Blank Space

By bossyboi8

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black fem reader X katsuki Bakugou Y/N is a girl who lives with her 23 year old brother in japan, she gets i... More

Your origin
Chapter 1: โœจY/Nโœจ
Chapter 2: Show your worth
Chapter 3: Meeting Him
Chapter 4: Meeting Him pt 2
Chapter 5: Meeting Him pt3
Chapter 6: Genetic Mutation
Chapter 7: The Abyss
Chapter 8: The Abyss pt 2
Chapter 9: Day off
Chapter 10 :Lunch rush
Chapter 11: U.S.J
Chapter 12: U.S.J pt 2
Chapter 13: A night at the Bakugou's
Chapter 14:One For All
Chapter 15: The Spark
Chapter 16: Let the games begin
Chapter 17: Let the games begin pt.2
Chapter 18: Let the games begin pt3
Chapter 19: Let the games begin pt4
Chapter 20: The color Purple
Chapter 22: Y/n vs. Bakugo
Chapter 23: The Blank Space
Chapter 24:The ride back home.
Chapter 25: Opening up
Chapter 26: Mall day
Chapter 27: Hero names
Chapter 28: Gran Torino
Chapter 29: First day with Gran Torino
Chapter 30: Hosu City
Chapter 31: Discussion
Chapter 32: Nostalgia

Chapter 21: The scream of Rage:the color red

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By bossyboi8

Shortly after the incident with that robber and you and your brother, while trying to run away one of the officers caught you both, you and your brother were forced into yet another foster home that you both didn't want to be in, it was just you two as all the other children were already adopted and took to their new families. 

The living condition was horrible, the care takers just didn't care for you nor your brother, they'd yell at you and force you into doing house work, they even took advantage of your brothers quirk since he knew how to use it well. 

The floors would creak with every step, the house was in the slums, if you looked on the outside of the house you would be surprised that the system considered this to be a foster home, it looked like a crack house. 

It was a two story home with four rooms and four bathrooms, the floor was hardwood and the rooms had carpet, but the carpet was dirty and rough, the living room had a couch and two lazy boy chairs, which is where the husband director spent most of his days watching T.V while you and your brother slaved around the house.

They'd make you do all the kitchen work, they'd make you sweep and mop, and even after all that they would barely even feed you, you were better off on the street rather than have such treatment like this, it was just inhuman.  

The days where you and Deshawn weren't cleaning, you and him would train, he would take you to the back yard which lead to the woods, but even in the woods you two couldn't escape since they put up a fence and cameras. 

The fence was like metal bars and had barb wire at the top, there was no way of escaping, it was truly a nightmare with no escape.

But when you both were far enough he would teach you a few more moves, taught you how to punch properly, he would gather wood and rocks and put them in a backpack and use them as waits. 

He grabbed a thin log and used it as a balance beam, he would even teach you some cool flips just for the fun of it, he'd make you run to the woods and back to the house without stopping to work on stamina. 

He even tried to train your quirk, he taught you the basics, such as activating it and deactivating it, then taught you how to release energy and use it to attack.

Each day you both improved, he taught you how to use your size and very little strength to your advantage when facing larger opponents.

You two were now on your mattresses, the beds didn't have a frame so you both were very close to the floor, you had thin sheets and it was very cold at nights, you were getting ready to go to bed, another night of being starved. 

You were wearing a baggie grey hoodie with the hoodie on and black pants and socks, to try and warm your self from the cold room, your brother wearing a red jacket and black pants.

"Y/n" Deshawn spoke, "Here, I snuck some of this out of the kitchen" he says handing you some bread and a water bottle underneath your blanket, you looked at the food wide eyed, though it wasn't much and it probably wouldn't fill you up, you were grateful that your brother would even risk something like this. 

You ate the bread and drank the water as if you hadn't eaten in years, he smiled at you while you ate, "Thank you" you said in your small shaky voice, he patted you on the head, "Don't thank me" he said with a smile.

