𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜...


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"𝐈𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫�... Lebih Banyak

𝖍𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝖊𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡


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My nostrils flared at the smell of eggs in the air, ultimately leading to my sleep coming to an end—and my eyes slowly opening.

The sleep-inducing confusion only lasted momentarily, because the moment I spotted Khalil across the living room, and in the kitchen—I knew exactly where I was.

I took a couple of seconds to get myself together before finally shifting up from my lying position.

That shift ultimately caused Khalil to realize I was awake because he turned around and smiled when he saw me.

"Good Morning." He stated, placing down the spatula in his hand before making his way over to me.

When he came to a half in front of me, I looked up at him from my sitting position on the couch.

"What time is it?" I questioned.

"12," he replied, "I figured you needed the rest though."

"Damn," I mumbled, finally standing to my feet.

"Yeah—I made you breakfast though, I'm about to head out for work soon but I wanted you to eat when you woke up." He explained.

"I would've made something," I told him as a small smile worked its way on my lips.

"you're lying." He said matter of factly, chuckling afterward.

"anyways, like I said, good morning, rise and shine, Grand rising." He stated dramatically

"yeah." I agreed, standing up.

Immediately he frowned, "Can you say it back."

"say what back?" I questioned genuinely

"Good morning, you literally never say it back." He stated.

I didn't realize it was that important, to be honest, I can't even say I put much thought into it. He's the only person who says that to me.

I thought to myself for a moment before speaking, "Good mornin' Khalil" I told him lowly as I began standing to my feet.

Just as my words finished I leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead, just to make up for not saying it initially like he wanted.

I guess that's something he really cares about, I'll start saying it from now on.

"Thank you for the breakfast," I added, staring down at him.

"Y-yeah you're um—you're welcome." He replied, smiling—cheeks red.

I smirked in amusement at his body language before walking over to the kitchen where the food was.

I guess he'd already eaten because there was only one plate—and based on the portion sizes I'm assuming it was mine.

"Yo?" I spoke up, causing him to respond.

"Yeah?" He replied, walking over to me.

"You already ate?" I questioned.

"—yeah, I just didn't have too much, my stomach's been bothering me lately." He explained.

I raised an eyebrow out of concern and spoke, "You good—you need to go to the doctor or sum'?" I asked.

"No it's okay—it'll probably pass." He waved off.

"you sure?" I questioned again.

"Positive, now just eat." He spoke, chuckling.

I nodded at his words and grabbed my plate before making my way back over to the couch.

"I'm gonna head out now—I don't wanna be late." He spoke, placing down the glass of orange juice on the table that he'd poured for me.

"Whatchu mean—imma take you." I spoke, creasing my eyebrows.

"I mean—are you sure? I didn't just wanna assume, plus you just woke up." He spoke.

I smacked my lips at that, which caused him to drop his head and smile shyly.

"stop playin' wit' me." I stated simply, taking a bite of the bacon.

"I'm serious, you've never heard the saying—assumptions make an ass out of you and me!" He spoke, nodding with a smile.

"Always assume imma handle whatever you need me to handle," I told him simply.

"—cause 10 times out of 9 I gotchu." I added, "Gimme like fifteen minutes and we can head out."

"you mean 9 times out of 10." He mumbled shyly.

"nah I said it how I meant it..." I let him know.

His cheeks grew red as I spoke, which had seemed to become a habit all morning.

It's okay though, honestly, I was using that as an indicator of what he liked. Whether it be things I said or the things I did, if he started blushing then I knew it was something he liked.

This was all so new to me—I was learning as I went, everything from his emotions to his body language.

It was easy to kiss on someone, sure I've never had sex, but I've seen porn and I'm not ignorant as a whole when it comes to sex.

I know what to do, even how to do it—I've just never experienced it, I never wanted to.

Not until now.

Yesterday was probably the first time in my life that I willingly did sexual shit and enjoyed it.

