We are impossible...[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

6K 247 195

There is no right or wrong choice, there is only a choice and its consequences. If the main value of human li... More

We're friends, right?
Notes of nutmeg
Broken doll
Our little world
Adding colors
Quiet love
A fly in the ointment
Stay with me[M]
What does love mean?
A sense of calm
Eyes like yours

Family ties

265 9 7
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

All the most important things in the world for me are in this bed right now...

Jisoo's POV

Sometimes you think that you know someone dear to you too well for a relationship with him to turn into a routine, but then you notice some small detail that you didn't attach importance to before, and you fall in love even more. Even after many years, you are ready to look for stars in the eyes of such a person and find them. My Lalisa is dozing in the front passenger seat, her cheek has moved down a little on the fabric, which is why she is funny, her big eyes are covered in beautiful crescents with long eyelashes, and her mouth is slightly open, saliva is about to flow from the corner. Well, exactly like a child. Child... I look in the rearview mirror, Yumiko is also sleeping, comfortably ensconced in a child seat. Of course, I am aware that her back may hurt later, but there is only half an hour left before her parents' house, so it will most likely do.

In fact, at first I was very worried that I wouldn't be able to cope with the role of a foster mom, but everything came out much easier than I imagined. More thanks to Yumiko, she was a calm and well-mannered child, and this, frankly, scared me at the very beginning, because my brother and sister's children were still restless. I asked Lisa if the girl's mother brought her up strictly, but she convinced me that she didn't, so I had to write everything off to the peculiarity of the baby's character.

At my parents' house, I park the car when the sun is already at its zenith, unhook my seat belt and gently push the sleeping Lalisa, she opens her eyes, looks at me without understanding what is happening, and when it comes to her, jumps out of the car, giving pleasure to legs tired of sitting. Soon she stops stretching her limbs and helps me out by giving me crutches, after which she takes the sleeping Yumiko out of the child's chair. We move quietly so as not to wake the baby, my parents come out to meet us and, noticing their granddaughter, also try not to make noise.

We all go inside together, Lalisa takes Yumiko to my bedroom, where the three of us will spend the night for the next few days, after which mom sits us down for lunch. At about four o'clock, my sister arrives with her husband and sons, I introduce my daughter, who has already woken up, to her cousins, at first she is a little cautious, trying to figure out whether to trust them, but soon she is already fully involved in the game, where you have to blindly catch another and guess who you caught. My brother also does not keep himself waiting for a long time, he and his wife and daughters arrive around six o'clock, Lalisa and I are touched for a very long time by the newborn baby in the carrier, who studies us with her innocent gaze.

When dinner was over, and Yumiko was bathed in the tub and put to bed, I decide to wash with Lisa, she agrees without thinking, and now we are lying opposite each other, enjoying privacy. With the advent of my adopted daughter, we manage to stay together much less often, and it's not even just about sex, we can't even kiss in front of the baby, Yumiko can blurt out about our relationship to the social service, which comes to check every month, or in the kindergarten where I arranged the girl. And if that happens, I will never see her, the traditional way of life is still strong in the minds of most Koreans. I even agreed with all the adults in the house that the children should not know about our relationship with Lalisa yet, so for them we are just good friends.

-Your family is just a miracle.- Manoban smiles.- I didn't think that they would receive me so warmly. It's like I'm...

-... part of my family?- I understood what the beloved was driving at, and she nodded.- You are my family, Lisa, even if we don't have stamps in our passport, and Yumiko is not our common child. I feel it with my soul, not with papers. And since you are so dear to me, then my relatives consider you part of our family.

-I really feel at home.- The girl moved closer to me and lifted my chin with her fingers, tuning in to eye contact, I supported it.- And you and Yumiko are my family too.

I smiled and reached out to the girl for a kiss, which, of course, did not go unanswered, gentle, but short-lived, we never moved on to more intimate actions. The moment was not the right one, and someone from the family will obviously suspect what we have been doing in the bath for so long, and the next morning I did not want to blush from the looks at all. So soon Manoban got out of the bath, dried herself and wrapped herself in a towel, then helped me do the same, and we returned to the bedroom.

