Now This is An Upgrade (Ratch...

By iwikitty

7.3K 172 84

A/N: I've only watched Robots (2005) once so please don't judge 😭😭 At one point of his lifetime, Phineas T... More

Escape (gasp)
Robot City
Screwing Around
Aunt Fanny's
At Dinner
Clearing Out the Dirt (No More Assumptions)
Bunk Buddies
Seeing Bigweld
Spilling the Beans
Tangled Up
Cat's Out of The Bag
Bigweld Comes For Aunt Fanny
Back to Work
Who's Ratchet
Ratchet's Notes (AKA His Diary)
We Need to Talk
I'm Sorry
Prove Yourself Worthy
Crushing On You
The Bigweld Ball
Is This Love? (Is This Right?)
This Is Just The Beginning
Extra: The Wedding

It is Love

231 5 2
By iwikitty

It had been days since Rodney had seen Ratchet. He thought that the silver robot would've ended up back at Aunt Fanny's after he talked with Cappy, but he was disappointed to see that he wasn't there. He couldnt believe it. Did he actually run away? Would he ever see him again. 

Rodney couldnt bring himself to sleep. Downstairs, he sat on the couch in the dark with his head between his legs, sobbing quietly to himself. Just as the silver robot was getting better, his true self coming to light, Cappy had to come and ruin everything. Now, in the back of his mind, Rodney knew that she was just doing what she thought was good for him, and protecting him. But he didn't need protection, because Ratchet wasn't the same person he was all that time ago. 

The creaking of the stairs made Rodney lift his head to see that someone walked into the living room. It was Fender. He didn't look surprised to see that Rodney was down here by himself but still had a sad and concerned look on his face. He walked over to the couch and sat next to his friend. "What are you doing still up?" he asked him. 

Rodney sniffled. "I can't stop thinking about him, Fender," he said. "Im worried about him."

"Ah. He might show up again soon," Fender said gently. "I wouldn't give your hopes up just yet." 

"But it's been a week since I've last seen him," Rodney argued. "What if he ran away without telling me? What if...what if..."

Fender gave Rodney a hug as he started to cry again. Fender pat his friend's back and comforted him. "Lets not think the worst of things," he told him. "He couldn't have gotten very far."

Rodney leaned back and wiped his tears. "Y-yeah," he stammered, sniffing again. "You're right."

"Now let's think," Fender responded. "Where is one place that he couldve gone?"  

Rodney thought to himself for a moment. Then his brows raised as he got an idea. "The Underground."

That night, Rodney and Fender went to the Chop Shop. It was much scarier at night than it was in the daytime. The scraps of metal on the ground formed cryptic shadows on the walls from the moonlight through the cracks in the ceiling. The two robots stayed close together so as to not lise each other while also looking around for any sign of Ratchet. For a while, Rodney thought that this was no use, and was about to give up, but that was until Fender pointed out to somewhere in the scrap pile. "Look!"

Rodney followed where his finger pointed and saw the broad-shoulder silhouette of Ratchet. Rodney recognized this place now, as above him he saw the hanging body of Ratchet's father as his metal clinked in the wind. 

"Long time no see, son!" he heard him say. "What made you come back?" 

"I don't want to talk about it," Ratchet said. He sounded depressed, and his voice was weak as if he had also been crying. He grappled at the chains that once hung him there a long time ago. "I just want to be here." 

"How come?" 

"There's nothing out there for me anymore," he said. " least I thought there was."

"Hrm. Well that's too bad."

Rodney couldnt stand there and watch anymore, and he bolted across the scrapyard toward the silver robot. "Ratchet!"

Ratchet turned around, recognizing Rodney's voice. He didn't have time to react as the blue robot crashed into him, and they both fell down on the ground. Ratchet's eyes were wide with shock as Rodney wrapped his arms around his neck. "Ratchet!" he cried again. "I was so worried! Thank goodness I found you!" 

"R-Rodney?!" Ratchet stammered. He blushed instantly and sat up, shocked to see that he was on top of him. And hugging him?! "What are you doing here?" He asked. "How did you find me?"

Rodney only cried into his shoulder. "Why did you run away? I was worried sick. I thought that you were gone forever..."

Ratchet felt himself start to cry too, but he wouldnt let it out. "I-I thought that you didn't like me anymore," he confessed. "After Cappy told me off, I thought...I thought..."

"To hell with Cappy," Rodney swore. "She doesn't know anything. She doesn't realize how much you've grown. But I have seen it all first hand and know that you are truly a good person. And so have my friends." 

Ratchet gave a deep breath and talked quietly. "For the longest time, I followed my mother's footsteps because I was scared. I desperately wanted to change, but despite knowing what I was doing was wrong, I was forced to do her bidding." Ratchet wrapped his hands around Rodney's and stared into his eyes. "But you've believed in me. And I couldn't thank you enough for that, Rodney."

Rodney laughed to himself and felt his eyes fill up with tears. "You're making me cry, again." 

Ratchet smiled and wiped away his tears with his hand. "You saved me Rodney," he added. "And I love you."

Rodney melted into his touch and looked at him in the eyes. "I love you too, Phineas."

He caught Ratchet off with a kiss, and they both closed their eyes and embraced. Fender couldn't help himself but gave a whoop whoop in celebration and Monsiour Gatchet gave a fond chuckle and a nod of his head. Rodney and Ratchet smiled and hugged tightly. "Let's go home," Rodney said. "Our real home." 

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