"Listen closely, I have a plan on getting us out of here", what he said didn't shock you, if anything you were wondering what took him so long to come up with a plan.

The first time you tried to escape they caught you as if it was just child's play, well it kinda was considering that you are five and your brother twelve, "We have to do this now" he said more sternly. 

He discussed the plan lowly and slowly making sure that you could understand, the plan sounded difficult to your young mind, but with Deshawn's encouragement you felt like you could do anything.

"You ready Y/n?" he said looking at you in your little eyes, you nodded your little head as he smiled at you, it was time to set the plan in motion.

Your brother went out to the kitchen and used his quirk to make the cabinets and drawers to open and close loudly, the noise woke up the orphanage directors, both the wife and husband.

They came storming out their room and started yelling at Deshawn, the plan was to give you a head start since Deshawn could handle his own.

You started to sneak out the front door, but the floors creaked with every step you took, which alerted the wife, she quickly noticed you and started to run towards you as she seen you close to escaping. 

"You stupid little girl come back here!" she shouted, she started to chase you, "Y/n run down the halls!" Deshawn shouted as the husband readied to attack Deshawn, "You're nothing but trouble!" spat the husband. 

He lunged at Deshawn trying to grab him, but Deshawn was to quick, he dodged him, Deshawn used his quirk and blasted a warning shot at him, "just let me and my little sister leave and nobody will get hurt," the husband scoffed at Deshawns threat. 

"As if a small fry like you could do any damage to me" the husband said in a laugh, Deshawn looked over to your direction as he watched  get chased by the wife, "Y/n run in living room!" he shouted.

You followed his direction and ran to the living, you ran to the couch as you were now standing across from the wife on the other side of the couch, "Just give up you little shit" spat the wife, you didn't respond.

You were trying to find your way out the door, but Deshawn used his quirk to push the couch onto the wife, knocking her against the wall, "Y/n now!" he shouted, just as he did the husband grabbed Deshawn. 

The husband and Deshawn were now wrestling as you started to run out the door, but the wife quickly removed the couch off her, turning her anger into strength, she jumped only to catch you by your ankle. 

"You're not leaving this house!" she shouted again, you screamed at her touch as you fell to the ground, you started to kick at her hands, but your little kicks didn't faze her hands, your brother had seen enough. 

Your brother activated his quirk, he used his quirk to slam the husband into the cabinets, just by the movement of his head, causing a loud thud against the wall as glass plates and cups started to crash as they fell. 

The husband was hurt but not knocked out, he quickly got up as nothing happened and grabbed the back of Deshawns hair and threw him against the wall face first, Deshawn groaned in pain, "You stupid brat"  he said as Deshawn was on the floor cupping his face. 

Deshawn felt a warm stream down his face, he had blood coming from the side of eyebrow, Deshawn groaned in anger as he stood up, blood blurring his vision, "Oh what are you gonna do?"  said the husband teasing him. 

Deshawn knew he had to hurry, he looked over to you to see that the wife was know on top of you fighting with you, "Get off me!" you screamed, "De help!" you cried out again as tears filled your eyes. 

"Shut up little girl!" said the wife, the sight sent Deshawn into a rage, almost similar to the one you had in the alley, Deshawn sent an energy blast to the husband, knocking him back to crash into the stove.

He then quickly rushed to try and get the wife off of you, he grabbed at her hair and shoved her to the ground, he then grabbed you and started to lead you out the door, the wife and the husband quickly got up to chase you and your brother outside. 

It was dark and gloomy outside, the sky beautiful with stars out in the middle of nowhere, you and your brother stopped running just to face them, this was the part in the plan where you two would have to actually fight them.  

"You brats aren't going anywhere, the longer you stay the longer we get paid! and I'm not gonna let you two brats ruin that for us!" shouted the wife.

You looked at the husband and saw that he was holding the sharpest knife that you've ever seen, your eyes widened and your ears started ringing, you could hear your own heartbeat, things are starting to get serious. 