Lalisa got into bed first and hugged the sleeping Yumiko, and when I had already changed into pajamas and headed to the sleeping place, Manoban herself was also peacefully snoring. Here they are, my two favorite people, all the most important things for me in this world. The love that overwhelms me has no boundaries, it grows with every moment spent with them. I lie down on the other side and hug Yumiko too, inhaling the fragrance of shampoo from the top of her head. I feel calm and well, safe, they are my family.

-I love you so much.- I whisper these words before I fall asleep.

I really adore Christmas, I'm looking forward to it more than my own birthday, which is also very soon. It's a pity, it's very tight with snow this year, but a decorated house, a big Christmas tree in the living room and dishes on the table create a festive atmosphere. It's very noisy: children are running around, the adult part of the family continues to cook, only my brother's wife calms the crying daughter in her arms and looks after the rest of the kids.

-So, Lisa, these salads can already be taken to the table.- My beloved's mother is broadcasting.- And lay out the napkins, if you don't mind.

-Of course.

Manoban smiles, and I look up from kneading the pie dough, watching her walk into the living room, slightly wagging her hips. I give in to the desire and stop looking at the girl's forms, after which I feel a pinch on my forearm.

-Jiyun, it hurts me.- I looked resentfully at my older sister.

-I'm sorry.- She smiled innocently, and then leaned into my ear, lowering her voice to a whisper.- You're too distracted by Lisa, we won't finish cooking until the holiday.

-I just...

-What, haven't you had sex for a long time?- Jiyun giggled softly, and mom looked at us uncomprehendingly, blood immediately rushed to my cheeks.

-Maybe we can pay less attention to each other now, it takes more Yumiko, but I'm glad that I have them.- I honestly admitted.

Still, we manage to prepare all the planned dishes, finish setting the table, dress up in cute Christmas sweaters and Santa Claus hats. Some would call us overgrown children, but we have fun, and that's the main thing. Of course, if there were no children younger than twelve among us, we could easily just give each other gifts, but we have to stick to the fairy tale about Santa, so the gifts will be placed under the Christmas tree by adults somewhere under the cover of night.

We devour Christmas dinner, chat and laugh, then we play board games at the vacant table, the easiest thing for everyone is "Monopoly", so it takes a good amount of time until the only one who has money and branches left is Jiyun's eldest son. It's time for the children to go to bed, and Jeonghun, along with his wife and Lisa, who volunteered to help, are busy putting the youngest ones to bed, and the older ones go to bed on their own. The rest of the family helps to clean up the consequences of the holiday, after which they also go to their bedrooms, as soon as Lalisa and I decide to have a cup of tea in the kitchen.

-It was my best Christmas in Korea.- My beloved says with a smile, putting a steaming cup in front of me and sitting down next to me.- All of them are really like family to me already.

-Thanks for the tea.- I smile back at her.- Yes, and I am very glad that they accepted you and accepted my preferences.

-I think they guessed anyway that you like girls too.

-Why do you think that?- I asked, taking a sip.

-You have wonderful parents, you are on the same emotional positive wave, and in such cases, parents may not be able to say, but they can definitely suspect.- Manoban suggested.- And especially mothers.

-Did your mom suspect?

-When I told her about our relationship, she was extremely surprised, but in our next conversation she mentioned that child psychologists hinted at such a development of events, but she did not attach importance.

-Was she afraid that this could happen?

-Maybe. Yes, most likely, even if she accepted our relationship.- Lalisa nodded, and then came out of her reverie, smiling at me and glancing at the wall clock, which was moving confidently by half past two in the morning.- When will we put gifts under the tree?

-Wait, the most interesting thing will happen soon.- I made a mysterious expression on my face, finishing my tea, and then went to wash the cups.- I wonder when Santa will come?

As if hearing my words, a fuss began in the living room, Lalisa looked out there with interest, and then looked at me in surprise, I stood next to her, watching what was happening. My father, disguised as Santa Claus, was taking out gifts from a large red bag that had been folded there in advance, after which he noticed us.

