magic luck of two (hard drunk...

By drunkedmanlol12

15 0 4

❝That girl is the complete expectation of what I imagined! I did mean to pick her!❞ ❝Well they call you good... More

what happen - chatper 0.1

15 0 4
By drunkedmanlol12

this story is very long, so watch my friends cool version of it, cuz its the true one

ok so uh (time skip after we get introduced to setting, the cafe thingy)

that white cat(angle): yo look at the idiot black cat, and I'm so cool, cuz I'm white cat!, and hes bad luck! *he starts rolling on the floor, he laughs like the joker*

popper: you have made me very angry, wa wa wa, *he starts crying on the floor excessively, before explosively shitting all over the place, and the cafe.*

popper: I'm telling my dad

white cat: he doesn't exist lol

popper: yes he does

white cat: no

popper dad: I have been summoned

pooper: dad there bullying me


*the white cat and popper dad start fighting, as popper dad uses his belt technique and spanks the white cat for being mean to his son*

Popper Dad: You shall face the pain I felt when I walked to school.
*Poppers dad releases his rage as he holds his belt in the air, before it turns into a sword as he rushes towards the racist white cat and impales him*

pooper dad: no more rude to my son

*the white cat still bleed*

white cat: ok.

*then poopers dad leaves and everything goes to normal*

*white cat goes to apologize to pooper*

white at: I 'm sorry

pooper: your racist

pooper: and I dont like racism, its very bad and Racism, a deeply entrenched social malaise, has plagued human societies for centuries. This repugnant ideology is built upon the misguided belief in the superiority of one race over others, perpetuating discrimination, hatred, and injustice. This essay will explore the deleterious consequences of racism, both on individuals and society at large. It will shed light on how racism undermines the principles of equality, breeds violence, and hinders progress, emphasizing the urgent need for collective efforts to eradicate this abhorrent ideology

Racism is grounded in the fallacious notion that one race is inherently superior to others. In reality, there is no scientific basis for such claims. Genetic research has proven that human beings are a remarkably homogenous species, sharing over 99% of their DNA. The physical traits that define race have little to do with intelligence, morality, or worth as a human being. Engaging in racist beliefs denies the rich diversity of humanity and perpetuates an arbitrary hierarchy that fosters divisions and animosity.

Racism is fundamentally at odds with the principles of equality and human rights. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights unequivocally asserts that all individuals are born free and equal in dignity and rights, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or nationality. Embracing racist ideologies contradicts this fundamental principle, leaving vulnerable populations exposed to systemic discrimination and marginalization. By perpetuating racial disparities, societies restrict access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and despair.

Racism not only breeds discrimination but also fosters violence and hostility. Throughout history, racism has been at the root of countless atrocities, including colonization, slavery, and genocides. The dehumanization of certain racial or ethnic groups makes it easier for individuals to justify acts of violence against them. Hate crimes, racially motivated attacks, and police brutality are all manifestations of this deeply ingrained prejudice, perpetuating fear and distrust among communities.

Racism poses a significant hindrance to social progress and collective prosperity. By excluding individuals based on their race, societies squander their potential to benefit from the vast array of talents and skills found in all racial and ethnic groups. When individuals are denied opportunities due to racism, society as a whole loses out on valuable contributions to culture, art, science, and innovation. It is only by embracing diversity and inclusivity that societies can flourish and advance.

To combat racism, it is essential to foster empathy and understanding among individuals from different racial backgrounds. Education plays a pivotal role in dismantling racial prejudice, enabling people to appreciate cultural differences and recognize the shared humanity that unites us all. Moreover, fostering meaningful intercultural interactions and promoting diverse representation in media and leadership positions can help challenge stereotypes and break down barriers.

Racism is a pernicious force that continues to poison our societies and tarnish the principles of equality and human dignity. Its damaging consequences are evident in the form of discrimination, violence, and the hindrance of social progress. The eradication of racism requires collective action, involving education, legislation, and individual introspection. Only through embracing diversity, promoting empathy, and rejecting racist ideologies can we aspire to build a truly equitable and harmonious world, free from the shackles of racial prejudice. The battle against racism demands our utmost dedication, as it is a battle not just for social justice, but for the very essence of humanity itself.

white cat: what

pooper: die for being racist

white cat: wait what

*Pooper uses his serious series, as he seriously punches white cat, and sends him to jupiter, where he will get sutpider*

pooper: your racism, its broken, and I have saved earth, once again, I am one punch pooper.


                                                      chapter end lets goooo, chapter 0.1 end

                                                   after you watched this amazing climax, your prob like "yo whats next" and I have good news, there will be more cool stuff, pooper becomes hero in later chapter, but first he must go to school, and yes, it is boring, but he gets learn cool stuf, this is only start of pooper bizarre adventure, more cool stuff tomorrow lol, have good night, its the zz time.

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