Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yu...

By Kamamo_

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[๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐’๐ˆ๐‚๐Š] _อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ "๐Ž๐ง๐ž ๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ค๐ข๐ฌ๐ฌ?" "๐ˆ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๏ฟฝ... More

[1st Chapter: The Far Shore.]
[2nd Chapter: Moonlight.]
[3rd Chapter; A fresh New Face]
[4th Chapter: Simpler times...]
[5th Chapter: A new club and Friends!]
๐Ÿฅ€[Chapter 6th: Teru Minamoto]๐Ÿฅ€
๐Ÿฅ€[7th Chapter: Stolen.]๐Ÿฅ€
[Chapter 8th: Tsukasa...?]
[Chapter Nine: Welcome back!]
[10th Chapter: Playdate]
[11th Chapter: The Realization Of An Obsession]
[12th Chapter: Sweet dreams~.]
[13th Chapter: A Loyal (Potential) Familiar.]
[14th Chapter: The Summer Demon!]
[15th Chapter: Marriage proposal.]
[16th Chapter: Girls day!]
[17th Chapter: Inheritance]
[18th Chapter: The True meaning of Fear]
[19th Chapter: The True Meaning of Fear, PT2]
[20th Chapter: Your Obedient Servant.]
[21st Chapter: Aftermath]
[23rd Chapter: As The World Caves In]
[24th Chapter: Mr.Hajime.]
[25th Chapter: Lovesick.]
[26th Chapter: Meant To Be Yours.]
[27th Chapter: Teachers Pet]
[28th Chapter: Escapism]
[29th Chapter: Secret Alliance.]
[30th Chapter: Love potion]
[31st Chapter: Befriending No.3!]
[32nd Chapter: Bittersweet.]
[33rd Chapter: Splinters.]
[34th Chapter: Alleyway]
[35th Chapter: Dangerously Yours]
[36th Chapter: Daddy's girl]
[37th Chapter: Baked Goods!]
[Regrets I have!]

[22nd Chapter: A Picture Perfect Reality]

666 20 72
By Kamamo_

[ This Chapter is undergoing some maintenance. And will be rewritten entirely! Feel free to come back later for the better/rewritten version, will be labeled with this emoji 🥀 :)]

I woke up in a cold sweat, as I shot up from my desk. I sweatted a bit while looking around me. My...classroom? Huh... I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was sitting there confused. I looked over and there, Natushiko's permanent ":3" greeted me.

"Cmon, The Runt and Sakura are waiting for us." Strange... But I nodded, taking my bag and swinging over my shoulder. I followed Natsuhiko closely behind, staring down at the floor. He turns around, now walking backwards. "Is something wrong, My Muse? You've been awfully quiet today." I looked up from the floor, and started to fidget with my fingers. "I had a strange dream... it's fine thoug-'' Soon, Warm arms slither their way around my waist, and a head rested itself on my shoulder.

"Hiii~!!" I know that voice... Natsuhiko does his weird salute bit. And I respond to the catlike apparition clinging to me "Morning Tsukas-" And that's when it hit me- He felt... warm-

I hear a familiar sigh behind me. As the boy on my back gets pulled away. "Tsukasa, it's not appropriate for you to do that to a girl. Especially Y/n." Sakura comments, as she holds Tsukasa by the back collar. She had a hand on her hip while the other held the "apparition". I turned around and Tsukasa was bickering away into Sakura's ear, while he wore the Schools Uniform, a red student council band wrapped around his arm.

I was stunned. Do I make a comment-? Do I say something??? Is he playing some sort of game and managed to convince Natsuhiko and Sakura to play along? Natsuhiko passes me and holds onto Tsukasa, pulling his cheek.

"What's... going on...?" I sweat. That's when students around us acknowledged all four of us. Muttering good mornings, and how are yous. They- acknowledged Tsukasa... "Are you doing alright, Y/n?" Sakura says, passing by the two boys, and putting a hand over my forehead. "Your body temperature is particularly high... Do we need to take you to the infirmary, Y/n?" Sakura says in a gentle, and soothing motherly tone.

