Finding You Was Fate

By outlawqueen4ever

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This is an AU of Outlaw Queen! Very fluffy and romantic! Regina is a teacher and Robin owns a poetry slam bar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

87 1 0
By outlawqueen4ever

Robin got home extremely late from work last night. I think he finally crawled into bed at 4:00 am. Rather than leaving him by himself in bed, I was sitting up against the headboard working on my computer. I was working for about an hour when Robin's hand reaches out and whacks my hand.

"Ow." I say chuckling.

"Whas tha noise?" He asks groggily.

"My computer. I'm creating a test." I say grabbing his hand that was still on top of mine.
"It s'annoying." He says sleepily.

"I'm sorry." I say smiling. "I just wanted to stay in here with you while you slept."

"Thas sweet." He says smiling sleepily.

"What time is it?" He asks with his eyes still closed.

"Early. You can go back to sleep." I say smiling.

"M'kay." He says scooting closer and pulling my hand to his chest.

"How am I supposed to work if you got my hand?" I ask chuckling.

"No work." He says smiling.

"Go back to bed." I say laughing and pulling my hand away. 

"Meanie." He says pouting. "I wanna hold you."

"Lemme finish these last couple of questions and I will cuddle with you." I say smiling.
"Mkay." He says smiling. "I wait."
"Okay, give me a few more minutes of typing." I say starting to type again.

I type out my last couple of questions which took me about 10 minutes. I save the test to read over it later and put my computer on the nightstand.

"Alright." I say scooting down to lay on my pillow. "Come here."

He smiles and scoots against my side laying his head on my chest and draping his left arm over me. I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head. He nuzzles against my chest and then drapes his left leg on top of mine.

"Can we stay like this today?" He asks softly.

"If you want." I say smiling.

"I want." He says rubbing his hand up and down my side. "Love laying with you."

"Me too." I say running my fingers through this hair.

"Mmm don't do that." He says grabbing my hand.

"Why? You love that." I say chuckling.

"Leads to bad things." He says slipping his hand under my shirt.

"Ahhh I see." I say smiling. "And that doesn't?"

"No." He says shrugging. "This don't help either."

"What?" I ask chuckling.

He runs his hand down my bare leg and squeezes my hip. "Oh." I say smirking. I was still in the clothes I slept in and I didn't sleep in shorts last night. Just a big t-shirt and underwear.

"I'm never gonna get back to sleep." He says sighing.

"Well, focus on sleep and not on me." I say laughing.

"I always focus on you." He says turning his head and looking at me.

"Well, good morning." I say smiling.

"Morning." He says smiling.

"Do you want to sleep or you want some breakfast?"

"I want you to not move." He says smiling.

"Okay." I say chuckling.

"Did you have breakfast?" He asks.

"I did." I say smiling. "At about 7:30 this morning."

"It's Saturday. Why were you awake so early?" He asks.

"Habit." I say shrugging. "I finished my second cup of coffee before you woke up."

"What did you eat?" He asks.

"I had eggs and a piece of toast."

"That sounds yummy." He says smiling.

"It was." I say smiling.

"Can you take this off?" He asks pulling at my shirt.

"Why?" I ask chuckling.

"Because I want it off." He says smirking.

"What happened to going to sleep?"

"Can't sleep when you have shirt on." He says smirking.

"Bull." I say laughing.

"Nah Uh." He says pouting. "Can't sleep."

"Well I usually can't either cause it's too cold in here." I say.

"Seriously?" He asks picking his head up.

"Usually it's harder for me to fall asleep, yes." I say shrugging.

"Why don't you tell me?" He asks.

"Because as long as we are close and I have a blanket I'm fine." I say smiling. "But like right now you're laying on me so I can't pull the blanket over your head."

"We can switch." He says smiling.

"It's okay. I don't mind holding you." I say smiling. "I would just like to keep my shirt on." I say chuckling.

"Okay, fair point." He says nodding and laying his head back down. "But I did say I wanted to hold you."

"I know but you are the tired one." I say chuckling. After a few minutes of him running his hand up and down my side, I tap his cheek.  "You still want me to take my shirt off?"

