By shuureya

33 9 6

In the heart of a seemingly ordinary town lies a place never intended to be acknowledged as secretive. Standi... More

1. Blue (A girl in her late twenties)
2. GREY (A man in his late thirties)
3. YELLOW & ORANGE (A pair of teens)


8 1 2
By shuureya

What would be the colour of peace that you have struggled to achieve?


The bookstore 'Luminachroma', a haven for those desperately seeking peace, remained elusive and inaccessible to all except those in dire need, whether they realised it or not. Once visited, no one could ever return, except for those whose pursuit of inner tranquility remained unfulfilled. This puzzling phenomenon concealed the mysteries within the enchanted walls, leaving countless questions unanswered. Who were the enigmatic owners? From whence did they come? Were they wielders of this enchantment or mere conduits for a higher power? What was their purpose? When and where did this mystical bookstore first materialise? Curiosity abounded, yet those who had experienced its transformative magic could provide no answers. As time passed, memories of the visit and the profound emotions it evoked gradually faded into oblivion. The truth behind the store's enigma remained elusive, leaving all attempts to unravel it in vain.

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