"N-no... it's fin-" That's when Tsukasa pushes Sakura to the side, and takes my hand. "I'll take her~!" He exclaims. Now starting to drag me across the hall. Sakura and Natsuhiko exchange nervous looks before only nodding. "W-WAIT!! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIO-"


I was sitting on a cot while the nurse examined the temperature of my face. "You should be alright... just take this medication and you should be good as new." I nodded. Before he goes to his desk and brings out some pills for me to take. He looks over to Tsukasa and tells him to go get a cup of water for me. He nods and goes over to the water dispenser and takes out a plastic cup, filling it to the brim with water.

He quickly, but carefully comes over to pass me the water. The Nurse sighs to himself, while Tsukasa giggles. One false move, and this spills on me... "This is a little too much... but thank you..."

'Okay, Remain calm Y/n- this is all some sort of- dream! Yeah! Dream! He surely can't be... alive...' I put the pill in my mouth, and took a large sip of water. The nurse smiles, before taking the cup out of my hand, and excusing me. I nodded and walked out. Tsukasa followed closely behind.

He soon took my hand, and we held hands while walking across school. He felt- warm... so warm... Was he sweating? Must be. "H-hey Tsukasa..." He hums in response. I gulped a bit, trying to word this carefully. "This may sound weird... and I could be going crazy... but aren't you supposed to be dead...?" He stops for a bit. The silence makes this situation a little more unsettling.

Silence... more silence... not even the sounds of the wind could help me loosen up from how uncomfortable this is. I soon hear a slight giggle escape his lips, before he erupts into laughter. "Y/n-chan!! Don't be like that to your boyfriend!!" He lets out. As he stomps his feet, and puffs up his cheeks.

What...? Boyfriend...?

Okay yeah i'm going crazy. He soon shook his head to calm down. "Y/nnnnnn! Don't be so cold! Besides, you're the one to accept my feelings back in junior high!! No turning back nowww~" He teases as he wraps his arms around my shoulder. He tried to peck my cheek, before I covered his mouth with my hand.

He starts to complain as he continues to jump up and down. "Don't be like that!! You're being awfully cold to me today...." He pouts. As he fakes some tears. I look at him up and down, getting a full clean look at him. Wait, has he become taller...? He soon shook off the facade he put on to make me feel quilty. And just took my hand and dragged me away. "Cmon~~ Natsuhiko and Sakura are waiting for us!!" And with that, we descended to the rooftop.

Natsuhiko and Sakura sat there patiently, talking to one another. They both were sat on a spreaded out picnic blanket, with four bento boxes settled on top. I'm in between Sakura and Natsuhiko, sighing a bit. Tsukasa didn't want to sit across from me, so he shoved Natsuhiko off with a swift kick, before plopping right beside me, smiling brightly at me.

Sakura started to talk about classes, and talked to Tsukasa about his grades, which he responded with silence, and a creepy grin. Sakura rolled her eyes and moved her attention to the brown haired boy. I awkwardly sat there, trying to make sense of this situation... What Universe did I get transported in??? Tsukasa's alive, AND a student council member... And is now sitting with Natsuhiko, Sakura and I.

I glanced over to Tsukasa, and he was digging into his onigiri. Bits of rice splattering across his mouth and cheeks. I giggled a bit, kind of enjoying this scenery. Bright rays of the sun above shining down, embracing me with its warmth. The sky was clear as day, and Natsuhiko ranted about some movie he wants to go watch. Which he invited all three of us to go to. For once, Sakura considered the offer. Before, Natsuhiko said it could be a double "date". Which earned a clear smack on the head and a no from Sakura and her book.

I laughed at this, as Natsuhiko begs for her to accept his invitation. I was gonna ask Tsukasa about it, completely forgetting the situation I'm in... before it showed me the messy childish state he was in. His mouth, chin and cheeks were covered in rice and some mayonnaise. I took out a napkin from my bag, Before i held his chin with my free hand, while the other wiped his mouth.

When I stopped, and pulled away. He let out a simple "Thanks!" before coming in for another kiss, before I covered his mouth with my hand. And shook my head. He pouted a bit, before a devious idea came to mind. He licks my hand. Before standing up and running off.

"EW- GROSS!! TSUKASA-" I stood up and chased after him. My yelling caught Natsuhiko and Sakura's attention. They looked back at one another and smiled.