"I've had enough of these silly kid games! I don't care anymore, I'm just gonna kill you both!" the husband shouted, "You idiot we can't kill them! just give them a good slice and stab we'll bandage them up later, well, we'll let them bleed out so they can learn there lesson then attend to their wounds" said the wife. 

"You're right, lets just get this started", "here" he says tossing her an extra knife, which only made you more frightened, they're both armed and dangerous. 

You started to breath heavy at the sight of the two knifes, then suddenly you felt the warm assurance of your older brother, "calm down. Y/n, we've got this, just remember  what the plan and don't forget your training" 

You calmed down at the voice of your brother, "On my go" he said to you, you nodded your head as you put your fist up, "You two really aren't gonna give up?" said the wife, "don't blame us when you find yourselves with cut marks" said the husband in a growl. 

They started to run at you, "Go!"  shouted your brother, you both got a running start, you went after the wife and Deshawn went after the husband, the wife swung her knife at you but you slid underneath her legs.

You then got back to your feet and pushed the wife to the ground, you looked over in your brothers direction to see him dodging the swings of the knife, each swing scared you as you were worried for your brother. 

But you couldn't help him, you saw the wife stand back to her feet, "You damn dirty brat" she spat in anger, she didn't get a reaction out of you as you just looked at her, you waited for her to swing her knife again. 

She did and you dodged with ease, you then kicked at her knee and made her kneel down, you then used her other knee to boost your self up and  landed another knee strike to her chin, she groaned in pain as she fell to the ground, 

You rolled over to catch yourself , you then ran towards your brother to help him with his opponent, you kicked the back of the husbands knee, causing him to kneel on his other knee, similar to what you did to his wife. 

You grabbed his knife from his hand disarming him, your brother then spin kicked the husband in his face, the blow making a huge thud as his face connected with the bottom of Deshawns shoe. 

"Y/n lets go!" he said quickly as he grabbed your hand and started to run, but the couple wouldn't give up, they both got up quickly and started to chase after you two again, both with sharp knifes in hand, "Get back here!" shouted the wife desperately

You then stopped in your tracks as you looked at the ground, "De," you spoke, "What Y/n why did you stop?" he said frantically, "I hate that house," you said, Deshawn now looking at you confused, "Me too so lets go!" he shouted trying to get you to run. 

The wife and husband getting closer the longer you waited, "It has to go" you said sternly, this tone scaring your brother, you looked at your brother and he looked at you with wide shocked eyes, the color of your eyes shined with a bright fury red. 

You then let go of your brother hands, and turned to face the house and the couple, who were now looking at you, "You finally wanna give up?" said the husband  with a crooked smile and out of breath, but you ignored him. 

You felt your quirk build up underneath your skin, you then took in a deep breath and let out a loud and powerful scream.

The scream was similar to the one in the alley, but this one was stronger, the scream got stronger as you looked at the house, which only built up your hate, you extended the scream making it more powerful. 

The scream had so much force that the couple started to get knocked back further and further, the screamed eventually reached the house, once the scream reached the house, the houses windows started to shatter. 

Some of the structure of the house started to collapse, parts of the roof started to fly off causing more damage to the house, all of this was the power of rage, you finally stopped screaming. 

You fell to your knees as you were now feeling light headed and exhausted, your brother visibly shocked as his eyes were widened as he looked at the house, the house looked like two tornados had just ran through it. 

He didn't have time to be shocked as he started to see the directors starting to move, "Shit we gotta go" he said frantically as he quickly grabbed you and put you on his back and started to run, using his quirk to enhance his speed. 

That was the day you used your rage and turned it into power. 


"MWWWWAAAA, you should feel all better now deary" says Recovery Girl, you sigh in a relief, "In your next match try and be careful, and maybe do offense" she says teasing you, "I don't know how I'll pull that off considering who my next opponent is" you say jokingly. 

It had been a few minutes after your fight with Iida, just enough time for you to be all healed and ready for the next fight.