Even if all we did was kiss, it felt amazing, it felt like how it was supposed to feel.

Feeling his body, kissing his neck—it all was new to me, but it came so naturally. It also helped that he wasn't shy, it was clear he was enjoying himself just as much as I was...that's what I needed.

Like I said I would, after about fifteen minutes I finished eating, then it only took me a couple more to finish up my hygiene before we left the crib and I was dropping him off at work.

When we pulled up to the supermarket, I came to a halt at the front curb and parked.

"What time do you get off?" I asked.

That caused him to giggle, "Saint I feel like you already know that..."

"I do—but shit can change and I don't wanna be late," I explained.

"3 o'clock on the dot sir." He replied, nodding with a bright smile.

"bet, I'll be here," I told him, smiling myself—not as wide as his, but still relatively genuine.

After that, I  watched as his hand reached for the door handle, and then he paused, causing me to look back up into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

He was silent for a moment like he was in deep thought, then his lips formed a frown.

"um," he started, clearly nervous.

"What is it?" I asked genuinely.

"I mean—I don't wanna be annoying, or overwhelming, but—you know after yesterday...we kissed a lot...and then this morning you kissed my forehead." He rambled.

"And I understand if you don't want to but—I was just thinking...maybe...before work, we can—"

"kiss?" I finished for him, causing him to nod, shyly of course.

I don't know why that sent me into some mental spiral, I wanted to kiss him, I know I did, yesterday I had no problem doing it, and even this morning I did it again.

But now that he was asking me for one, all of a sudden my brain went into overdrive and I couldn't do something that basic

"it's cause you want me to right, not because it's what you think I want?" I asked him for reassurance.

He creased his eyebrows at that, "Yeah it's because I want you to, if I didn't,  I wouldn't have brought it up." He told me.

"I just gotta make sure.." I told him lowly, looking ahead as I avoided his eyes.

"what do you mean—where'd that come from?" He asked, using that tone he used when he was feeling bad, it was a tone I heard a lot.

"it's nun, I was just trippin' for a second.." I waved off, trying to dead the conversation because I growing more and more uncomfortable

He pouted after that, and I could see it from my peripheral vision.

He wasn't gonna let it go, not with a response like that, and rather than let it turn into an argument, I gave him what he wanted.

"I just don't wanna hurt you—or fuck up cause I'm misreadin' the situation..." I told him truthfully.

Things were silent after that, then I felt his hand cover mine which rested on the glove compartment, "I'm not afraid of you anymore Saint, and I trust you ... you don't have to hide from me."

I looked over at him after that, meeting his eyes, "I'm just not used to this, the whole, together thing, or whatever we got going on."

"I can't really tell if you're doing shit cause you want to, or if you're doing it cause you think I want it." I explained.

It didn't make sense, I know, I was confusing him with my fucked up way of thinking

Then he did something that surprised me so much that no thoughts at all ran through my head.

Slowly he grabbed my hand and lifted it, eyes focused on me the entire time.

My heart sped while watching him, and immediately blood began rushing to my length, something I had no control over now.

Gently he used his smaller hands to wrap my right hand over his own throat. He then squeezed his hands over mine, not tightly, but securely—enough to where he was under my complete control.

His pulse almost immediately quickened in my hand, and his mouth parted in anticipation.

I never thought I had the ability to be gentle until I started falling for Khalil.

Gentleness wasn't something I had too much expensive with, so I didn't know what it looked like—or how it felt.

With Khalil, I realized my words had so much power, that even if I wasn't hitting him, saying the wrong thing was just as bad.

The words thing is the hardest, I'm not used to biting my tongue when actually wanted to speak, so it's all a learning process—but the touch thing was what came the easiest..

It was easy to be gentle with his body, it was instinct.

I didn't wanna hurt him, so I did my best not to—I touched him like he was the softest thing on earth.

"Kiss me please," he spoke, lips parting just enough between each word that his lips bounced against each other the perfect amount.

