The Corner Store

By The_Outkast

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I fell for a boy with the kindest blue eyes, and a charming dimple. He made me feel loved, and cared for, and... More

The Corner Store - Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 - Nice Save. You weirdo.
Chapter 2 - Its not a ditch if it shows your ID
Chapter 3 - Damn you stupid vanilla/cinnamon scent
Chapter 4 - If you tell anyone, I'm denying your existence
Chapter 5 - He packed me a salad. What do I look like? A cow?"
Chapter 6 - What squad? Since When Do We Have A Squad?
Chapter 7 -Oh you met Marinara sauce!
Chapter 8 - What dignity? The one we stepped on back there?
Chapter 9 - No One Asked You Blondie
Chapter 10- Karlen? What are you? A Swedish Pretzel?
Chapter 11 - These Stupid Serial Losers Can Wait a Second or Two
Chapter 12 -Dr. Pepper is what I imagine the devil's favorite drink would be.
Chapter 13- I'm beginning to think that typo wasn't a mistake at all
Chapter 14- He has the attention span of a squirrel on crack..
Chapter 15- Gold pendant wearing freakazoid say what now?
Chapter 16 - Girl, ain't no way you're crying over a boy
Chapter 17-I knew you'd get sick, this ain't the notebook bro
Chapter 18- Especially you Parker. I've heard horror stories about you
Chapter 19-I didn't know people were allowed to be that tall.
Chapter 21 -Do you want me to regurgitate it? Cuz I could, like a mama bird
Chapter 22- Spencer? Your pervert cousin?
Chapter 23 - This girl seriously needs to learn to text in one block
Chapter 24-It was a buffet and of course, Parker felt right at home.
Chapter 25 -So we add 'serial killer' to the mix of unpleasant names I call him
Chapter 26-Mkay, sister. Lie to us, as if we haven't met Axel a day in our life
Chapter 27 -Of course this six foot, totem pole of a human was blocking the way
Chapter 28-Black coffee; no sugar. no cream. Like a serial killer.
Chapter 29- That 2-D stick figure is a frickin traitor

Chapter 20-Sure, and the sun ain't a star..

58 3 0
By The_Outkast

The day we all dreaded has annoyingly arrived; the weekend of the Christmas sale. Lara, Cooper, and I all volunteered to be the guides, so we were scattered around the place with other people. After my little incident with the creep stalker, Nate was kind enough to give me the choice of who I wanted to work with. Best believe I pulled Cooper right from the meat department and into the chaos that is the main floor area.

"Okay everyone, I just looked outside, and it is absolute chaos. Our parking lots are filled with people shopping for last minute dinner stuff, so we have to be patient. Have a smile on your face, be kind to them even if they're monsters to you because I am not about to bail any of you out of jail; especially you Landon. If anyone tries to be cute in any way, please call me, and I will deal with it. And do not do nothing if you see someone steal. We can always order more stock, but we can't order you another brain or eye once yours is splattered on floor with a shotgun. I am not about to look your families in the eye and tell them I lost your child courtesy of a bag of bread. Any questions?" Asked Nate, stress already eating at him.

None of us had anything to say, we just looked done with the day before it even began.

"Okay then. Thank you all for coming today, I really appreciate every single one of you. Let's go out there and show them hell." He smiled, holding the door open for us.

Everyone who volunteered to be a stand-in dummy got a cute, yellow vest with our names on it; clear as daylight. Axel decided to work with us today, because he missed it for some weird reason. I know that reason was because he wanted to spend some time with me, the little charmer. As soon as he came, he went upstairs to Nate's office and left us to rot here on the grounds of hell. Asma was back to her regular place at customer service, some senior cashiers came back from their once-a-month shifts to help out, Landon had a new hire helping him with the meat stuff, and they got about 5 different guys working the produce section. Lara, Cooper, and I all stood in the middle of the store, within reach if needed.

"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" Asked Cooper.

"Sleeping in." I said, looking around for customers.

"Whatever she's doing." Replied Lara.

"My parents are traveling to Nebraska because this might be my grandma's last christmas with us, and I..."

