Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar...

By OceanKuhn5

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Four sisters who discover their destiny. Four powers bestowed upon these newly discovered witches. Join us as... More

Characters first season
Something Wicca this way comes
I've got you under my skin
Thank You For Not Morphing
Dead man dating
Dream Sorcerer
The Fifth Sister
The Truth It Out There And It Hurts
The Witch Is Back
Wicca Envy
Feats Of Clay
The Wendigo
From Fear To Eternity
Secrets And Guys
Is There A Woogey In The House
Which Prim Is It Anyway
That Seventies Episode
When Bad Warlocks Go Good
Blind Sided
The Power Of Three
Love Hurts
Author's note.
Deja Vu All Over Again

Wedding From Hell

81 2 0
By OceanKuhn5

Outside a house a man and woman are talking about their upcoming wedding. A woman they don't know shows up and the man falls unconscious.

Back at the manor Piper and Prim are in the bathroom. Both holding pregnancy tests in their hands. 'Hello? What are you two doing in there?' Prue exclaims.

'We're almost done.' Piper tells her.

Prue sighs. 'Define almost?'

'Just give us another minute or two, Prue. I gotta talk something through with Piper.' Prim yells back.

Prue doesn't believe her. 'Your positive?'

Piper faintly whispers. 'I hope not.'

'Everything's gonna be fine Piper. I mean yeah, It's seems screwed up now....but at least you won't have to tell your boyfriend. And even if you have a half demon baby.... he or she will still be half witch and that baby will have a force of good for a mom...not ta mention its kick ass aunts.' Prim cheekily whispers as Piper gives her a look.

Prue tries again. 'Guys i can not be late today.'

'I know the feeling.' Piper says.

'Well, I'm screwed. What about you?' Her face paler than usual as she shows Piper the pink lines.

Prue continues talking. 'My first biannual starts tomorrow and....Guys i just want to do a good job.'

'Yeah, i know.' Piper tells her.

'Prue, you'll kick ass, as usual.' Prim tells her quietly.

'So can you two hurry then?' She asks them.

Piper starts getting irritated. 'Just use the bathroom downstairs.'

'All my stuff is up here.' She tries again.

Piper fires back. 'Well, use mine. It's all down there.'

'But then...never mind.' She leaves.

Phoebe then knocks on the door. 'Piper? Prim?'

'We'll be right out.' Piper replied as Prim just sits in shock, now knowing all those times she got sick was not a stomach bug.

Phoebe sighed. 'Is there any hot water left?'

Piper throws her pregnancy box in the bin, stuffing Prims' tests in her sisters pocket. She opens the door. 'What?'

'Am i in for a cold shower. Yes or no?' Phoebe asks again.

Piper gets snarky. 'At certain times in our life, a cold shower is probably a good thing.'

'Not three mornings in a row it's not.' Phoebe tells her.

Piper leaves pulling their non-verbal sister with her. Phoebe watches as they go, feeling bad for Prim who had been sick for a week now. She starts brushing her teeth when she notices the box in the trash. She picks it up and has a premonition of a demon baby being born.

In the kitchen Piper is cooking and Prim is helping her. She gets a tray of hor's d'ouevres our of the oven when Prue walks in. The phone rings and Piper answers it. 'Hello. Okay, thanks. Bye.' She hangs up.

Prue decides to bring up the bathroom situation. 'The four of us definitely need to figure out some kind of a morning routine.'

Prim starts getting nauseous. 'I think I'm gonna be gonna be sick.'

'I'm right there with ya sister.' Piper agrees.

Prue smirks. 'In the upstairs or downstairs bathroom?'

Piper sighs.' Since Prim is gonna be in bed resting now, maybe Phoebe can help me cater the Elliot Spencer wedding tomorrow.'

'Shouldn't you check with the chef who hired you first? Prue asked.

Piper is exasperated. 'That would be chef moore. Who is on his way to France and since technically the contract is with Quake, he is off the hook and I'm on the line. Now i have to tell one of the richest families in the city that the chef they hired can't do their wedding. They're stuck with me and i hope they go for it.'

'Well, there is a bright side. They can't hire anyone else in twenty four hours. Piper its not the end of the world.' Prim assured her.

Phoebe walks in. 'What's not the end of the world?'

'Piper's problem.' Prue explains.

Phoebe seems relieved. 'Oh, you know too?

'They just told me.' Prue looks at her.

Piper looks at Phoebe. 'How do you know?'

'Oh, i...' Phoebe starts to explain.

Prue cuts in. 'I don't think anyone will even notice.'

