Feelings Don't Just Fade - a...

By GatsbyGirl97

54K 834 41

They covered up their feelings for so long, until the one night that changed everything. A few years later th... More

Just A Little Note :)
1: Little Do You Know
2: Heaven is a Place
3: We Belong
4: All I Want
5: Arms
6: Where Do We Go From Here?
7: Heat Waves
8: Hold You
9: Favorite T-Shirt
10: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby
11: Anything She Says
12: Somebody to Die For
13: As Long As You're Mine
14: Breathe
15: Beautiful
16: We Could Have It All
17: I'm With You
19: Devotion
20: Kisses Down Low
21: All Mine
22: New York City Rhythm
23: Photograph
24: She's Everything
25: It's All Coming Back to Me Now
26: Shower
27: You're Gonna Be
28: Ends of the Earth
29: Safe & Sound
30: Just AKiss
Author's Note
31: All I Need
32: All I Want for Christmas is You
33: Once in a Lifetime

18: Home

1.2K 19 0
By GatsbyGirl97


With the UC OP wrapped, all Lucy could think about was Delilah, why she'd posed as a cop when she was the wife of a Russian mobster. It wasn't like she needed to work... but Lucy thought back to a time she and Tim had worked together. It had been about an old cop, one that Tim had called a legend. He had told her that the guy was thinking like a criminal, and that made him more dangerous. In a way Lucy could see the similarities to this situation. As far as Lucy knew, the wives didn't get involved often, but they still knew the ins and outs and they were clever. No one messed with the King, without irritating the Queen.

She sat at her desk in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Metro. Tapping her pen on the desk she was truly racking her brain. Thinking about her first month on duty with Tim, Lucy also thought back to when he had told her to think like a crook. He had most likely told Delilah the same thing. Not that she needed that push... Delilah was thinking like a criminal cop now. Though she hadn't finished her rookie year, even, but she'd learned enough. Especially since Tim had been her T.O...

In many ways she knew how to think like a criminal, she needed to know how to think like a cop. She needed to gain trust and get inside so that she could get information. But, why would they send her in for this? Why was Delilah the right person for the role? Lucy studied the photo of Delilah from her employee file, along with various pictures on her social media accounts. Sure, she was young and pretty, and a bit naive looking, but... fuck! That's when it hit Lucy. Quickly she pulled up two other tabs on her computer, one opening Ashley's social media, and one opening Isabel's mugshots and records.

With careful detective eyes, Lucy scanned all three women. Blonde, bright eyes (at least in the beginning for Isabel), long legs, similar body build... that's why they had sent Delilah in, or maybe why she had volunteered. Lucy wasn't sure which way it had come about. But, she did know that Delilah looked like Tim' "type". While this saddens end Lucy slightly, because she looked nothing like these three, she couldn't let herself think about that now. They had been watching Tim alone, or maybe the LAPD as a whole, and that was their way in.

Also, thinking like a detective, and not a pissed off girlfriend, Lucy could see that maybe Delilah was the one sending the texts. Whether she had volunteered or been pushed into the role, she had grown overly fond of Tim, like her husband didn't even exist. Picking up her phone, she dialed Angela's number.

"Hey boo, you're on speaker with Nyla and I. Whatcha got for us?"

"I'm sending you guys three images. Tell me what you see." Lucy sent three photos to Nyla's phone, one of each girl.

"Holy. Shit." The other two women said in unison.

"So, clearly yo man, used to have a type." Angela emphasized the words "used to", Lucy smiled but didn't say anything.

"I'm gonna head over to Delilah's listed place of residence, I've got the warrant to enter. Meet me there?" She began gathering her things before even ending the call. She was going with or without them.

"On our way!" Angela answered her before hanging up. Lucy got there first and texted the ladies where she parked, a street over from the house. Once the other two women arrived they all got out and walked towards the house.

"So, how are things going with Tim?" Nyla questioned her.

"Well, I had thought that after the house remodel he was going to ask us to move in with him. We talked about things moving fast, but being okay with it moving at the pace that worked for us... and I talked to him about possibly coming back to Mid-Wilshire, it went well. Also, we are working on planning Jaclyn's first birthday party for this weekend." Lucy unloaded a bit too much, playing into the small talk.

"Oh that's so fun! I know most of us are off Saturday!" Angela was way too excited. "But, that's great, really. Do you think you're ready to live together?"

"I know that he's the one for me. When we first saw each other again, I wanted to scream, crawl out of my own skin, run away, and jump his bones all at the same time." She thought back to that day she walked back into Metro after her vacation. "I know I'm ready for us to move forward.." Lucy mused once more before they made it to the house. Nyla was the one to take the lead and knock on the door. They waited several seconds in between each knock. There was never an answer. Both Lucy and Angela called in their location before they all entered.

Splitting up, all women took different rooms of the small one story house.

"Clear!" Lucy shouted from her area.

"Clear!" She heard Nyla shout.

"Clear!" Angela was the last to sound in.

"Looks like it really is clear, as in empty. She's gone." Lucy assessed as she joined Angela and Nyla in the entryway.

"Looks like she was in a hurry to get out of here.." they all looked around at the messy state of the home.