"You might have a point there, that Todoroki boy surely is strong, but I bet you'll do just fine" she says flashing a warm smile at you, but you couldn't help but think about Todoroki's impressive performance against Izuku.

He used his flames and they were intense, but you bested his flames once, but it ended in an explosion that knocked you both out, all you had to be was careful and make sure the match doesn't go to long. 

But if you go full power in the beginning of the match and actually start to win, he might just use his fire, he might even just wait till your exhausted then use his incredible fire, "get out your head deary" Recovery Girl spoke, snapping you out of your thoughts. 

"You can't get in your own head like that, you'll stress yourself out and give yourself a headache", you let out a deep sigh, she was right, but you couldn't just not think of a game plan, you can't just wing it with an opponent such as Todoroki.  

"Young Y/n!" spoke a powerful and energetic voice, you looked in the door to see All Might in his Buff Form, since Iida was in the room, he couldn't exactly show up in his smaller form, "What a performance and quite a surprising win!" he spoke in his heroic tone. 

"Thank you sir" you said, "Same for you too Young Iida, you have quite the move set! you'll make quite the hero one day!" , Iida sprung up from his seat, "Thank you sir! it is an honor to receive such praise from the likes of you!" Iida said as he bowed aggressively using his normal 'Iida' tone. 

Iida's phone began to ring, "Sorry, if you'll excuse me" he says politely, "don't gotta ask me" you say in a laugh, he takes his leave, "That kid is so uptight its funny" you say, "Don't tease the lad" Recovery Girl says as she playfully scolds you. 

You roll your eyes with a slight grin on your face, "Ok now lets get serious" she says as her whole demeanor changes, "Are you feeling better?" she says, "Better than ever" you say with a confident smile. 

"Y/n, although you won the fight, it was clear that you pulled off some miracle, so how did you even pull that off?" says All Might in a serious tone, you were expecting the question, but you didn't really have an answer prepared. 

"Well, If I'm being honest, I think it had a lot to do with me wanting the pain to stop so badly, then my quirk activated on its on" you said trying your best to explain, "So you think it was the power of will?" says Recovery Girl. 

You nodded your head, as she was sorta right, "Also since we're on the topic of my quirk, when I was speaking with Uraraka, I felt the aura of her emotions, I've never been able to do that, but I'm not sure what significance it will hold in the future, but I thought I'd just throw it out there." 

"Well from what we know your quirk is based off emotions, so it does make sense that you would be able to feel the emotions of others right?" All Might said, Recovery Girl nodding her head in agreement. 

"But what use would it be to me in the future" you groaned, "Hey don't say that, that emotion sensory could come in handy one day, it could reveal the motive of a villain you know?" said Izuku, you let out a small smile. 

"I can always count on you to make me feel better about my quirk" you spoke, he smiled right back at you, "But also, what was the meaning of the purple?" asked Izuku, you were a bit embarrassed to admit what it meant.

You didn't want to look weak, but if it's to Izuku, there wouldn't be a problem, "I was.....worried", you said trying to muster up the courage to admit it, "Oh," said Izuku, "Worried about wha-"

"You, I was worried about you, and how could I not be worried about you, like look at you!" you spoke as your eyes started to show purple, exposing your worry once more, "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to worry you" Izuku says apologizing. 

"It's fine Izuku, just be careful in the future" you say letting out a sigh, "Oh that reminds me, I have to call my mom" Izuku says, "Excuse me" he says politely as he leaves the room, which reminded you to call Deshawn. 

You grabbed your phone from the side of you, you dialed his number and it went to automatic voicemail, you groaned in annoyance, you dialed him again and it went to voicemail again, you tried for the third time and then a fourth. 

"Deary I don't think he's gonna answer," Recovery Girl said as she put a comforting hand on your shoulder, "He always does this at times like this, but he wants to ground me when I yell at him" you say frustrated and rightfully so. 

