𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜...


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"𝐈𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫�... More

𝖍𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝖊𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡


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After the alert disappeared from my TV screen and the show returned to the feed, I stood up. The longest nights of the year, Purge weekend.

Shit was such a chore, now all of a sudden everybody 'bout that life. Now all of a sudden everybody has the biggest balls on the planet and they step to whoever.

For the most part, I was left alone on purge nights, but there were occasions when niggas tried to make these days their lucky days, and my last ones.

With a yawn, I approached my closet and opened it revealing all my guns and weaponry.

Guns were fascinating to me, just how different they could all be and yet still do the same thing, and serve the same purpose.

Usually, I only carried around my .22 pistol, but since tonight just happened to be what it was, I'd be taking that plus my shotty which had to be my favorite.

Shotty always gon' go crazy, a small part of me was actually kinda hopin' I did get tried tonight.

My thoughts were cut off when my phone vibrated in my pocket, casually I grabbed it and stared at the screen to read who it was.

To no one's surprise, It was a message from Saduj letting me know he had a job he needed me to do tonight.

As I squinted at the message I took in all the details and began to run them down in my head.

He wanted me to kill somebody, again, not a surprise. But the person he wanted me to kill wasn't just anybody, it was the same guy he had met up with the other day.

I wasn't gonna ask any questions, I never did, but all this was kinda counterproductive to me.

Why even meet with the Nigga in the first place if you wanted him dead. Why have this big plan about getting more product through a partnership, if you were just gonna end the partnership before it really even began?

Unless he never had any intentions to follow through with the partnership to begin with.

Yeah, that would make the most sense, by taking out the person he has to split the product with, he takes the entirety of the score—which of course means more money for him and his organization.

Having me do it on purge night makes it even harder to pinpoint who did it, and the fact he met with him the other day makes him look like even less of a suspect.

The Columbians that they were gonna get their product from wouldn't care about anything else as long as they got their money in exchange for the cocaine.

And around here, Colombian Coke would make you a lot of fucking money.

I'll admit, what Saduj was doing was grimy as fuck, but it was smart, and if anything it meant more money in my pocket.

Finally, after contemplating everything I placed my phone back in my pocket and grabbed the rest of my gear.

Seconds later I locked up my crib and made sure to double up on the security chains I'd built in since again, it was purge night.

The moment you step outside you can almost immediately feel the chaos in the air.

The night sky was lit a little orange as fires raged all through the city.

The air reeked of smoke, blood, and sweat.

Screams of pain, laughter of torment, and the rain of gunfire all echoed throughout the city.

If hell was on earth, there was no doubt in my mind that on purge weekends, it was here.

Without a wasted motion I stepped in my truck and pulled off, heading toward the address that Saduj had sent me.

No doubt that the nigga he had sent me to kill would be protected, especially during this weekend, I was gonna have to be smart about how I did this.

The entire ride I went through different outcomes in my head, different strategies.

A lot of them ended up with me dead, but that lowkey made this shit a little more exciting. That might sound a lil crazy, and I'll admit that it definitely is, but I mean it's the truth.

I couldn't afford to make a mistake, I couldn't afford to slip up, it was like a game too, but if lost—then I died.

Eventually though, when I was making my way to my destination, I ran into a roadblock. Like a literal roadblock, only it was a line of people standing hand in hand as they looked straight ahead at my truck.

I slowly came to a stop as I observed them.

They were all covered in blood, so there's no telling the shit they've been up to tonight, and they also wore masquerade masks—like something you'd see at a festival down in NOLA.

It was about 7 of them, some men and some women, either way though—I was gonna have to get my hands a little dirty to handle this.

The thought crossed my mind of just driving through them, I mean I had a pretty big ass truck.

But I didn't wanna risk fucking it up, even in the slightest—not on purge night.

With a sigh, I stepped out and pulled my .22 from my waistband.

The moment I did that, they all pulled machetes from behind their backs and began approaching me, one by one.

I don't know if they expected me to just stand there in shock or fear, but without hesitation I lifted my gun and shot one in the head, causing them all to stop and stare down at the ground.

It was silent for a second, then they all started screaming.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion but made sure to keep my guard up.

"dude what the fuck, are you insane!" One of them asked, snatching off his mask to look over at me.

Ol' dude looked like some white ass frat boy, definitely a fucking tourist.