"No, it's okay." He says sighing.

"Get up for a second." I say sighing.

He lifts his head and I sit up pulling my shirt off over my head. I lay back down and he smirks. He lifts the sheet and gets on top of me. He lays in between my legs and lays his head in between my boobs.

"Satisfied?" I ask laughing.

"Yep, cause if I want. I can do this." He takes his tongue and flicks my nipple.

I smirk. "So you clearly have other intentions Mr. Locksley."

"Yes I do." He says smiling. "Not right now."

"Oh so you just want to be a tease then."

"Never." He says smirking.

"Well maybe I will just have to tease you." I say scratching my nails up and down his back.

"Then you can't get mad if I get a boner."

I laugh out loud at his bluntness. "Not that I would feel it."


"You're funny." I say smiling. We were quiet for a few minutes until he lifted his head.

"Can I take you to dinner tonight?"

"Yeah." I say smiling. "I would love that."

"Anywhere you want." He says smiling.

"Okay." I say smiling.

He leans up on his left elbow and wraps his right hand around the back of my neck pulling me to his lips. He kisses me sweetly a few times then lingers on the last one. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I say smiling.
"Give me an hour or so to sleep and then we can spend the day together." He says smiling.

"Sleep as long as you need." I say smiling. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Bathroom before I lay on you?"

"Actually, yes." I say chuckling. I grab my shirt and slip it on then head into the bathroom. I come back a few minutes later and he is already falling asleep. "I'm coming." I say chuckling.

"I'm waiting for you." He says smiling.

I go to take my shirt off again but he shakes his head. "I was just teasing. You can leave it on."

"You sure?" I ask.

"Okay yeah take it off." He says smirking.

"I knew you would want it off again." I say chuckling. I pull it off and he reaches for me.

"I love watching you do that." He says as I crawl into bed. "Now I'm getting a hard on."

I chuckle and lay back down. "Well, how about you take a nap and maybe we can play later."

"Okay." He says sighing.

He fell asleep 5 minutes later without an issue. I grab the remote and I put on a movie to watch. I was dozing off and on for about a half hour before I feel asleep too.

We didn't sleep that much longer because I did promise her were going to spend the day together. She woke me up by placing kisses on my cheek. I squeezed her tight and pull her to lay on top of me. 

"I let you sleep for 2 more hours." She says chuckling.

"Still so tired."

"Were y'all busy last night?" I nod beneath her and she pulls away from. I whine at the loss of her and reach out for her again.

"I love when you wake up like this." She says smiling. "Super affectionate and clingy. Also with a very cute bed head." I finally open my eyes and she is smiling at me.

"I hate coming home after you are already asleep. Even though, you are the cutest sleeper ever." I say chuckling.

"I even tried to wait up for you, but I think I fell asleep at about 11." She says shrugging.

"Yeah, I got home well after 4 this morning." I scoot off of her a little so I could lay down, but still see her face. 

"I definitely would not have been able to stay awake that late." She says laughing.

"But anyway, I know we talked about going to dinner, But you don't have any plans during the day do you?"

"Whatever you are doing is what I'm doing." I say smiling.

"Well, I was thinking that we should go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and we could get some new stuff for the room and bathroom since it's our room now."

"That would be fun, but I don't want to make you change anything." I say smiling. "It still feels like home even though it was yours first."

"That's sweet, but I want it to be ours and I want you to like it too. I was thinking some new towels for the bathroom and a new comforter and sheet set for the bed." She says brushing her hand through my hair.

"You sure?" I ask. "Because it honestly doesn't bother me."

"Yes, I want this room to be ours." She says pouting.

"Okay, then let's go spend some money." I say smiling.

"Yay." She says smiling.

"But after I do this." I say capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. She pulls away rather quickly and pokes at my sides. She looks at me and raises and eyebrow. "I'll be right back." I say sighing. I get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth as she is laughing. By the time I come out, she is already completely naked except for the underwear she is wearing, digging through her drawer for shorts and a t-shirt. I walk up behind her and cup both of her breasts in my hands and start kissing her neck. "I thought you were going to stay in bed till I came back." I say resting my chin on her shoulder. I drop my hands to her hips and pout.

