Gyal Dem Shift | A Jamaican L...

By tizz_gfb

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"Ah badman yah try tek fi eediat ?" The Jamaican artist Bayka finds a attraction to a girl in his community, ... More



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By tizz_gfb

Monday 9th January

Julie Sadie Wallace| 39
(Haven't found a face claim yet 😢)

I was speechless just looking down at him and his arm of the sweater started to change to the colour red he let out a grunt sitting himself up on the wall for support.

"Tek arff yuh shirt nuh bwoy?" I said frustrated.

"Aunty mi hand..." he said out of breath.


I helped him take his jumper revealing his arm gushing blood not making the wound clear.

"No, mi can't dweet" Tyra said turning away gaging.

"Pussy ah never you did shot mi" Jalen said arrogant as I shot a box to his head side.

"Yuh may ah dead but watch yuh mouth yer likkle boy" I said as he looked at me with his mouth wide open.

🧠:want one fly just pitch in deh essi.

"Dats too much blood, mi feel sick" Tyra said running to the bathroom holding her stomach
While she was gone I used his jumper to suppress the blood.

🧠:so ah me alone in yah.

"Mi call somebody" Tyra said walking back wiping her hands behind blouse.

"Who, police?" Jalen said furrowing his eyebrows.

"No, Ah mi you want dem lock up" Tyra said.

"Who you call den child" i said intervening the conversation with hole still holding the jumper over the wound.

"Bayka..." she mumbled.

🧠: after we have bread inna di freezer weh we need baker fah. She ah eediat?

"Weh yuh seh" i said turning my ear to her abit squinting in one side of my face.

"Ronaldo" Jalen said bluntly staring at Tyra.

"Miss Rona bwoy ?" I asked.

"Yea" Tyra said avoiding eye contact with me.

🧠: Think she easy...

"Ello ello ello, ease up likkle yah apply too much pressure now. And you.." he said looking at Tyra pointing at her "..mi and yuh ra-" he stopped looking at me.

🧠:No gwarn talk nuh.

"Mek mi find out you and miss Rona sweet boy inna tings mi nuh want you spoil har one son" i said standing up from beside Jalen.


(Tyra) Alexis Julian Wallace|19

Couple minutes passed and we was now sitting in the living room in silence as Jalen sleeped on the couch with my mother over him fanning him.

"Mi poor nephew" my mother said pouting.

She's been throwing subs at me all this time.

"Mommy" I said looking at her now with a fed up tone.

"Doh  talk to mi" she said not looking at me.

"Bu- weh mi do" I said smirking.

Just then Jalen jumped up out of his sleep.

🧠: watch duppy.

"A weh di- mi still deh yah ?" He said realising his surroundings.

"Unfortunately" I mumbled.

"So unuh nah plan fi bring mi gah hospital." He said wiping his sweat with warm rag my mother gave him a while ago.


My mother opened her phone.

🧠:Want bet ah Facebook she deh pon? Mi have 10 thousand.
How much yuh ave ??

"So ah dead unuh want mi dead ?" He said shifting his eye's between us.

He looked down in disgusted at the home made bandage on his arm "dis even sanitary ?"

Just then there was a knock at the door I went to open it letting...bayka in.

🧠: watch babyfada 👀  ah joke.

"Wahm" he said stepping in.

"See him deh" I said pointing at Jalen closing the door.

Ronaldo Romario Billings| 20.

"weh do yuh darg" i said looking at the state he was in looking down at the blood drops on the floor.

He was sitting up right in the couch with only a vest on and the jumper I saw him in earlier now stained with blood tied around his arm.

"Yuh girlfriend shot mi, but it nuh feel, bad just tense cause how tight aunty tie di sweater" he said as I examined it.

🧠:Wait...weh him seh

🧠:Of course I heard, girlfriend?

🧠:But some reason I wasn't bothered with it, Tyra might thou-

"Dutty drankro- " She said walking to the chair but then stopped seeing her mother walk into the room

She sat down and cleared her throat "doh Mek me be rude or you yer." She said calmly.

I started to assist to the would while they watched me closely.

🧠:They definitely know i did this before... more than once.

🧠:Nahmal ting though mi ah gunman of course mi dweet before.

I untied the jumper exposing the dried blood as fresh blood was pulsing out from the pressure being released.

Jalen Auntie passed me the alcohol, bandages and twizers.

I glanced at Tyra cause I heard a giggle now noticing she was occupied by her phone.


Picking up the wet cloth i passed it to bayka turning my phone off before he cleaned the blood then applied alchol to stop the blood from flowing out while he did this I admired his side features.

🧠:Ah so him did handsome ?

As bayka did all that we explained why we was so jumpy when Jalen was coming in.

"So a duppy movie Mek yuh shot di man" Bayka said chuckling.

(I'm sorry but have you guys heard baykas laugh? Can't believe ah him natural laugh dat let me know if I should make a little video of times he laughed cause I swear 😭) -Author.