Yeah, we get tourists around here during purge weekends, and they look exactly how you're expecting them to.

"That was my fucking girl bro, not cool!!" He continued, ranting.

"Yo guys, fucking end him!" He glared, pointing his machete at me.

I blinked for a moment as they all sprinted toward me. While they were doing that I managed to shoot down two more before eventually having to dodge some of the wide slashes they were throwing.

"You lunatic!" One of them yelled, and the voice sounded feminine but I couldn't really tell since they were behind the mask still.

Either way, I pivoted to the left as she slashed dowered with her weapon.

I didn't really have much time to think because there were four of them, and they were all actively trying to chop my damn head off.

As another again tried to cut me, I managed to grab the arm of the girl who tried to cut me first and pull it so it extended.

That combined with me again pivoting back meant that when the second person swung down wildly, their machete sliced right through the girl's arm, causing her to scream out in agony.

They all seemed to stop again after that, some screaming in horror, some staring in shock, but nobody looked as distraught as the girl with one less limb.

I shrugged to myself, dropped the other half of her separated arm, and held up my gun once more.

4 bullets are all it took, 4 bullets for four dumbass tourists that picked the wrong person to play games with tonight.

When all was said and done I shook my head and tucked my gun back in my waistband again before returning to my car.

After taking note of the time, I again headed toward my destination for tonight.

I made sure to park out of sight so anybody who was outside security wouldn't see me.

Crouching, I made my way up to the house silently, staying out of sight the entire time.

I made it up to the bush a couple of inches from the back door, but there was a guard standing outside of it holding an assault rifle so I couldn't go much further.

For a second I just stayed in my crouched position and thought of the best option.

What I came up with was waiting for him to turn his gaze away from me for just a couple of seconds while I threw a rock against the fence.

In theory, hearing that would just divert his attention for a little bit—giving me the element of surprise.

As expected, this caused him to snap his head up and tighten his grip on the gun in his hands.

"Yo?" He called out in question.


"...man I know I ain't trippin'," he then mumbled.

I looked down to tighten the silencer on my pistol before standing up quickly and aiming the weapon directly at his head before shooting.

His eyes widened at my sudden appearance, but seconds later his life was over, leaving him unable to do much of anything.

After that, I quickly made my way to the dead body and lifted it.

With a low grunt, I threw the lifeless body into the bushes, keeping it out of sight.

Now that he was dead, that allowed me to go ahead and enter the house cautiously.

Once I was in, I silently closed the door behind me and held my .22 close as I took a defensive position while walking.

I had to be slow with my movement, my body mass made my footsteps heavy, and with the number of guards he had here—I'd run out of bullets before I could even kill him.

From what I could hear, they seemed to be in the living room area and I could make out about 3 different voices.

As usual, I kept my guard up while I approached the corner,

"Dante!" A man called out randomly, the voice sounded like the guy Saduj had met with the other day so Im assuming it was their boss.

"Man go check on Dante's ass, dumb nigga act like he's deaf." the man added.

"gotcha boss." a lackey responded.

I stayed composed and held my weapon close as I waited for him to turn the corner, the moment he did I snatched him up and wrapped my arms around his neck in an asphyxiating style head-lock.

As I choked him out for about 10 seconds he struggled, unable to make a sound or to call for help.

Once he was unconscious, I softly laid down the body and made my way close to the living room where they were.

There was only one guard left now, which meant that there was really no point anymore in me being cautious.

Quickly I walked from around the corner and into the living room, causing them both to look over at me in shock.

"What the fuck!?" My target questioned.

For now, I ignored him, just so I could shoot his last remaining guard twice in the chest, ending his life.

For some reason, he thought that while I was doing that he'd have time to grab his gun from the couch, but of course—I'm not letting it go down like that.

As I shot my gun at the spot he was reaching for, he snapped his hand back and jumped in fear.

I had a black ski mask on right now, but I decided to take it off, I wanted him to see my face.

"Listen, w-whoever you is, I can pay you good money, real good money, more than you'll make tonight purging!" He spoke desperately.

But after I removed the mask and he finally got to see me, his face contorted in confusion.

"W-what, ain't chu—"

"mhm," I hummed.

"That fucking snake! I knew I shouldn't have trusted his ass!" He ranted.

Wouldn't be the first time I heard that either.

