Storm of Grimm [RWBY/WW1]

By ZeSovietMan

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It's the end of Battle of Belleau Wood, but as the final Germans surrendered to the marines, a massive portal... More

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1: A New Beacon
Bio PT. 2
Chapter 2/Special Chapter: Sabaton and BF1
Chapter 3: Menagerie meets the Fleet (Revised)
Chapter 4: Party?
Chapter 5: Building the Fort
Chapter 6: The Presence is Revealed.
Established Rules of World War 2 and Alliances
Chapter 7: The Battle of Fort Mantello
Chapter 8/Special Chapter: The Main Timeline and Battlefield 1 Rap
Chapter 9: The Fall of Fort Faunus
Chapter 10: Prepare for the Typhoon (Revised)
Chapter 11: It Changes Everything
Chapter 12: The Final Preparations
Chapter 13 Part 1: Operation Typhoon (American)
Chapter 13 Part 3: Operation Typhoon (French/369th)
Chapter 13 Part 4: Operation Typhoon (British)
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: We're Off (Revised)
Chapter 16: Unexpected Attack
Sabaton for Chapter 17 (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 17/Special Chapter: What I Missed
Chapter 18: When Legends Meet Students
Chapter 19: A Transfer of Argus
Chapter 20: A Rebuilding of Argus
Chapter 21: A Defense of Argus (Revised)
Chapter 22: The Quick Offensive
Chapter 23: Christmas Preparation
Chapter 24: Confess Before The End
Chapter 25: The End? Or A New Beginning?
Chapter 26: A Storm of Grimm
Chapter 27: The End

Chapter 13 Part 2: Operation Typhoon (German/Austro-Hungarian)

452 14 0
By ZeSovietMan

Date: 9/30/18

Time: 11:03 P.M

Vale Coastline, UN Troop Camps 

German Sailor 1: Admiral, die Marines und Soldaten laden jetzt ein. (Admiral, the Marines and Soldiers are loading now.)

Sieg: Gut, bereiten Sie sich vor. Sagen Sie dem Rest der Flotte, er solle sich bereit machen und in See stechen. Dieses Mistral-Gulf-Gebiet wird uns umgeben, daher können wir keine Schwachstellen haben. (Good, prepare yourself. Tell the rest of the fleet to get ready and set sail. This Mistral Gulf area will surround us, so we cannot have any weak points.)

German Sailor 2: Ja, Admiral. (Yes, Admiral.)

The SMS Nassau Fleet would consist of the SMS Nassau, 2 Destroyers, 4 armored cruisers and an auxiliary ship with all marines and soldiers being loaded into the LCVP's.

Sieg: Es ist gut, dass die Divisionen, Hunderte von Panzern haben. Sonst werden alle unsere Landungen keine Panzerung haben. (It's good that the divisions have hundreds of tanks. Otherwise, all our landings will not have armor.)

Sieg then watched as what seemed to be 15 LST's loaded in the UN's Armored Divisions.

Date: 10/1/18

Time: 7:16 A.M

German Landings

Marine Captain: In unserer Aufgabe liegt es, die größte Insel von Feinden zu befreien, damit Panzer den Rest der Insel räumen können, um unsere Bodenartillerie aufzustellen. (Our task is to clear the largest island of enemies so tanks can clear the rest of the island to deploy our ground artillery.)

Marines: Ja, Kapitän! (Yes, Captain!)

LCVP Driver: Eine Minute! Eine Minute bevor wir landen! Und möge Gott mit dir sein! (A minute! One minute before we land! And may God be with you!)

As multiple LCVP's rocked on the waves with the SMS Nassau Fleet behind, the German soldiers prepared to finally land. 

The LCVP's then split up to cover the biggest island and the smaller island behind it.


The LCVP landed on the shore as more boats arrived.

LCVP Driver: Rampe geht runter! (Ramp goes down!)

The ramp to the LCVP then fell to the ground as the Atlas soldiers didn't expect it. The Atlas soldiers then quickly rushed to defend before multiple loud booms were heard.

On the SMS Nassau.

Sieg: Feuer auf die verteidiger! Wir müssen die Landungen abdecken! (Fire at the defenders! We must cover the landings!)

The SMS Nassau then fired off towards the defense for the Austro-Hungarians and Italians as the Destroyers covered the friendly Germans.

Atlas Soldier 1: Quick kill the animals!



The Atlas positioned then blew up as German Marines and Soldiers rushed to the blown-up defensive position.

German Captain: Gehen! Gehen! Räumen Sie den Atlas-Abschaum weg! (Go! Go! Clean up the Atlas scum!)

The marines and soldiers rushed inside the defense firing their Gewehr 43's and M1 Garand's.

Atlas Soldier 2: It's the-


Soon a group of Atlas soldiers were seen rushing out a building a before being blown-up by a grenade.

Marine Captain: Nimm das Gebäude! (Take the building!)

Marine 1: Flammenwerfer geht rein! (Flamethrower goes in!)

The soldiers and marines stepped aside to see the flame trooper approaching the door before spewing in constant flames. 

