Reconnect | Genji x Kiriko |...

By RikuFiction

3.8K 48 19

It's been a few months since Overwatch officially returned. Now one of its most prominent members, Genji Shim... More

①. ❝𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻❞
②. ❝𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀❞
③. ❝𝗢𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲❞
④. ❝𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻❞
⑤. ❝𝗥𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻❞
⑥. ❝𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀❞
⑧. ❝𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲❞

⑦. ❝𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀❞

337 6 0
By RikuFiction

Sitting together in the comfort of that corner at Rikimaru Ramen, the duo smiled gently at each other, while the nostalgic aroma of broth in the bowls in front of them filled the air, drawing memories of the past. Thus, the recently reconciled friends would prepare to taste their dinner once and for all.

"Itadakimasu!" They would say at the same time, while joining the palms of their hands, raising their voices as a sign of gratitude.

Then, both of them would plunge their chopsticks into their respective bowls of ramen. Soon Genji would start eating, longing for the taste of that dish. And as soon as he did, his eyes couldn't help but widen in surprise. Without a doubt, that ramen had not changed at all; it tasted just as good as when he ate it every day after school. It was still hot, but even that didn't matter to the ninja. It seems that more than one meeting had been held tonight for the young Shimada.

"So... Are you saying you're with Overwatch again?" The green-haired would ask, full of curiosity, while she took some noodles between her chopsticks, blowing on them to cool them slightly. "Why? A few moments ago you were speaking as if you had not been comfortable working with them."

As the girl began to eat as well, the swordsman would take a few moments to reply. "Oh, good point. Yes, well..." That doubt had taken the black-haired by surprise, who would think carefully about his words before answering. "The new Overwatch is not what it once was. There are new and old faces on the team, and we are all very clear about our goal of fighting to bring peace to the world." The young man would soften the tone of his voice as he stared at the noodles in his bowl as he began his explanation. "For a long time, I served as a tool to the subdivision known as Blackwatch..."

As soon as she heard that name, the young Kamori's attention would focus entirely on her companion, leaving her dinner in the background. Of course she remembered hearing about Blackwatch. Well, that was the name with which Overwatch's fall began years ago.

"We went where no one else would... and we did what no one else would. We were... criminals. Used with the excuse of ridding the world of evil. Once Blackwatch disbanded, its members were released; we could go wherever we wanted. We were no longer anyone's tools..." Genji would continue with his story, looking up for a few moments in a contemplative way. "However... I felt that... I no longer had any place to return to. I felt like... I had no place in the world. So I decided to stick with Overwatch."

Pausing briefly, the ninja's lost gaze would slowly turn towards his companion, who kept an intense concentration on him, as if silently begging him to continue with his story. Noticing that look on his person, the young man would show a slight smile before giving way to his words.

"So I was given the opportunity to start a training period to formally join the ranks of Overwatch. Another recruit eager to join the team appeared around the same time: Lena Oxton. We train and take our exam together. And due to how well we got along, we were enlisted as companions." Little by little, that gloomy and melancholy story seemed to become a happier and more pleasant memory, showing in the ninja's expression and tone of voice. "Even though I didn't even talk much back then... and I was probably not the nicest person to be around... Everyone in Overwatch welcomed me. My closest companions: Lena, Angela, Winston... They were able to see through my cold metal shell... They were willing to help me, accompany me and treat me like a... normal person. They gave me hope." Finally, the young Shimada's mind would return once more to that conversation with his fellow base members, reaffirming his deepest thoughts out loud. "They... became my family... And that's why I thank them with my life."

After having lost a few moments in his own story, and noticing the strange silence in the environment, the swordsman would turn around again to face the girl next to him. The latter now wore a delicate smile on her lips, while her gaze remained fixed on her friend. She seemed genuinely moved by what she had heard, even as if she were another person for an instant. That would slightly embarrass the black-haired, who, in an attempt to hide it, would return to eat in a bit of a hurry. Then, the girl would do her own, extending that silence between the two of them, only interrupted by the sound they made when they slurped on her noodles.

After a few more moments, the cyborg would find the strength to speak again, feeling slightly compelled to finish his story. "Anyway... Over time, I felt that someone like me really didn't fit in Overwatch, so I left shortly before I found out about its ultimate fall."

"And what did you do then?" The green-haired's voice would be heard for the first time in several minutes. As if she tried to interrupt her friend as little as possible.

"Oh, well... I became a globetrotter. I began to travel aimlessly, in search of my purpose in this life; In search of my own identity." Noticing the curiosity of the other, the swordsman would prepare to leave his bowl again to focus on following his story. "At some point I reached the mountains of Nepal. There I was welcomed by the Shambali monks. One of them, Mondatta's brother, became my teacher. He had the patience and generosity to help a poor devil like me... Thanks to him, I was able to find inner peace. Make peace with myself; with the demons of my past."

