Hearth's Home

By TediousBison

29.3K 693 211

It was suppose to be regulare Winter Solstice. The first one after the second war. The usual boring meeting... More

The Hearth's Home
Grace of The Thrid Child
A Son of Love & Doves
Son of Artemis
Throne of Heroes

Blind Sun

1.5K 66 19
By TediousBison





"Okay so lets find this..." Hiraeth muttered as he scrolled through the different universes as the different Y/N's flashed across the screen.

One female with long golden hair appeared on the screen with the title of 'Golden Valkyrie'. Then a boy with short black hair and angry yellow eyes with the title of 'Hound of Mars'. Then their was another confusing person with the title of 'Prince of Murder'.

"Having trouble finding the right one?" Hermes asked raising an eyebrow. "What's with Prince of Murder?"

"Son of Cain." Hiraeth said off handedly, before mumbling. "Why are the children of Kronos always hard to find?"

"Not as hard as that one child of Hermes." Chaos giggled, though it sounded almost like a chuckle.

"Don't get me started on him." Hiraeth sighed, "You and Ananke let him wander around far too much."

"A child of mine?" Hermes asked interested.

"Oh yes, the little brother Luke." Chaos hummed, "He stops by sometimes in between wandering universes." Most of the demigods stopped and stared at the mention fo Luke. "Oh don't worry he's not like Luke, infact he actually left because he couldn't get the association with Luke away from him."

"So they wouldn't have been on friendly terms?" Percy asked and Chaos laughed.

"Far from friendly, loathe each other infact. Well openly, they do have a brotherly love for each other in an odd old greek esk way." Chaos smiled.

"Ugh, okay we'll just look at the Blind Son of Apollo." Hiraeth sighed.

"Why's he blind?" Apollo asked immediately.

The screen showed a boy that didn't look any older than sixteen, he had (h/c) that turn to golden blond as it flowed against his shoulders.  He wore a silver blind fold that had norse runes on it. Freckles dotted his face that wore a bright sunny smile. His right hand held a cane as he did a peace sign with the other.

"This is Young Y/N Vargas, the blind son of Apollo, Listener of the Oracle, Weilder of Helios' Hammer, Baker Without Equal, Cinnimon Roll, Brave Light, Kiss Stealer. Their are more titles, but lets keep them a secret." Hiraeth announced.

"The oracle has a listener now?" Apollo asked. "I figured that would just be the... oracle."

"The spirit of Delphi can choose one should she find one suitable." Hiraeth nodded. "The oracle herself and the spirit are different things, but you know that already."

"He can weild Helios' hammer?" Athena asked suprised.

"Why do you sound suprised mom?" Annabeth asked.

"Because it will incinerate anyone it doesn't like." Hiraeth answered. "It has a some of the primordial power of the sun. Finding it is one thing, weilding it another. Well its more along the lines of it finds you."

"So it's basically a flamey mjlonir." Leo summarized.

"Simply put yeah." Hephaestus laughed.

"Can I-"

Chaos cut Leo off, "It will kill you, nor will you ever find it."

"Dang it." Leo grumbled.

Jason pat his shoulder, "Its okay."

"Oh he also found and tamed the Teumessian Fox." Hiraeth said with a smile.

"The what?" Percy asked not knowing what it was.

Annabeth sighed, "The most elusive fox who has never been caught."

"My... so what's been stolen now?" Dionysus asked.

"Well the list would be quite... extensive." Hiraeth chuckled.

"Just the major stuff then." Hermes said leaning forward interested.

"Uh... lets see." Hiraeth said pulling a list out. "Well skipping over the average god and goddesses item that doesn't really matter.... Ares sheild..."


"Hera's diadem..."

"How did that get stolen?"

"Amphitrites necklace...."

"How can the fox go underwater?"

"The sheathe to Nike's sword..."

"She always has that on her." Nyx said confused.

"Hemera's crystal of dawn." Hiraeth said.

"That's not a good thing to misplace." Apollo chuckled nervously.


"What?" Nyx asked, "What did the fox take from me?"

"Your crown, whip and a horse that pulls your chariot." Hiraeth said as he wondered how one fox steals a horse.

"How?" Nyx asked the question many had. "Does he not watch the fox?"

"..." Hiraeth looked up staring at her as he knew exactly how this Y/N would reply. "Lets get onto watching..."

The screen showed the words of 'Hebe's Cookies'



The Olympians seem to have all been caught up in the meeting whilst baby Y/N did as all baby's would do and wandered around. Slowly he got to his small feet and wobbled around trying to not fall.

"He's adorable, but why's he small?" Aphrodite asked.

"Well Hebe asked him to bake some special cookies for her and he tried one to make sure they were good, and the special ingredient babified him." Hiraeth explained.