Soon loud screaming was heard from inside as the rest of the soldiers left from being near the building to clearing the rest of the island as more flame troopers arrived clearing out buildings as loud screaming was heard across the island.

The Marine Captain grabbed a radio contacting the SMS Nassau and the rest of the fleet.

Marine Captain: Hier ist Kapitän Kasimir, die Insel ist frei. Jeglicher feindliche Widerstand ist tot oder brennt. (This is Captain Kasimir; the island is free. All enemy resistance is dead or on fire.)

Sieg: Denken Sie daran, ziehen Sie auf das Festland und helfen Sie beim Großangriff. (Remember, move to the mainland and help in the large-scale attack.)

Kasimir: Verstanden. (Understood.)

The marine captain the whistled out gaining the attention needed.

Kasimir: Lass uns gehen! Wir brauchen Unterstützung beim Mistral Capital-Angriff. (Let's go! We need assistance with the Mistral Capital attack.)

The marines and soldiers rushed back down to the LCVP's to relocate to the mainland as the Nassau Fleet kept on shelling important positions, so the Austro-Hungarians and Italians succeeded in their missions. Meanwhile LST's landed on the island deploying artillery batteries alongside tanks.

Meanwhile on the Anima Island chain.

A-H Landings. (Austro-Hungarian)

Vili: Megy! Megy! Megy! Az ellenség a sziklán! (Go! Go! Go! The enemy on the rock!)

Temporary Lieutenant Colonel, Vili Fabain was leading his men from the vanguard, as he led his battalion. The enemy was stationed on a tall hill that the Austro-Hungarians called, "Sas Szeme Erődje" or Eagle's Eye Fortress.

A-H Soldier 1: Most mi ezredes!? (What now Colonel!?)

The nicknamed Eagle's Eye Fortress was previously an Atlas outpost to warn the mainland of an invasion. But when Atlas was informed of the invasion a month before it started, they fortified the location to contain a garrison of soldiers with Paladins and Spider Droid's to shoot down ships. And because of the fortress, a third of the Austro-Hungarian landing force was killed.

Vili looked around and spotted his third-in-command.

Vili: Kapitány Géza! (Captain!)

Captain Dezső Géza and Vili's Captain responded. 

Géza: Igen ezredes!? (Yes Colonel!?)

Vili: Vegyünk egy Platoont, és lopakodjunk hátul! (Take a Platoon and sneak around the back!)

Géza: Igen ezredes! (Yes Colonel!)

Géza then shouted out some orders as he and a platoon of soldiers fell back and then circled around.

Géza: Keresnünk kell egy kis belépési pontot. (We need to find a small entry point.)

An Austro-Hungarian soldier then spotted a crack in the wall.

A-H Soldier 1: Van valami. (There is something.)

The soldier then pointed to a decently sized crack in the wall.

A-H Soldier 2: Kaptam dinamitot, Rajmundnak pedig a lángszórója. (I got dynamite, and Rajmund got his flamethrower.)

Géza: Jó, menjünk. (Good, let's go.)

The A-H platoon then quickly ran up to the crack in the wall listening to the Atlas gunfire and canons firing as they planted dynamite.

A-H Soldier 2: Készlet. (Set.)

Rajmund: Készlet. (Set.)

Géza: Megy. (Go.)


The wall to the fortress was blown wide open as Rajmund angled his flamethrower to which it went inside the fortress, but he was behind a wall, as he sprayed flames all over the inside of the fortress with screams echoing in the air and Paladins and Spider Droids shooting at the hole.

Meanwhile at the A-H's previous position with Vili and the rest of the Battalion.

Vili: Bent vannak! Mozgassuk a férfiakat! (They're in! Let's get the men moving!)

The 500 strong Battalion rushed up the hill to the fortress doors with a few Shermans.

Fort Pathfinder

Pathfinder Command Center

Haig and other commanders of the operation were at a large table listening to the radio as reports were coming through.

Kip: This is Captain Kip to Pathfinder Command, mission complete. Requesting to return prisoners and assist the 82nd.

Then an officer in the command center grabbed a radio responding.

Pathfinder Command: Confirmed, return prisoners to the friendly shoreline and move to secure a defensive line with the 82nd Infantry.

Soon more reports were coming through.

82nd Sergeant Major: This is Sergeant Major Garb of the U.S 82nd Infantry Division; Wind Path Defensive Line is set.

Fish: This is Captain Fish of the 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade; enemy supply line has been cut off.

USS AC: This is Captain Larp of the USS Arizona Fleet; enemy Colossus has been destroyed.

Sieg: This is Rear-Admiral Anfangs of the SMS Nassau Fleet, island pocket has been captured, friendly forces enroute to assist the assault on the capital.

Ryan: This is Lieutenant Colonel Newport of the 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade; friendly spies have been secured alongside enemy specialists.

Patton: This is Colonel Patton; friendly spy and our primary target is secured. Asher Thornfield is in custody.

Haig: This is going good for the Americans.

Pershing: That is for sure.

Soon more reports were coming through.

