hhmpff of the elite

Por King-of-Bel

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Kenny died once again but instead of waking up in his bed as usual he finds himself inside a bus with strange... Más

the chaos will soon begin.
This school is sus
I just want to have fun
Getting used to a new life
I guess having friend is nice
the justice in the shadow.
The fun is going away.
Summer never brings good news
A kid in the forest surely everything will be fine.

Never touch a kid's Ice cream.

981 30 21
Por King-of-Bel

Kenny's PoV

Ouch my knees hurts me a lot, after my calm mumbling Kamuro made me sit on my knee while lecturing me intensely

" Are you listening Kenny?! Don't think you'll get the freedom you used to have in your town, you're a kind kid I won't let you turn bad!" Kamuro was still going on

Ummm that's a bit too late for that I've done loooooooot of crazy shits with the boys already but I'll just play along while it's nice knowing people here seems to care for me I don't really plan on staying for long.

Hopefully god managed to figure out something with Cthul hu so that I can go back before people notice my disappearance.

" Now Now Kamuro san, I think you've been quite clear about his attitude why not let him go for the day I'm pretty sure his legs are killing him from staying in this position."  says . try to calm the raging volcano in front of me.

Nishikawa I'm sorry for ignoring you constantly in my thought I promise to pay more attention to you and I'll do what I can to thank you.

Kamuro stops herself and look at me, I squirm a bit and she sighs.

"Alright I'll let go for now, come on Kenny let's go to the dorms I'll bring you to your room." she says and picks me up from the ground holding me.

" I can still walk you know? You don't need to hold me like that." I mumble to her.

I don't know why but it seems like Kamuro decided to take me under her wing and ... be a responsable big sister for me? 

I really don't know what to think of it, it feels strange having someone watch over me, the last adult who did that for me was chef...

Kamuro peers into my eyes and she reluctanly let go of me as she mutters something in a angry tone but I can't catch what she just said.

In the end Mashima sensei comes back to the classroom and calls for me, he says he is going to show me to my dorm.

I say goodbye to the class and follow teach.

On the way he shows me every important places I will be using the most as a student and after half an hour we're in the dorm, he talks to the front door lady who gives the key to our room and she looks strangely at me.

" Oh really? A kid so young in this school? Oh about dinner how is he going to deal with that?"she asks worriedly.

" I'll need to talk to the chairman about that, you see  his situation seemed to be so dire that he had to be enrolled in urgency, I still don't know what's going on but we still need to iron all the details, At the least I'll ask for his meal to be free or to have a classmate cook for him and we will give points to the student to cover the ingredients..."
he murmurs so that only us can hear him.

Free meal? oh man that would be so great I even been able eat today and yesterday night due to our game I'm really hungry right now.

Oh I'll buy myself an Ice cream too it's been so long since the last one!

the lady looks at me and she smiles warmly, she tells me to come to her if I need anything then she gives me my keys and teach showed me my room.

" Oh m y god! it's so huge! Is this where I'll live I can't believe it!" I looked around me excited while teach looks at me with surprise eyes wondering why I react so much.

He murmurs to himself then shakes his head.

"Well then Kenny I need to see the chairman now so I'll leave for the day, for dinner today I'm sorry but you'll have to either go to the convenience store or go to a restaurant as nothing is set up yet, take care and see you tomorrow." teach tells me then leaves  for the day. 

Excited I keep looking around and once I'm done I decide to go say hello to my neighbours, I go to the room 401 and knock on the door.

Ayanokoji 's PoV

Finally the day is over, seems like my debut in high school is going to be more difficult than expected, the girl sitting next to me was extremely unfriendly and I failed my introduction which will definitely put me in a difficult position.

I'm still thinking about the school and this famous S system it's definitely interesting it seems there is something hidden there that is of the utmost importance, for now i'm absolutely convinced we won't get 100 000 points next month.

As I 'm thinking I hear someone knocking on my door which is strange as there is no one that would want to come here.

Curious I get up and open the door, I see no one then I hear a familiar mumbling " Hello I'm your neighbour my name is ... oh hey it's you from the bus !" I look down and see the interesting kid from this morning.

"Hello there so we're neighbour that's a fun coincidence my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. " I introduce myself.

" Hello my name is Kenny, I just wanted to say hello I won't bother you more." as soon as he finish his sentence his stomach is rumble.

"... I'm planning to go to the convenience store want to come with me Kenny? " I ask him and he nods his head excitedly in return.

I grab my vest and then we go out together i made sure he have his card to pay saying I'll teach him how to use it.

we don't talk very much but I'm curious about him, while I don't know much about him he showed some interesting reaction in the bus and the fact he is here means he has something special going on.

"So tell me Kenny how did your first day go?" I try to go with small talk first.

" Oh it was alright, everyone in the class was kind to me though they were pretty dumb sometimes, oh and I'am pretty sure I just got a new mom that probably will adopt me by the end of the three years ."  Oh that makes me curious.

" Really mind telling me more about her? " let's try to make the mood more comfortable.

" Yeah Masumi Kamuro, she is a really pretty girl with purple hair and a sexy figure you won't forget for some reason she started looking after me in class and she even scold me if i'm not acting appropriately. "

Deciding to ignore the comments about how sexy the girl was I responds " That's good for you right? at least you're not alone in this environment."

" Maybe? I'm not used to it to be honest, usually in my town we're free spirits and adults don't really bother us much in whatever we do. "  I kinda figured, the fact a nine year old is already this foul with his language and gesture means he wasn't really corrected on any of those, Kenny doesn't really seem to be a problem children after all.

