What-ifs (Garou x Female Read...

By 0987654321uj

3.2K 177 74

You've known him since childhood, but you two were never close. What if, one day, that changed? Y/N works at... More

Chapter 1: Reunite
Chapter 3:Havoc
Chapter 4: Insomnia
Chapter 5: Explanation
Chapter 6: Surprise
Chapter 7: Chaos
Chapter 8: Confrontation
Chapter 9: Pain
Chapter 10: Again
Author's Note
Chapter 11: Abduction
Chapter 12: Desperation
Chapter 13: Resistence

Chapter 2: Memories

330 19 7
By 0987654321uj

"C'mon Garou, stay still! You agreed to play the monster so you gotta listen to me!" Tatsu ordered. The boy in front of him looked terrified.

     "B-but why?!" Garou, a helpless loner, didn't have much of a choice in the matter, no matter how much he retaliated.

     Tatsu smirked. "Because I said so. Guys, hold him still for me, will you?"

"No!!" Garou attempted to break loose. "Why does the monster always have to lose?! Why is the hero always the winner? It's not fair!!" No matter how much he fought, Garou was no match for the multiple arms that held him still. All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and brace himself.

"STOP IT YOU GUYS!" A young girl shrieked, running towards the group. Tatsu paused, turning his attention to her, which momentarily saved Garou from the inevitable beating.

     "Who're you?" Tatsu asked in disgust. "And why are you defending him? He doesn't even have any friends!" The girl glared.

     "Why should that matter? Just cause you have friends doesn't mean you get to be so mean to other people!" Garou's eyes widened, being unaccustomed to having someone take his side.

"Tch, whatever." Tatsu rolled his eyes. "Girls are so stupid. Guys, let's go," he commanded his group, giving up for the time being. The girl continued to glare at their backs as they walked away.

     Garou looked at her. "Why did you do that?" He asked in confusion. "You don't even know me."

     She looked at him. "Of course I know you, we're classmates. Besides, those guys are jerks! Why wouldn't I help you...uhh..."

"It's Garou."

"Right. Garou. I'm Y/N L/N. Anyway, are you okay?"

     He nodded. "Yeah, thanks to you anyway." She grinned.

     "No problem! Hey maybe we can play sometime, sound good?"

     Garou's eyes widened. "Uhh...sure." Y/N smiled.

     "Great! I have to go now though...see you tomorrow!"

Next Day

     "Hey!! Garou! Wanna eat lunch with me and my friends?" Y/N called, running up beside the boy.

     He stayed quiet for a moment, debating, until he said, "Yeah sure!"

For the next week, Garou continued to eat lunch with Y/N and her friends. After school one day, Y/N was sitting on one of the swings in the playground when Garou walked up to her. "Hey, what's up?" He asked.

     She avoided making eye contact. "...nothing..." Garou frowned. He couldn't help but worry at least a little bit since she was usually very upbeat and energetic.

     "Is something wrong? Did Tatsu bother you?" Y/N couldnt help but let out a small giggle at his concern.

     "No it's not that..." Her face turned serious.

"Garou..I'm moving away soon."


He looked upset. "How far?"

     Y/N looked at him. She was close to tears. "Pretty far. I won't be able to come here anymore for school, which means I'm gonna lose all my friends," she began to cry. "I don't wanna leave everyone!" She whimpered. Garou didn't know what to do, so he awkwardly hugged her.

     "It's ok..I'm sure you'll be able to hang out with them again someday."

     She sniffed. "But who's gonna make sure you don't get bullied?" He sighed.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me!" He said, forcing a smile.

You woke up. "Garou..." you mumbled. "I remember that kid." Suddenly you sat up, thinking. Wait a second...spiky grey hair? Yellow eyes? Your eyes widened. No way. It can't be. He lives in a totally different city! Why would he come here? And why now? Your thoughts raced.

I won't jump to conclusions. It could be a totally different guy. Plus, I can't see that kid ever becoming so insanely jacked, You thought, remembering the man's physique. Getting out of bed, you began your day by walking into the bathroom.

     After your morning routine and breakfast, you looked at your schedule for the day. You sighed. A 6 hour shift...well, it's definitely better than yesterday. You also needed to do some grocery shopping after work.

Halfway through your shift, and much to your surprise, the man from yesterday walked in. His golden eyes seemed tired, but observant as ever. Should I ask him? You wondered. I mean it wouldn't hurt...hmmm..

He ordered a milkshake again. Turning away to prepare it, you debated risking the question. As you handed the milkshake to him, you decided to ask him. You took a deep breath.

     "Excuse  me, is your name Garou by any chance?" Wow. I really wanna hide under the counter right now. I'm totally gonna run away if he says no.

His eyes narrowed "Who's asking?" he questioned. His response and facial expression told me I was right.

     NO WAY. NO. WAY. Your insides were churning. IT ACTUALLY IS GAROU?!?! HES TOTALLY RIPPED!!! Kinda hot too...WHAT THE HECK Y/N?!?! You did your best to suppress your blush as you internally smacked your forehead.

"Uhh..not sure if you remember me but...I'm Y/N L/N. From elementary school."

     He remained stoic. "I think you got the wrong guy," he said as he turned around to leave.

     "Wait!" The man stopped. "Uhh..are you sure?" You internally facepalmed yourself again. Why am I even doing this... "Remember? I'm that girl who defended you from the bullies." What am I even saying? He probably moved on a long time ago.

His expression didn't change. All he said was "Oh. I guess we do know eachother." Really? That's all? You thought.

     "Hehe..yeah.." That's it. You were about to run. He clearly didn't seem interested in further conversation but you're too determined to give up. "So what do you think about the milkshake? I noticed you ordered it yesterday too."

     Garou looked at the drink, then at you, and said, "It's pretty good. Could use some protein powder, though."

     You laughed. "Perhaps I'll consider it." You watched him walk out.

You hadn't even said goodbye. What a lame reunion, you thought. He's definitely changed.

You continued to work, the exchange lingering in the back of your mind.

Garou's POV

Y/N L/N...it's been so long since I've seen her. He thought. She probably thinks I'm a jerk because of how I acted. Garou grinned. Or maybe even a monster...

     He was on his way to the park to see if that ugly brat was there. Wonder if he'll let me see the hero almanac again.

     When he arrived at the park, he was not disappointed. Tareo was sitting there reading his book. Garou went and sat next to him as the boy finally noticed his presence. "Oh, hey uncle!" Tareo said, surprised to see the man once again.

     Garou scowled. "I thought I told you not to call me uncle." Tareo only stared in response. "Anyway, when're you gonna let me borrow that book of yours?" Garou asked.

     "I thought I told you to go buy your own!"

     "Tch, they were outta stock. Sheesh what is it with kids these days." Garou mumbled.

     Tareo's eyes brightened. "I know! We can read it together," he suggested. Garou sighed.

     "Fine, whatever."

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