Dawning Masquerade

By SolarFlareSerana

493 54 26

Chris Redfield x Male Reader More

Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Captain Redfield
Chapter Three: Getting Used to This
Chapter Four: Loss
Chapter Five: Road to Recovery
Chapter Six: Escape?
Chapter Eight: The Farmer and the Ranch
Chapter Nine: Disappearance of a Tyrant

Chapter Seven: Woe to Thy Tragedies

27 3 1
By SolarFlareSerana

Chris watched the male quietly, nodding to himself. "You're right." His tone was soft as he returned his gaze to the fireplace. "I don't know where to go from here."

"Doesn't sound like the Chris Redfield I've heard about from all the tales." The other male began playfully, frowning slightly when he saw the lost look in Chris' eyes as he zoned out. His lips pursed as he pushed himself to stand, wincing slightly from the pain in his body. His mind went back to the room, having his arms and legs sliced open by multiple knives. Curved ones. Jagged ones. Fuck, even a dull one was dug deeply into his forearm. Horrified as he was, watching the rest of the wounds disappear into the soft flesh, he pushed himself over to the fireplace. Hands raised so that the heat would lick at his fingertips.

"That Chris died when Jill did." He answered finally.

The male frowned and bit the inside of his cheek. "Yeah, I can tell. You're not the Chris you were, but maybe someday down the road you'll-"

"Don't you get it?" Chris barked calmly. "Jill is dead. Her body is missing and so is Weskers. Which means something happened. It's sketchy."


"Don't. Just..." The brunette sighed and closed his eyes. "Just drop it, okay? I understand you're trying to help, but please stop for now."

"I understand." Came his quiet reply. "I know what it's like to lose someone extremely close to you. My mother was the kindest woman imaginable. And my father killed her in cold blood one night. Because of that man."

"What man?"


"Wesker? He did this?"

"Yes. It's an awfully long story. I reckon we don't have-" They heard slamming on the front door and Chris quickly rushed to the other male, hooking his left arm under his stomach and ducking down into the cellar hidden beneath the rug. The front door burst open and the two men could watch from the cracks in the floors how several heavily armed men aimed their guns as they searched through the home.

"Sir they're not here."

"Damnit! Find them!" The male's father screamed, eyes ablaze. The male tightly clenched his eyes and pressed himself into Chris' chest. Once the armed men left the home Chris carefully brought them out of the cellar. The smaller male reached back towards the fire and sighed hopelessly next to the warmth.

"You should get warm. Come over here."

"I'm fine. I need to make a plan." Chris returned, standing up and beginning to secure the home.

"Make a plan while you warm up then."

"What did you mean Wesker did this?" The male sighed, shaking his head.

"Come warm up and I'll tell you the story." Chris approached obediently and sat beside the other male. He looked into the flames as if they would begin the story for him, recalling all of the moments in horror until he got to the part he was questioned about. "When I was a child..."

A young boy sat on a velvet bench, fingers dancing delicately across the keys on a grand piano. His eyes watched the notes while he listened to the people around his gawk and sit in awe of his performance. Though he was in the comfort of his own home, he still felt heavily uneasy. His father's big bosses were here, speaking happily to the guests. Eyes flickering around the room with unease. There stood a decently young man, his hair slicked back and blue eyes piercing into everyone he looked at. Finally their eyes locked, making the younger male gulp slightly and fumble one of the keys. Though a very small mistake, he silently scolded himself as his gaze returned to his hands.

His father approached the piano, a man staring at the young boy with slightly perverted intentions. "Quite a good boy you have."

"I raised him right. He's an amazing pianist. He's going to become a professional one day. Give him a request! You'll take a request from Mr. Spencer won't you, son?" The young boy nodded coyly, throat drying up. One of his father's works founders. Standing right before his eyes, causing him nothing except for anxiety.

"Can he play Moonlight Sonata? It's my favorite."

"Can he? That's his best song!" His father's tone made him smile, finishing the song he was one and beginning the song carefully. Spencer's eyes lightened up as he watched the younger male play the song beautifully.

"Your son has quite a talent, but I've got a business proposition for you." And with that he wrapped his arm around his father's shoulders and walked off with him into a large crowd of people. His eyes returned to his hands, continuing the song as several couples danced together happily and laughing joyously. His gaze lifted slightly to see his mother and younger sister approaching. She had a frown on her face as she looked around. Fixing her dress as she gently cupped her son's face in her hands.