'Oh yeah, Piper's definitely got this.' Prim nods along.

Piper then turns to Phoebe. 'I thought maybe you could help me.'

'Me? What can i do?' Phoebe asked.

Piper tells her. 'Pick up some supplies. Tie some bows. Offer moral support if i panic and freeze anything. Ten bucks an hour.'

'Ohh, I'd take it. Good luck with the wedding.' Prue leaves.

Prim looks at her. 'Piper really needs ya Pheebs. I'd help but I'm on strict orders from her to take it easy today. Just relax, do some light reading.'

Piper gives Prim a look then turns to Phoebe. 'So will you do it?'

'Yeah, sure.' Phoebe agrees.

Piper smiles. 'Great. Okay. Here is a list of supplies i need. I'll go to the Spencer Estate and you can meet me there at 1:00.'

'You two and Prue were really just talking about the wedding?' Phoebe is confused.

Piper nods. 'Yeah, what did you think we were talking about?'

'Jeremy and his aftermath. You know, you slept with him.' Phoebe bluntly says.

Prims eyes go wide. 'Woah, Phoebe. Don't invoke he-who-must-not-be-named.'

'Don't ever mention that warlocks name again. It is over. He's in demon hell. End of story. Wedding yes, warlocks no. Am i clear? Good, because there is nothing in me that wants anything to do with Jeremy ever again.' Piper shuts it down and leaves the room leaving Phoebe to grab a snack. 'Don't touch those.'

Phoebe puts it back and Prim laughs at her.

At the Spencer house Piper has arrived. She meets a priest who the guards call Father Trask. He tells her to beware Hecate. At the same time Prue is at Bucklands appraising fertility goddess that Rex tells her its not to available to be cataloged. Phoebe shows up dragging Prim with her reluctantly.

Prue tells Phoebe to get out of her chair. To which she obliges. 'I love that found time to scribble a morning shower schedule for for we Halliwell sisters. I noticed that I'm the last. Not our baby sister.'

Prim rolls her eyes as Prue responds. 'Yeah, well, that's because Prim usually takes her shower at night. Now what are you doing her? And why did you drag our sick sister with you? I thought that you were helping Piper with the wedding.'

'I am but i need to talk to you.' Nodding.

Prue sighs. 'You've got, uh, 5 minutes. Go.'

'Okay, uh, i had a vision this morning and in this vision a thing was born (Prims eyes grew wide at the word born), so i started to think back, oh, six, eight weeks ago....'Phoebe starts before Prue interrupts her. 'Oh my god, you're pregnant.'

Phoebe is baffled.' What?'

'That's why you came back from New York, isn't it?' Prue accused.

Phoebe glares at her. 'No. But i shouldnt be surprised that you would think that. After all, i am the irresponsible sister, the black sheep who always screws up, the dark cloud over the Halliwell household.'

Prue looks at her. 'Phoebe.'

'Okay I'm not pregnant.' Phoebe sighs.

Prue is now confused. 'But then why...'

'Excuse me. I think i still have two more minutes. Fyi, you do have two other sisters who have had sex. But consider it was a demon baby, remember Jeremy? The guy who blew up in the attic. The warlock boyfriend. Think about it, Prue. Because it wasn't me or Prim in that vision having the demon child. It was Piper. So, id you won't believe me, you can believe my power.' Phoebe sassed.

At the Spencer mansion Allison tries to see Elliot but his mom won't let her and makes her leave. Piper is in the kitchen overseeing things when Phoebe walks in with a forced Prim. Phoebe smiles. 'Hey, sis.'

'Finally. Did you get everything? Why is she here?' Piper turns to Prim. 'Why are you here?

'Most of it. And because we need her.' Phoebe explains rushed.

Prim sighs shaking her head. 'What she means is I was feeling better and I already gave you my word to help. Besides you need me, with Pheebs here she might do more flirting then catering.' Phoebe glares at her and Piper gives a small laugh.

Piper suddenly shouts at a cook. 'No wait. I've got buns in the oven.'

'You're not kidding.' Phoebe mumbles to herself as Prim elbows her.

They find out that the bride has changed. Allison tries to get through to a mute Elliot not knowing he's under a spell when she's caught by the bride. She leaves. Father Trask tries to vanquish Jade who is Hecate but fails and Kirsten throws him out the window. The sisters tell a security guard about the Father, but its to late.

The police are now at the scene. Andy and Morris question Jade. Piper and Phoebe went home to read up on Hecate. Prim already knowing the book like the back of her hand opted to go to Prue and explain things. She was surprised to find her sister not in her office, since she basically lived here.