Deshawn acts like a rebellious teenager, but you can't really blame him, he was forced to mature rather quickly after your parents died, so I guess that now things are better for the both of you he thinks he can finally do as he pleases without any worry, but that doesn't mean he can forget about his little sister in the process. 

"I think you should just take a little breather, plus you should be feeling better now so you can leave the clinic if you would like" says Recovery Girl, "You're right, I'll just go outside and watch the other matches" you say as you hop off the bed. 

"Thank you Recovery Girl" you say bowing respectfully to her, she smiled, "Y/n seriously, be careful in your next match" said All Might keeping his hero form, "And don't let your anger get the best of you, you'll lose yourself in it and lose."

You were surprised a bit, "How did you know I was angry?" you said, your eyes only showed you were worried, not angry.

"There's more to being a hero then just saving lives and fighting villains, you learn how to read people and emotions," he said, "So keep what I said in mind, don't lose yourself in anger" he said again, you nodded as you left the clinic. 

You went back to the arena but then noticed the final match before the third round had already started, meaning that you'd be up next, thankfully you were all healed and physically ready, but mentally, you didn't feel so confident. 

You decided to go to the waiting area that was assigned for your class, but once you opened the door, your eyes widened a bit, you saw Todoroki sitting down staring at the table, once he heard the door open he looked up at you. 

You both just looked at each other, not knowing what to say, you felt anger towards him, and he knew it, but you didn't wanna waste any energy by shouting at him. 

you both just looked at each other in the awkward silence, the loud silence, you weren't sure if you wanted to even stay in the room anymore, it was awkward, you both still just staring at each other. 

The only sound came from the arena as the crowd were roaring with cheers,  "sounds like we're up next" he said in his monotone voice, he gets up and start to leave to the room, but as he walks past you he muttered something to you. 

"Good luck," he says as he leaves the room, what he said didn't really faze you, it came off as smug and arrogant, which is what he was being the whole festival, but now it's time to fight Shoto Todoroki. 


"Ladies and Gentlemen! the fight we've all been waiting for! Shoto Todoroki vs Y/n L/n!" shouted Present Mic over the intercom as you both walked to the ring. 

"Quick little fact about the finals so far, almost every contestant who advanced this far all came from class 1.A! so that means our third, second and first place winners will be from class 1.A! what a way to live up to expectations!" said Present Mic

"Lets not waste any time with introductions! Begin!" he shouted again as the crowd roars with excitement, you and Todoroki just stared at each other intensely, you wanted to let your anger out so bad, but the words of All Might rang in your head. 

"How's Midoriya" he said with a slight grin, knowing that it'd only make you mad, you ignored him and readied your stance, "let's just get this fight started" you said under your breath, you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. 

You started to get a running start, once you got close enough to Todoroki you threw a spinning kick aimed at his head, but he blocked it and sent an ice trail at you, you dodged it easily as you moved to the opposite side. 

He then attacked with a kick if his own, but you blocked it, you gripped his leg and did a smooth leg sweep, he fell to the ground causing a loud thud, you kept hold of his leg and was going to strike him with a punch to the ground, but he used his other leg to kick your chin. 

The kick made you trip backwards, but you managed to keep your balance and stay upright, he sprung up to his feet and sent an ice trail again, you used your quirk to blast the ice into pieces, little did you know the ice was a diversion. 

While you blasted the ice he used the opportunity to sneak up to you, he launched a right hook at you, which you quickly blocked, the right hook turned into a left hook, which you blocked again, he then tried to strike at your legs, which you blocked with your leg. 

He started to release a fury of strikes, he had little to no openings but you slipped in a few punches as he was punching you, but he blocked or dodged them, you two were moving around the ring throwing strikes at each other. 

"Looks like we have ourselves a real slug fest folks! look at those two really go at it!" shouted Present Mic on the intercom, the crowd roared as they were watching you and Todoroki look evenly matched. 