I continued to chase Tsukasa. Puffing up my cheeks while I continued to chase him around the rooftop. He would constantly stick his tongue out to me, while continuing to run off. I was getting tired and frustrated at this point, before the sounds of the bells beckoning me to go back to class. I stopped and a smile came across my face. An idea also popped up, looking over at Tsukasa.










For the entire day, between breaks. I would constantly test him, and tease him about being dead. Which he only shook his head at. And respond in a more- calmer, but still childish manner.

I also REFUSED to believe him and I were together... I even told him about it, and he went around asking everyone if we were together. And all of them said yes. Trying to prove to me that he was real... But even with all this- aliveness. He still clung to me, and acted like his usual self.

Being awfully cheerful, and hyper. I even saw him in action during his Student council work- While I was testing out something on him, we spotted a soon to be physical fight- And Tsukasa quickly reacted by also involving himself, and intervening the fight by kicking their asses, before they could kick each other.

After that, he scolded them, and gave them a slip to visit the student council room after school. In utter intimidation they felt from the ambered eyed boy. They both were quick to agree and leave. He came back to me, and smiled.

"OH!~ OH!~ Amane's on!! We should go watch his soccer match!!~" I thought for a moment... not really understanding who this- "Amane" person is. I never asked... nor did I feel comfortable dipping into Tsukasa's life before being a supernatural being. So the topic of "Amane" Was never really mentioned during my months of knowing him.

"Who's Amane again..." He let out a loud gasp, Before he looked over to me disappointed. He flapped his arms in the air trying to explain himself. "My brother!!! He's in PE right now!!" He says, grinning from ear to ear, by the mention of his brother. So... No.7...?

He soon starts skipping off, making his way over to the sports yard. I followed behind, hesitantly. We soon made outside, the summer breeze hitting me quite quickly. I soon saw the soccer field, where his brother should be. Tsukasa took my hand and we made our way to where class A was settling at. Tsukasa "drops me off" While he went over to the bleachers to cheer on his older brother.

I don't know what came over me, but the moment I saw Yashiro. I yanked her away from Aoi, which resulted in her doing a large "Yelp!" surprised. I covered her mouth so she couldn't scream out, and I took her in the shade underneath the trees.

I let go of her, and she turned around, still in shock. But Her eyes softened when she saw it was me. "Yashiro..."."Y/n-san..." She goes over to me to whisper. And I listened intently. "Hanako-kun... is a ghost right...?" I looked at it, my eyes lighting up! "FINALLY!" I hugged her.

We both comically sobbed as we both held each other's hands. "I'm glad I'm not just going crazy...!" She nods as well. "Thank goodness! I thought I was going crazy...!" Yashiro exclaims as she leans on me. From the corner of my eye, I see No.7 approach us. He looked at me suspiciously, before going over to Yashiro and giving her a high five.

"Did you see!? I got a goal! Awesome right?!?" He lets out. He looks over to me, squints his eyes. Before walking back with yashiro to the water station. I shrugged my shoulders, deciding to follow them.

No.7 no was just gulping down water, while yashiro stares suspiciously. After she went through a short and brief mental crisis on the floor. She glances over to the distance. "Huh... What is that Tower... Why is it in the middle of the school...?" Yashiro questions, continuing to stare at it. I also side eyed the building. And yup- it looks like a very unbalanced tower.

Aoi, Akane, No.7 And yellow phone addict explained their own little theories on the mystery tower in the distance. Some think it might be some special classroom. Some say it could be some new club rooms!

"What do you think, Y/n Senpai~?" Aoi says, her hand on her cheek as she looks over to me. I shrug my shoulders now being more confused with this phenomenon... "Not sure... Just looks like a weird tower to me." I shrugged my shoulders, now starting to leave. The others departed as well.

Now where is that self-proclaimed boyfriend of mine.....


I lounged in the sun, as I layed on top of the grass. The sun is melting me into a puddle at this point... "God it's hot out..." I mutter underneath my breath. Tsukasa- who's laying on my stomach, hums in agreement. School was finally over, and now I am just laying down in the field of the school with Tsukasa- who invited himself to join me to bask in the sunlight. "God... I could use a water or cold beverage right about now... " Tsukasa jolts up, and smiles. "I can go grab some for us!~" He says. Taking out his wallet. Only having a few coins. "Huh? Oh sure." I took out my wallet from my bag, and handed over some yen for the vending machine inside the school.