She picked up a fertility icon that someone had put a sticker on a very prominent spot. Andy comes in and sees what she's doing. 'I'll come back when your alone.' He joked.

She puts the icon in its box. 'Uh, no l. It's okay, I'm finished. Someone put an inventory tag on his...uh...on the, uh...'

'Artifact?' Andy finished.

She smiled, blushing a little. 'Yeah, yes. Artifact. Growing up with Prue i should know that huh?!'( she sits on the edge of Prues desk.) Uh, where is your, um...'

'Artifact? Right here.' He says as he shows her a large envelope in his hands. 'I brought it for Prue to look at, but getting to see you without the crime scene is nice.' He smiled.

She smiled back. Sh e had a feeling shes seen it before. 'Yeah, it is. May I? I may not be Prues level but she's taught me quite a bit. Teaching me to be a jack of all trades, in case the need should arise.'

'It's all yours. It's the knife from the crime scene. Thanks for looking at it.' He stares at her in admiration.

She took his hand and gave it a short squeeze before letting go. 'Anytime. I love when i get to see you. But, back to the Poingnard. It's beautiful. Hmm. I'd say Italian, 14th century. The words on the handle. "Nec prius absistit quoad protero prodigium."

'My latin's a little rusty. Uh, "He shall not...." gently tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

Prim gulps, trying to ignore the sweet gesture. 'Um, "I shall not. I shall not rest until the demon is vanished." Let me see what else i can find. (She searches through Prues computer.) I can't believe Father Trask had this.'

'Yeah, I'm finding it hard to believe a Priest carries a weapon.' Andy nods.

Prim sighs. 'Maybe he should have took an invincible potion while he was at it.'

A picture of Hecate comes up. 'Huh, well I'll be....'

'What?' Andy leans over to see.

Prim turns the computer off. 'Oh, uh just that i was correct. Ya know some people back then believed it was for a demon. Which is crazy. Those kinds of things don't exist. Anyway, do you mind if i keep this for awhile. I'm sure Prue would know of someone who might be able to tell us more.'

'Sure. I did check it out so Prue could look at it.' He cocked an eyebrow.

Prim kisses him. 'Thanks. I'll call you if anything else comes up.'

At the manor Piper is explaining to Phoebe that Allison is supposed to marry Elliot tomorrow. Phoebe on the other hand is more concerned about her vision. 'Okay, i can't hold this in any longer. Your name isn't Piper and that's the good news. You're really Hecate, Queen of the underworld. You're pregnant with the demon child, which means, I'm afraid i have to kill you.'

Piper stares at her. 'What?'

'Not to worry. You have plenty of time. I still have to find the jeweled Poingnard to kill you with. See?' Phoebe shows her the book.

Piper and Prim walk in the latter holding the item. 'You mean this?'

'The odds, Piper? What are the odds.' Phoebe looks at her.

Piper glares at her. 'I'm not pregnant. Trust me.'

'It's true. I was there when she took it.' Prim nods.

Prue smiles. 'Well, that's good news.'

Phoebe runs over and hugs Piper. 'Are you kidding? That's great news. You can live. Wait. My vision...'

'Phoebe, what is it that you saw exactly?' Prue asks.

Phoebe thinks. 'Well, i-i saw the thing being born.'

'Did you see Piper?' Prim rolls her eyes.

Phoebe nods. 'Yes, I saw her legs.'

'Never saw her face?' Prue pressed.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'No.'

'Hello, bickering sisters. I'm not pregnant but i am in the room. Phoebe, how did you know i took a pregnancy test?' Piper interjects.

Phoebe looks at her sheepishly. 'I,uh, found the box in the bathroom.'

'You're supposed to take the trash out, not dig through it.' Piper scorns.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Piper, it's not like that.'

'We're making those bathroom schedules now.' Piper exclaims.

Prim steps in. 'Sisters, hello. We have bigger problems at the moment. Cliff notes. Father Trask belonged to a secret order who vowed to stop Hecate, no matter the cost.'

'Beware Hecate. Thats what Father Trask said. Then he tried to kill Jade.' Piper spoke up.

Prim sighs. 'Yeah, she's a demon. She comes to earth every two hundred years. Her only goal is to find and innocent, put him under a spell and marry him in a sanctified wedding.'

'That doesn't sound that different than most of the single women in this city.' Phoebe says.

Prim continues. 'She needs Elliot to impregnate her. That way her baby will look normal on the outside. But pure demon in every other way. Talk about trapping a guy.'