Again, a little silence would be present between the two, who would focus on enjoying their dinner a little more before it got cold. Then, Kiriko would be the next to speak, turning to face her companion.

"I see... I'm very glad for you, Genji." Her voice, soft and full of gratitude, reflected how much she was relieved to hear that her friend had found the light in his life.

With a slight smile of gratitude on his face, the black-haired would decide that it was his companion's turn to speak. "Well... what about you, Kiriko? Have you faced the Hashimotos alone?"

Thoughts regarding the plight of her family would run through the guardian's mind fleetingly. However, she would quickly rule out mentioning anything about it for now. She simply would limit herself to answering omitting such a point. "That's right. Someone had to rise up against the injustices of the Hashimotos, and I knew that someone had to be me..." At those words, the ninja seemed slightly worried, perhaps because of the idea that his companion felt compelled to risk her life. "However, luckily I have not fought alone. Some friends and I formed a small resistance group called Yōkai. They said they felt safe if I led the group, so... That's how it was. We've been able to cause the Hashimotos a lot of trouble, you know. In fact, it was thanks to one of us that I knew you were hanging around the area tonight."

Soon, the younger Shimada would be somewhat calmer to hear that his friend did not carry all that weight alone. "I see. Thank him for me. I guess luckily neither of us has really been alone all this time."

"I already felt that I noticed you... differently."

"Heh, well, of course... I think I've changed a lot since the last time we met." The cyborg would reply, with a sarcastic tone, referring to his new physical appearance.

"No no. I don't just mean that, Shimada..." The girl would answer, making him notice how she had no intention of making fun of him. "I mean... you seem much more... mature."

Those words would make the swordsman suddenly stop his movements, leaving some noodles dangling from his raised chopsticks, which were going towards his mouth. However, he would see it only as fair to take a few moments to turn to his friend and reply in a similar tone. "Thank you, Kiriko. It means a lot."

After exchanging sincere smiles, the two would return to focus on their dinner. Despite the green-haired woman's recent statement, that scenario seems to come straight out of the duo's past. It would be impossible for any of them to remember how many times they had found themselves in the same situation: sitting next to each other in that restaurant, enjoying a nice steaming bowl of ramen. Distant memories that now seemed to be projected into the environment. Now that she could see her partner devouring those noodles, Kiriko couldn't help but smile longingly as she remembered the mischievous smile that used to adorn the swordsman's face in those days. For his part, Genji couldn't stop picturing his friend wearing her old school uniform. Thus, moved by those memories, the cyborg would slowly move one of her hands to end up placing it on the other's head in an affectionate act. That would inevitably attract the guardian's attention, who, upon turning around, would be met with a gentle smile from her companion.

"This hairstyle always suited you." The young Shimada would comment, with a slightly playful tone, finishing with the sentimental tone of the moment.

"Pfft... Sure. Unlike you, I've always had good taste." Would be Kiriko's mocking response, who would continue with a little more encouragement. "Remember when you had a bowl cut?"

"Yes, you didn't want to be the only one."

Thus, the conversation would continue, with such a jovial tone that it seemed that time had not advanced since the last time the two dined together. The minutes would pass, between laughter and happy memories. Finally, after a long while, several empty bowls of ramen were piled up in front of each of the youngsters, who seemed satisfied. Thus, they would get up and prepare to pay, dividing the bill as they always did.

• • •

The night progressed and both would leave that place after thanking one last time for the exquisite food. As soon as they left, the friends would look up to see the beautiful moon that bathed them with its light, overshadowed by the rest of the surrounding neon lights.

"Well... It's late. I should go, and so should you." The ninja would express himself, while he turned to see his companion.

"Huh? Will you stay in a hotel or something?" The green-haired would ask, with some curiosity and confusion.

"Oh no. I... On missions like this I usually spend the night anywhere. It's not very complicated."

"What? Of course not! What are you? A vagabond? You need proper rest, fool." She would rebuke him, incredulous at what she had just heard.

Noticing his friend's reaction, the swordsman would let out a slight laugh as he tried to reassure her. "Pfft... Calm down, Kiriko. I don't even require as much rest as I used to, to be honest."

"That is no excuse. If mom listened to you she would say the same..."

The girl would take a short pause, considering some options in her mind. Then, she would speak again with a somewhat calmer tone of voice, contrasting with the surprise that her following words would produce in her companion.

"I guess there is no other option. How about I host you home tonight?"

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