What lurks In The Shadows.. [...

By Zethrazar

17 2 0

-[O]- Once night falls in the city, the citizens refuge to their homes, the bots to their factory domains. In... More

..Where am i?..

17 2 0
By Zethrazar

.. step..step..step..

I walk trough the streets of the emptied city. I'm all alone, there's no one here..i-i..

I thought Mayor Venus had set up soldier troops for protection of civilians, yet it appears i am once again wronged.

That male.. No.. Monster. I can't consider him human anymore. That pale mask, his dark eyes that make any of us shiver..

He doomed us all when this virus broke loose..-

*THUD.. "gasp..-"

..the bashing noise was heard behind him, approaching in steps..he was being followed..

"Pant..pant.." i..i need to get on my feet. I-i heard one of them! H-he's out to get me!


..The poor civilian ran as fast as hid legs could. He didn't have a weapon, he was completely vulnerable, the perfect victim..

He was well aware the people who got infected didn't come back the same, but as zombified, blood thirsty creatures..

..He feared to become one. To leave his life behind. Even if so miserable, he had what to lose. A future, hope. He hoped he could get out alive. He only wished for things to get better, was he asking too much? To be alive, to be-

"GGGggghhhh.." *THUN.. thun..

The steps echoed trough the alleyway, as it was a dead end. He was coming..

"C-crap! He's here-" ..He was already to regret his decision, turning off on the alleyway; his escape..

He was cornered.

"Gasp..no..n-no please...please s-spare me!-" He begged, horrified of such creatures; slowly backing away..

Thud.. his back hit the dead-end.. he couldn't muster thoughts in mind. His heart raced, his pupils shook..was this really his.. end..?

"RHhhhhhh..ghrrowwll..." The infected approached.. His black, stained uniform..a helmet, the neon green circle in his vest.. he was a guard.

An infected.

The civilian sealed his fate as he shivered his fingers against the wall, slowly being towered by the huge beast of a male..

"P-.. please..i-i know you're still in there.. you're not like this!"

*Step.. "hhhh..."

"Please..p-please just look at yourself! Y-you where once a guard..a-a symbol of our safety..i-i beg you.."

*S t e p.. "..."

"..please.." *sliiide.. The civilian, horrofied.. felt his hope shaking in his chest, slowly sliding down the wall, curling away with tears from he guard..



..The infected stared down the poor, poor soul.. his tears dripping down his soft hands, and shivery fingers. He looked so vulnerable. So alone.. scared..


..A voice echoed in his soul. He was doing a mistake. What was he doing? This wasn't his job. This was.. wrong..

'..my duty js to guard..serve..i protect the nation. The people who reside in it.. you..must b e...'

"..hhhhh..." *Thun.. "H-h...."

..The air felt cold between the two..he could barely breathe. He felt as if he mustered another world, jt would be his last. He was ready to feel a swipe, a bite, anything.. yet..

*H o l d.. "..hhhh..." ..he felt a cold..gloved hand hold his shoulder..it was almost human. The touch of big fingers, slowly holding firmly..almost to caress..what..

What was going on..?

..He opened his shivering eyes, staring up to the fallen soldier.. "..gasp.."

The male's red pupil eyes stared right back, his face covered in darkness.. he didn't let go of the other however. He..only stared.

He could of murdered him already, bit him, yet he.. stood, paralyzed. As if the words he chanted before demise truly.."..w..wait.."

"D-do..you remember..who you are?.." ..he awaited an answer, a sign.. anything. Anything to prove there was still life behind those scary eyes..

..As the soldier nodded. "..hhhh...chhc..cough.." *splat.. ..blood splatted out of his hidden lips, sinking onto his uniform.. He couldn't speak. Yet he understood.

The civilian was shocked..feeling himself be held up, and let go once standing. Him and the infected stared..sharing an equal look of understanding..

They weren't enemies.

"Y..y-you..you can understand me..r-right? Even without speech.." "..gghhrrunt..." *Slow..tiled nod.. "g-good..u-uhm..c-could you.. help me find shelter, p-please..i..i-im lost." "..hh..ghunt.." *turn..

The soldier turned, standing tall as his eyes stared in darkness.. The smaller civilian behind him to shiver his hands together, coming a little closer..

"A..any ideas?" "..hhhh..." *Turn.. He slowly offered a big, half limp hand.. The civilian to stare, and hesitantly grab it..

"L-..lead the way, t-then.. I'm..scared of what other infected might do." His shivery voice spoke, as the soldier stared..turning only his head now, as his hand started to drive him away from the alleyway..


..the two slowly ventured out in the streets together, as the bigger was his guard for the night.. the smaller civilian to slowly grow and trust said guard, nicknaming him as Warden.

They had yet to split paths, however; as the civilian knew the other would be killed if spotted in daylight.

They said their last goldbyes, as neither would forget that night..

Specially said guard..who roamed in the night..lurking in the shadows..

Assuring safety un the district.


Hello for whoever reads! Basically, this book is about an AU of my own ocs qnd universe. It's inspired in the Days Union ARG on roblox, however the characters are all original, even if inspired so similarly.

The story revolves around the infectious virus that's similar to the 'night virus', but it has it's own story and effects.

I was bored and wanted tk write something so, hope its at least enjoyable.

Maybe I'll write something on here again, or post more on wattpad. It'll depend so, for now piece!

(PS, the oc universe itself isn't only mine, its worked on by me and my dear Lorola. I just decided to write something out here.)

But yes bye!~

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