This was the side of him that I think I found the most mesmerizing. The way he contrasted his normal purity, that normal innocence.

Anytime we were close to being intimate he showed no hesitation when it came to showing me what he wanted, or even telling me

I watched him in awe, feeling his pulse against my hand, watching as he licked his lips in anticipation of mine

"come here..." I told him lowly, releasing my grip on his neck and nodding down to my lap.

Without a wasted motion he did so, straddling me carefully in the driver's seat.

I was now realizing how thankful I was to have a truck that gave me enough room for this shit—I couldn't imagine trying this shit in a normal car.

Slowly he leaned down,  eyeing my lips with eyes of hunger and lust—something I found to be the sexiest shit on earth.

My hands immediately moved to his butt, and when we finally met for a kiss, he moaned at the sensation of me squeezing the soft flesh through his pants

His moans were addicting at this point, I would have him moaning all day if I could.

If he sounded like this just off a kiss—sex was gonna have me on top of him 24/7.

I don't think my dick has ever been hard more than the last couple of hours. Shit was almost painful—he had me that turned on, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I'm not sure if it's even healthy for the male body to be this hard, so many times, after being so sexually uninterested for his entire life.

Abruptly he bit down on my lip, an action which caused me to groan against the kiss, but not out of pain or discomfort, more like pleasure.

The initial shock of both his teeth and the metallic taste in my mouth caused me to again squeeze his butt in my hands—albeit much harder, a sensation which forced a whimper from his lips.

Another sound that just turned me on even more.

"I-I'm gonna be late." He moaned, breaking the kiss momentarily.

"So what—they not gon say shit," I told him confidently, leaning up to kiss him again.

We enjoyed it for a couple more seconds before he broke it again and pushed me down in my chair, "I could get fired." He spoke breathlessly.

"I'll kill everybody in 'nere." I told him seriously, and without another word, I leaned back up as he allowed me to attack his lips again, moaning—whimpering, grinding against my lap slowly.

There was no doubt—we had to stop soon, if not things could go way too far in this parking lot.

He deserved better than a parking lot...and I don't wanna hurt him...

It was just like both of our sex drives had been so suppressed for so long—the kissing yesterday just lit something in us both.

I know what he wanted, he was basically begging for it based on the sounds he was making. I know I wanted it too—but I don't exactly know how to go about it.

How long should we even wait... we didn't even really have a title on anything yet, we just kissed for hours yesterday and I guess that established us as a thing.

I mean either way we're together now, he not going nowhere, if he thinks of leaving me again imma just have to show him how crazy I can really get.

He was stuck with me now, ain't shit to even debate on.

"Saint," he whimpered, "I-I gotta go." He spoke, all while I attacked his neck with my tongue.

I swear though, him saying my name like that made it even harder for me to stop, everything about him made me crazy with zero effort.

Nothing he was saying was registering until he again wrapped his hands around my neck softly, an action which caused me to stop kissing.

Honestly, I loved this shit too—so again—he was not helping his case.

"Stop." He spoke, smirking down at me.

Immediately my kissing came to a halt on his neck, and my lips parted as I stared up at him, body on complete fire.

"you were losing control, y'know. " he mumbled, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my jawline.

His lips....man his lips...

"My fault," I apologized, licking my lips

" I didn't say I didn't like it, I just don't wanna miss work." He replied, giggling innocently.

Innocent, he was pretending to be innocent like he didn't just have me under some sexual spell a couple of seconds earlier.

"you started this, you ain't care about no work," I replied, looking up at him.

"I asked for a kiss—you were trying to do something completely different." He laughed.

"Me?" I questioned, "So you ain't been grinding on my lap?" I questioned.

"You know what you feel down there—stop frontin'," I stated lowly.

He dropped his head shyly after that and shifted off my lap and back into the passenger seat.

I then watched as he used the mirrors to check his neck—ultimately sighing when he saw the fresh hickies I'd just placed on his neck to match the ones from last night.