"Go with them." I said. "So you don't spend the rest of your days regretting this missed interaction. We only get one life, and if this might be the last christmas you get with your grandma, then go for it, Coop. Anything else can wait."

He looked at me all confused, eyeing me up an down.

"Well, yeah, no shit sherlock. I wasn't going to let anything stop me. I wanted to see if you two would want to come with me. It's a few hours drive from here, and we could go together. Of course, you don't have to feel obligated to come. It's just a thought. I don't want you losers to be alone. Especially that I know that Landon is visiting his family in New York for new year's and Axel is also heading back."

Lara and I looked at each other in awe. This was extremely considerate of him, it melted our hearts; especially considering our own shitty family situation.

We gave him a big hug.

"Thank you so much Coop, that means the world to us. But I think I'll just hang out here." I said, ruffling his hair.

"Me too. But please, enjoy your family time, and we'll be waiting for you to come back!" Replied Lara.


"Hello, children. I was wondering if one of you can help me find the tomato soup and tomato paste, please."

And so we got to work. Surprisingly, even regulars had a hard time locating stuff they would usually easily find. Why do people get this anxious during sales anyways? At this point, I could probably walk around this entire store blindfolded.

"Excuse me miss?"

I turned around and a very tall, muscular guy with dirty blonde hair was facing me. He looked like he hung out inches under the sun because the tan on this guy looked aesthetic; simply put.

"Yes, hi. May I help you."

"Uh... yeah...just...uh.."

He stuttered for a second, before he cleared his throat.

"Sorry. Do you know where you guys have the pre-packaged iced coffee?" He smiled, and his teeth were ridiculously white. Does he model or something?

"Yeah. Here, follow me, it is a little confusing on a good day, let alone on the days when everyone is crazy." I said, walking ahead of him a little.

"Thank you...Sophia." He said, clearly reading my name tag. "My name is Wesley."

"Nice to meet you." We walked a little down the hall and into aisle 10; carbonated and caffeinated drinks, and towards a specific corner.

"These are the ones I would recommend. The other weird brands don't taste as nice. My favorite one is the Starbucks vanilla flavor." I said, pointing at the far end.

"Well, I will take that into consideration. Thank you for your assistance Sophia." He said, waving goodbye.

"Happy to help." I turned around and went back to my station, Cooper and Lara already helping other customers. I was making my way over to them when I got stopped again.

"Hello, dear." Said a familiar, and soothing voice.

"Mrs. Jordano, how are you?" I went towards her with my arms extended. I gave her a bear hug and froze in my place. Whenever I hug someone, I always let them break away first, because more times than not, they really needed that hug.

"Well, you know me. I decided to bake my sorrow away. I made you guys a few batches of cookies and apple pie. I was just giving them away to some of your friends here." She leaned into her cart and took out a huge bag. "This one is for you and Lara." She smiled.

"This really means the world to me, you don't even know. Thank you for being a part of my family." I said, smile so wide it hurt my cheeks.

"Well, you know me dear. I love you kids to pieces. Tell them I said hello."

"Will do. Happy new year Mrs. Jordano." I replied.

"Happy new years darling." She smiled weakly, and went on her merry way.

I looked at the bags in my hand, and I almost cried. I don't remember anyone from either side of my family. I don't think I've ever been introduced to any of them as a kid, but a lot of them tried to take me in when my parents died, I declined; for obvious reasons. Having a known next of kin would've put them on the mafia's hit list. I carried the bags to my locker upstairs. I closed locked it up, and turned around to make my way downstairs. I opened the door leading to the stairs, and Axel was sitting at the bottom stairs, his head in his hands; talking on the phone.

"Yes, I'm aware of that grandma, but I can't do that right now. This is my last semester, and the most importa..."

He sighed, she clearly cut him off.

"No, this isn't about a random girl, I really care about this one. You would feel the same way if you met her. She's like you, fierce and hard headed." He chuckled.

He kept nodding.

"Trust me. I can't run that company just yet. You shouldn't have told them about its existence before my graduation in May."

He continued listening, his shoulders tense.