"Where's your father?"

"Over there, momma. But why?"

"I need you to take your sister to bed, she's not feeling well." She spoke, gently nudging him off of the bench. He gingerly took his sister by her arm and led her towards the stairs leading to their shared room.

"Bubby?" Her tiny voice asked, shifting the rabbit she clutched in her left arm. It was nearly bigger than she was and in disrepair. It was her favorite toy and she could not go anywhere without it.

"Yes?" He asked, turning his head. "What is it?" He gently picked her up and laid her on the bed, pulling her covers over herself and the stuffed rabbit.

"Why is momma mad?"

"She's mad? At who?"


"I'm sure it's nothing serious. Now get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning." His voice was sweet. He turned and approached the door, hand on the light switch.

"Wait!" He paused and turned his body to his sister, hand still on the switch. "I'm scared. Can you read me a bedtime story?"

"A bedtime story? Aren't we getting a bit old for those?" He smiled at her little pout and walked to the bookshelf. "What do you want me to read tonight?"

"The one about the fish and a graveyard witch!"

"The Village of Shadows?"


"I've read that one five nights in a row, pick something new. I could tell you that one by heart."

"Hm." Her little emerald green eyes softened as she thought deeply for her answer.

"Better think fast or the scary monsters will crawl out of the closet!" He jokingly said, inching closer. "And they'll..." She suddenly leapt towards her and began tickling her sides, the little one letting out a shrill giggle. "Get you!"

This carried on for a few minutes before he stopped, letting her catch her breath. "Tell me a story about mama and papa!"

"You want one about them?" He sat on the end of the bed, smiling as she nodded quickly. "Alright. Tis a long and boring tale." He began, hearing her giggling softly. "One day our mother was tending to her garden, looking at all of the roses. She saw her white rose bush has suddenly created a black rose. But this was no ordinary black rose. It was special. It gave the people who held it special powers, more than anyone in the world should have. But it ate them. So our mother took this rose and brought it to a hidden cave, where she buried deep into the dirt. Then returned home."

"What about Papa?"

"I'm getting there." He smiled. "Our father was talking to his boss about extreme medical science. Discussing his children and the effects of his new technological advances. And the effects they had on his family."

"Oh no! I don't like this story!"

"Don't worry Eveline. Everything gets better."

"It does?"

"It does. Our father was careful with his tests, only using them when he knew they would provide a positive reaction." He was cut off from the story when his little sister began coughing heavily into her hand, making his frown worriedly. "Want me to fetch you a glass of water?"


"I'll be right back." He kissed her forehead gently and got off of the bed, closing the door behind himself and looking through the empty hallway. Something suddenly felt off to him, making him take an uneasy stance. It was deathly silent in the mansion. Too deathly silent. He turned to his right and carefully approached the bathroom. They kept cups there in case anyone ever wanted something to drink without having to go all the way down the stairs into their kitchen. He pushed over a step stool and carefully grabbed a glass from the cupboard. As he was leaning down to be able to reach the water he caught the reflection of his mother in the mirror. Deathly pale and covered in blood. His hands slipped and the glass shattered on the floor. "Mom?"

"Fetch me that flower." She ordered weakly, leaning against the door frame. "Your father cannot reach it before you do. You must hurry. We can't let it fall into the wrong hands."

"What must I do?"

"Bring it to me." She looked into the hallway. "You are the only one who knows of its location. Do not get caught. Or everything in this world will be over. Me, you. Evelyn. Go now." The young boy wasted no time, leaping over the shattered glass and darting down the corridors.

"This is horrible."

"Where are you going?" He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stiffen as he turned anxiously to the taller boy. His slicked back blonde hair kept its professional look while his eyes remained fixated on him like a predator catching its prey in a corner.



"My mothers garden. She has something hidden there."

"Is that so?"

"Y-Yes.." He nervously fumbled with his fingers, hoping his lie would be believable.

"Alright. You may go."

"Thank you..." He turned away and quickly sprinted towards the garden, remembering the hidden passageway. Once he entered the garden he saw his father and boss hovering over the garden, eyes narrowing.

"Where is it? You said it was here!"

"It's supposed to be! It was this morning!"