"Saint!" He whined, looking over at me.

"what?" I questioned.

"I look like you tried to eat me! People are gonna see this!" He frowned.

"What's the problem?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

He only continued to pout as he eyed the skin, which caused me to speak up again.

Doesn't that just show that he's taken by someone, I'm really not seeing the issue.

"It's either this or I put my hands on somebody— so you choose," I stated.

I'd crash out completely if I felt like somebody had intentions with him that went beyond friendship.

Honestly, the friendship thing was gonna be a process too.

The way he been kissing on me—touching on me, there's no way I'm letting him do that to anybody else, fuck nah.

"I guess it's not that bad then.." he mumbled, again grabbing the door handle.

"—I'll see you later okay." He spoke.

"Oh, and when I was making my lunch today I made a couple extra sandwiches for you in case you get hungry, they're on the side of the fridge!" He explained as he stepped out of my truck.

I nodded and spoke, "bet, thank you."

He smiled and shut the door behind him before he began to walk.

I rolled my window after that to give him one last message as I walked away.

" Ay call me if you need me!" I added, to which he turned around to give me a thumbs up before speed-walking into the building.

I eyed him that whole time, observing everything about him—his body—his walk, all of it.

At first, I think I refused to give in to those thoughts so I never tried to notice much about his appearance beyond the surface-level shit.

It took him almost leaving for me to realize that what I had for him was genuine feelings—and there was no point in lying to myself.

I say all that to say, his body was crazy—everything about it.  I haven't seen too many people like him with that type of body but I swear—his curves, his physique, on God—it was unmatched.

Even down to his tats, I've only seen them briefly, but they looked perfect on him.

It was only when he disappeared behind the doors that I was left with my own hard-on and rampant sexual thoughts that did nothing to help my situation.

All I could think about was him, that didn't bode well since I had to meet with Saduj in a couple of minutes too.

The fact I no-showed him was gonna be a topic, and I wasn't too big on explaining myself.

When I first started working for him I had no priorities—so when he called me and needed something handled, it got handled.

Now I had priorities, or rather, a priority—so when he called and needed something handled—I had to make sure Khalil was good first.

With a sigh I lay my head back against the chair and waited for my dick to go down, which was hard, because again—all I could think about was Khalil, and he's the one who made my dick hard to begin with.

The thought crossed my mind that maybe I should just beat my shit, but I haven't done something like that in years, and even back then, I did it out of boredom more than anything else.

I didn't wanna waste this feeling on my hand.

Eventually, I decided to just be patient about it and allow it to go down naturally before heading over to Saduj's place.

What was a quick drive ended when I pulled up and spotted the cars lined up outside his crib.

My eyebrows creased in confusion as I parked, and then, of course, I stepped out.

As usual, upon seeing me everyone that was outside began funneling into their homes. After I walked up to his porch, I ignored the greetings of his guards and headed inside the house.

I guess you could say it was pretty packed inside, there was a decent amount of people—and they all seemed to be talking amongst themselves.

Like always, whenever anyone would see me, they'd greet me out of respect, even if they knew I wouldn't respond.

And I didn't, I continued to ignore everyone until I came to a stop outside of Saduj's office.

His new main guard, Henric, held his assault rifle close as he stood next to the door, nodding at me when I approached.

"He inside?" I questioned.

"Yes sir." He nodded.

Without any further words, I grabbed the knob, only for Henric to speak up again.

"Uh, with all due respect sir, Mr.Saduj is a bit busy right now—maybe give him five minutes if you can?"

I looked over at him silently and blinked, an action which caused him to swallow nervously and go back to standing like he'd been doing.

Without another wasted motion I walked in, only to immediately go wide-eyed when I spotted Saduj sitting at his desk, slouched back while some random woman gave him head.

When they spotted me, both quickly began shuffling to cover themselves and reposition.

"O-oh shit, Red!" He spoke, pulling his pants up.