"You didn't answer my question, how is Midoriya" he said as you two were throwing heavy blows at each other, you ignored him again, keeping focus on the fight, "I see that your eyes are purple" he said. 

"I heard that it meant you're nervous, if your so nervous then why would you even compete against me" he spoke again, trying to get under your skin, you ignored him again, you landed a right hook straight to his nose.

He stumbled back as he started to cup his nose, "you talk to much" you spat with anger in your voice, he growled, he sent another ice attack this time he sent two, you used your quirk to propel yourself into the air. 

You blasted at his ice shattering it, you landed back on the ground on your feet, once you landed Todoroki rushed you and kicked at your stomach, the kick landed and you fell backwards, you rolled over on your back to get back on your feet. 

But once you did he punched you square in the face, causing your nose to gush with blood, he was getting ready to punch you again but you dodged it by ducking, you then punched at his stomach causing him to groan in pain. 

Following your gut punch you launched a windmill kick, you kicked his chin and then jumped off the other leg and twisted your body to let the other kick land, causing Todoroki to get knocked off his feet as and crash to the ground. 

Todoroki rolled over on his back to get his balance, you both locked eyes at each other as you both started to run at each other, you both then started throwing heavy strikes at each other, both of you dodging and blocking each others strikes. 

It was like something you'd see in an action movie, the strikes were fast and each counter attack was as smooth as butter, the crowd and all the other student stared in awe, each strike had such intensity, both you and Todoroki starting to breath heavy. 

You both are truly giving your all in this fight, "Isn't this such a surprise! Y/n is actually using offense!" shouted Present Mic, "Mic, you're gonna distract her" said Mr. Aizawa monotoned into the mic. 

You both bleeding with exhaustion, throwing intense strikes at each other, none of them even landing where intended, the crowd was more so shocked that someone like you was keeping up with an opponent like Todoroki. 

"That girl has proven to be more than a pretty face in this competition" said a random person in the audience, "I agree, she's really an incredible fighter, we didn't see that in any of her earlier matches since she mainly ran and got kicked" said someone else. 

"And here she is keeping up with an opponent like Todoroki" spoke someone, this angered a certain someone who was hearing the whole conversation. 

"SHOTO!" shouted  a familiar voice, causing the crowds attention to be directed to whoever shouted, but to no ones surprise it was Endeavor, "WHY ARE YOU GOING EASY ON THIS BRAT JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A PRETTY GIRL!" he shouted. 


This time you both ignored him as you kept fighting, "HOW IS THIS DIRTY STREET FIGHTER KEEPING UP WITH YOU SHOTO!" he continued, but that line really pissed you off, you kicked Todoroki in his gut and it landed harshly.

You then pointed your attention at Endeavor and you blasted a fiery Red energy blast at him, the crowd gasped and some even ducked and hide wanting to avoid the attack, the blast was quick, but to expected Endeavor used his fire and extinguished the blast as if it was nothing. 

"Watch who you're calling dirty" you spat in anger, the crowd went silent, Endeavor in shock that you would even attempt to hurt him, in fact everyone was, you were just a small frail girl compared to him, and he's the number two hero, everyone looks up to him and respects you. 

But you couldn't care in the slightest, "You dare use your quirk to hurt a hero" he said, "Do you know what you just did" he said, "I don't care" you said in a tone that really proved that you don't care. 

"You little brat, you need to be disciplined" he said, you rolled your eyes and focused your attention back on Todoroki, "Uhhh for future reference and safety for our audience PLEASE don't fire quirk blast into the audience!" said Present mic over the intercom. 

You fired a blast at Todoroki, but he used his ice to block the attack, you sent another blast shattering the ice, as soon as the ice shattered you looked to your left and saw Todoroki gliding on his ice. 

He blasted ice in your direction, you dodged it although the ice hit pretty close to your feet, you blasted at him and he leaped off his ice, he then started to run at you, you waited for him to get close and you went for his legs with a leg sweep. 

