Child of Project Apple

Door How_Ambergreen

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Spyxfamily Genius reader insert Demetrius๏ฟผ Desmond x reader On Hiatus (returns August 2024) (Y/n) (L/n) a... Meer

๐ŸฉตLove Samuel๐Ÿฉต


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Door How_Ambergreen

"Everybody watch out, the animals have escaped from the school farm," my head swiveled to the sound of stampeding animals, you can't be serious? Loid's face became stressed as he swooped down and grabbed Anya in his arms "stay in formation D, no matter what, we need to handle these animals with grace," he called and started running with me and Yor hot on his trail.

Panic ensued as people ran screaming witch only served to further stress the animals, to the side to men where arguing and I child fell calling for his father as Loid passed Anya to me and lunged for the child in the nick of time as the raging cow behind them tore up the coattail of his blazer. After finding a calm place to set the child Loid did so and asked if he was okay, he cried a lot.

I felt Anya go limp in my arms as I stabilized her head so it wouldn't fall to the side Yor stood behind me "Loid Anya's getting sick again," I moved some of her pink hair out of her face and placed my hand on her forehead "No fever or anything she just seems a little dizzy," Loid looked over concerned "it must be her fear of crowds," his obsession didn't add up seen as we were in a crowed all day and she didn't act scared and now with the mayhem she's all tipsy, I shrugged off my own instincts to dig deeper and on the raging animals.

My brain was making calculations of how hard it would be to lead them back the way they came and some how trap them in the farm again when Yor leapt from next to me and hit every pressure point on the cow faster then it took me to proses what had happened. The cow fell over limp with a thud as Yor landed on the other side of them. Loid looked baffled while I marveled at her work, pinpoint accuracy, if it wasn't then the cow would still be up and about and she did it mid air.

She looked at us clearly flustered and started rambling on about yoga classes that was clearly a lie. More and more I start to uncover about Yor, the more there is only proving she isn't what she seems. Anya struggles in my arms so I placed her on her own feet and immediately she started walked to the cow laying on its side "Hey short stake, that guy might seem out of it for now but that's not safe," my call got Loid's attention as he turned to see what Anaya was doing "Stay away from that," he called out loudly.

Slowly Anya knelt down and placed her hand on the Cows snout patting it slightly, I froze as I watched her "Don't be scared, everything will be okay," and as of like clock work the cow slowly rose causing Loid to swiftly grab Anya and pull her away. The cow walked back towards the way they came. Anya's empathy was ether higher then I could have imagined or there was something going on that I hadn't figured out yet, I looked at her as she looked up at Loid smiling and swallowed the thought, it's not worth it at the moment.

A man came running out from the building behind us calling our family name as he did, out of breath he stopped in front of us "y-you saved us, thank you, for today, I admit you have bested me,"I blinked at the man for a moment. Did this guy seriously release those animals for an interview? A small smile played on my lips, if so I like this guy. He straightened himself and turned away from us "we'll be delaying the interviews until we're able to get the situation under control, go get yourselves cleaned up, then return to the assembly hall, you've shown yourselves worthy to contend for a place at this school." Loid looked at him as he clicked open his briefcase.

One quick change later we were changed into a new set of clothes, our last ones and my favorite "we thought this might happen, so we brought another change of clothes," the man looked at Loid like he was insane but seemed to find that good as he guided us to the assembly hall.


All four of us sat in chairs outside the interview room, Yor seemed spaced out while Loid looked stoic and unfazed even though his small tells of anxiety where showing, Anya just sat next to me watching Loid curiously. So all in all very boring. I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling knowing that if I did anything out of like it could cost me and Anya the ticket in.

A crying boy and his yelling father exited the room as a man dressed in a black suit opened the door "Forger family, this way please," Yor and Loid thanked the man while I nodded and entered the room.

Three men sat on a couch, the man who was at the animal attack, a fat man with a pompous look about him, and a sweet looking older man with glasses. "I'm sorry about the searing arraignments, we usually only see one kid at a time but with the resent events we're a bit behind schedule, we can pull up a chair if you would like," I directed Anya's shoulders to the large chair at the end of the coffee table and nodded to the men. "It's quite fine, I don't mind standing," Anya sat down and looked up at me as I studied the men.

Loid and Yor took their own seats and the interview. "Let's start with some questions for the parents," I immediately toned them out. This was going to be a long and drawn out proses and I didn't have the patience to listen to Loid lie and Yor try and seem more confident. Instead I tried to get a better read on the men so I could alter me answers to fit them appropriately.