I turned around so that I was facing the wall while I gritted my teeth out of frustration.

"My bad man—I forgot you were stopping by." He chuckled.

After a couple of seconds, I turned back around, thankfully seeing that they were both fully dressed.

I then watched as he whispered something to the woman and slapped her butt as he sent her on her way.

She began walking, looking over at me with a seductive smirk as she approached the door.

I gave her the same bored expression I gave everybody in here—if anything I looked at her even more bored.

"Boy I gotta tell ya, that girl right there—her names Sapphire—that bitch could suck a watermelon through a straw." He laughed, sniffing afterward.

He was high, figures.

I watched as he took a seat at his desk before speaking up, "Listen—I just want you to know, there's no hard feelings about yesterday, I get it, you got busy—things happen." He started.

"I just wish you could've told me that man, you left me high and dry. If I didn't have Henric here I don't know who else I could've called to get the job done." He sighed.

I've never been too big on explaining myself, and I wasn't gonna start now either—so like usual—I chose silence.

I crossed my arms as he aired all of his grievances—honestly just waiting for him to be done.

"Again—there no hard feelings, ya kinda just let me in a bind there red." He sighed, "Not to mention—I still haven't figured out this Jermain situation."

"Like man—first his brother then him, I swear that family must've pissed off an old Haitian woman the way they're droppin' like flies ." He spoke, shaking his head with a sniff.

I ignored his comments about Jermaine when I spoke, "had some shit I had to handle."

For now, I decided to keep it simple, but I did plan on telling him about Khalil.

He would find out eventually, I mean I have no intent of hiding what I and Khalil have goin' on right now, I would just rather he specifically heard it from me.

Usually, people would say it was best to keep your loved ones anonymous so they're safe.

Well not here—not in Sidon, the safest people were the ones attached to someone everyone knew was untouchable.

I was untouchable, which meant Khalil was untouchable, if anything keeping him anonymous put him in more danger—and I'll be damned.

The Jermaine situation was different, he knew Khalil was a witness—I couldn't have him out here running his mouth, so I silenced him...permanently.

"ah," he nodded, "I see."

Based on his tone it sounded like he was in thought, and that's what led me to speak up.

"That's something I need to talk to you about honestly."I stated lowly, "I'm sure a couple people have seen me out with him lately, but there's this boy—Asian, average height, tats."

Again he nodded, this time choosing silence.

"he's off limits, I don't want him touched, talked to, looked at, or even thought about," I explained.

He looked at me in surprise for a moment, then I swear I could physically see his brain moving as a bunch of thoughts ran through his head.

"Oh—uh—I see, you guys are uh—," he paused and cleared his throat after that, "—I'll let everyone know, he won't be bothered."

Yeah, I knew he wouldn't be bothered, I was gonna make sure of that, me telling him this was more of a warning if anything.

I've already killed two of his men without him knowing, I'll wipe out this whole damn gang if I have to.

I nodded at his words and turned around to be on my way—only for him to speak up again, "I actually have something I need you to take care of today."

His words caused me to turn around as I waited for him to continue, "There's this man—he's like 20 minutes outside of the city, he owes me some good money."

"Now I don't want him dead—but I need him scared, do whatchu gotta do. Call me when you've got him scared enough, I'll handle the rest over the phone." He nodded.

"Your money's all right here." He spoke, nodding to the duffel on the table.

I took a look at the money and then at my watch, trying to work out how much time I had to get this shit done without being late when it came to picking up Khalil.

Im pretty sure I could make it work, I just really didn't have time for error.

I nodded at his words silently and again turned around—exiting his office and then ultimately his house before walking to my truck.

After Saduj sent me the address I went ahead and made my way over to it, driving a little bit over the speed limit to cut down on time.

What I arrived at was a pretty nice house, but it wasn't guarded—which meant that whoever owed Saduj the money, wasn't actively in the illegal business, they probably just dipped in and out as needed.