But he jumped over you and blasted ice at you, you rolled over to dodge the ice, you did a sequence of back hand springs and flips to gain distance from Todoroki, you then used your quirk to propel yourself into the air. 

You then flipped so that your head would be facing the ground, you then used your quirk for a boost so that you would move faster in the air, you were like a missile, once you got closer to the ground you crashed into Todoroki and you both started rolling in the ring. 

You ended up on top of him, he tried to punch you but you dodged, you grabbed his arm and tried to lock him to an arm bar and try to force into tapping out, but he used his ice and froze your neck, you quickly noticed and you used your quirk and blasted on the ground to quickly spring off him. 

Quickly Todoroki started to freeze the ground, you were gonna try and propel yourself into the air, but you were already to close to the ground, you landed on the ground and almost slipped, you caught your balance, but then you saw Todoroki gliding on his ice closer to you.

You couldn't catch your balance to move out the way, he grabbed at your throat and trapped you into an ice prison from the neck down, "It's over" he said out of breath, "I win again, and didn't even need to use my fire." 

You winced at the freezing, completely trapped in ice, "Didn't I tell you that I would beat both of you," he said, your blood started to boil with anger at his words. 

You pointed your head to the ground wanting not to look at Todoroki.

"Y/n...can you move?" asked Midnight, you didn't respond, you just stayed silent, you groaned in anger, you glared at Todoroki as the color of your eyes showcased a fury red, "don't give me that look Y/n, I told you before, that I would prove that I'm better than you" he said.

"Just face it, I'm stronger than you." 

That was the last straw, "Y/n has been Immo-." 

Her speech would get cut short as she saw that red smoke and little sparks started to surround you, the crowd in complete confusion, suddenly a huge burst of Fiery and beautifully textured Red aura engulfed and covered your whole body. 

The aura got even bigger and wider, the aura was as wide as the ring, Todoroki had leaped backwards the moment the aura bursted out your body so that it didn't touch him, lucky for him, the aura was so tall that people miles away could see it as it peaked outside the stadium, 

This is your fury, this is the anger and power you held inside the whole time, with Bakugou's sudden coldness, Deshawn not answering his phone, Todoroki injuring Izuku, Izuku injuring himself, Endeavors outburst. 

And the cherry on top, Todoroki trying desperately trying to get underneath your skin, it was just to much to keep inside. 

All might told you not to act on your angry emotions, but it took you a bit minute to remember, your quirk is strongest with even stronger emotions, and whats stronger than a fiery rage.

The ice that trapped you started to quickly melt off your body, "Y/n is just full of surprises folks!" said Present mic over the intercom, the crowd in complete awe of your power, Todoroki's face was full of annoyance. 

"If you want to win, then you better use your fire" you said in a angry town, you kept your gaze at the ground, Todoroki knew you were right, so in an instant, Todoroki activated his fire, showing off a similar showing of your aura. 

He launched a huge fire attack aimed at you, you then launched a blast at him, the moment both of your attacks collided, a huge explosion sparked in the middle of the ring, knocking you both back wards, but you both were still in the ring. 

The explosion caused a huge shock wave as a wave of intense air stronger then the one him and Midoriya had created was just echoing around the arena, you and Todoroki stood back as you two were the only ones in the arena standing. 

Midnight had fallen off her little stand and the shock wave destroyed the chair Cementos had created for himself to watch the fights,  the explosion extinguished both of you and Todoroki's impressive showings of fire. 

You two didn't waste any time as you both started to run towards each other, he threw a right hook but you ducked, but he was quick to launch a fire attack at you, you used your quirk to cover your arms so that you could block his fire with out any harm, but once his fire connected with your quirk a mini explosion of air happened, causing you to fall backwards, but you did a backflip and quickly landed on your foot and knee landing in a kneeling position. 

Todoroki charged at you again, you shifted your position and moved to your right side, he moved with you, he started to freeze half of your left arm, but you blasted him off you, the blast sent him tumbling on the ground, but he got back up. 