From what I could time Glasses man liked family and a stable home very out going and compassionate, Monical man seemed a little more classy and strived for elegance, while the fat man was the biggest wild card, seen as he hadn't said anything I couldn't get a read. That was until he opened his mouth, "your an attractive woman, mrs. Forger. Why would you choose to marry a man with children," a scumbag. I couldn't help a smirk from spreading on my lips, when I played chess before all this mission stuff beating men like that was my favorite thing to do.

The glasses man was fast to reclaim the conversation but I was hooked now, I wanted to see how big of an idiot this Mr. Sawn could make himself out to be. "Let's move on the next question, may I ask why you decided to apply to Eden Academy?" Loid spouted some nonsense about how good the school is and the high quality of the staff and maybe something about his 'dead wife' the men smiled and moved on.

I had to stop myself from chuckling at how easily they believe it. "We would like to hear about (Y/n) and Anya from the perspective of their parents, what do you consider to be their strangest and weaknesses?" Loid smiled and looked between me and Anya "Anya possesses a deep and passionate curiosity, she is willing and eager to poke her nose into everything to an extent that it might be a weakness as much as a strength and perhaps it's a father's bias, but I find her to be wise far beyond her years, she's so intuitive that at times I'd swear she was reading my mind," Loid sums up. The man in glasses nods "and (Y/n)? What are their strengths?" Loid looked at me for a moment before talking.

"It's hard to read them at times, but I have nothing to blame other than not seeing them for a few years, even so their a fast learner and more intelligently prospective then even I know, they caught onto the smallest of details and can create a very accurate impression of a person and their thousands almost as second nature," Loid then looked down and hummed. "As for weaknesses, I do wish Anya was less picky about food, as for (Y/n) they have a tendency to be a trouble maker at times that are less then ideal," once more I bit my tongue as to not laugh and only smiled on as if the title was a badge of honor.

The man with glasses turned to Yor "what do you see in them Mrs. Forger? And how would you describe your parenting style?" Yor clenched her hands in her lap and looked down a sweet smile playing on her lips "as you know I'm not their birth mother so I must admit that at first, I might have spoiled them a bit in my attempts to win them over, I've had to learn how to be strict sometimes, for the sake of their future. I work hard to remember that," I would have found it sweet and endearing if Loid hadn't fed her those words last night.

Still her answer seemed acceptable as they moved on "Mr Forger mentioned your daughter could be picky. What sort of meals do you cook at home?" This made Yor freeze. In the few days Yor had lived with us, she hadn't cooked a single meal, not from lack of trying but she had a tendency to burn the food. She stuttered for a moment before Loid jumped in "Actually sir, I do most of the cooking. Of course my wife is happy to help out when I'm busy." Mr. Swan leapt on this like it was fresh meat.

"You've got to be kidding me, a wife who doesn't even cook you need to work harder to send example for your daughter, ma'am," Yor looked down ashamed as again Loid came to her help " we all have our strengths and weaknesses. My wife is incredibly neat, She keeps the house spotless and she does a wonderful job with our kids," I could tell by the way his eyes narrowed and fists clenched that Loid or Twilight was genuinely mad at this point, it was funny to think this prick could actually make cracks form in the spy's mask. "yes but those are things that any woman should be expected to do," Loid was about to fire back a retort but Your stopped him.

I looked down at Anya who was surprisingly quiet for once only to see a disgusted look on her face as she looked at Mr.Swan, I patted her head and gave her a smile of reassurance she nodded and put her game face on. "Alright I think it's time we heard from the kids," the man with glasses leaned down to Anya "Anya can you tell me your name and address?" She stumbled through it but did fine other wise and he nodded accepting it "alright, both of you what do you like to do when your not in school?" She looked at the man confidently "I like watching restaurants and eating the opera," Once agains she butchered the statement but they rolled with it as they looked up to me.

I gave them a small smile that was almost silly sweet "I find my time better spent reading or playing a mean game of chess, though I'll never say no to GO or checkers," they nodded as well and quickly asked "and what sorts of thinks do you want to do at Eden Academy?" Anya stumbled and seemed confused as she looked for an answer so I stepped in giving her time to think "I would like to test my intelligence against like minded people find a real challenge and preserver," a got a nod from the man in the monocle.

Anya started to sweat "to expose the secrets of the boss of the organization," the room went quiet as o placed a hand over my mouth. From the outside it looked as though I was shocked but I was trying hard not to laugh, she just outed Loid's plans. "'The boss of the organization'? Do you mean the headmaster?" Glasses man asked but Loid came to try and cover for her "hahaha I'm sorry, my daughter is extremely Ambitious, she's curious about the lives, and habits of the people who have achieved leadership positions," as a test the man with the monocle asked "than I trust you know the name of the headmaster young lady," she stumbled through the name "uh Benderdick I'm-a-good-fellow, mister sir," I bit back a bother fit of laughter.