"Yo dawg weh yah do wid dat" Jalen said as he
Flinched and jumped up.

"Di bwoyyy run like woundedddd dargggg" I sang out as we all expect Jalen erupted in laughter.

"Yah eediat a nuh bawl yah go bawl Yute, siddung" bayka said as he did so.

"Mi need fi tek out the bullet" bayka said explaining now concentrating.

Looking at his arm for a while he laughed.

"What happened" my mother said curious looking over bayka at Jalens arm.

"Nuh bullet nuh inna di man arm ah graze him graze it" BAYKA said as we both chuckled.

"And him a bawl out suh" my mother said kissing her teeth going back upstairs to her room closing the door behind her.

"Look properly mi fell something in deh" Jalen said straight faced.

"Yuh really think if you did shot you woulda suh calm" I said pointing out the obvious looking up from my phone.

"way you ah gwarn bout dis ah dead yuh woulda dead if you really did." Bayka said.

"Woiiiii watch bawlly bawlly" I said teasing Jalen while bayka bandage up his arm up.

"Mi nuh now why yah talk, Cah mi and you when di man done" he said eyeing me

I got up and walked over examing where Jalen stood when he entered.

🧠:Seet deh.

"See yuh bullet yah, better you stop talk and thank god fi you 3 points" I said laughing as Bayka let out a chuckle throwing the dirty things away.

Jalen got up of the chair causing me to shift my body.

"Nuh badda fraid, mi ah come fi yuh when yuh least expect it try sleep wid your one big eye open" he said brushing past me.

🧠:Him nuh baddy badman.

I just flicked him off as he went into the kitchen with Bayka.

I went to my room collecting my phone and sitting on my bed.

"Ah suh it late" I said looking at my phone it was now 3:25am.

"Mi sorry fi people name Julie and have work in a few hours" I said chuckling checking my notifications.

"So ah who and you in yah ah keep joke" Bayka said entering my room closing the door behind him.

🧠:Lord, know weh yah do. pls.

"Mi babyfada" I said shifting my gaze back to my phone as he stoop inches away leaning on the door.

"Yuh love run joke" he said to me folding his arms.

"Who seh ah Jo-" I began.

"Likkle girl" he said quickly as his mood changed.

"Ah joke Ah joke" I said smiling.

I felt the bed dip as he layed back on the bed not saying anything as his feet hanged off and hands behind his head.

🧠:But wait

"Mi know ah nuh your outside clothes you have pon my just wash sheet" I said turning to look at him.

"Come tek it arff dem nuh" he said holding eye contact.

🧠: JPS since unuh love turn tings off come lock arff dis Waterworks. Pls n tanks.


"Wahm to you" i said as I heard him huff.

"Mi stress out yuh fuck" he said zoning out in the ceiling.

"Why?" I asked curious sitting now facing him with my legs crossed.

"Mi nuh really wah burden-" he said.

"You nuh hear mi say why?" I said with an attitude as a smile crept on his face but tried to hide it looking back up at the ceiling as I looked at a mark on his shirt.

"Everything. music, di badness, family it's like everyone depend pon mi. everyday work, work, work nuh breaks even when mi sleep mi still wake up tired yf... only feel at peace when I'm... I'm with you" he rambled but I wasn't listening.

"Yah listen to mi" he said sitting up.

Ronaldo Romario Billings| 20

"Weh dis pon yuh shirt" she said with the flash on her phones holding at the bottom of the material.

I looked down. 


"Yuh deff ?" She asked with an annoyed look.

🧠:Why mi feel she ago tump mi inna mi face.

"A coffee" I said lying sitting back but she knew cause she gave me a look.

"Mi as a woman weh know makeup you ah tell mi diss ah coffee" she said pulling the shirt.


"An liad you don't even drink coffee" she said getting up.

I pulled her by her arm back to me.

"Weh yah go" i said serious.

"How yuh suh lie" she said standing looking down at me.

"Mi nuh like lies It's only when it come to you mi feel like the truth ago hurt yuh and anuh dat me want b" I said truthfully.

🧠: she definitely ago box yuh rass.

"b ? Bad bro leggo arf mi" she said in a weird tone.

"Bad bro ? Know yuh limit" I said letting go of her.

She was quite.

"I won't lie to you again mi promise" I said holding out my pinky.

🧠: yah pickney ? Shut up.

She joined her pinky to mine.

🧠: dolly nail look good doh.

"Bruk di promise mi ah bruk yuh hood" she said I could tell she was serious.

"Ahh, weh yah do tomorrow ?" I asked planning in my head already.

"Why?" She said nervous looking away.

"Yuh nuh hear mi ask ah question" I said.

"Mi ah go out" she said looking at her slippers on her feet. 

"Ohh, wid who?" I said moving to the edge of the bed sitting near her.

"Ermm" she said looking up.

"Yuh ear nuh bore or supm" i said staring at her from the side of her.




Look like Bayka a bit late...


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