The crowd watching the fight in complete shock, you two were just first years, and you two already had this much power, with your left arm covered in ice, you couldn't use it, but you melted the ice off your arm, but the damage was still there, your arm fell completely numb. 

He rushed at you again, his movements slower, his right arm covered in ice, he was reaching his limit, he targeted your right arm, he swung at your right arm, although you moved it, huge ice still covered your arm. 

Damn it, you thought to yourself as you melted the ice off your right arm, but as you expected the ice numbed your right arm, Todoroki stopped to catch his breath as he knew the match was now won, you couldn't move your arms so what can you really do. 

"Just give up Y/n, this was a waste of time and energy," he said arrogantly, "just shut up and fight" you said in an angry whisper, he growled at your words, he then started to run towards you again, you threw a kick at him but he dodged, and then he covered both of your arms in ice again and your left leg. 

You leaped back with the one leg you had left, you were out of breath and didn't have the energy to freeze all the ice of your body, "What? can't melt the ice off this time?" he said, "It's over y/n" he said. 

You knew he was right, but you also knew there was so much more you could do, you then remembered all the times where you were helpless, where you didn't know what to do, but there was always one thing you could do. 


Todoroki started to run towards you again, but suddenly, the fiery aura had covered your body again, knocking back Todoroki, he quickly stood back on his feet, "this trick again? fine then, if you want me to get serious then so be it!" Todoroki shouted as he covered his whole left side in flames. 

You concentrated all of your energy into your throat and vocal cords, the aura you had went directly to your neck, coated it in the fiery Red aura, the color of your eyes matching the color of the aura. 

"Not again!" shouted Midnight and Cementos in unison as they prepared to stop the match, but it was far to late, Todoroki got the running start as his fire was getting bigger, he then launched the biggest fire attack he could muster up. 

You saw the fire come at you with a rapid speed, so with that, you let out the most loudest and powerful scream known to man kind, the scream released a huge release of wind energy along with a quick blinding light, the scream was like a continuing shock wave. 

Cementos put double the barrier, but it would be pointless as the power of your scream broke down the barrier destroying every little piece of cement, not a spec of cement left. 

The scream quickly extinguished Todoroki's fire and sent him flying backwards, hero's around the area had to resort to use their quirks to try and protect the civilians who were watching the event. 

A huge smokescreen covering the ring, everyone to close either fell or had to use their quirk to create some kind padding, the smoke screen shortly went away, and everyones eyes went wide, Todoroki was on a patch of ice he had created, but he was out of bounds as his limp body was sitting up on the ice. 

The crowd went silent, it was a shocking moment to see someone as strong as Todoroki get beaten by you, someone who hadn't shown much throughout the tournament, it was shocking that you were hiding this much power. 

You were standing in the ring alone, trying to stay up right, Midnight recovered to her feet and got back to her stand, her mask had fallen off but she didn't seem to care, Endeavor had the look of rage on his face. 

"Shoto Todoroki has been knocked out of bounds! Y/n advances to the finals to face Bakugo!" 

The crowd roars, the loudest they ever have, "What a scary and intense match! but looks like we'll be seeing Y/n vs Bakugo in our finals!" said Present Mic over the intercom. 

You were out of breath and honestly trying not to fall over, but you were happy none the less, you looked at Todoroki, he looks ok although he is passed out on a patch of ice, even though he was being a little asshole to you, you wanted to go check on him. 

But as soon as you tried to take that step your body completely gave out on you as you begun to fall over, but quickly you were caught, you looked up and your vision was a bit hazy, you saw green hair and instantly knew who it was. 

"Izu...Izuk,", he quickly put his finger over your mouth to hush you, "Don't try and speak Y/n" he said in a soft tone, you couldn't really tell but it looked like tears were forming in his eyes, "You..." he couldn't even finish his sentence as his voice started to crack. 

"I'm sorry...Y/n," 

"It's..... o...k" you said weakly, tears started streaming down his face as he now understood the significance of how it was for you. 

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