American Royalty

By DemIGodHero4356

8.4K 82 49

The war is over. The demigods can finally relax right? Wrong. The demigods discover the land of wizards to wh... More

Important information
Part 1: Fate is cruel
Part 2: Royals?
Part 3: The Land of Tea Drinkers
Part 4: The Order
Part 5: Shopping?
Part 6: The Pigpimpples express
Part 7: The sorting ceremony
Part 8: Hogwarts
Part 9: A day at Hogwarts
Part 10: Just a normal day
Part 11: Growing up too quickly
Part 12: Training Harry
Part 14: I wasn't expecting that
Part 15: School is torture
Part 16: Past Memories
Part 17: Dark Secrets
Part 18: About Time
Part 19: We finally convince the wizards
Authors Note
Part 20: Valeries special someone
Part 21: I'm kinda sick of this school
Part 24: The attack on Mr Weasley
Authors Note: New Book
Part 25: Christmas at the Scalewiks
Part 26: Barely at School and it's already going bad
Part 27: Dumbledores Army
Part 28: The Weasleys Escape and Harry's Vision
Part 29: Battle at the Departement of Mysteries
Authors note

Part 13: Not again

259 4 0
By DemIGodHero4356

The girls ran through the halls towards the common room. They burst through the doors of the common room. Kit had backed up into a corner. Nico and Connor where supporting her shoulders and trying to keep her upright while trying to coach her out of it. Percy curled up in a ball against the wall, Will and Jason were trying to approach him without scaring him. Annabeth ran over to where Percy was. As soon as Annabeth reached his side he slumped into her arms unconscious, but ok. Will quickly attached a heart monitor and a breathing mask and checked for any injuries.
"You two keep an eye on him" he said then went to Kit.
Kit had slouched to the floor. Her hand on her chest and her breathing rapid. Her eye's darted around the room, like a cornered animal.
"Hey Kit. It's ok. You're not there anymore." Nico said in a gentle but firm voice.
Will came over with a heart monitor and a breathing machine. He slowly moved her hand that was clutching her chest and placed the heart monitor on. Connor grabbed Kits hand and was whispering in her ear. Kit slumped into his chest and Will placed the breathing mask over her face.
Jason and Frank picked Percy up and put him on the couch. Nico and Connor picked Kit up and moved her so that she was on the other couch.
"What happened?" Annabeth asked as she went and sat by Percy.
"As we were walking back we met up with Jason and then we bumped into Ron and Hermione. Well, let's just say that Ron has a rather big mouth and he said some things that sent the twins into a panic attack." Leo said "Jase and I got them here as fast as we could." He finished.
The Demi's looked at the twins, they'd been through so much. How was it fair that they still had to struggle. Jason got up
"Where are you going?"Frank asked.
"Dumbledore, something needs to be done about this."
Clarrise and Reyna both got up "We'll come too"
They left for the Headmasters office.
"You know I think I may have an idea of how to help all of us with panic attacks.." Nico said.
"We're listening..."

"Come in." Dumbledore called.
The three royals entered the dimly lit room.
"You're majestys. To what do I owe the pleasure." Dumbledore said standing up to greet the group that had entered.
"Hello Proffesor. Sorry to bother you but we have a.. pressing issue to address." Jason spoke in posh but polite tone.
"Yes of course what would be the problem?"
"You see, one of your students, Mr Weasley has had a rather bad habit of saying something that have been the cause of a couple of flashbacks and panic attacks." Jason told him.
"I see. Thank you for informing me. I will speak with Mr Weasley. If it happens again please let me know." Dumbledore said as he lead them to the door.
"If it happens again I'm going to talk to Weasel myself" Clarrrise said as they walked away from the office.
"It's not fair. Why are the fates so cruel?" Reyna muttered under her breath but they all heard it.
They walked in silence for the rest of the way back. When they reached the common room they found Percy and Kit sitting up and drinking hot chocolate. Nico, Connor and Annabeth had disappeared which was unusual considering just how protective Annabeth and Connor were of their partners. Will was sitting on the armchair closest to the twins asking questions and taking vitals.
"Where'd the others go?" Reyna questioned as she walked into the sitting area.
Everyone shrugged.
"They didn't say." Piper spoke up as she shuffled over making room for Jason.
"You ok guys?" Jason asked the twins.
They both nodded.
"Thanks for your help bro." Percy said as he placed his mug down on the table. "Ok, I don't know about you but I cannot sit still any longer." He said getting up.
"Me neither." Kit said getting up aswell.
"Wait where are you going?" Leo asked.
"Not sure, we're going to go spar." Percy said as he and Kit started heading to the door.
"Whoa, hold it." Will said, the twins froze, "You two have just been unconscious for an hour and now you want to go and spar?"
They both nodded. "I'll go with them." Jason said getting up.
"Fine, just be careful." Will said exasperated.
"We will be." Kit said rolling her eyes.

"Ok so where do you guys wanna go?" Jason asked as they walked through the halls.
"I'm thinking the forest. I don't wanna be cooped up inside any longer." Percy said as he lead the way out the front door.
"I can agree with you on that one." Kit muttered.
Ever since Kit had had that Flashback she'd been cooped up inside for basically the whole week except for the one time where Will allowed her to go jump in the lake but other than that she hadn't been out. Jason was actually also itching for a fight but he was more exited to watch the twins fight. They were absolute machines. They reached the forest and found a big clearing.
"Ok no powers." Jason said as the twins uncapped their swords. They nodded
"Ready. Fight!" Jason shouted.
The twins took their time circling each other. Then, in the blink of an eye they engaged. They became blurs moving with inhumane speed. Jason couldn't help but be amazed. He'd watched the twins fight multiple times but it always amazed him just how skilled they were. There was a loud clang and the twins were pushed apart. "Let's call it." Percy said. Kit nodded and they shook hands. Jason could hardly believe that they had fought for over half an hour without tiring. "Jase, you wanna fight?" Percy asked.
"Thought you'd never ask." Jason said flipping his coin into his sword.
"Right same rules apply, no powers" Kit announced "Ready. Fight!"
Jason lunged and Percy parried. It took a lot of Jason's strength to keep up with Percy but Jason could tell Percy wasn't giving it his all. The twins were so strong it was actually scary. The duel ended with Percy disarming Jason. They shook hands and walked over to where Kit was standing. Jason briefly noticed how she wasn't really putting pressure on her bad leg but he didn't ask.
They made their way back up to the school just talking and enjoying each other's company. It was such a nice evening. The cool breeze made the grass sway and the crickets chirped loudly. The reached the steps of the castle and walked past the Great Hall where everyone was having dinner. They didn't bother going in. Everyone had decided that they were going to have a meal with just them for that night. So when they walked in to the common room they were expecting a ready made meal instead someone else was waiting.

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