"Well we decided to go to the store." She says shrugging.

She is digging through her Nike shorts when I start pushing her underwear down her legs. Her mouth twitches and I know she was trying to stop a smile from breaking out on her face.

"Whatcha gonna wear?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know."

"You know," I say smiling and sliding my middle finger through her folds. "It usually doesn't take you this long to pick out a pair of shorts." She shrugs and I start circling her clit. "Since you are already naked, you should join me in the shower." I move my finger further down and she is wet. I smile and drag my finger back up and start circling her clit again.

"I showered before I went to bed last night." She says softly.

"I could give you a reason to shower again." I say smirking.

"I'm sure you could." She says finally grabbing that black pair of Nike's she has been staring at. She closes the drawer and I grab that pair of shorts and drop them on the ground.

"You gonna pick them up?" I ask smirking.

"You dropped them." She says softly. I knew this was affecting her because she was breathing heavy.

"I did." I say chuckling. "Because I'm curious if you are going to pick them up, but since you haven't I'm assuming I can continue."

"I'm not stopping you." She says finally turning to look at me. "Even though I really want to go shopping."

"Less than 10 minutes." I say turning her around.

She smirks and I wrap my arounds around her and kiss her. Without leaving her lips, I bend down and pick her up. She wraps her legs around me and I take her back to bed, where she should have stayed in the first place. We could have skipped that whole teasing part and got straight to the good part.

An hour later, we were walking around Bed, Bath and Beyond. We decided to look at towels first. Regina's bathroom is decorated with navy blue and white. She wanted to get some more towels so she decided two more white and two more navy towels and wash clothes. She grabs two of each and places them in the top part of the basket. Then we headed to the bedding.

"I think I wanna pick out a comforter before we pick sheets." She says already looking up at the different sets they had.

"Whatever you want babe." I say smiling.

"No, whatever we want." She says grabbing my hand. "Look around and pick a few out. Then we will decide together."

"Okay." I say chuckling.

After about 20 minutes of walking the aisles, I brought it down to two that I liked. One was mostly white, but had navy blue on it as well. It kind of looked like paint was dripping down, but it was really pretty. The other was a pale blue and white and had a grey stitching in a square. It was simple, but I liked it. I walk back over to Regina and she has one comforter in the basket and she is holding another.

"Found anything?" I ask walking up to her.

"Yeah, I just don't know which one I like better. I was trying to narrow it down to one instead of two." She says sighing.

"I have two as well, so how about you eliminate one of mine and I'll eliminate one of yours?" I ask.

"Okay." She says finally looking up at me.

"Take your pick?" I ask holding them both up.

"I do not like that pale blue. Too plain and I just don't like the color." She says putting it on the ground and turning back to the basket.

"Okay, let me see what you have picked out." I peek over her shoulder and she holds up this gorgeous grey comforter with what looks like this embroidered damask pattern. "I really like that one."

"Me too, but you probably won't anymore after you see the price." She says chuckling. "But I also picked this one."

The other one she picked was white with a pinched design all over it. "I don't like that one."

"Okay, that leaves us with the white and blue one and the antique grey one." She says putting back the white one.

"What do you think?" I ask putting them next to each other. "I'm leaving the final decision up to you. The only thing I care about is the woman who will be sleeping next to me. As long as she is happy, then I'm happy."

"That white and blue is ugly." She says looking at me.

"Figured that." I say chuckling. "I didn't really like either of the ones I picked out. I like the two you picked out better. You also keep looking at this one, so I kind of figured you were going to pick this one."

"I'm going to buy it so you don't even have to worry about the price." She says placing it in the basket.

"No, babe, we are going to split it. I'm not worried about the price." I say grabbing her cheeks. "You want that one, that is the one we are going to buy. We are also going to go pick out whatever sheets you want."

"Okay." She says nodding. "Only because I really like this one." She smiles and I kiss her lips.