"Sure. Yes, okay. Yes, ma'am. We'll talk soon...Take care... I love you too nanny."

He hung up the phone, and rested his head on his knees, sighing loudly.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, and sat next to him, putting my hand around his shoulders. He jumped a little.

"Everything okay?" I asked, searching his eyes for answers.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Not too much, just that I'm like your 'nanny' apparently?" I chuckled, and he in turn laughed, "and that you really care about me."

"I mean that has already been established." He brushed his thumb over my cheeks. His eyes weren't at all sparkly and bright like they always were.

"What's bothering you Axel? You know you can tell me anything you want, right?"

"I know that, of course. It's just too complicated."

"Hun, in case you haven't noticed - there ain't nothing un-complicated about my life. I can understand. And besides, I'm always in your corner."

He looked at me with the most breathtaking smile known to mankind.

"I'm a very lucky guy because I get to call you mine. Unlike that weirdo surfer, teeth-whiter-than-sheets Wesley guy." He scoffed.

How in the damn hell does he know about Wesley?

"Awww, is someone jealous? He was just a customer asking about iced coffee." I tried reasoning with this wannabe Jake Peralta.

"Sure, and the sun ain't a star." He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows.

I punched his shoulder, and laid my head on it. We both laughed for a few seconds.

"Tell you what," he started, "I am cordially inviting you, Lara, Cooper and Landon to my family's end-of-year dinner gala tomorrow night. It's better to show you the mess firsthand than try to explain it. What do you say?"

I was shocked, and a little taken aback because it's too early in this relationship for me to meet the family, isn't it?

"You can decline, of course. It's just that... you bring some balance and comfort to my dark thoughts, and having you there in the midst of our chaotic dinner would help. You're like my anchor, Powers." He slowly let out, twirling the edges of my hair in his finger.

My heart skipped like seventeen beats and almost stopped. This weasel really does have a way with words, and he knows it. He already looked exhausted and stressed out, and all I ever wanted was for him to feel safe in my company; and he does. So, I'll be damned if I rob him of that feeling.

"Cooper is visiting his family in Nebraska, but Lara and I will make it. Isn't it in New York though?"

He face lit up at my confirmation of attendance.

"The main event is, but my mom hosts one every year and my family from everywhere joins in; it's more of a holiday dinner really. She heard us talking on the phone once, and she hasn't stopped hassling me about you. She always asks me about the 'girl with the cute voice'."

He looked embarrassed, a bright shade of red illuminating his cheeks.

"And I think it's about time you met her. I know we're still getting to know each other, so if this too much for you, you don't have to come." He said.

"No, I'd love to come. And besides, I'll be there with Lara, so we're good."

The door suddenly opened and two other employees came rushing in; Sandra and Juliette. Axel and I both jumped at their sudden appearance.

"Bro, I can't do this anymore." Said Sandra, sinking to the floor.

"These people are absolutely crazy. If I have to spend one more second, explaining the difference in price between a normal cucumber and an organic one; I'm going to stick it way up their noses, they'll be smelling green for a month." Replied Juliette, scooting her over.

Axel laughed, which got me laughing a little.

"Tough day, ladies?"

"You wanna switch shifts Nikolson? I take yours up in Nate's office, and you descend down to the 15th circle of hell with the customers?" asked Sandra, batting her eyelashes.

"Tempting, I must say, but I've had my share of customers darling; nine years of them." He smiled.

"Ew. How are you alive? I've only been here for like two years, and I'm already ready to resign." Added Juliette.

"Two years? Girl I've been here for like three months and I've already been attacked and ambushed and asked out inappropriately. I can't do any more." I said, recalling a set of very unfortunate events. Axel put his hands on my knees, reassuring me like he always did.

"We heard. We're so sorry that happened to you. You seem like such a sweet person." Said Sabrina, leaning over to give me a small hug.

"Thank you Sab, it means a lot." I said, hugging her back.

We sat in silence for a second, I unconsciously wrapped my arms around Axel's and put my chin on his shoulder. I zoned out for a second, but I didn't miss the knowing look Sandra and Juliette shared when they saw me do that. I could tell Juliette liked him a little, the way she blushed whenever she accidentally looked at him. She couldn't even look him in the eyes without staring a little.