The thing about baby Y/N was that he seemed to be a quiet baby and and made no sound as he wandered around other than the soft patter of his feet that couldn't be heard over the Olympian's talking.

Apollo however seeemed to have noticed that his son was wandering around the throne room, and was somehow the only one, and so he kept an eye on him.

"Why's my brother the only one that is noticing him?" Artemis asked.

"I see all of course, and he's my son." Apollo reasoned.

"The others may or may not have forgotten he was there." Chaos commented.

While in the meeting Apollo watched as baby Y/N managed to acquire the scarf Aphrodite was wearing.

"How did he take that from around my neck?" Aphrodite asked, clearly confused and she wasn't the only one.

"Your scarf can reach the floor with how long it is, told ya you should shorten it." Hephaestus huffed.

Aphrodite chose to ignore that comment like she usually did.

Hera had simply given him a rattle she made appear when he grabber her leg. Finally he returned to Demeter's feet as he held Poseidon's trident. The trident had transformed into baby safe version that baby Y/n chose to teeth on.

"How did he get my trident?" Poseidon asked.

"You'd think after my first quest that you would keep better watch of those." Percy said crossing his arms.

"You really would." Y/N agreed with a sigh.

"Are we ignoring it has a baby safe version?" Leo asked, "Why's that even a thing?"

"To be fair I didn't know it had one." Poseidon shrugged.

"They all do." Chaos stated. "The elder cyclopses kept everything in mind, just not tracking spells...well none for the users."

"Are you telling me-" Percy got cut off by the screen resuming.

"Well thats all the matters that need tending too." Zeus spoke as the meeting came to a close.

"Where's my trident?" Poseidon asked and everyone turned to see that his trident was indeed missing from his throne.

"Well it's quite easy to track." Artemis said having already found it, and she pointed to baby Y/N as all turned to him.

They saw the baby wrapped in Aphrodite's scarf, that she just now noticed she wasn't wearing, a rattle in one hand and Poseidon's trident in the other as he teethed on it.

Artemis went over and picked baby Y/N up before Apollo could warn her. Immediatly Y/N started wailing and hit Artemis in the head with the trident making the enitre city below and Olympus start to shake.

"Oh dear." Demeter muttered, "Here I thought Artemis was decent with kids."

"I am!" Artemis argued.

"Clearly." Dionysus said with full sarcasm.

"Put him down!" Apollo yelled as Poseidon rushed to get his trident back and stop the earthquakes.

Artemis quickly put Y/N back on the ground as Poseidon slammed the trident to the ground stopping the earthquakes. Y/N however was still crying.



"Tell me they got him to stop crying?" Demeter asked worried for the boy.

"They did, Apollo just needed to go get his blankie and you smell close enough to his mother to trick him." Hiraeth told her.

"Is he a legacy of mine?" Hermes asked, "Seemed to be a good thief."

"No, he's a legacy of Freya." Hiraeth said. "Why he's a good thief...well no one ever really watches for the blind one to steal anything. Something the Stoll's have figured out and have him out on watch when they're doing stuff."

Hermes smiled, his sons were still clever as ever.

"Now their are little moments where Demeter tries to kill him." Hiraeth commented.

"Why would I try to kill him?" Demeter questioned with a pout.

"Well its not intentional, you just hug him." Hiraeth said.

"What's wrong with my hugs?" The goddess asked crossing her arms, unintentionally bouncing the reason.

"You tend to shove the persons head into your breast." Y/N bluntly said.

"Only when I like them." Demeter huffed.

"How did he catch the teumessian fox?" Athena asked.

"Quite simply." Hiraeth said and the screen resumed.



The screen showed the blind boy stepping out of the shower and him reaching towards the sink counter however when he tried to grab something, their was nothing and he got a panicked look on his face. His eyes lit up showing the color of lit up  honey as he stared at the spot.

"What? Where?" He muttered looking around.

"What's he looking for?" Apollo asked.

"A necklace his mother had give him." Hiraeth answered.


That sound was all it took for him to jump around to see a large fox sitting on the toilet. And it had something dangling from its mouth, a necklace. The boy somehow saw it and pouted.

"Hey! Give it back." He told it as he reach to grab his necklace.

It however lept over the boy who turned around to see it was sitting infront of the door and let out another 'squee'.

"Give me my necklace back, Mama gave it to me." The pouted with a bit of desperation in his voice and small tears in his eyes.

"Awww, he's a mama's boy." Aphrodite cooed.

"You will stay away from him." Hera said almost instantly making the love goddess pout.

"I haven't done anything yet."

"And you wont."

Luckily it didn't jump away and let the boy take his necklace back. He then put it around his neck making sure it was secure and wouldn't fall off before looking back at the dog shaped creature.