"Alright, what kind of sheets are you thinking about?" I ask pushing the basket to the sheet aisles. She starts walking next to me and lightly grips my arm with her left hand.

"I'm thinking something that will stay cool." She says starting to look. All of a sudden, she grips my arm and I turned around and she had stopped. "These. We need these."

"Is that Satin?" I ask.

"Actually Sateen." She says smiling. "I want these. You have no choice."

"Okay, babe, pick the color you want." I say chuckling.

"Navy." She says grabbing the king set. She puts it in the basket and grabs my hand. "Okay, I'm ready."

What we thought was going to be well over four hundred dollars, ended up being almost half of that because when we got up to the register her comforter set was 50% off. She was so excited she went back and got the throw pillows to match. We are finally at home and she is at the kitchen table opening everything. She is taking the sheets out of the plastic and pulling everything out of bags. Now she is running to the laundry room. I follow her in there and watch her put the sheets in the wash. She turns it on and faces me.

"Can you do your favorite person a favor?"

"Sure, did Roland call you and ask for me?" I ask smirking.

She whacks me across the chest and laughs. "You jerk."

"What can I do for you?" I ask pulling her against my chest.

"Can you go take the sheets off the bed, please?" She kisses my lips. "And the comforter."

"Yes, I can." I say smiling. "I'll be right back."

I head upstairs and pull the comforter off the bed, folding it up. I place it on her chair then pull the sheets off putting them in the laundry basket. I head back downstairs and she is pulling out all of the contents of the comforter set.

"You like it?" I ask sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I love it." She says smiling. "It's so pretty."

"Good, then money was not wasted." I say chuckling. "You want a snack or something? We didn't really eat lunch."

"Sure, I'll take a salad if you feel like making me one." She says still looking at all the contents of her purchase.

"That sounds very good. I'll make two." I say heading to the fridge. "I can grill some chicken, if you want."

"Ooh, that sounds good." She says smiling at me. "I'll take some."

"Okay, then grilled chicken salads it is." I say starting to pull out everything. I grab lettuce, cheese, eggs, tomatoes, cucumber, bacon bits, and the chicken out of the freezer. The first thing I did was defrost the chicken and put some water on the stove to boil eggs.

"Babe, I'm going to go get the dirty clothes from upstairs since I'm already washing stuff. I'll just wash all the clothes today." She says grabbing the comforter set and heading upstairs.

I nodded and just continued to cook. I finally took the chicken out of the microwave and placed it in a pan. I had already cooked this meat a couple of days ago, so it was already cooked. I just needed to heat it up in the pan again. The water also started to boil, so I put 4 eggs in the pot and let them boil. Next, I grab bowls and start to place lettuce in each, then cheese, bacon bits, and now I need to cut the tomato and the cucumber. I get a cutting board and start chopping them up, placing them in each bowl. I finally hear Regina come back downstairs and she yells from the hall.

"Let me know when it's ready!"


I continue with our lunch and cut up the chicken in the pan to cook the rest of the way. I waited 5 more minutes and took the eggs off the stove placing them in the sink under cold water. While waiting for that and the chicken, I get us both a glass of iced tea placing it on the table. I turn the chicken off and put a little bit in each bowl, then peel and dice the eggs place them in each bowl. I place both bowls in front of our respective chairs and grab the two dressings from the fridge placing them and two forks on the table. I then headed into the laundry room.

"Hey, babe, its ready." I say poking my head in.

"Okay, just need to turn this on." She says pressing the start button on her washing machine. "Alright, let's go."

Lunch was very filling and very yummy as Regina always says. I cleaned the kitchen while she switched clothes from washer to dryer, then we relaxed on the sofa for the afternoon while folding the sheets, clothes and towels she washed and dried. What I wasn't expecting was a phone call at 6:30. John called and asked if I would mind coming in to help with the dinner time rush because our other bartender was going to be a little late. I talked to Regina and we decided to reschedule our dinner for tomorrow night. She didn't want to come so she stayed home and decided she wanted to make her bed with all her new stuff.