I sat in my car as I continued to observe the place, pulling on my mask moments later.

No one seemed to be home but my target, which was perfect seeing as though I needed to make this as quick as possible.

After looking around I quickly exited my truck and then jogged around the back of the house.

The person Saduj sent me to scare could've been anywhere in the house, so I had to be careful how I did this.

The first thing I did on tasks where I had to break into someone's house was check the windows, you'd be surprised how many people left their windows open to catch a quick breeze.

Of course, I was way too big to fit inside most windows—but for houses as nice as this one—I got lucky.

They weren't open, which was annoying, but it wasn't hard to budge it open either—as long as you know how shit like this is built, you could really take anything apart.

Once I had it loose and I knew that it was enterable, I left, just for a moment.

Again I didn't know which part of the house he was in, so I had to draw him out.

To do that I rang his doorbell, twice, as if I was someone who urgently needed assistance.

Before he could reach the door I jogged back around back and entered through the window.

Honestly, I was thankful this was a pretty quiet neighborhood, else something like this could only really be done at night.

Once I was inside I could hear him making his way downstairs, mumbling to himself, "Damn Jehovah's Witnesses." He complained.

When his back was turned and he began unlocking the door, I quietly made my way over to him—barely making a sound.

People usually expect someone as big as me to be loud—but I really think I've perfected the art of being silent, I had mad practice when you think about it.

"For the last time no—" he paused his sentence when the door was fully open, realizing no one was there.

By this point it was already too late, I was behind him and had the mouth of my gun pressed to the back of his skull.

"No Jehovas Witness, just me," I spoke.

"but if you make one move, make one sound, or move one muscle—I'll make sure you get to see God," I stated.

He was already shaking, his whole body had stiffened immediately.

"Do you understand?" I questioned.

"y-yes sir." He said immediately.

"Good, now close the door—slowly," I instructed.
He did as I said and then held his hands up defensively.

"Back up, don't turn around—just walk back slowly until I tell you to stop." I continued.

Again he followed my instructions, which ultimately led to him on his knees with tears falling from his eyes.

I held my gun closely to the back of his head while I called up Saduj—who immediately answered.

"It's done?" He questioned.

"all up to you now," I replied simply.

"Good shit, place me on speaker."  He spoke.

I went ahead and did that before dropping my phone down on the table, allowing Saduj to speak.

"Martin! Buddy—Pal—Amigo, you didn't think I'd forget did  you?" Saduj taunted.

The rest of his words I tuned out into a blur as I looked around the room we were in.

There were pictures of this guy, a woman—who I'm guessing was his wife, kids—really the whole nine yards.

It was always so crazy to me that people could genuinely live the perfect life, did they even realize how lucky they were?

I snapped out of my trance when I heard Saduj say my name—leading me to pick up my phone again.

"Red—hey man, you're all done there—swing back around here when you get a chance."

I hang up without responding, by this point I had begun to realize how far below my pay grade this shit was. He could've gotten any of them niggas to do this shit—especially since I didn't have to kill anyone.

For some reason, I felt like him sending me here was playing with my intelligence—or trying to send me a message I don't know.

"P-please don't kill me, man, my kids—they'll be home soon." The guy in front of me cried.

This whole time I've had him stare in the opposite direction of me, so I could never see his face, but I could still tell he was crying.

How, how as the man of your family can you cry like that? You're supposed to be the one everyone leaned on, you're the rock, you're the foundation, you're the leader—and you're sitting here crying like a bitch?

I scoffed at him and ignored his words before hitting him over the head with my gun.

It didn't kill him, it just knocked him out—which was necessary for me to leave.

Once I'd successfully gotten out of his house and back into my car, I threw my gun in the backseat before removing my gloves and mask.

After that I immediately checked the time, thankful that I still had enough to get my money, and then head over to pick up Khalil.

Saduj's place was again, 20 minutes away—so after that drive, I entered his place once more.