Unfortunately for me, just as I was about to complete my task, I was tackled from the back, sending me forward on the ground.

I was stunned momentarily as I tried to make out what happened, but as I shifted around I realized that the person I knocked out earlier was now up and the one on top of me.


I'm getting sloppy.

It got even worse from there though because my target was able to grab his gun from the couch and aim it in my direction.

As he shot, I managed to shift in the opposite direction, and then jab the guy on top of me in the nose.

While he groaned in pain I kicked him off of me just in time to dodge another bullet from my target.

In a swift motion, I picked my gun back up and sent a quick bullet to his hand, causing him to drop the gun.

As he howled in pain I looked down at the ground and made sure to kill the guy I'd knocked out earlier, no more waking up for him this time.

This whole ordeal was starting to irritate me now actually, so without hesitation, I sent three bullets to my target's head—ending his life and any chance he had of an open-casket funeral.

Finally, it was done, granted it could've been over a lot earlier if I just handled shit better.

"fuck," I sighed, reaching down to look at the cut across my abdomen.

I didn't even see the dude had a knife when he tackled me, I'm moving like a fucking amateur.

It's just all this fucking noise lately, it's throwing me off.

With a frustrated expression, I shook my head and made sure not to leave any evidence it was me before making it back outside to my car.

The frustration I was feeling didn't matter in the end, because I did what I was assigned.

While I made my way to my second destination for tonight I also went ahead and sent Saduj a text letting him know it had been handled.

I didn't even look to see what he said in response, just continued on my way to arguably the worst part of town during this weekend.

Once I arrived, I cruised through literal flames and gunfire before coming to a halt in the parking lot.

With squinted eyes, I looked up at the apartment complex to see if I could make out anything.

Unfortunately, though, I couldn't—at least not from where I was looking

I'm in hell, that's it, I'm convinced.

Somewhere along the line I died and ended up in hell.

I felt like I was five years old again, hiding from a thunderstorm as I sat hugging myself in the closet.

The gunshots were worse tonight, the screams were louder, the air was thicker, it was just worse on every level.

I don't know how long this was supposed to last but I'm not sure how much more I could even take.

"please.." I whispered to myself, "...please let it end."

My frantic mumbles came to a halt when I heard what sounded like a thud come from near my living room area.

I froze up immediately as my eyes widened.

M-maybe I'm just hearing things right...yeah, it was probably my neighbors.

"...you see anybody?" I heard a voice ask.

Okay..definitely not my neighbors.

"Nah, cmon!" another, different voice responded.

Not too much longer after that, I heard yet another thud.

By this point I was physically shaking yet again, what are the odds  that my apartment would be broken into two days in a row...just another day in my life.

After slapping my hand over my mouth I closed my eyes and prayed to myself they just took whatever they wanted and left.

The problem was...I didn't have anything to take.

Things took even more of a turn when I heard their heavy footsteps inch closer and closer to my bedroom, and in turn—the closet I was hiding in.

"...check under the bed, imma check the closet—whoever crib this is gotta have sum'." I heard.

Of course

No matter how hard I tried, my breathing just sped out of fear, and the moment I spotted the shadow come to a halt in front of my closet door, my heart fell.

God no.

Slowly they gripped the door handle, and even more slowly they opened it.

The moment the door opened I was met with a mask that looked like a smiling version of some old president, either way, it was fucking creepy.

"—what the fu-"

Before he could even finish his sentence I leaped from the closet and scurried to my feet before sprinting out of the room.

"AY GET HIS ASS!!" The voice yelled from behind me.

I wasn't even sure where the other person was, but as soon as I made it to the living room—steps away from the front door, a click stopped me dead in my tracks.

"keep movin' and imma blow ya' head off." A deep...terrifying voice spoke.

Of course, that caused me to come to a complete halt.

"..now turn around." The voice instructed.

Again, I followed directions and turned around to meet the cold steel of the gun.

I've never in my life been so close to one—this was terrifying, but even that word didn't seem adequate enough to describe what I was feeling.

"P-Please—" I begged, only to be cut off.

"Shut the fuck up." The masked man spoke.

As I stood, shaking, crying, and completely horrified at what was happening I stared into the eyes of the person who I was positive was gonna kill me.

"I thought you said nobody was here?" The other man spoke, exiting my bathroom with his gun in hand.

"Nigga that was before I started checking the fucking closets..." the other responded.

