The Rare Feral

By Avengerssoulmate

6.3K 288 136

Stryker has a job for Victor; go and retrieve a mutant. But this isn't just any mutant, this is a female fera... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

320 13 13
By Avengerssoulmate

Stryker smiled, as he made his way to the female feral's rooms. Talking to Victor had, despite how much he had done to try and hide it, made it obvious in other ways that the rare beauty had had quite an effect on the big feral. That something had happened during their time in the wilderness, and he had a feeling what it was.

Just like Victor, he had been unable to take his eyes off the picture that he had seen in the file. She was perfect, in more ways than one; just like the rest of her kind, she was strong, tough and resilient. And when he had heard of what she had done to the first three men that he had sent after her, he had wanted her all the more. Wanted to see what she could do firsthand. Wanted to see if she could survive all that he had planned for her. And even though they had really only met on the helipad, the colonel was already impressed. Hoping to see more of the possible relationship between her and Victor. The true extent of any control that she might have over the male feral, while she was there. Also hoping to see that she might have some effect on Howlett too. Hell, even something over the other members of the team would do. But, the first thing was to get this evening's little dinner over with. To introduce her to the rest of the team and pray that Wade didn't ruin it again.

Finally, he got to the room. The colonel straightening his jacket, before knocking.


(Y/n) watched the final camera. The rare feral moving at speed, as it made its way to just the right position. The door to the room quickly closing behind her, before she scrambled to get ready. She knew that she had to shower; that if she didn't, Howlett, in particular, would be able to smell Victor on her. That he would know what she and Victor had been doing; what they meant to one another. That they were mates, and that she would kill or die for Victor; that he would do the same. The rare feral jumping under the water and reluctantly allowing the odour of her lover to be removed from her flesh.

She knew that it was going to be a difficult night. To have Victor have him there and not be able to get to him. To not be able to get him alone and tear the clothes from his body and do all the wicked things that she wanted to do. All the things that they had started to do before she had had to get back to her room. (Y/n) turning the shower to the coldest setting, and standing there for a few moments, before jumping out and getting dry. The female feral grabbing anything from the wardrobe and throwing it on, fixing her hair and watching as the clock clicked over to seven. (Y/n) brushing down the dress, before making her way to the door and opening it as she heard a knock.


The smile on Stryker's lips got wider, as the door opened fully to reveal the vision beyond. She was perfectly unique. Her markings, her eyes; the way that her auburn, black and white hair feel around her neck and over her shoulders, framing her features wonderfully, drew his gaze to her bosom.

He could completely understand what Victor saw in her. Understand why he had fallen under her spell. Sure, that under other circumstances, he wouldn't mind getting to know her better himself. The colonel having a feeling that she would be as much a tiger in the bedroom as her moniker and appearance may suggest. But he had bigger plans for this rarest of creatures than just a quick night of pleasure. He had plans to make her his ultimate weapon, a weapon that would make all the other mutants of Team X, superfluous.

"Miss Ryder, may I say that you look quite beautiful." Stryker said, as he held out his arm for the feral to take.

"Yeah........thanks.............." (Y/n) replied, as she reluctantly took the colonel's arm. Closing the door behind her, before allowing Stryker to lead her down the hall.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" The feral finally continued, as they wound their way deeper into the compound.

"Of course not, my dear.................."

"What do you want with me. Why am I here..............?"

"You are definitely a feral, my dear (Y/n). That is what I like about your are always to the point. Though I do find you a lot more polite about it than either Creed or Howlett. So, because of that, I will do you the same service; you are here because you are unique, even amongst your kind. Because I believe that your talents could lend themselves to so much more than bare fist fights at small town fairs, the back of dingey bars, and underground venues. You could do something good, something great. I have brought you here to help you become something that no one will ever be able to forget..............."

"And if I don't want to be that? If I like the fairs, the bars and the underground venues? What then............? Are you going to keep me here........force me to stay..............?" (Y/n) continued, as she suddenly stopped. Her eyes looking directly into those of the older man.

"Well.........I am sure that we can discuss that later. At least give yourself a chance to get to know myself and the rest of the team, before you make your decisions. And.........I am sure that Victor would like you to stay for a while; especially after it took him so long to bring you to us." Stryker replied. Giving the rare feral a smile that she already didn't like; that she already didn't trust. Doing her best to smile back, before they continued on their way. (Y/n) knowing that whatever happened, whatever she decided, she wouldn't be able to leave without Victor by her side. That they couldn't be apart now. That she would go wherever her mate did. The colonel stopping and opening a large door, to reveal a room filled with all those that she had seen when she had arrived at the compound. All that she had already met, and those that she was still to meet. Her eyes focused on Victor, as she and the colonel made their way inside.  

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