Vili: This is Lieutenant Colonel Fabain of the Austro-Hungarian 3rd Infantry Division; enemy fortress has been captured enroute to clear the rest of the islands.

Jack: This is Captain Foster of the ANZAC's; enemy islands have been captured enroute to land on the mainland.

Bulgarian Captain: This is Captain Melin of the Bulgarian 9th Calvary Division; all enemy forces have been liquidated.

Tessier: This is Major Tessier of the French 27th Battalion, Chasseurs Alpins; all enemy forces are retreating to the capital.

Italian Captain: This is Captain Teo of the Italian 57th Infantry Division; all enemy forces eliminated.

Yamac: This is Corporal Nurettin of the Ottoman 19th Infantry Regiment; enemy forces are retreating to the choke point.

Walter: This is Sergeant Braxton of the U.S 369th Regiment; defensive line has been set.

Haig: Gentlemen, I believe this Operation will be a success. But for now, let's not celebrate to early, we have no idea what the enemy can plan next.

Sitting next to Haig was the Ottoman General Halil Kut Pasha, and the Italian General Luigi Cadorna.

Halil: I... assume we have suffered at the very least 100 casualties?

Luigi: Possibly, once the operation is over. We need to account all of the fallen.

Hindenburg: Ja, we must all check our ammo supply.

Foch: Yes, with the Air Force destroying the entire enemy fleet, we must check how much ammunition and fuel we have used up.

Then the Bulgarian General, Georgi Todorov spoke out about the certain future coming operation.

Todorov: Of course, we are planning to finish this war. Which means defeating Atlas.

Then the Austro-Hungarian General, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf spoke.

Conrad: In doing so will take a lot of resources due to the size of Mantle, and not including Atlas itself.


Vili was now covering himself in leaves alongside a squad of fellow Austro-Hungarian soldiers as an Atlas patrol team walked past. The rest of the Austro-Hungarian force was moving towards the final island, planning to strike at a random time, insuring the Atlesian's were on edge.

Vili: Most! (Now!)

The group of 5 then fired at the patrol confusing them.


Atlas Soldier 1: Agh!

Atlas Soldier 2: What th-


Atlas Soldier 3: Run! Ge-


The rest of the patrol was then cut down by Austro-Hungarians.

Vili: Meghaltak, menjünk. (They're dead, let's go.)

The A-H soldiers then kept traversing as the main force was still preparing for one final assault.

The final island was a Bullhead repair yard meaning it was heavily guarded. This was also the same repair yard where the Atlas Fleet prepared to attack Menagerie and Fort Faunus.

The group of 5 kept trudging through the forest before arriving at a chain linked fence.

Vili: Van valakinek drótvágó vagy ilyesmi? (Does anyone have wire cutters or something?)

A-H Soldier 1: Igen, itt. (Yes, here.)

Vili was handed the wire cutters, cutting through the fence allowing them to walk through.

The soldiers then hid behind a stack of crates that contained tools and bullhead parts as Vili peaked over. Vili observed the defense before grabbing a radio.

Vili: Ez Fabain ezredes Tiborc őrnagynak, az ellenség erősen megerősítette, a Tigers vezesse az utat. (This is Colonel Fabain to Major Tiborc, the enemy is strongly reinforced, let the Tigers lead the way.)

Tiborc: Értem, ezredes, kezdjük. (Got it, Colonel, let's get started.)

Soon a loud explosion was heard at the gates of the repair yard with a Tiger and 2 Sherman tanks rolling in.

Vili: Menjünk és állítsuk be a robbanóanyagokat. (Let's go and set the explosives.)

Vili and his men quickly ran towards the stationed Bullheads as Atlas soldiers ran to the gates trying to their damnedest to defend.

Vili was seen placing two sticks of dynamite on the engines as he looked around seeing the other 4 doing the same.

Vili: Készlet? (Set?)

A-H Soldier 1: Készlet. (Set.)

Vili: Jó, menjünk. (Good, let's go.)

The 5 soldiers then ran back to the hole in the fence as Vili informed them to retreat.

The main force then turned tail and left as the Atlas soldiers hopped into the Bullheads to retreat.

Geza: Üsd el a detonátort, ezredes! (Hit the detonator, Colonel!)

Vili then pressed down on the detonator destroying the entire repair yard.

Everyone listened to the massive explosion as flames were seen in the air as Bullheads and other Dust supplies exploded.

A-H Soldier 2: Az gyönyörű. (That's beautiful.)

A-H Soldier 3: Aha. (Yeah.)

Vili: Itt Fabain ezredes, minden célpont tisztázva. Költözés a szárazföldre. (This is Colonel Fabain, all targets cleared. Moving to the mainland.)

As Vili said that he looked towards the mainland to see explosions appear in the distance with Messerschmitt 262's fly by dropping bombs.

Vili: Newport better be doing well...

And that's the end of Part 2! Sorry I haven't posted in a while; I have been busy with some work as I am moving soon. With that being said, expect to have a longer delay on chapters because of it. Anyways, always remember!


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