The Bonds We've Forged... [A...

By AshuraStories

527 7 0

Have you all ever bothered asking the questions: "What would it have been like if Ash Ketchum had chosen a di... More

Authors Note & BIO


260 4 0
By AshuraStories

Hey there gang, so this isn't a chapter of the story but a another Character Bio. This time, it's gonna be focused on Gary, Leaf, and two other trainers you guys all know too well…

Also, just for the record, i am gonna be giving them pokemon i think would be perfect for them given that ill also be giving them all a carry limit increase but not as much as Ash.

So without further ado, lets get into it shall we?

[={~»Gary's BIO«~}=]

Name: Gary Oak
Full Name: Garrick Blueford Oak
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Height: 6'3 or 190.50 cm
Hair Color: Mahogany Brown
Eye Color: Green
Weight: 210 lbs.

\\=> As the grandson and successor of Professor Samuel Oak, the son of Kanto's current champion Bluestone Oak and one of Kanto's former top coordinators Roselia Oak. Garrick Blueford Oak or Gary Oak for short, is known as the youngest pokemon professor in the history of the kanto region. He earned this title not due to his grandfather or his father but by his own hardwork and his discoveries about the legendary and mythical pokemon of kanto, johto, hoenn, sinnoh, unova, kalos, alola, galar and many other regions all thanks to a certain someone who always attracts trouble wherever he goes. He along side his sister, Leaf Oak and his best friend Ash Ketchum are seen by their family and close friends as the mini versions of Blue, Red, Rose, and Delia due to how very similar they are, appearance and attitude wise. Gary looked like a younger version of his father while also inheriting his annoying flirty and playboy attitude which always ends up getting him beaten up by his younger twin sister…

Laboratory Location: Viridian City
Abilities/Power: Photographic Memory & Aura
[A/N: If you guys dont know what this is then it lets a person completely memorize anything they've seen even if its with just a glance and allows them to recall huge amounts of information which if im being honest is very usefull for a researcher or scientist. Sorry if this aint accurate…]
Pokemon Carrying Limit: 9 Pokemon - (Hidden)

[To his Family & Friends]
Kind, Caring, Comedic, Compassionate, Annoying, Loyal, Gentle & Doting (slightly)

[During his Research]
Calm, Mature, Serious, & Strict (slightly)

[During Battle]
Always One Step Ahead & Observant

Father: Bluestone Oak
Mother: Roselia Oak
Older Sibling: Daisy Oak
Twin Sibling: Leafa Greenveil Oak
Grandfather: Samuel Oak
Lover/Fiance/Wife: Unknown
Children: Unknown

• Pokemon Professor - (Full-Time)
• ??? - (Full Time)
• Pokemon Breeder - (Part-Time)
• Aura Guardian - (Hidden)
• ??? - (Hidden)
• ??? - (Hidden)

Gary's Top 15 Strongest Pokemon:
1. Blastoise
2. Electivire
3. Arcanine
4. Umbreon
5. Nidoking
6. Aerodactyl
7. Gyarados
8. ???
9. ???
10. Nidoqueen
11. ???
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???
15. ???

Gary's Battle Items:
1. Mega Necklace + Key Stone
2. Z-Ring & Z-Crystals
3. Dynamax Band
4. ???
5. ???

[={~»Leaf's BIO«~}=]

Name: Leaf Oak
Full Name: Leafa Greenveil Oak
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Height: 5'8 or 172.72 cm
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 150 lbs.

\\=> Titled the most beautiful and elegant coordinator of Kanto by the Kanto Contest Board and is a very well known Pokemon Performer along side being entitled Grand Duchess in the Battle Chateau. Leafa Greenveil Oak or Leaf Oak for short is the current Top Coordinator of the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, & Sinnoh regions along side being known as the number one rival of Kalos Queen Serena. She's a hard worker where when she sets her heart out on something, she'll work herself to death just to achieve it which always worries her parents due to how hard she pushes herself. She's also got a huge obsession on her childhood friend, Ash Ketchum where if you even mention him being around the area she'll drop whatever she's doing no matter how important to try and meet up with him to get some alone time with the guy. The proof of is that she even has an entire checklist planned out for when she and him would start dating and when they're married but sadly for her, Ash being the younger version of his father during their teen years was oblivious and dense as a rock to even notice her attempts. Leaf tried multiple times over the years to confess her feelings to Ash, whether in the most romantic situations to when they would have probably died during a world ending disaster, but sadly her older twin brother, Gary Oak, always appears out of nowhere and gets Ash's attention away from her, ruining the moment. This infuriated Leaf to such a degree that whenever she would plan to confess her feelings, she would first knock out Gary and tie him to a tree, boulder, or anything in the matter in an attempt to prevent him from ruining her plans but it proved useless since Gary would always show up to ruin everything she planned out no matter how far she distanced herself and Ash from the location she left Gary. She along side her annoying brother, Gary Oak and her self-proclaimed fiance and future husband, Ash Ketchum are seen by their family and close friends as the mini versions of Blue, Red, Rose, and Delia due to how very similar they are, appearance and attitude wise. Leaf who inherited her mothers beauty and her skill's for pokemon coordinating, is also very similar to Delia due to her stubbornness and her teasing personality along side her tendency to embarrass her brother infront of anyone as revenge for what he has done to prevent her from being with her beloved…

