and bruises weren't tended to since they weren't as bad, but they burned slightly whenever he moved.

"How are you feeling?" Sweetfur mewed as she padded inside. Bluepaw gave a half-smile as she looked from Sandypaw to Bluepaw. "Oh good, he's asleep. I was afraid he'd be too shaken up to sleep." She sniffed at Bluepaw's foreleg and raised her head. "Any pain?"

Bluepaw shook his head. "It's a little weird and stiff, but it doesn't hurt." He glanced at his friend. "Is he going to be okay?" Please tell me he's going to be okay. The words he didn't say hung on his tongue as he watched the pretty medicine cat. Sweetfur gave a soft smile and nodded, taking some moss from the corner of the den and stuffing it under Sandypaw's haunches.

"He's going to be okay," she confirmed. Bluepaw sighed with relief. Thank StarClan. "His wounds aren't as severe as some of yours are, so while they will scar, he should be fine." She eyed Bluepaw's foreleg. "You may have some walking issues with that one. That's the injury I'm most worried about when it comes to you."

"What about my shoulder?" Bluepaw asked, wincing as he flaxed the area where the fox had savaged. Patches of fur were missing, but the blood had been cleaned up and a smattering of leaves, cobwebs, and a light green substance was smeared on it now.

Sweetfur sat down and curled her tail over her paws. "Your shoulder will be okay," she answered, her voice calm and sweet. "Some fur will be missing for about a moon or so, but it'll grow back like nothing ever happened." Her eyes fluttered over Bluepaw's injuries for a heartbeat before she looked down at Sandypaw. "Sandypaw came bursting into the camp looking like he'd seen a ghost. He was screaming about a fox and Tumbleholly was obviously the first to get out after you, but Poppystar sent extra warriors as backup just in case Tumbleholly wasn't enough."

Bluepaw nodded and rose to his paws. "Am I free to go? I want to check if all the prey we caught was collected and give a report to Poppystar." He paused when mentioning the grieving leader. "Are her and the kits okay?"

"She's grieving," meowed the medicine cat as she looking somberly at him. "Briarslip was her everything, and she's taking his death very hard." She gave a little chuckle, a gentle smile creasing her muzzle. "We all are, but her especially. Her kits are due at any point right now, but she's going to be raising them in her den for the time being." Sweetfur met Bluepaw's eyes. "You may go, but take it easy, okay? Once you get back, come straight here and I'll change your bandages and then you need to rest. Got it?"

Bluepaw dipped his head. "Loud and clear." He gave her a smile before heading out into the camp. The greenleaf sun warmed his back as he emerged from the cool stone cavern that housed Sweetfur's den. Starlingspeck was sunbathing with Tumbleholly, curled up together and having a quiet conversation. Bluepaw smiled and directed his paws toward Poppystar's den. Instead of it being a cave like Sweetfur's, Poppystar had insisted she have her own bramble den that she and Briarslip built and slept in the day she'd been made SkyClan's leader.

Through the filtered sunlight from the patchy parts of the roof and walls, Bluepaw saw the calico pelt of his leader curled up in her nest and staring absent-mindedly at the wall. She rolled a wad of moss underneath a paw while her hindlegs were splayed out as though she were stretching. While she was doing something with her paws, Bluepaw knew her mind was elsewhere, preoccupied with sitting vigil for her mate and bearing his kits soon. At least, that's what Bluepaw guessed. After all, he wasn't a she-cat whose mate died and now she had to raise the kits all by herself. Thankfully.

Poppystar's eyes focused when Bluepaw stood silently in the entrance of the den. She sat up and kicked the moss she'd been toying with away and cleared her throat. Tear streaks stained her cheeks and her blue eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Clearly she'd been crying. A pang of sympathy for his leader stabbed Bluepaw's chest as he dipped his head; a quiet ask for permission to enter. The leader nodded and Bluepaw walked inside the den.

"I'm happy to see you up and about, Bluepaw." Poppystar sounded relieved as she sat up a little bit, though didn't get into a sitting position. Bluepaw sat down in front of her and gave her a gentle, yet meaningful smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore," he confessed. The reality of his injuries was beginning to set-in and he could feel every inch of his wounds and where the fox's teeth had been imbedded into his flesh. "I'm just glad that Sandypaw's going to be okay." Poppystar raised an eyebrow, so he added. "And that the fox was driven away from our territory."

Poppystar gave a little chuckle. "I can see that you care very deeply for Sandypaw." Her eyes grew soft and Bluepaw felt his fur begin to warm under her intent stare.

"He's my best friend, of course I care about him."

The leader shrugged, raising a paw. "There's nothing wrong with caring for your friends, Bluepaw, I'm just saying what I'm seeing." When she looked at him, she smiled. "Sandypaw was very worried about you when he showed up here." Something about that made Bluepaw's heart do a funny little flutter in his chest. He was? Poppystar continued. "It was brave of you to send Sandypaw to get help when you know he's the better fighter out of the two of you. Stupid and reckless, but very brave." Her eyes shone as she dipped her head to Bluepaw. "You're a very brave cat Bluepaw, and I'd be honored to fight alongside you when you're a warrior."

Bluepaw's fur tingled. It was a very high praise for the leader to be honored to do anything with another cat, let alone fight alongside them. Pride fizzled beneath his pelt as Bluepaw dipped his head low to show his respect and gratitude. "Thank you Poppystar. You have no idea how much that means to me. Truly, thank you."

