Vampire Seekers

By CassandraRoz

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The world went to hell a long time ago. When the vampires stepped out of the shadows and into the light the r... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Seventeen

38 1 3
By CassandraRoz

Every fibre of Velika's being wanted to tell the driver that they would be going straight back to the palace without any pitstops. Velika wants to tell Maria that she hates how close she is with Danielle but a Princess does not admit they are jealous of another woman.

No, she could not do any of that. So the princess clenches her jaw, grinds her teeth, and stays silent. 

As soon as the car stops Maria bolts out the car calling "Thanks for the lift!"

Maria bounces down the path and jogs over the paving tiles that are framed by different colours on each tile and seems to float on the lush green grass. A bunch of stones with painted on runes line the fence that is painted in shades of yellow, pink, blue, and green. Each with their own meaning to the witches, but Maria does not know what meaning they hold, witches do not divulge their secrets. Not spells or culture. 

They welcome Maria on occasion because of her friendship with Dani and her influence with the Demontes, but she will never be a witch. Or perhaps she will.

Velika observes Maria from the car. Her little human certainly does not look deterred by the thought of entering a house full of witches, but they, should that surprise her? Maria is as comfortable in palace filled with vampires as she is in her own home. 

Maria's cheery little strut comes to end when she reaches the door and it is instantly thrown open for the small blonde. Dani stands at the front door with a tacky apron on that reads 'kiss the chef' and the woman waves Velika's mate inside.

Velika scowls. Just friends. That what Emily says they are, still, Velika cannot help the pang of jealously that settles in the pit of her stomach. It is the total opposite of how Velika feels when she is with Maria.Instead of butterflies flying in her stomach it is like a snake twisting inside of her and devouring those butterflies and her happy feeling along with it.

"Are we to wait for Miss Lloyd, your royal highness?" The driver asks after a moment.

"No." Velika shortly replies. Leaning her elbow against the window's edge and resting her chin on her fisted hand. "No doubt Emily and Willow will be waiting at home for me." 

Velika is right, of course. As soon as her foot steps across the thresh hold the Princess is bombarded with questions and Velika answers them in short replies, not divulging any information about what occurred between Maria and herself. Whilst Velika deals with her sister Maria is having her ear talked off.

Her and Dani have been working the butcherer case together and forensics' finally confirmed that the bite marks on the victim's are the exact came as the remains in Noxfordshire's case. They are connect and Maria's theory is gaining credit. The marks were too perfectly matched and forensics have built up evidence to support the theory that a cast of a vampires teeth were made and used to cause bite imprints.

"Oh goodie. You're talking shop already." Brina remarks whilst dropping disregarded toys in a box. "If these kids don't start tidying their toys up their being sold at the market."

"The toys or the kids?" Dani quips.

Brina pretends to think about it. Tapping her finger on her chin as her forest green eyes stare up at the ceiling, "Both?" Brina replies, her pouted lips fading.

Dani chuckles, "We'd have to pay people to take the kids." 

Maria watches the playful exchange from the side lines and envies her friend. Everything in life just seemed to fall into place for Dani. Progressing career, marriage, and children. Everything Dani wants she went out and got. 

Maria has to fight for everything she gets and still people have the audacity to believe the Demontes give her everything she wants on a silver plate.

"So, what can my little coven do for the seekers on this fine evening?" Brina asks and makes a sweeping motion to the family photo's that cover every bit of wall above their twins reaching height. Maria recognises most of them, each one specialising in a different area of magic, and Maria gets the point.

"Actually Bri, this is personal." Dani says, her eyes falling on Maria. "And it seemed important."  Dani gives a meek smile to her wife but Brina can see the concern in her significant others eyes.

"Right, I'll go pop the kettle on." Brina says dumping the last pile of toys in a basket and toddling of to the kitchen.

"I don't know if its witch thing or a Caroarmis thing but poppin' the kettle on seems to be the answer to most things." Dani comments with a shrug. 

Sometimes Maria forgets that Brina's family migrated to Cardina during the blood war. Surprise, surprise, the blood king had a rather violent response when her families coven refused to pledge their allegiance to the Vampires. The Demontes had been trying for a more peaceful approach to dealing with humanity hysterical reaction to the Vampires stepping out from the shadow.

Maria shrugs and watches Brina waddle around the kitchen isle. "How far along is she now?"

"Six months. Everyone keeps saying how they hope we are blessed by two again, but they don't have to get up in the night to two screaming babies. One of which wakes the other up and goes back to sleep while the other one cries and cries and cries." Dani covers her mouth as a yawn escapes, "I swear I haven't got a proper kip since the twins were born and they're three now."

Maria chuckles at her friends joke, more out of a a sense of obligation than it being funny, and looks at the picture of the two little rascals on the wall. Both girls inherited Brina's extremely light blonde hair but one has Dani's blue eyes whilst the other has Brina's green. The mischievous smile on the blue eyed girl paints a good picture of her lively personality and knack for trouble making.

"You know what it is yet?"

"I do - but Brina doesn't." Dani says, "Brina wanted it to be a surprise but me? I-"

"Elle is way too impatient for that!" Brina interrupts whilst setting the three tea's down.

Its yellow. Yellow tea? It has a herby and somewhat lemony smell which may be pleasing to nose but the colour looks like piss in a cup. "Thanks." Maria says.

Dani picks the cup up and takes a sip before hissing and sticking her tongue out "Hot. Hot. Hot."

"You just saw me boil the kettle it was hardly going to be cold now was it." Brina shakes her head at her foolish wife but there is no real harshness to her words. 

"Kiss it better?" Dani suggests whilst leaning forward towards her wife with a silly grin in place.

"Maybe later if you behave." Brina says whilst pushing her wife away. "What was it that has you so concerned you'd come to a witch for help?"