Current Location: Viridian City
Abilities/Powers: Aura
Pokemon Carrying Limit: 12 Pokemon - (Hidden)

[To Her Family & Friends]
Kind, Sweet, Compassionate, Cheerful, & Violent (slightly)

[During her Battle's, Contest's & Showcases]
Elegant, Cunning, Perfectionist, & Graceful

[Towards Ash]
Obsessive, Clumsy, Super Supportive, Extremely Loyal, Shy (slightly) & Very Submissive

[Towards her Love Rivals]
Mean, Cold, Hot Headed, Merciless, Sadistic, Annoying, Hateful, & Arrogant

Father: Bluestone Oak
Mother: Roselia Oak
Older Sibling: Daisy Oak
Twin Sibling: Garrick Blueford Oak
Grandfather: Samuel Oak
Husband [Self-Proclaimed]: Ashura Redleigh Ketchum
Children (In her fantasies): 5 Children - [All Boys]
[A/N: Yeah, im sure you guys can figure out why she wants all of her children to be boys…]

Titles/Responsibilities/Self-Employed Jobs:
• Pokemon Coordinator [Contest Queen] - (Full-Time)
• Pokemon Performer - (Full-Time)
• Grand Duchess - (Full-Time)
• Fashion Designer - (Part-Time)
• Aura Guardian - (Hidden)
• Ash's Personal Maid - [Self-Employed]
• Ash's Personal Secretary - [Self-Emplpyed]
• Ash's Sparring Partner - {Gary's Position}
[A/N: Dont question these last three ones. Its pretty much self-explanatory on why she choosed these positions…]

Leaf's Top 20 Strongest Pokemon:
1. Venusaur
2. ???
3. Ninetails
4. Butterfree
5. Victreebell
6. Wigglytuff
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. ???
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???
15. Vileplume
16. ???
17. ???
18. ???
19. ???
20. ???

Leaf's Battle Items:
1. Mega Earing + Key Stone
2. Z-Ring & Z-Crystals
3. Dynamax Band
4. ???
5. ???

[={~»Misty's BIO«~}=]

Name: Misty Waterflower
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Height: 5'10 or 177.80 cm
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Aquamarine
Weight: 160 lbs.

\\=> Known for her mastery over the "Water Typing" aswell as being part of the Top 10 Strongest in the entire Kanto Region. Misty Waterflower is the current Gym Leader of Cerulean City aswell as a well known Water Type trainer where her ace pokemon, Gyarados, is able to match the current reigning champion of Kanto, Blue Oak's Ace Pokemon, which is a Blastoise in a one on one confrontation. Her Gyarados is also able to hold its own against strong electric type pokemon such as Ash's Pikachu, Clemont & Volkners's Luxray, Paul's Electivire and many other trainers who have champiom level electric type pokemons in its mega form. As a Gym Leader, she's of course bound to know Ash, him being the Gym Leader of Viridian City and everything which when they're called for meetings by the PLA, they tend to interact more with one another due to being the same age. This of course earned her a spot on Leaf's Love Rival List resulting in her always getting annoyed, taunted, and embarrassed by Ash's obsessive childhood friend which she always finds ridiculous and annoying but tends to just ignore her taunts at the request of both Blue, Gary and Ash…

Gym Location: Cerulean City
Abilities/Powers: None
Pokemon Carrying Limit: 12 Pokemon - (Hidden)

[To her Family & Friends]
Kind, Strict, Hot Headed, Sweet, Tomboyish, Violent, Loyal, & Compassionate