"I hate to be the one to say this, but we really have to go back." I said, not wanting to let go of him, but I ain't about to be caught being clingy.

"Last chance Nikilson, are you sure you don't want to switch and enjoy your next few hours pulling out your curls one by one?" Asked Sandra, dusting her pants.

"As fun as that sounds Sandy, I promised Nate I would help him with ordering supplies for next year; sorry." He shrugged.

"Oh well, worth a shot. Come on Jules, Soph, let's head back to hell." She said, extending both her arms to us. I took it, but Axel pulled me back down, a little too hard.


"Sorry." He said, lips slightly pouted. "I just wanted to ask her something. You guys can go ahead, I'll make sure she's out in one piece." He said, rubbing the part on my elbow that slammed into the stairs.

"Okay, we'll see you later girl." Waved Sandra, while Juliette's stare lingered a little longer on Axel. She saw that I noticed her looking, and she blushed profusely, and waved goodbye.

"She likes you." I said in a sing-song manner, as soon as the door closed.

"Who Sandra? Nah. We're friends. I trained her when she first started and we've been pretty cool ever since."

I stared at him in disbelief; no way he is really that dense

"You know damn well I meant Juliette, buddy."

"No she doesn't. She's just a little... socially awkward. That's all." He said, eyes squinting, as if he was trying to remember how she acted around him.

"Sure, and the sun ain't a star." I replied, laughing.

"Okay then, moving past whatever the heck that was. I just wanted to confirm that you'll make it tomorrow. Just because we need to prepare extra plates and stuff."

"Consider me there. What's the dress code?"

"You will look absolutely stunning in anything, Soph." He smiled, resting his head on his palms, his twinkling eyes shining at me.

Even though I should've been used to his cute compliments, he still managed to render me speechless every single time.

"But if you want to be technical about it, the Nikilson's dine with business moguls and whatnot, so formal fancy; if that's a thing."

"Could've just lead with that Nikilson. I will find something in my closet. Just text me your address..."

"I don't have to," he cut me off, "my mom sends out drivers to pick up the guests and return them home. So you don't have to worry about that."

How loaded is this family, my God.

I got up and dusted my pants.

"Then it's a done deal, I will see you then. I gotta head back before Lara and Cooper decapitate me." I said waving goodbye to him.

He just pouted, and waved. He's such a baby sometimes.

I made my way back to the middle of the store, and found Lara looking around. When her eyes landed on me, she scowled, and I knew I was about to hear an earful.

"Where the hell did you go? I thought someone kidnapped you again." She slapped the same area that got bruised by the stairs.

"Ow! Why is everyone out to hurt me."

"Cry me a river." Said Cooper, lightly punching my shoulder.

"This is child abuse, and I will not stand for it." I said.

"Explain yourself please." Said Lara, crossing her arms together, Cooper mimicking her with his eyebrows raised.

"Mrs. Jiordano got us cookies and I took them up to my locker, and then Axel wanted to ask me something, then Sandra and Juliette joined the party. It was a much needed break to be honest."

Lara and Cooper looked at each other and rolled their eyes at me.

What in the audacity.

"Of course it was Axel." Said Lara.

"It's always Axel, isn't it?" Replied Cooper.

"Okay, thanks for your input Starsky and Hutch; much needed. Anyways, he invited us to his family's holiday dinner tomorrow, but I told him you will be in Nebraska Coop. So what do you say Lara?"

"Well I can bet you said hell yes, so what choice do I have, really?"

"Absolutely no choice whatsoever. Thank you so much for agreeing."

She stuck out her tongue, before she was pulled back again by another customer.

We took our breaks, shared our cookies with people in the break room, and had fun talking about how some customers were horribly rude to us, while others were so sweet. There were too many people in the break room at a time because most of us were volunteers, but it turned out to be extremely fun.