I headed to the bar and we were crowded which is typical for a Saturday night. I worked for about an hour after Will finally showed up just to help a little then finally headed out at 8:45. I was grabbing my keys and heading to my truck when I received a text from Regina.

Babe! These sheets are fantastic! Come home NOW!

The text came with a picture of her laying under the sheets. She was definitely shirtless as you could see the sheet tucked under arms. I responded and told her that I was on my way and that she must not move from that spot.

When I got home, I took my shoes off by the door and made sure the door was locked then headed upstairs. I opened the door to our room and discovered she was already knocked out. I smiled when I noticed she was hugging my pillow. I decided to take a shower before heading to bed. I was in and out in less than five minutes. I got out of the shower wrapped a towel around my waist then brushed my teeth before throwing my towel in the hamper and putting a pair of boxers on. I walk out into the room and she was still asleep. Since she was laying in the center of the bed, I crawled in behind her. She was right. The sheets felt amazing. I scoot in behind her and wrap my arm around her. I lean up and kiss her cheek before snuggling back in, but I ended up waking her up.

"You're home." She says softly.

"Yeah, got in about 20 minutes ago." I say leaning up on my elbow and kissing her shoulder. "You can go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's okay." She says yawning. "I didn't think I would doze off, but I would have wanted you to wake me up."

She turns to her back and smiles at me. "Hi." I say smiling.

"Hey." She says chuckling. "What time is it?"

I look at the clock on my nightstand. "It is about 9:25."

"It's still early." She says chuckling.

"Yes, it is, but you were up super early this morning." I say raising my eyebrow at her.

"I know." She says rolling her eyes. "It's a habit."

"I know." I say chuckling. "I'm teasing. We just work opposite times. You have to be up early and I have to stay up late. I think we make it work though."

"We do. You don't complain about my schedule and I don't think I have ever complained about yours." She says shrugging.

"You have not." I say smiling. "You are the perfect supportive girlfriend."

"And you are the perfect supportive boyfriend. Even though I woke you up this morning." She says pouting. "I sorry."

"It's okay. I'm not mad. I might have been then." I say chuckling. "But I got over it pretty quickly."

"Yeah since you whacked me in the arm." She says chuckling. "It was so random. I was just in this zone, typing away and then all of sudden I get whacked in the arm."

I laugh and kiss her cheek. "I'm sorry, I thought it was my phone, honestly."

"Nope, just me." She says smiling. "So, you wanna watch friends?"

"Of course." I say chuckling. She grabs the remote and put Netflix on and clicks on the episode we left off of which is season 7 episode 4. It starts playing and she snuggles into my chest.

"If I fall asleep, I'm apologizing now. I love you and goodnight." She says smiling.

"Goodnight beautiful." I lean down and kiss her sweetly.
She fell asleep during the second episode we watched. I stayed up and watched four more episodes before finally turning it off and dozing off. When I woke up the next morning, Regina was sleeping on her left side facing the window and I was on my stomach. Since she was still sleeping, I decided to surprise her with breakfast and we would have a lazy Sunday before I took her to dinner tonight.

I left a note on the counter for when Robin got off of work tonight to let him know that I was going to be at dancing. I was heading to my first dance class of the new year. I have been dancing since I was little and I still love it because it keeps me active. Our class is later in the evening, it begins at 9. So, it is around ten after nine and we started with stretching and now we are going across the floor doing other stretches. Kicks, leaps, turns and a few other things. We were waiting for our teacher to put a different song on to begin leaps across the floor when someone walked in the building. The way our building is set up is we have the main room and "mom's room" as we call it with benches so mother's and/or fathers can watch the different classes. We all glanced toward the door, but it was difficult to see who it was with the glare coming from the main room lights.

"Can you see who that is?" Emma asked glancing at me.

"No, I can't really tell. No one ever comes to watch this class." I say facing the front again.

"Regina, it's a man. Is that Robin?" Mary Margaret asks smirking.

"No, he is supposed to be a work." I say turning around again. When I turned around he smiled and waved. It was Robin. "That is him." I say smiling and running into the other room. "What are you doing here?" I say jumping into his arms.