'This is huge. A child born into the wealth and power of the Spencer family?' Piper is worried.

Prue concedes. 'I don't think its a coincidence that you're catering the wedding. I think it's one of those things that we can kind of look forward to as protectors of the innocent.'

'Hmmm.' Phoebe ponders.

Piper sighs. 'Well, before we ruin the wedding and my career, let's make sure we're right about Jade.'

The sisters are at the Spencer's house watching Jade opening presents. To lingerie. Piper is mad they order pizza instead of eating her food. He turns out to be a stripper. Prim rolls her eyes as Piper blushes a little, Prue is smiling, while Phoebe is practically drooling at the stripper. All of a sudden the woman rip into the man, devouring him. 'Talk about a man-eater.' Prim quips.

The sisters are back at the manor coming up with a plan. 'Somehow, we have to stop them.' Prue tells her sisters.

'So, there's only one problem with our plan. We're assuming that Allison is gonna be a willing accomplice.' Phoebe voiced her opinion.

Piper looks between her sisters. 'She still loves Elliot. You heard what she said.'

'The Book of Shadows said that the spell can be broken by a declaration of love sealed with a kiss. Imagine that. True love's kiss.' Prim smiled.

Pipee is giddy. 'It's so romantic. Just like a fairy tale. And once Elliot is out of her spell, Jade's out of luck, no wedding, no honeymoon night.'

'No honeymoon, no sex and no sex, no monster child spending alternate weekends with daddy.' Prue sums up.

Phoebe still votes for using power. 'I still say we rely on our power of four thing and ix-nay the monster bride and her carnivorous bridesmaids.'

'Phoebe, we're supposed to help people, not harm them.' Piper tells her.

Prue nods. 'And that's exactly what we're gonna do. You two will get Elliot, Prim and i will get Allison, and we'll meet at the front of the gate no later than 2:30. Everybody have their weapon?'

(Piper grabs her phone, Prue grabs her phone, Prim puts her phone in her pocket then holds up her hands in fists, and Phoebe grabs the poingnard.)

Prue rolls her eyes at Phoebe. 'Give me that. (She takes the poingnard off of Phoebe and hands it to Prim. Knowing it's more dangerous in her hands.) Okay, so, it's time to shower, shampoo and go kick some Hecate butt.'

(Prue leaves the room.)

'Did she just say shower?' Phoebe looks at them.

Piper nods. 'She did, didn't she?'

'Hot water.' They shout at the same time. Prim laughs watching them scramble after Prue.

At the church Andy and Morris are talking about the report of the Priest having a broken neck before he hit the pavement. Making this a homicide.

'Told ya so.' Andy smirked.

Morris sighs. 'So, what? Are you saying that a little one hundred and twenty pound blushing bride tossed him out the window? I don't think so.'

'The security tapes from the estate will show who did it.' Andy told him.

Morris nods. 'Yeah, that's a good idea.'

'Already had them sent to the station.' Andy tells him.

Morris looks at him. 'You did, did ya?' They leave.

At the manor Allison shows up.

'Allison Michaels?' Prue asked.

The woman nods. 'Yes. Prue and Prim Halliwell?'

'Thanks for coming. Come in.' Prue smiles.

She nods. 'You said it was important. (Prim shows her the napkin.) Where did you get this?'

'This won't take long, I promise.' Prim tells her.

Phoebe and Piper are outside the Spencer mansion waiting on Prue and Prim.

Back at the manor. Allison explains what transpired up til now. 'And everything was fine, right on schedule, until about, uh, six days ago. That's when Jade appeared out of nowhere and started working at the Spencer family business. And before I could say "I do", I was out and she was in. End of story.'

'Did you talk to Elliot?' Prue asked.

She shook her head. 'They wouldn't even let me see him.'

'Not a big surprise.' Prim bluntly says.

The woman sighs. 'It wouldn't make a difference anyway. The Elliot I know, the Elliot I love, isn't here anymore.'

Prim grabs Allisons hand. 'Allison, Elliot isn't himself because this woman has him under a spell, so to speak. He loves you, not Jade.'

'If that were true, I would be the one walking down the aisle today.' Shaking her head.

Prur looks at her. 'You still can be. All you have to do is crash your wedding.'

'What?' Looking at Prue in disbelief.

Prim jumps in. 'Alison, it's not that crazy. The man you love is marrying somebody else. Isn't your whole body screaming at you to do something? To fight for him? Is there anything you wouldn't do to be with him?'

'This isn't a fairy tale. Real life doesn't work that way.' She tells them.