For a split second, while they were distracted, I used literally all the strength I had to push the man holding the gun up to me back into his partner, causing them to shuffle into each other as they lost balance.

After that I sprinted to my front door and unlocked it quickly, just as I was about to run though, I was blocked off by the mountain of a man I'd been seeing just about everywhere lately.

Just great, now he was coming to kill me too.

Or so I thought, like we usually found ourselves doing, we just stared for a while.

He seemed to be surveying the situation, I on the other hand was just wondering what the hell he was doing here.

That momentary gaze we shared was cut short when he grabbed my body and shifted us both to the side.

At first, I was confused, but the sound of a gun going off in our direction caused all thoughts to leave my head as I yelled out in fear.

Of course, I slapped my hand over my mouth to silence myself, but that was still hard seeing as though I was just shot at.

Red, or whatever his name was just looked at me with his signature expression before ultimately speaking.

"don't move." He stated.

And who am I to argue with him, at this point he was the only murderous person around here who hadn't tried to murder me... when the standards are low you take what you can get.

I nodded in response but he didn't even wait to see it before he again entered my house.

Cautiously I peeked around the corner as I watched him approach the men who broke into my apartment.

What was puzzling to me was the fact they looked scared and not him.

After leaning forward just a little to hear better, I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"W-we didn't know it was you Red," one of them spoke.

"On god bro—you gotta believe us." The other added.

I creased my eyebrows in question as Red just looked on at them with a bored expression.

That confusion lingered when he reached down and wrapped his hand around the neck of the guy with the gun.

Immediately the man began struggling, clawing at Red's arm as he fought for his breath.

What I was seeing was shocking, of course, made even more so by the fact that the guy's friend wasn't helping him, he just stared in horror like he was afraid to move a muscle

My mouth dropped as the man eventually went limp, falling to his knees.

It was then that Red finally let him go.

"pick him up." He then demanded to the guy who was still standing.

The guy just looked terrified, like he didn't know if he should actually move or not.

"If I have to tell you again..."

Before Red could even finish his sentence, the guy reached down and began lifting his unconscious friend as best he could.

"W-we didn't know you knew him—"

"get out," Red spoke, cutting him off.

"—and next time I see you I'm killing you, both of you." he then added, casually as usual.

Struggling, terrified, and in tears, one-half of my attackers began to flee my apartment, holding up his friend as best he could.

I stood where I was, overwhelmed with a lot of emotions, thoughts, and confusion.

When I mustered up the courage, I did eventually enter my apartment again. Once I was inside, I took the opportunity to look up at the man who was just a walking mystery at this point.


"why you don't stick up for yourself?" He asked, cutting me off.


Any response I had, failed to come out as I watched him approach the broken window that they had used to break into my place.

"—you moved to the wrong place if you soft." He added

"I-I didn't know.." I mumbled.

"you need to find out, 'cause if not—people gon keep fuckin' witchu—and if you don't dead it, they gon keep coming back." He ranted lowly, grabbing the wood from the window and placing it back on.

"I'm just not—I don't know, I just didn't expect all of this." I shook my head, "All of it, the crime, the murders, nobody expects this."

"Then you should move." He replied flatly as he turned around to look at me.

"I have nowhere else to go..." I sighed

Here I was venting to a murderer, the same one I watched kill my boss mind you.

Granted, he's been saving my life lately, for whatever reason.

He stayed silent after that, most likely in thought, then abruptly began walking back over to my door.

"w-wait." I spoke up.

He stopped and looked over at me as I spoke again.

"um, thanks.." I mumbled.

I felt obligated to say it again, just like yesterday, despite how fucked up all of this was.

"—you need to board your windows up." He told me, disregarding what I had said entirely.

"else it could keep happening ." He added,

"they're gonna come back?" I asked, eyes widening in familiar fear.

"nah." He shook his head.

"How do you know?" I questioned.

"I just do." He stated simply

After that he began to walk, without words, he grabbed my door handle and exited my apartment before shutting the door behind him.

I've genuinely never felt more confused by someone in my life. Not only that, but I should be terrified of him—I mean I still am. He makes me very nervous, and at any given moment I swear he's gonna kill me, I just... I don't know.

I guess, in a town that felt like hell...it was the devil that scared me the least.

☯︎ 𝖍𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 ☯︎

sorry for any errors <3

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