[During Battle]
Calm, Mature, & Graceful

[During Her Part-Time Job]
Calm, Loyal, Cute, Gentle, Caring, Diligent, Very Professional, Hard Working, Always Feminine, & Motherly

Father: N/A
Mother: N/A
Older Siblings: Daisy Waterflower, Violet Waterflower, & Lily Waterflower
Boss/Employer: Unknown
Lover/Fiance/Husband: Unknown
Children: Unknown

• Cerulean City's Gym Leader - (Full-Time)
• Stage Performer - (Part-Time)
• ??? - (Part-Time)
• ??? - (Hidden)

Misty's Top 15 Strongest Pokemon:
1. Gyaradow
2. Kingdra
3. ???
4. ???
5. Starmie
6. ???
7. Vaporeon
8. Psyduck
9. ???
10. Dewgong
11. Politoad
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???
15. ???

Misty's Battle Items:
1. Mega Choker + Key Stone
2. ???
[A/N: I know Misty's Key Stone is placed on her side ponytail but in this Au its placed as a choker. Why a choker you may ask? Thats for me to know and you guys to find out…]

The Cerulean Gym:

Gym Badge: The Cascade Badge

[A/N: Yeah, I won't be explaining the rules for her and Brock's Gym's since we already know the rules and the requirements to have a battle in the Gym so yeah…]

[={~»Brock's BIO«~}=]

Name: Brock Harrison
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Height: 6'5 or 195.58 cm
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Black
Weight: 220 lbs.

\\=> Known around kanto as one of the regions Top 10 Strongest Trainers and a renowned Pokemon Doctor aswell as a Breeder. Brock Harrison is the current Gym Leader of Pewter City which like any other gym in the region with the exception of Ash's Gym in Viridian City, specializes in only one typing, that being the Rock Types. He's also known as a bonafide flirt whether in his home town or anywhere in the matter, flirting with any pretty girl he sees aswell as every Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny in all of the regions he visited which always ends up with him receiving either his trusty Toxicroak's Poison Jabs, Max pulling his ear, or Misty hitting him in the head with one of her mallets before either one of them drags him away from the scene. That all changed though when he finally hooked up with Pike Queen Lucy who had feelings for him when she visited Pewter City in the excuse of buying some stones for a stone bridge to be built near her turf but she was secretly there to just meet up with him and confess her feelings. Although, when the news was announced to their friends and family, one girl in particular, didn't seem to take the news very well and began to constantly flirt with him whenever they both 'accidentally' meet up at any location Brock had openly and secretly wanted to visit. As this was happening, he would also occasionally receive unnamed love letters, all from the same sender saying that: "They're destined to be with one another" or "She's better than her current lover" which made Brock a bit creeped out causing him to just ignore them when he received another…

Gym Location: Pewter City
Abilities/Powers: None
Pokemon Carrying Limit: 12 Pokemon - (Hidden)

[To his Family & Friends]
Kind, Compassionate, Caring, Comedic, & Strict (slightly)

[During Battle]
Calm, Mature, & Tough

[During Work]
Hard Working, Diligent, Loyal, Caring, Level-Headed, Calm, & Very Professional

Father: Flint Harrison
Mother: Lola Harrison
Little Siblings: Salvadore Harrison, Yolanda Harrison, Forrest Harrison, Tommy Harrison, Cindy Harrison, Suzie Harrison, Timmy Harrison, Billy Harrison, & Tilly Harrison
Boss/Employer: Unknown
Girlfriend: Pike Queen Lucy
Children: None

• Pokemon Doctor - (Full-Time)
• Pokemon Breeder - (Full-Time)
• Pewter City's Gym Leader - (Full-Time)
• ??? - (Part-Time)
• ??? - (Hidden)
• ??? - (Hidden)

Brock's Top 15 Strongest Pokemon:
1. Steelix
2. Toxicroak
3. Swampert
4. ???
5. Crowbat
6. Blissy
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. Golem
11. Forretress
12. ???
13. ???
14. Ludicolo
15. ???

Brock's Battle Items:
1. Mega Necklace + Key Stone
2. ???

The Pewter City Gym:

Gym Badge: The Boulder Badge

And thats it for this Character BIO folks!! Hope you check out the next chapter of this story for its either gonna be the Prolouge or another character BIO. Im probably gonna be making Serena, Dawn, May, or Lillie's BIO's so expect that soon. For now, see ya all next time and this is AshuraStories signing out!!

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