Maria chews at the inside of her lip as her head bobs from side to side as she debates how much she should share with Brina. The witch is her best friends wife but does that mean Maria should blindly trust her? No.

"Sorry, Brina. But I'm going to have to ask you to vow to Gaia that what I tell you won't leave this room." Maria says. Dani nearly spits out her tea and when two unamused eyes land on her Dani plasters on a goofy smile and mumbles 'still hot'.

  Maria understands Dani's reaction. A vow to Gaia is considered sacred to the witches and it is not a vow any self respecting witch would ever willingly break. As an outsider, a none witch, Maria really should not know to get a witch to vow to Gaia but Maria has always been too nosey and too involved in other peoples business not too.

Brina sits. Observes. And then decides.

"Only if what you have to say will not negatively impact my family and my coven or place us in danger. If so then my vow will be voided." Brina says, always one to know a loop hole. Most would vow it without putting terms in place first, at which point it would be too little too late, you cannot add terms to a vow after it has been made.

"I wouldn't ask you if I thought it would put you or your family in harms way."

Brina sticks her arm out and Maria takes her hand as Brina exclaims. "I vow to Gaia that what will be spoken shall not be repeated, in written or spoken words." A ring of light snakes around Maria hand and wraps it way round Brina's to form an infinity sign.

Just as quickly as the light appears it fades and Brina releases Maria hand. "I do hate when people are not straight forward with me. Be careful not to use the vow to frequently with my people. It breeds distrust." Brina cautions, her bubbly personality popped and its place a personality of thorns is shown.

"I did apologise before hand." Maria reminds her, "But my father has many enemies and so do my friends. I just can't be too careful right now."

"Now that you have made me vow to Gaia you best tell me what it is you want of me." Brina says, her mood turned sour.

"I was Astrial scanned. Without permission I might add. But thats not really the point." Maria grumbles out, still bitter over the whole thing, the lab over stepped and if Maria were not so afraid of the outcome of her scan she might have reported it.

Danielle's mouth drops open whilst Brina looks as though Maria's words have given her a headache. Using Astrial scans without permission and unchecked by witches is a cause for concern on its own, but it will not put Brina's family or coven in danger, so the witch cannot do anything about it.

Brina pinches the bridge of her nose and looks at Maria. "I take it the Astrial scan unearthed a hidden truth?"

Maria hums in response. "Yes. A seal. One to seal away someone's true identity, their power, and what not."

"Unsealing a seal like that once the person has reached human adulthood can be difficult. There is a chance that your true nature and power could prove too much." Brina explains, but Maria needs it spelling out for her, how risky could it be?

"Too much how."

"A vampire with uncontrollable bloodlust. A werewolf who is ruled by the beast inside. A witch with rampant magic that leans towards our darkest nature." Brina elaborates, "But leaving the seal untouched is no longer a viable option."


"Seals weaken over time." Brina says stirring her tea before taking a sip, "They need to be reinforced by a strengthening spell as the bearer hits milestone birthdays. Thirteenths. Sixteenths. Eighteenths. Twenty-firsts. You get the point." Brina says setting her now empty cup down and look at Maria's.

The Seeker has not touched her tea. Clever girl. Brina may have added something a little extra to make Maria a little more loose lipped, but without it being digested the tea won't work it's magic. 

"But I haven't been to any witches too have it strengthened - I don't think anyway."

"You haven't. The seal is coming undone on it's own. Your true ability and traits will bleed through until you are what you were born to be." Brina says and collects the empty tea cups.

"Wait! So you aren't going to do anything?" 

"No. Allowing your true self and abilities to come out slowly will not only give your body chance to adapt to any - physical changes, but also allow you to get used to any increased strength or magic slowly." Brina says. "If I remove the seal now all those changes will hit you at once."

"Oh, okay. So I guess thats that. Thanks for explaining everything." Maria says, "I guess I'll leave you two to it." Maria gets up and Dani does the same. The older seeker wraps her arms around Maria and whispers 'this doesn't change anything pipsqueak'.

Maria gives Dani a dazzling smile, "Nice sentiment Dan, but I think it could change a lot of things. Seekers aren't welcoming to all."

"Maria. Before you go, since I am vowed to secrecy, care to explain where you believe you were Astrial scanned?" Brina questions with a raised brow.

"Not really. No." Maria says, "I intend to deal with the intrusion of mine and the public's privacy on my own." 

That is not the answer Brina wanted and Dani is quick to remind Brina 'we don't curse friends, family, or friends of the family. Maria looks at Dani in alarm, would Brina really curse her for such a small thing?

"She is joking." Brina says noting the look of concern on Maria's face, "But should you not be able convince the culprit of the unregistered Astrial testing do come back. After all, it is a witches matter."

"Of course, though when the daughter of the head of the seekers and best friend of the vampire princess turn up on your doorstop and says pack it in, they usually pack it in."

"My offer still remains." Brina says before waltzing of to 'chase the twins down for dinner'.

"Your wife is scarier than I remember."

"Oh you haven't met the in-laws." Dani shakes her head and pulls a 'yikes' face. "But they probably wouldn't scare you, your best friends with vampires."

"Yeah - thats getting a little complicated." Maria slowly says making Dani frown.

"Did something happen?" Dani questions.

"I. Well, technically she, uhm -"

"Oh no did one of 'em try to bite you again?"

"No. No. The princess, Velika, she kind of kissed me." Maria admits after a while and Dani's mouth falls open, her big blue eyes wide with surprises. 

"Oooh-oh. You're gonna have spills the beans now." Dani says pointing to Maria and the sofa. "Hang on." Dani jogs out of the room and spins to a stop holding the stair banister. "Bri! Can Maria stay over!"

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