"How did you even get in here?" He ask kneeling down after wrapping a towel around his waist finally letting the camera pan out to have a full view of him.

He reached over to pet the fox. Which seemed slightly nervous, but that nervousness vanished as soon as his hand touched it's head. It let out a content 'squee' as he rubbed it's ears.

"Are you a boy or girl?" Y/N asked. "One squee for boy two for girl."

'squee squee'

"A girl, huh." Y/N mutter standing up. "I'm sure Iona would like to meet you."

He open the door and walk out hearing the fox walking behind me.

"Iona I got friend." Y/N announced.

"How did you make a friend in the shower?"  Iona ask sounding confused. The girl then turned to him and stared from the fox to him silent for a moment. "Y/N do you know whats next to you?"

"A good girl?" He asked. "Well she stole my necklace... but some dog creature."

"Y/N that's a fox." Iona told him.

"Aren't they suppose to be smaller?" He asked looking back down at the dog creatures silouhette.

"Is it golden?" She asked him.

"Yeah." he nodded.

"What are we looking for?"

"The teumessian... fox... oh..."

Y/N bent down and picked the fox up as it let out a nosie of suprise as he told it, "Consider yourself caught."


"I... if it works." Iona mutter.



"That is... not how I expected it to ever be caught." Artemis said her brow furrowing.

"No one ever did." Hiraeth said smiling. "He got to keep the fox and named her Vix, short for Vixen."

"So..." Aphrodite started.

"No they don't let you near him unsupervised." Chaos stated not letting her continue.

Aphrodite pouted, "Who's his love interest?"

"Well...someone who winds up becoming a Valkyrie, though they do it to be closer to him." Hiraeth said as he looked at the tablet esk thing in his hand. "Daugher of...well someone."

"You aren't going to say?" Aphrodite asked as her pout grew.


"Okay he seemed to be able to see, but you said he was blind." Athena stated, asking a clear question.

"Well simply put he sees through the light." He stated before continuing on. "More indepth any scource of light that exisist he can use it's rays to give him vision, so anything lit up he can sort of see, anything in darkness is...well as he's always know. His arrows are guided by the 'light'."

"Why did you say light like that?" Annabeth asked.

"Well its a mix of the light and his powers relating to prophecy." Hiraeth explained, "See being the Listener of the Oracle he can listen to her in his dreams, though being blind thats shifted to seeing rather than listening so seer technically, so he can see things of prophecy..."

"Are you going where I think you are?" Athena asked.

"Yes," He nodded. "Basically in simple terms, the threads of Fate guide his arrows, well you use to. See he sort of altered the prophecy to save Bianca and Zoe, cost him his light sight for a time, but develops another way to shoot relating to his father's domain of truth."

"So he can't miss?" Apollo asked a grin stretching across his face.

"Not in the slightest." Hiraeth answered.

"How'd he alter the prophecy." Percy asked.

"The wording stayed the same but the effects of the lines 'One shall be lost in the land without rain.' and 'One shall perish by a parents hand.' changed from being about two seperate individuals to solely one, him." Hiraeth explained before pointing to Zues, "Has it ever rained on Olympus?"

"No, never. I do not allow it." Zeus answered simply.

"So a land without rain, though Apollo would never harm his son, especially after a promise he made to Blaire, the mother." Hiraeth said and stopped for a moment wondering how he explains the following parts.

"So how did he perish?" Jason asked.

"Well... as Aphrodite could explain heartbreak is a horrible thing, especially after a large loss of love, like a mama's boy loosing his mother." Hiraeth said. "Now Zoe's final words to Y/N here was calling him brother, she saw Artemis as a mother, but Artemis has no reason to kill him, quite the opposite infact. But when Artemis offered a place for Thalia in the hunt, the girl he was no only in love with but also dating, and she accepted, that broke his heart. Pair that with Ladon's poision coursing through him. A parent, pseudo parent yes, had dealt the final blow to him."

Silence was all Hiraeth was greeted with, and so he continued.

"He wandered to the edge of Olympus to be alone and cry, when Kronos found him, see Kronos wouldn't allow the Seer to remain if he couldn't get them on his side, but wasn't aware he was already dying so pushing him off the edge of Olympus using his powers and like with Dr. Chase's car struck him with a bolt of lighting through the heart, though he dies mere miliseconds before it hit."

"So... that's his end?" Apollo asked, his voice saddened.

"No, he does great things though he himself downplays them. Humble to no end he is." Hiraeth said with a warm smile. "See a fight of the heart is still battle worthy to get you into Asgard. Being a son of Freya, is just something to make sure a valkyrie is always watching after you."

"I... why am I so terrible in these?" Artemis pouted.





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