( Ayanokoji if only you knew what he and his friends do daily xd )

" Other than that I got confused about the rules of the school especially those 100 000 points we got. " Ah something interesting just came up.

" Yeah 100 000 every month is huge right?  I don't have any idea what to do with that." We arrive at the convenience store but as we enter we meet Horikita.

She looks at us in surprise while Kenny wave to her " Oh you're the lady from the bus hello my name is Kenny! "

She looks at him and responds " Ah we meet again my name is Horikita Suzune, I see you found Ayanokoji first."

He mumbles back saying " He is my neighbour ! I got hungry  while we were talking and he proposed to accompany me to the convenience store. " She nods at that she wanted to ask me something but Kenny mumble something first.

"Oh ! before I forget Horikita I don't know why but someone in your class seems to hold some anger toward you. " oh really ? 

" Really I don't remember doing anything to have someone outright hate me though ..."  Horikita I have a list of thing that could explain it. 

Kenny shakes his head " I'm pretty sure it's not something you did today, remember the girl who was shouting in the bus ... I think her name was Kushida? " He mumbles to us

That is definitely surprising " You mean she is the one who hates Horikita? "

He nods " You see when I got up and gave my seat I went and talked to the blonde asshole and after I was done with him  she came and talked to me... there is one thing I'll say, don't trust her she is a two faced bitch and a really good one at hiding it. "

I getting too used at hearing him cuss, even Horikita is not reacting.

" While she was talking to me she would often look in your direction and glare at you, I'm  not sure why maybe you know each other from a past school or an encounter but I bet all the toys in my possession that she has something to hide and believe you know about her secret or something about her past, so be careful around her, same for you Ayanokoji she's not trustworthy at all." he mumbles to us seriously.

The both were taking aback that nine year old child was warning seriously and not only that with only an encounter was able to have a possible answer to this whole situation.

" That might be the reason why she tried so much to talk to you then Horikita." I tell her

" To be honest I didn't  recognize her but now that you warned me I feel like her name is definitely familiar... I might have an idea on what she is hiding but I have no proof ... but thank you Kenny I'll definitely be carefull." 

after this serious discussion Kenny stomach makes a sound and we now remember why we are here in the first place.

Now I'am convinced that this kid is really smart but I wanted to test him more.

"Oh free stuff? but we just got 100 000 points what do you think about that guys? "

"That's probably for those who were bad student and didn't get their point." Kenny mumbles.

" Oh what do you mean by that?" Horikita asks

"You see I got confused when my teacher explained the rules, at one point he said that we were getting the 100 000 this month, so I asked him why did he specified this month, I thought he meant that those 100 000 points would not be delivered monthly and that we would need to conserve them, as 100 000 is a huge amount no matter how you look at it right? " he mumbles.

He is not wrong, and in his case he is nine years old, so such a huge amount must have shocked him.

" When I asked the question he only answered that he couldn't but I must think about what he said earlier, then someone in my class told me that it was specified that we were judged by our merit so I think that depending on how we act and our performance in school our points will change." he ends his explanation.

Really good but he is far from complete but it is still impressive to reach this far into the system, as I can tell none of my classmate even Horikita even got close to this far.

Now satisfied with my assumption of him we do our groceries, while I was wondering about what cup ramen to buy, Kenny bought some already made meal, a few candies and an Ice cream to complete his grocery list.

I show him how to use his card and at the same time we help one of my classmate sudou who forgot his card in his room.

We get out of the convenience store and Horikita leaves us saying she needed to think about what she heard from Kenny, Sudou was eaiting his ramen and Kenny his glace.

Unfortunately for us a group of senior wanted to mess with us, I holded back Sudou but then they went for Kenny and slap his Ice cream on the ground.

Sudou started to become more agressif and to be honest I really wanted to pay them back, while I don't really care I knew that doing this to a kid was beyond cruel and needed punishment.

As I was calming down Sudou I noticed Kenny disappeared, I look around only to see something extremely shocking.


Kenny somehow excaped my notice and as hard as it is to believe was smashing the head of the two seniors on the ground.

"Holy shit what the hell is this kid ! " Sudou appropriately shouted my thoughts.


The seniors bloody and with teeth missing from their mouth ended up giving all their points to Kenny ... after they bought him enough Ice cream to hold on for a month.

" Are you sure you won't be in trouble for that?" I ask him.

" They won't dare report that, if so that would be admitting that they lost to a nine year old kid, and even if they did who would you believe me or them? " He exolains

Certainly in this situation ... wait but there are cameras everywhere I look at the zone of conflict and the cameras.... No way there is no camera over there... Which means no record.

I look at Kenny more impressed than ever... Who are you Kenny?

Now I was even more curious about him and I also learned an extremely valuable lesson

Don't fuck with a kid and his Ice cream....

And done, Sorry I really wanted to have this chapter out Yesterday but something unexpected happened and I didn't have time to write much, though I made this chapter slightly longer than it should have been in compensation so I hope you'll like it too.

This story is fun to write due to how Kenny is, he is a nice kid but then he can swore just as much as kyle and do fucked up shit like Cartman so it's not easy to portray all of his traits I hope I do a good job at it.

As for how he won against two  adolescent, South park character are stupidly powerful, when they roleplay they can get powers and superhuman strenght like jimmy that runs the whole planet in less than a few seconds, or kyle being able to fly etc etc, and even in canon Kenny once killed death so yeah they're are stupidly strong xd.

I might have make him way more intelligent than cannon, while Kenny is far from an idiot I'm not sure he is quite that smart but hey sometimes you need to change things for it to work better...

Anyway this was the king of Bel I'll see you next time.

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