Prue looks at her. 'But what if you can get him back? Do you really wanna spend the rest of your life just wondering? In your heart of hearts, you must still love him.'

'I do. God, I really do.' Nodding.

Prue smiles. 'Then let us help you.'

'But you don't even know me. Why would you wanna help me?' Allison asks.

Prim looks at her. 'Have you ever seen "Touched by an Angel?" where the woman who's an angel helps strangers every week?'

'I love that show.' She nods.

Prue smirked at Prim. 'Don't get too excited, we're nothing like that. But, uh, my sisters and I, we have special gifts.'

'Gifts? What kind of gifts?' She asks.

Prim chuckled. 'The non-refundable kind. We come from a very interesting family tree. If you'll trust us, we can get you back together.'

At the Spencer's house. Phoebe and Piper see a bridesmaid eating stripper. They try to talk her into letting them see the groom but she denies them. The mother comes out and tells them to meet her in the wine cellar. In the cellar the bridesmaids try to kill them but they quickly run away.

At the police station Andy and Morris go through the the security tapes of the Spencers.

Outside the Spencer's estate Prue, Prim, and Allison are waiting on Piper and Phoebe. It is now 2:30. Prue calls Piper and find out there trapped in the cellar with demons.

Back at the police station. 'It's just two women talking. You can't even hear them.' Morris is disappointed.

Andy smirks. 'What, you don't read lips? (He leans forward.) killing a priest wasn't part of our deal.

'Man, you're good.' Morris laughs slightly.

Back at the Spencer's house the wedding is beginning. Prim stayed with Allison as Prue went to rescue their sisters.

Prim starts to nervously biting her lip as the Priest reads a crucial part. 'If there's anyone here who knows of a reason these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your piece.'

Piper chimes in. 'We have a reason.'

'I love you, Elliot.' Allison tells him.

Jade is furious. 'Why, you little witch.'

'Hey!' Piper snaps at her.

Jade starts chanting. 'By asteria and percease, open sky and do your worse!'

The wind starts whipping around violently, thunder rumbled and lightning striked. Everyone starts running. Andy and Morris arrive.

Andy smiled. 'Well, this is exciting. I wonder what's going on here?'

In Elliot's bedroom Jade turns into Hecate. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim walk in. Three demons push them further in.

'Alright, quick, we have to banish them back to the underworld.' Prue looks at Prim. 'Uh, the poingnard is gone.' Prim groans.

Elliot picks it up off the floor and it starts glowing.

Piper looks at her sister. 'Prue, do something.'

Prue uses her power and the demons get sucked in the poingnard.

Elliot smiles. 'Whoever you four are, thank you.'

Outside the Spencer's house. Elliot and Allison are together hugging and kissing. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Prim are near by.

'We did that.' Prue tells them.

Prim smiles. 'True loves kiss breaks even the darkest of curses.'

Phoebe nods. 'And they'll live happily ever after.'

'I wonder if we will.' Piper wonders.

Prue looks at her. 'Of course, we will. Why shouldn't we?'

'That's easy for you to say. You'll never greet your husband at the door with: "Honey, I think I froze the kids." She scoffs.

Prue smiles. 'No, I've just accidentally moved them to another zip code.'

'Hello. I just tied my kids to the wall, or anywhere for that matter, or blew them away. Not to mention what my other powers may do. Fire, water, earth, ice....imagine the chaos.' Prim says forlornly.

Phoebe smiles at them. 'But I will see them, find them, and bring them back safely. If I can ever learn to control my powers.'

'If any of us can.' Piper chimes in.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Just think of the obstacles that Allison and Elliot have overcome. If they can do it, so can we.'

'I guess true love does conquer all.' Prue says.

Phoebe laughs. 'Especially if you have separate bathrooms.'

They see Andy walking towards them. 'Speaking of true love...' piper says.

Phoebe smirks. 'Ooh.'

'Fancy seeing you here.' Andy says.

Prim smiles. 'Yeah, well, i am helping Piper cater.(She holds up the poingnard.) Although, i was hoping to give this back to you. I'm finished with it.'

'How'd you know I'd be here?' He raised an eyebrow as he takes it from her.

Prim smirks. 'I had a hunch. A preist did just die here. But if you didn't show up here. I was gonna drop it off after the wedding.'

'Aha, shall we talk about this in private, Prim?' Andy suggests putting an arm around her and they walk away.

'Do you believe in destiny?' Phoebe blurts out.

They giggle. 'He believes in destiny. Shh.' Piper replies.

Prue smiles. 'I'm happy for them. They truly do belong together.'

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