"I came to see your class." He says hugging me.

"You are supposed to be at work." I say looking at him.

"I got off early tonight." He says shrugging and placing me on the ground.

The music started playing and they started going across the floor again.  "Oh, I have to go in there. Come sit on the front bench so I can see you." I say kissing his cheek.

"Have fun." He says kissing my lips.

I smile and run back into the room. I head back to the center line and I go across the floor doing leaps.

"That's so cute that he came to watch you." Emma says as I reach the other side of the floor.

"Shut up." I say laughing.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Emily asks. Emily is one of the younger girls in the adult class. Her, Marley, and Lauren all just recently graduated and that makes them old enough to be in the adult class. They are goofy and funny, plus they are about to make Robin very uncomfortable.

"Yes." I say nodding.

"I'm going introduce myself." Emily yells running into the other room.

"Me too." Marley and Lauren both say following her.

I see Robin laugh and he shakes all of their hands. They all come back in and Marley walks up to me.

"He is so hot." She says smirking.

"I'm aware." I say winking.

They all bust out laughing and we finished across the floor. Robin was watching the whole time and we were going to be learning a dance. That is when Emily got this bright idea.

"Tell your bae to come do the music." She says laughing. "And that means he will be able to see you better."
"I don't know, he probably won't want to." I say chuckling.

"I'll get him." Marley says running to the door and poking her head into the other room. "Do you mind coming to work the music for us?"

I see Robin nod and he stands up and walks toward the door. He comes into the room and smiles at me. "Just tell me what I have to press." Robin says following Marley behind the counter.

"Gaylie will tell you what you have to press, but basically red is stop, green is play and she will say red or green to you." Marley says running back out on the floor.

"Do you want us to switch so you can see her better?" Lauren asks Robin.

"Shut up. All of you." I say chuckling. "He can see me just fine."

"Plus, I get to take her home." Robin says smiling.

"Awe!" The whole class yells.

"Alright, now that my boyfriend has posed a distraction, Gaylie you can begin." I say chuckling.

"Alright let's go." Gaylie says smiling.

She begins teaching a jazz combination. She said we were dancing to "Bad at Love" by Halsey. She teaches the first two 8-counts then we start with the music. The whole time we were dancing Robin kept smiling at me and making me mess up.

"Do I have to kick you out of the room?" Gayle asks Robin.

"No, I'm sorry." He says chuckling.

He finally stopped smirking at me and I was able to finish the rest of the class without any more mistakes.  Everyone was standing around talking and I grabbed my bag then went stand next to Robin.

"So, where did y'all meet?" Marley asks.

"I own a bar and we met there." Robin says grabbing me hand.

"How long y'all been dating?" Emily asks.

"About 4 months." I say smiling.

"Best 4 months of my life." Robin says kissing my head.

"Awe." They all say in unison.

"Planning anything yet?" Mary Margaret asks smirking.

"Planning? No, but he did give me this which none of you seemed to notice." I say holding my left hand out.

"Is it an engagement ring?" Marley asks.

"No, a promise ring." Robin says smirking. "Basically, says that we are going to get married. Might not be now, but sometime in the next year."

"Do y'all talk about this a lot?" Emma asks chuckling.

"He clearly does." I say looking up at him.

"I think about it a lot, but who wouldn't. Look who I am with?" He says leaning down and kissing my lips.


"Oh yeah."


I pull away with all the cat calling and chuckle. "Okay, I love you guys, but I have to be up early. See y'all Saturday." I say turning around.

"Nice meeting all of you." Robin says waving then following me to the door.

"Don't forget to use protection!" Marley yells.

"I literally hate all of you!" I yell and flip them off as we walk outside.

"They are a funny group." Robin says as we walk to my car.

"None of them have filters." I say chuckling.

"I might just come every week." He says grabbing my bags from me and walking to the driver side door.

"They will literally annoy you all the time too." I say buckling my seatbelt.

"Well, they can annoy me all they want. If I get to watch you dance every week, then that's fine by me." He says smiling.

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