There were people that I've seen before but never had the chance to speak with, and others I got introduced to. Jessie and Natalie from the bakery section are my favorite. These two girls were absolutely hilarious. They kept cracking jokes about everything and half of us choked on the cookies. I will definitely be going back to the bakery section just to find them mid shift and get a laugh or two out of them. You'd think they were twins, because they're literally attached at the hip. They finished each other's sentences and just added a much needed comedic break to the atmosphere. I adored them very much.

For the next three hours until closing, the store got progressively more busy that I couldn't see Lara or Cooper until we closed our doors down. They went from helping on customer to being pulled to help another one.

"Excuse me."

I turned around to a nice looking couple, but of course looks are always deceiving. The lady had the ultra Karen hairstyle, and her husband had his shirt tucked in, but he seemed very timid as he followed her around.

"Yes, may I help you?" I asked. I should've just run away at that point.

"I sure as hell hope so..." She started, fishing for something in her purse. Her husband had an apologetic look on his face.

Oh boy, can't wait.

"In your flyer, it said that you had an apple pie deal, but the apple pie is all gone from the shelves."

"Then it is probably sold out, ma'am." I said, hoping she saw the absurdity of her claim.

"But your damn flyer said you had it. If it said you had it, then I expect to have it." She said again, her voice getting a little louder.

"Today has been an exceptionally busy day, and we've had a huge influx of customers who apparently all had the same idea; to buy apple pie. That flyer basically meant the sale is on while the product lasts, and if we're out of it an hour before closing, then I'm afraid there is no stock in the back. Sorry."

"Loretta..." Her husband said.

"Shut up, Duke. No. I need that apple pie tonight, I have a huge dinner." She seemed like a difficult person, and I really didn't have it in me to argue.

"Lady, I'm telling you we are out of stock. If you'd like, you can always come back again on Tuesday and it would most likely be on the shelves again. But I can assure you that our stock in the back and on the shelves is completely gone." I said, two steps away from crying. Why can't people understand that their lack of planning doesn't constitute an emergency on our end; like that's just poor planning.

"I'm going to need to speed to your manager. Now." She said, her face redder then a tomato on a ketchup soup.

"Her manager is right here, and I don't know what else I can say other than what she said. We are out of pies ma'am." Said Nate, standing with his arms crossed. He was challenging her.

Yay Nate!

"What are you saying, young man?" She asked, clearly not understanding any of the hundred hints we sent her way.

"I'm saying that poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part. I'm saying you should have come at least three hours ago, and you might've had the chance to grab the last one. I'm sorry, but we are out of apple pie. Please stop harassing my employees."

I love him.

"You can't do that!" She said, a vein appearing very prominently on her neck.

"Oh, but I just did." He replied, not phased in the slightest.

"I am going to tell my entire Facebook group about this. I am going to write reviews about this place. You can have the rest of this shit." She threw her groceries on the floor, the bent down to pick up a can of carbonated water. She tried throwing it at Nate, but I caught it inches away from his nosebridge.

"Loretta this is unacceptable! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Yelled her husband, stopping traffic all around the store.

"Ma'am, I suggest you get the hell out of this store before I call the police." Said Nate, his gaze never faltering.

"I apologize sir..." started her husband.

"No, Duke, don't..." she was cut off right away.

"No! You will pick all of this up right now, and apologize to this young man and his employee. Right now! Or I am leaving and you will never hear from me again. This is too much!" He said, his own vein about to pop right open.

She looked at him for what felt like eternity. She better choose her next few words carefully.

"I'm sorry. There, you happy?" She said, face red with shame. She picked up the groceries she threw on the floor and put them on an empty register and left.

"I apologize sir, you didn't  deserve that. You too young lady. I am sorry for her appalling behavior. Have a good night." He said, as he walked away.

"Nate are you okay?" I asked, the can still in my hand.

"I am okay. Stuff like that doesn't phase me anymore. Thank you for saving me a couple of thousand dollars in facial reconstruction surgery money." he said, as he patted my shoulder and walked away.

"Bro, why are you always in the middle of every single altercation?" Said Cooper, as he finally took his place next to me again.