He carefully climbed into the hidden bunker and grabbed a lantern off the wall, getting as far in as he could so the light wouldn't be seen as he began the flame. He swallowed thickly as he walked barefoot through the passage, feet stepping on old bones of animals and moss from water leakage. As he went further the water in the passage rose up to his knees. He held the light higher and higher as the water hit his neck. Once he reached the end of the passage, body soaked and shivering he turned out the lantern and hung it up. As he swung the door open he saw a wolf turn its head to face him. He swallowed thickly, thinking it would see him as its dinner, but was surprised to watch it run away.

He carefully went to the cave and sat on his knees. The water sinking into the dirt as he dug and dug with his fingers. He heard movement behind him and yelled quickly with fear. "Shh! Child!" He sighed when he saw his mother take the flower from his hands, staring longingly at it.

"Where's Evelyn?"

"It doesn't matter. Your father would never hurt her."

"But he would hurt us?" The young man asked, looking innocently up at the woman.

"Yes. Regrettably yes." She answered and broke the rose in two. "Eat this."

"What?" He took the half into his hands and eyed it confused. "But-"

"She went this way!"

"My child... You must do this. It will be a heavy burden, but you must. And let no one know of this day. Promise me."


"Promise me."

"I promise." The two of them ate the flower and she pushed the boy down the stairs and into the freezing waters of the bunker, closing the door. His body splashed down to the very bottom, his shirt getting caught on a branch that had grown on the inside. While he panicked to free himself, his mother embraced death from the men outside. When his head finally broke the surface to take in a deep gasp of air it was all over. He quickly made his way back through the bunker and back into the garden. He looked at his drenched clothes and hair and stumbled over to the pond. He slipped into it right as his father burst inside. He could hear him call his name and lifted his head. "Papa?"

The man's anger seemed to subside as he gently and carefully picked the boy out of the water, wrapping his cold frame around his own. "Where were you?"

"Momma had something in the pond. I was looking for it."

"Well it isn't there any longer. It's time to get you into a warm bath, alright?"

"Where's momma?"

"Gone honey. We don't need her anymore."


"Gone." He answered, stepping inside. All of the people in the ballroom were gone, save for the men he worked with. "I've found my son."

"I told you he went to the garden." The blonde haired male said.

"And you were right."

"Does he know?"

"No. Let's keep it that way."

"Good on you."

"We killed your mother." The blonde boy spoke, completely void of emotion. The young boys eyes widened with fear and he pushed himself out of his fathers grip, his body slamming into the tile floor. His father called his name with worry and reached to help him, but was kicked backwards as the little boy tried to escape him before reaching his feet and running to his room to get to his sister.

When his fingers clutched the doorknob something in his gut felt wrong. Even more wrong than it had in the entire night so far. He could hear them ascending the stairs behind him and seeing his hesitance. Once he finally opened the door and walked to his sisters bedside a lump formed in his throat. Her green eyes were closed and he face was paler in tone. His eyes began to water and he sat beside her.

"She was deathly sick. You mustn't be beside her." His father went to grab him and he shoved him ruthlessly backwards.

"Stay away from her!"


"It's your fault! It's always been your fault!" He wiped the tears from his eyes as he stood up. "You and your goddamn work killed her!"

"Your mother had what was coming to her!"

"You killed my sister!"

"Disease killed your sister!"

"You monster!"

"Now listen-"

"You goddamn monster!" The young boy fled, feet guiding him out of his home and down the steep countryside until he was in his home village. Tears were streaming down his face and he was choking with sobs. A young woman was cleaning her windowsill when she saw him, ushering him inside and wrapping a warm blanket around his frail body.

"Oh my dear what happened to you?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you.." He answered quietly.

"I reckon you need to get some soup in you. You wait right here by the fire. Alright? What's your name little one?"

As he answered and listened to her repeat it. She continued repeating it until it confused him, making him blink.

Chris was gingerly shaking him by his shoulders, calling his name worriedly. "Holy shit I thought I lost you."

"I'm sorry. Did I not say anything?"

"No... You told me everything. I'm so sorry."

"That was just the beginning. The tip of your iceberg. We moved mansions since that day. Once my father found me he took me home and we buried my sister. My mother he left to rot where she died. Then we went somewhere new. I wonder if that village still exists to this day..."

"I bet you it does. Maybe we can go there one day together."

"I'd like that a lot actually."

"Then it's a date." Chris watched the other male smile hearing that, looking into his eyes.

"Guess it is then."

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