-Nothing changes.- He smiled and came up to me, taking my palms in his.- You've been waiting for my arrival all the time as a child, and now.

-But as a child, I thought that Santa was real and did not even look for similarities in his features with my father.- I giggled.- Thank you for creating a fairy tale for the younger ones.

Movement was heard on the second floor, and soon my nephews and Yumiko sleepily descended the stairs, and as soon as they saw the wizard from the children's fairy tale, they immediately cheered up. They ran up to him and began to hug him.

-Santa!- My daughter exclaimed joyfully.

-I told you he exists.- The younger nephew reproached the elder.

-I just put your presents under the tree and was about to leave.- My father spoke in a low voice.- But you arrived in time to see me.

-Will you stay for milk and cookies?- The niece pleaded.

-Of course.- "Santa" smiled, and then looked at me and Lalisa.- The older children will organize it for us.

We sat in the living room until the moment when all the kids unwrapped the gifts, drank milk, and only after, tired, fell asleep right on the couch, the father could change his wizard's outfit for pajamas, after which we all went to rest to enjoy the fascinating stories of the children the next morning that they saw Santa Claus at night.

Closer to the New Year, Lalisa and Yumiko and I returned to Seoul, this holiday was celebrated together with Jennie and Rose, and to be honest, I am very glad that they are together, I was uncomfortable when the girls looked at each other with such sadness and some jealousy. In addition, they made a great couple, they looked good together, and how they took care of each other, which is worth learning a lot. But I'm not complaining, Lalisa and I have the same. The younger Kim also said that she and her parents would go on a honeymoon to Australia, and Rose would be able to see her family there, which the girl was very happy about.

-Will you introduce your parents?- I asked.- Tell them about your relationship?

-To be honest, we think it's not worth it yet.- Park replied.- Neither Jennie's mom nor my father have enough understanding, it will be a blow for them at best, and at worst they just won't want to do business with us.

-It seems to me that you are winding yourself up.- Lisa intervened.- Jisoo and I were also afraid to tell them about us, but everything turned out the best. Yes, perhaps your parents have very traditional views, but sooner or later they will have to accept the situation and love you for who you are.

-You're right.- Jennie sighed.- We should at least try. We just have to be careful...

-First, try to ask leading questions like their attitude to this topic and so on.- I suggested.- Maybe they will guess themselves already at this stage.

A few days before my birthday, Lisa is preparing some kind of surprise for me, but she is silent, does not even answer leading questions, arguing that then it will not be interesting. Ultimately, I resign myself and calmly wait for the x-day. Fortunately for my beloved, I am delayed by a crowd of fans at a meeting about the latest book, at the same time I try to answer calls from relatives and Jennie and Rose who have already left for Australia, so Lili has time to thoroughly prepare.

I cross the threshold of the house, it's pitch dark in the hallway, and throughout the apartment, too, which really bothers me, so just taking off my shoes, I go into the living room, preparing for the worst, but then the light turns on abruptly, Yumiko blows a pipe, and Lisa with a guilty smile, noticing my fright, he looks at me.

-Happy Birthday!- My daughter exclaims and comes up to me with a small box.- I have prepared a gift for you.

-Oh, and what could it be?- I take the box in my hands and unfold the package with interest, after which I see several beautiful soaps, from which a pleasant aroma is thinned.- Did you make them yourself?

-Lisa helped me.- The girl answers.

-It turned out very nice and smells delicious.- I sat down and kissed Yumiko on the forehead.- Thank you, honey.

The festive dinner is not as noisy as Christmas at my parents' house, but we are not bored, Manoban cooked a delicious dinner of Korean and Thai dishes, Yumiko sings children's birthday songs, I blow out the candles on a small cake that my beloved also baked together with her adopted daughter. I've been looking at Lalisa all evening, waiting for her surprise, but she doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

-Put Yumiko to bed and then come back.- She whispers in my ear, taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen.

I help my daughter take a bath, after which she pulls on her pajamas and goes to bed, and I sit down next to her and read her a fairy tale for a while, until the girl's eyes start to close, Yumiko pulls her hands to me, asking me to stop.