"Man, I am sick and tired of these people. No respect, or dignity, or an ounce of intellect. It's really getting annoying." I said, feeling a huge migraine coming on. I looked at my watch, and it was 16 minutes before closing. I couldn't even wait anymore, I went straight to the nearest landline phone, and clicked on the speaker.

"Hello customers of The Corner Store, please be ware that the store will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please make your way to the nearest cashier to be cashed out. Thank you for shopping with us, and have a wonderful night." I had to hang up fast before I said a string of colorful words.

"Let's do a final sweep, so we can get these people out of here." I said to Cooper, and we walked around asking people if they need help with anything. We either found them their needed item or got them the next best thing.

It took them over 45 minutes to leave the store. Towards the end, we all became cashiers and we had over 5 cash registers open.

"Hello again Sophia."

I looked up from my cash register to a familiar 'teeth-whiter-than-sheets' face.

"Hey. Wesley, right? I'm surprised you're still here." I said, as he emptied his basket on to the conveyer, the aformentioned Starbucks coffee, not between the items. That's a little suspicious, and kind of confirms what Axel said.

"So, you might be wondering why I don't have the coffee. I actually came back to ask you about your friend."

Oh. That's a weird turn of events.

"Who are we talking about?" I asked, scanning his items slowly so I can get all the tea.

"I don't know her name, but you and the blonde kid were standing next to her. She has red streaks in her hair and a breathtaking smile. I just wanted to know if she was with someone." He said sheepishly, like he was a little kid.


Aww, this is so cute.

"She currently isn't with anyone, so maybe you can leave your number with me and I'll pass along the message?" I said, hoping this doesn't freak her out.

He smiled so widely I could almost swear the reflection from his teeth screwed up traffic on the main road.

"Thank you. Just so you know, I'm a programmer, I'm twenty-nine, I have my own startup, and I just found her very pretty. Well, I have, for the past month. Thank you so much again." He said.

"Of course, I'm happy to help. And just so you know, I helped catch a pedophile serial killer guy, so if you do anything funny, you best believe that I will come for you."

He looked geniuinley creeped out at my comment. Good.

I smiled and conitnued, "Your total is $34.32, how would you like to pay?"

He held up, his credit card, and while he was paying, I took a piece of paper and a pen and gave it to him to write his info. He thanked me again and walked out, smiling like he just won a million dollars.

Five customers later, I finally closed down my register. After the last customer finally left, we all cheered and almost cried. Around normal closing time, we would only have three to five people, but today we have almost fifteen.

"Good riddance!" I heard Landon say, as he locked the doors from the inside.

"We did it guys!" Said Asma, wiping the sweat from her forhead. Everyone cheered, Lara and Cooper high fiving me.

"We're still coming back tomorrow guys." Said Jessie, everyone groaning in response.

"Girl speak for yourself, I am taking a fat nap into the new years." Said Lara.

"Can I please have all employees in the briefing room. Thank you." Said Nate.

Tired, sweaty, and half asleep, we all went upstairs to the briefing room. When we opened the doorm the long table in the middle was filled with pizza boxes, drinks, chips from downstairs, and lots of garlic bread.

"What is this?" Asked Jessie and Natalie together. I wouldn't be surprised if they were telepathic.

"This is a thank you to all of you. You guys did a great job tonight, and managed that crowd surprisingly well. Even if we had a little mishaps, you still managed to close down the store, so this is the least I could do. Now come on, before it gets cold." He said, passing around plates. Axel was standing next to him, passing out cups and cuttlery. His eyes caught mine, and he winked and smiled. I pretended like I was fainting, and he laughed.

We all sat around the table, ate and talked for over about an hour. We all cleaned up and were on our merry way to sleep town.

"Yo Soph!" I heard Axel yell across the parking lot, Landon slowly slipping into his passenger seat.

"Yes?" His voice always sent my butterflies into overdrive.

"I'll be waiting for you!" He said, as he got into his side.

I blew him a kiss and got into Lara's car. She actually calls it 'our car' so that's cute.

"Shall we, my weird sister?" Asked Lara, turning up the music and heat.

"Oh, we shall sis."

Landon stuck out his hand as they pulled out of the driveway, and soon we followed suit, finally going home.

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