"Thanks for joining me, girls. I'll add this all into the report back at Metro." They walked mostly in silence back to their cars.

"Oh, let us know if you need any help with the party! I can't wait to celebrate my goddaughter!" Nyla exclaimed before getting in the car with Angela.

Back at Metro, Lucy did as she said and entered what she and the girls had seen into the report. She checked in with Nyla and Angela to make sure they did the same. Leaning back, Lucy took a pause to look at her phone. Tamara had sent her photos of Jaclyn and a video of her walking in a group text to her and Tim. She had texts from Tim, with a bunch of cute ideas for Jaclyn's birthday. She was surprised to see that most were beach theme ideas. She was even more surprised to see the time, it was the end of her shift... But, she wasn't done yet. Lucy gathered her things, slowly, still trying to piece together what she was going to say to McConnell.

She was thankful to see that he was still in his office as she knocked on the door. "Sir?"

"Ah, Detective Chen, what can I do for you?" He motioned for her to enter, she did this and closed the door behind her.

"I have loved working here. And being a part of Metro has been a dream come true..." she took a pause, McConnell folded his hands on the desk, a puzzled look on his face. But, she knew that he was aware of what was coming. "A little over a year ago, I was fortunate enough to start working here. You guys took care of me through my pregnancy, you worked with my schedule, I was supported while I worked to become a detective and celebrated once I passed my exam. I've been put into more UC assignments than I can count, and I've gained more experience than I could've ever dreamed. And I'm thankful, but.."

"But, this isn't where you belong. And, you're requesting a transfer back to Mid-Wilshire?" McConnell finished for her. She nodded as he sighed. "Well, uhh, I am certainly sad to see you go, and hopefully I'll still be able to pull you for UC OPs when I need you?" Lucy nodded quickly. "I'll call Sergeant Grey now, I'm sure he will be thrilled, he'd be foolish not to be. We will make sure you're clear to report there in the morning."

"Thank you, sir. For everything." He shook her hand and she left. In the parking lot, Lucy turned to take one last look at the building. In the car she texted Val first, who quickly responded with well wishes and demands that they make plans soon. Lucy then texted Tim and Tamara to say she was coming home.

*Tuesday night*

Dinner was on the grill, second beer was going down nicely, Tamara and Jaclyn were in the backyard in front of him running around with Kojo. This was good. This felt right. It only got better when he heard Lucy's car do close in the driveway out front. He wasn't sure how life could get any better than this. And then Lucy joined them in the back, her kiss on his cheek smelled like beer. Tim simply concluded that life would just continue to get better and better each day with them around. "Hey handsome, this smells amazing." Lucy peered over his shoulder, inspecting his work.

"And, it's going to taste even better. I told you, I can cook." He kissed her, defending his skills.

"Mm-hmm, whatever you say. How was your day?" She mused, taking off her cardigan and rolling up her sleeves.

"Not too bad, riding alone for the moment. It's not the worst. But it is lonely, no one there telling me how I'm feeling or making me take Buzzfeed quizzes.." he gives her the side eye, she shoots it right back. "But, how was your day?"

"First of all, you know you miss those, don't deny it! And my day... my day was really good, honestly. Lopez and Harper met me at Delilah's old residence to see if we could find her. She cleared out of there, probably back with Petrov's younger brother. But, it felt so good to work with them again, and to be on their level. So, I made a big decision..."

"Oh, yeah? What's that?" She smirked in response.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He pouted. "Don't worry, you won't have to wait long. Umm, look, on my way here, I made another big decision, but it doesn't only involve me.."

Tim raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh, so, do I get to know about this one then?"

She nodded, they both took sips of their beers, looking out into the yard where Kojo played with the girls. "Tim, I uhh, I want us to live together. I don't care where, but my big decision is that we should move in together. If, uhh, if you want that?"

Tim set down his grilling tongs and turned towards her, his eyes were wide as was the smile on his face. "I was going to ask you about that tonight. This house has felt more like a home with you three here. And I want it to always feel this way." Lucy stood on her tiptoes to kiss his lips.

"Guess we will bring it up to Tamara when we sit down to eat. Oh, yeah, also, Nyla and Angela are very excited to help with Jaclyn's birthday this weekend.." she smiled at him one more time before he watched her go down into the yard. He watched as the beautiful brunette played with the young adult and their baby. He was so happy she had brought it up to him, the whole living together thing... he had wanted to ask her this past weekend, but they'd been so busy, not that he minded.

After a while, they all sat down to eat. Lucy and Tim exchanged glances. "So, uh, T..." Tamara looked up from her plate, her mouth full of food.

"Sup, Zhaddy?" She asked, after swallowing.

"We were wondering what you thought about you, Jaclyn, and your momma moving in here with Kojo and I?" His voice was confident and he didn't stutter, he was very sure of this decision. Tamara could see it in eyes.

Ty's eyes went wide. "... uhh, tbh, I kinda already thought we did live here and you two were just being old and lazy on getting the rest of our stuff here..." this earned a laugh from both Tim and Lucy.

"Guess that settles it, you're home baby." Tim smiled at Lucy as he took her hand.

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