"Any preferences?~" I thought for a moment, before shrugging my shoulders. "Just anything cold please..." He nods, and runs off quickly. "Wait here!!~" and he ran off back into the building. I laid back onto the grass. My hands behind my head, as I die of dehydration.

I groan as I toss and turn on the grass. I heard some rustling below me, and I stood up rubbing my eyes. "Your quic- oh... smaller Teru and Yashiro. What brings you here?" Yashiro and Kou walk over to me, and hover above me. "I think..." Kou speaks up. "I think we know how to get answers about this place... do you perhaps want to join...?" Kou says, a little nervous. I chuckle, standing up and taking my school bag. "Yeah sure. Just make it quick- my uh... friend went off to buy some drinks for us..." They both piped up and a glimmer of hope shined in their eyes. They both exclaimed "Okay!" in unison, as we all made our way to the tower.

We all walked in silence, mentally preparing one another to whatever is to come in the unbalance tower ahead.

We soon climbed up a flight of stairs, and all three of us in awe stared up. "This place..." Kou mutters. "The Mysterious tower..." Yashiro also comments. "I'm nervous." Yashiro said in a shaky tone. Kou nods slightly in agreement "Mitsuba said we'd find out what we want if we came here. But what if he lied..." Kou is also feeling nervous.

"Wimps" I mutter, as I hop over the hovering stairs. Both following close behind. The doors soon opened up widely, the inside being heavily dark. Both clung to my arms as we walked inside. "H-hey! Stop holding on so tightly!!" they- didn't listen, and continued to dig their nails into my arms.

"Gah... this place is scary..." Yashiro says in a panicky tone. They both let go of my now aching arms, and searched the dark room. I bent down as I tried to feel the floor... a soft carpet. I soon continued forward a bit, inspecting the room.

"Isn't there a light somewhere?" Yashiro says, walking around in the dark, only a silhouette being visible at this point. "It's hard to see anything..." And with that, Kou bumps into a wall and lets out a large ouch in response. "Why is there a wall here!?" I snickered, While Yashiro ran to Kou. "God, it's like watching a mouse in a maze..." I continue to laugh. "Don't say that!! It's not my fault the room is so- dark....." Soon from the dark, while Kou and I insult each other back in fourth. A hand reaches out to Yashiro... it hovering over her shoulder... and-

Goes straight for her ankles, and lifts it up slightly, making her fall backwards. Kou and I hear her squeal, and immediately went into the defensive mode. "Senpai!"."Yashiro!" Kou and I ready our weapons. That's when the lights turn on suddenly. As a frail girl holds onto Yashiro's leg in amazement. "How amazing~! They're so huge~! I've never seen ankles like this before! Are you really a human?" The girl with questions Yashiro. She lifts up her glasses a bit, and goes closer to Yashiro's leg. "Do you have large bones... so peculiar..." Yashiro, shakes off her stunned state, and stares at the girl with glasses and weird hairstyle. "Um... who are you...?"

Kou and I spring into action, and recused Yashiro from four eyes. "Senpai doesn't like that..." Kou says. While I stare daggers at the weirdly dressed girl. "Ahhh! I'm sorry! Humans just have such interesting forms..." Why did she word it like- she herself isn't human...? God... anything at this point could be possible.

She apologizes quickly. And quickly tells us the tower is her art gallery. And she herself is a school mystery- specifically, School mystery No.4! Shijima Mei. She soon tours us around the building. Showing off her art, but before time could be wasted any further. Yashiro halts Shijima and asks how to get back to the world- the real reality.

"I see! Is that so! That's so amazing!" Shijima says, going close to Yashiro with bright eyes. "So it's possible?" Yashiro comments, a glimmer of hope glistening in her eyes. "Of course!~" Shijima says, twirling a bit. And backing up to be near her paintings.

"If you want to change the world to how it was before, the method is simple..." She pauses, a sinister smile appearing on her face.

"Yugi Amane. Mitsuba Sousuke." She hesitates a bit, before continuing.

"And Yugi Tsukasa... You need to kill those three boys."

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