This time I knocked on his office door though, just because I did not wanna see no shit like what I saw earlier.

Lucky for me though, this time he was fully clothed and had my money ready, meaning I could just leave without saying or doing much.

By the time I made it back to Khalil's grocery store, I had only ten minutes to spare—which of course beat being late.

Handled my business, got my money, and I'm still not late to pick him up—I think I can get the hang of this shit. I ain't even have to kill nobody either, that shit gotta be worth something.

When he finally walked out, I clenched my teeth together so wouldn't end up smiling from just seeing him.

Doing that would make me feel like way too much of a simp—doesn't mean I didn't want to though.

"Hey," he spoke after opening the door, hopping in my truck seconds later.

"Yo," I greeted, watching him get comfortable before strapping up.

"—how was work?" I then asked, observing his appearance and expression.

"It was fine, normal I guess," he replied, looking at me with a smile.

"no problems?" I questioned, leaning over slowly.

"nope," he replied, leaning in to meet me.

We enjoyed a brief kiss before I broke it, knowing how it would go down if I started losing myself.

"what did you do today?" He then asked, removing his jacket.

"Nun'," I replied, "I thought about you—that's it."

That wasn't a lie so technically this was fine, me telling him the whole truth would just upset him—there was no point.

"Is that so?" He giggled, turning around to throw his jacket in the backseat before pausing.

"Um Saint.." he spoke up.

"Wassup?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You left your gu—well one of your guns in the back seat." He stated.

"Oh shit, my fault." I spoke up.

It's never crossed my mind to hide shit like that, but it made sense that I'd have to do it around him—he's expressed that he didn't like guns.

Once I came to a stop at a red light I turned around and grabbed the firearm quickly, placing it on the side of my door.

"that's my fault —I forgot," I spoke up, looking over at him.

"It's okay—I get it." He told me, giving me a small smile.

I'm not sure if he was being honest or if he really just didn't wanna talk about it—either way, I was gonna make sure this shit ain't happen again, unless necessary of course.

"Oh hey—I've been meaning to tell you, if we're gonna do this couple thing, we're gonna have to establish some rules." He cheesed, changing the subject.

Couple thing?

Well, I guess that's what we are, I'm not finna correct him.

"rules?" I questioned.

"Yeah, rule number one, cute nicknames—you're gonna have to come up with one for me and if it's ugly I'm gonna make you re-do it." He started.

"and no 'lil' doesn't count, it's basically my name, I want a cute couple pet name." he told me

I looked over at him with a flat expression then spoke, "I'm not doin' that shit."

"Oh, you're no fun!" He argued.

"It's childish," I stated.

"It's cute." He reiterated.

"When you said rules I thought you meant serious shit," I stated.

"I feel like by this point we both know each other pretty well when it comes to the serious stuff ." He explained.


Cheating wasn't even a concern either, if he thought about some shit like that I'd kill him and the other nigga. 

—and I would never cheat, that takes way too much effort and Khalil was basically on my mind 24/7.

"yeah, well still, I'm not doin' nicknames," I told him sternly.

"we'll see."  He smirked, leaning against the window on his left.

"You say that like you confident imma just give in.." I muttered, looking over at him.

"I am." He replied matter-factly, giggling afterward.

"It's like that?" I questioned, licking my bottom lip.

"Mhm," he nodded, still smiling.

I nodded at that and smirked, "Aight Khalil....we gon see."

"You underestimate how persuasive I can be." He told me, looking over at me with a confident grin.

"you think so?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm!" He replied, dramatically.

"Guess you just gon have to show me then huh?" I questioned, licking my lips as I eyed him.

He didn't respond to that, but he giggled, all while his face slowly turned red.

I could only watch him after that, in sporadic glances since I was driving, but still—I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

His confidence was so subtle that you wouldn't really catch it unless you were looking.

And I was always looking, now more than ever.

I wanted him to show me everything that confidence had to offer...

☯︎ 𝖍𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 ☯︎

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