the place they sent me

By harveythewiredo

36.9K 671 304

Asher's "parents" adopted him at age 11 as his parents had recently died in a car crush, he is now 17 and the... More

fuck you...
the house
they are attractive
~not an update~
unpacking, and questions.
Snapped and slipped
guilt and apologies
Not a chapter
twenty questions but shorter.
rules and research.
What is a little
Something is wrong with Harry.
New adjustments.
Hello my elves 🩷

We might have a chance.

1.4K 33 27
By harveythewiredo

~Asher's POV~

Matt got up, walked over to Harry and pulled him up. They walked out of the room and I'm assuming went to the office. I don't know if this is my fault but I feel as though it might be as I wasn't eating and that might have set him off or something. I keep messing things up for these boys and I feel horrible about it.

"Asher, it's not your fault love. Harry struggles with his eating all the time" Dylan spoke in a hushed tone but what he was saying was still clear enough that I heard him perfectly.

"H-he has bulimia r-right?" I questioned quietly, checking that my assumption was correct.

"Yeah, and he is working really hard on improving his relationship with food so please don't stress about it he will be ok he just needs to talk to Matt." Dylan explained softly and then just looked at my plate and then me again. "Do we have to watch out for your food intake as well?" Dylan questioned me softly.

"N-no, I'm j-just stressed and e-exhausted" I blushed slightly as I let out a soft sigh. Admitting that information seemed embarrassing. I haven't really had problems with eating before sometimes when I'm to stressed or having issues with my depression I don't eat much but I don't have an eating disorder.

"Why don't you go to bed and we will talk more tomorrow. Today must of been exhausting for you." Dylan suggested, he looked at Peter and nodded his head slightly. Peter stood up and offered his hand although I didn't want to take his hand so I just stood up myself and started walking towards my room, Peter sighed softly and followed me to my room. When I got to my room I turned to look at Peter waiting for him to say something.

"Don't worry about Harry, he will be ok he just needs to talk to someone about his struggles so we can help him. Get some sleep and we will see you in the morning." Peter tried to reassure me that Harry was fine, he reached out to touch my cheek but I moved away.

"T-thank you, good n-night Peter" I wished Peter a good night in a plain tone of voice. I turned and stepped into my room closing the door behind me, and only when I had closed the door did I let my body and mind catch up with the events of today. My heart felt as though it was beating out of my chest and my thoughts where racing so fast that it was hard to keep up with them. I climbed into the bed and curled into a ball crying.

~ Harry's POV~

Sitting on the couch in Matt's office, with Matt sitting opposite of me looking at me with nothing but concern.

"My sweet boy, why didn't you tell me you were not in the right mindset for food tonight?" Matt asked softly his hand reaching out and grabbing hold of mine softly. He made eye contact with me, looking at me with nothing but concern.

"I'm sorry... so sorry" I couldn't look Matt in the eyes as I apologized for my miss-communication. I knew I should of told one of the boys but I felt ashamed that the day we get a new comer who is going to need a lot of help and I can't keep it together, can't look past my own issues and help this poor boy who needs to be shown what love is and needs help to get better. 

"do not say sorry for this, if you are struggling you need to tell us. You do know you are absolutely perfect, and don't need to watch what you eat. please hunny talk to me" Matt's words held nothing but sincerity, and the look on his face was nothing but concern. With Matt sitting across from me showing how much he cared I couldn't help myself I just started to cry. My tears must of set something off in Matt because without hesitation he walks over to me, picks me up and puts me down in his lap. Matt starts rubbing my back and whispering sweet things into my ear. It took me about sixteen minuets to calm myself down enough that I could form sentences.

"this afternoon I was talking to Asher and when I told him when dinner would be ready I just thought about how many calories I would be putting into my body and then my mind went to the fact that Asher would never want to be with us when he sees how fat I am and then you would all realise that you don't want to be with me because I'm fat and it was just some silly overthinking that I think was triggered due to the fact that I've not been thinking about my weight often and now there is this new gorgeous boy here who we all want and I don't know if he will ever want us" I explained what was going on in my mind to Matt and looked him in the eyes so he could know I was being truthful with him. Matt gave me a supportive look and smiled softly at me. I could tell he was processing everything I had just told him and when he finished thinking about what I had just said I could tell as well because I could see it in his face. This made me smile because we knew each other so well.

"Hunny, we all love you so much. You are an absolute angel, and you have the perfect body my sweet boy. If Asher doesn't want us and douse not understand how perfect you are then that's his fault, and we will just have to deal with the fact that he isn't right for us" Matt reassures me that they love me and that everything is ok. There's a knock at the door before it opens slightly and Peter pokes his head in the room, when Peter sees me in Matts lap with tear stained cheeks he smiles at me softly.

"hey, are you ok?" Peter was obviously worried, we could see it in his face. I opened my arms out to him, I knew he would need some sort of physical touch, it's what calms him down and will help reassure him that everything is ok with me.

"I'm ok, Amore. My mind was just running on overtime, I should of told someone but I'm ok." I made sure to keep my voice even as to not make Peter stress.

"Don't lie to me, babe. I know you might not want to talk about it but I'm here for you Bub. How's about some good news" Peter half scolded me for lying to him before trying to lighten the mood, he was now sitting on the couch next to me and Matt and leaning on us, his love language has always been physical touch it makes him so calm as well and we adore him for it.

"Sure love, what good news do you have for us?" Matt talked for the first time since I entered the room.

"Asher was concerned about you, Harry. He seemed to legitimately worry." Peter smiled softly and I exhaled a breath of relief, maybe we do have a chance.

Hey my little elf's did you enjoy this part? I hope you did please leave little comments through they fill my heart with joy and make me all giddy and shit. The photo up top is Matt comforting Harry. Have a nice night/day and don't forget to eat, sleep and drink loads of water. Bye <3

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