-Yes?- I ask, putting down the book.- Did you want something?

-I love you, Mom.- The baby says softly.

There is no limit to my surprise, but this surprise is joyful, I am so happy that my heart seems to jump out from the speed it has gained, my lips are spreading in a smile, but it's not worth asking Yumiko about her decision to call me that, I'll scare her off, so I just bend over and leave a brief kiss on the girl's forehead.

-I love you too, honey.- I answer her.- I am very glad that I have you.

Yumiko smiles, her eyes close, and soon I hear a sweet snuffle, adjust the blanket and turn off the lamp, leaving the night light, and then return to the living room, where a bored Lalisa is sitting on the sofa and hiding something behind her back. Looks like my surprise. I sit down next to her in anticipation, my beloved is noticeably nervous, so I feel her free palm and interlace our fingers, trying to give the girl confidence. The girl looked at me, took a deep breath, and finally spoke.

-I am warmed by your words that I am part of your family, and I am sure that I feel the same about you. You are wonderful, responsible, smart, caring, I don't even have enough words to describe how much I love you. I understand that paperwork is not the main thing, and that we will not be able to get married in this country, but ... do you want to become my bride?

Lisa pulled out a small box lined with scarlet velvet from behind her back, she opened it, and a pretty gold ring with a sparkling pebble appeared to my eyes. I was not interested in its origin, I had never been particularly mercantile, the words of my beloved and her proposal were more important now. She was looking at me in nervous expectation, which meant that she should have answered faster. Actually, I already knew what I was going to say.

-Yes. - I smiled.- Yes, I want to be your bride, and in the future your wife.

Manoban immediately had a bright joy on her face, she took a ring out of the box with slightly shaking hands and put it on my ring finger. I turned my palm in front of my eyes, examining the jewelry, then crawled closer to Lalisa and gently touched her cheek.

-I love you.- I said it before I kissed her.

-I love you too.- The girl smiled brightly as we moved away from each other.

-Let's send a photo to Jennie and Rose?

Lalisa took out her phone and took a picture of us kissing with my palm in the frame that showed the engagement ring, after which she sent the picture to our general conversation, signing: "Me and my future wife." Blood rushed to my cheeks when I read this, but I was really happy at that moment.

The friends seemed to be busy, and without waiting for their answer, we went to the bedroom. Manoban checked if Yumiko was sleeping soundly, then returned, and we dissolved into each other, trying not to make noise, and then fell asleep in an embrace.

-Mom, what is this ring you have?

Yumiko and I were sitting in the kitchen in the morning a couple of days later, I just put cookies in the oven, my daughter asked me to bake. Milk for hot chocolate was heating on the stove, and Yumiko was sitting on a high chair, looking up from her homework from kindergarten and examining my hand.

I didn't even know what to say. The social service was still coming to us, which means the truth had to be kept, because Yumi, as I affectionately called her, was not yet able to lie well, and I didn't want to teach her that. Nevertheless, I would be lying myself if I call it just an ornament, they say, I wanted to put it on this finger, which means I will set a bad example. Maybe I should trust you? Despite my fear, she is my daughter, I don't want to undermine her respect for me, because is it possible to respect a liar?

-Lisa made me an offer.- I said.

-Hurrah!- Yumiko exclaimed cheerfully.- I thought so. Engagement and wedding rings are worn on this finger.

-Baby, you do understand that this should remain a secret between us, right? At least, you can't talk about it in kindergarten and when the social service will arrive. Not all people... treat the relationship between two girls or two boys well, and the laws of our country prohibit such couples from having children, so...

-Can they take me away from you?- Yumiko asked knowingly, and I nodded.- Okay, I won't tell anyone. But I... already keep this secret, I saw you and Lisa kissing.

-Have you seen it?- I blushed deeply, looking at my daughter in surprise.- When? Where?

-You were washing dishes in the kitchen, and I woke up and decided to drink some water, well, I saw.- The girl smiled.- You were so red, well, exactly like now.

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