"You have the courage and bravery of a lion," the leader continued, making Bluepaw's ear tips burn. "You're a strong cat with a good heart, and I'm so tempted to grant you your warrior name right here and now. However, that wouldn't be fair to Starlingkit when he's still itching to be made an apprentice since he opened his eyes." Poppystar let out a hearty laugh and Bluepaw joined in. "Understand that I want to give you your full name, but I can't as you have yet to complete your training." Bluepaw nodded. He understood, though the thought of Poppystar wanting to make him a warrior already was satisfying enough.

"You're stronger than any other apprentice at your age," meowed Poppystar, snapping him from his prideful thoughts. "You'll be a great warrior yet, Bluepaw." She paused and her eyes softened. "I hope to apprentice one of my kits to you when the time comes, if you'd be willing to train them."

Blood roared in Bluepaw's ears at her words. Had he heard her correctly? She wants me to mentor one of her kits? One of Briarslip's kits? A kit of the leader and deputy? He stared wordlessly at Poppystar, who seemed amused at his silence. Words didn't portray his surprise well enough.

The she-cat reached forward and placed a paw on Bluepaw's chest. "May StarClan light your path always, Bluepaw." Her words rang clearly in Bluepaw's ears as he looked at her, eyes wide as an owl's. "You were not born among us, but you traverse the territory as though your bloodline runs through our Clan history." She gestured to his long, thick fur and huge paws. "Even in spite of your attributes, you adapt and overcome them. You have a strong future ahead of you, and I'd be honored to have you as one of my most trusted warriors when the time comes."

Bluepaw was speechless as he dipped his head. His pelt burned and his chest ached when she pulled her paw away. "My loyalty lies with you and SkyClan," he said, his voice solemn and strong. "StarClan guides my every thought and move. I serve you, StarClan, and SkyClan. My loyalty lies here and here alone."

They sat in silence for a moment before Poppystar broke it. "RiverClan took the love of my life from me. Stole the father of my kits before they were ever born." A shadow crossed her face as her muzzle scrunched into a snarl. "Knowing how Halfstar leads his Clan, that apprentice won't face any consequences for killing Briarslip."

"Timberpaw." Bluepaw blurted out the name, which caused Poppystar to raise an eyebrow. "The apprentice's name is Timberpaw. Him, Mistpaw, and Rainpaw are Mossystripe's kits." His fur heated up as Poppystar's piercing blue eyes burned into him. "S-Sandypaw and I met them when we went to our first Gathering," he spluttered out. "They seemed nice. I didn't expect that Timberpaw would ever kill another cat in battle."

Poppystar breathed heavily for a couple moments before she stood up. Bluepaw's eyes widened as she strode past him, their pelts brushing as she left the den. What is she doing? He followed the leader and watched her climb onto the Clanrock. She seemed calm, but every hair on her pelt bristled into sharp spikes. She's angry.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Clanrock for a meeting!" Her yowl attacked Bluepaw's ears like a horde of angry wasps. He quickly joined his Clanmates and settled down worriedly next to Goosewhisker. The golden tom blinked kindly at him and Bluepaw felt a little bit better before turning his attention to Poppystar. "Many of you know about the fox attack today involving our apprentices." Nearby, Bluepaw saw Tumbleholly straighten and his eyes shone. "Thankfully a patrol was gathered quickly and the fox was chased out with the ever present help of Tumbleholly." A murmur of congratulations floated in the air from the Clan as the ginger warrior dipped his head. "However, we have more pressing matters than the stray fox that wandered into the territory."

A shout came up from the crowd, coming from the direction of Redstorm and Stormclaw. "RiverClan!"

Poppystar flicked her tail in acknowledgement. "Yes, it is RiverClan. Halfstar has yet to send anyone to apologize for the death of our deputy and my beloved mate. I have no quarrels with Halfstar and his Clan, but this is a matter that must be resolved sooner rather than later."

"Are you suggesting we go to them?" Starlingspeck asked, sounding reluctant. Clearly the two she-cats hadn't spoken about this matter previously. At Poppystar's nod, the deputy flattened her ears. "You're heavily pregnant and due any moment now. Are you sure you can make the journey to RiverClan's territory?"

The leader nodded curtly to the brown tabby-point she-cat. "Sweetfur will travel with us should anything happen while we're there." She swept her gaze around the crowd and settled it on Tumbleholly. "Tumbleholly and Redstorm will also accompany me. As will you, Starlingspeck."

"Who will be left in charge of the camp while you're away?" Bluepaw voiced his concern nervously. He'd never spoken during a Clan meeting before. "With the leader, deputy, and medicine cat away, we need some form of temporary leadership just in case."

Poppystar nodded in agreement. "You're right, Bluepaw. Goosewhisker is the most senior warrior apart from Tumbleholly. He will be acting leader while we're away. I expect every cat to answer to him and respect him as though he were truly leader of SkyClan. If we are not back by nightfall, send a search party and prepare for a fight." She paused to catch her breath. "I suspect backlash from RiverClan, but I hope it does not go further." Her claws hooked on the stone and Bluepaw swallowed hard. "If provoked, then I will lead our Clan into battle." She dipped her head and padded not-so-gracefully down the rock.

A pit opened up in Bluepaw's belly as the leader, deputy, medicine cat, and Tumbleholly as well as Redstorm gathered around at the base of the Clanrock. Something felt so wrong about the meeting, and Bluepaw couldn't help but have his doubts. Would Halfstar conceed to Poppystar's wishes and punish Timberpaw accordingly? Was Timberpaw already being punished? Would this conflict lead to full-blown war? For now until Poppystar got back, he would wait and see what would happen.

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