Monical man Moved on " do you understand how hard one has to work to succeed as he has?" Anya thought for a minute before summarizing the Spy wars episode from yesterday complete with running in jungles to get strong. The man looked shocked at her answers as the man in glasses reassured her it wasn't be that hard.

He turned to look at me and gave a kind smile, I returned it "so (Y/n) I heard you were over seas studying, why did you come back?" I placed a hand on Anaya's head and ruffled her hair a bit "when I heard this little one was starting first grade, I realized how much of her life I missed and came back in hopes of not missing a second more, I honestly missed my family and couldn't stay away any longer, even though I may live in the dorms one day at least their not to far away," the way I spoke caught Loid's attention as he nodded to himself analyzing my acting abilities. I shot him a smug smile that made him look away fast, but shifted it to one of caring and compassion.

The man in the glasses nodded but Sean frowned "You talk as though you have already been accepted in as a transfer, don't you think your being to smug?" Loid moved in to counter but I held up my hand to stop him and tilted my head at Mr Swan. "I'm sorry Mr. Swan but I'm sure you are mistaken, I only act so arrogant because I know my own worth," I shot him a sweet smile and he quickly dropped it, as I thought they had all seen my test results and weren't going to let me go so easily, hence why they seemed so hooked on how Anya was doing.

Once more glasses man redeemed the interview "now, let's ask you two a question about your parents. What does your Father do for a living, Anya?" With no hesitation "He's a spy," I glanced at Loid who tensed before she continued "spy...spychia-trist....that means he's a feeling's doctor," I internally snorted seeing the cycles of Loid's pain happening throughout this meeting. The man then looked up at me "and Yor, your mother, what does she do, (Y/n)?" I looked from Loid to the man asking the question "she's a cleric at city hall," he nodded again and took a note before going back to Anya.

"Tell me about your new mother, what is she like?" Anya looked at Yor and smiled "she's very nice but sometimes a little bit scary," I personally found no part of Yor scary but that was just me. Once more the man looked up at me "(Y/n) how do you feel about your father?" I blinked for a moment and looked over at Loid, "He's demanding, strict at times and honestly doesn't have a natural fatherly instinct and at times miss steps," Loid looked at me incredulously before I continued "but he's always there for me, and willing to do what it takes to improve, I find that most admirable and I look up to him," Mr. Swan rolled his eyes while Loid took a deep breath.

"If you had to give your mother and father a score, what would it be?" I looked down at Anya and smiled she nodded and we looked up.

I did a silent count in my head before in unison we said "A perfect 100 points," Anya then continued "They're lots of fun and I love them, I want to be with them forever," the man in glasses then looked up from his notes "what about your sibling?" Anya looked up at me and smiled "they gets 99 points because they won't watch cartoons with me," this time I did scoff a bit as I ruffled her hair again "the same goes for you short stack, except you never want to play games with me," she pouted up at me "that's because you always win," Mr. Swan cut in.

"So then who do you like better? Your old Mommy or your new mom?" The man with glasses looked at him shocked "Master Swan, that question is not-" but he was cut off "so what? We interviewers are allowed to improvise a little right?" Loid then tried "may I respectfully request a different question?" He asked sternly, facing off with Swan but he seemed to be getting a sick enjoyment from this "no. Answer it or I'll score you accidentally," I was so focused on the argument that I hardly noticed with Anya grabbing my hand and held it to her chest for comfort as she cried.

Yor seeing this stood up calling out to her as Loid moved to face her a look of concern on his face "well, there you go, you like your real mommy best," Swan provoked as Yor moved to console Anya and I moved to face off with Swan, if Loid wasn't going to stand up I would. "Enough of this," Yor called out hugging Anya. "Calm down Yor," Loid combated but his fists were clenched. "Mr. Swan, how low can you go that provoking a young girl is in any way humorous," he turned his attention to me and smiled "what? Do you not care about your dearly departed mother at all? Are you heartless or something? What a monster," He sneered as I let emotion slip from my face.

"Our dorms are full of students living away from their parents, this is no place for a children who burst into tears over every little thing," he called out pissing Yor off more "every little thing....? You consider that a 'little thing'.." her knuckles crack as her sharp nails seemed like weapons but naïve to the danger he was in Mr. swan continued "what's your problem, second wife? It wasn't my fault she loves you less," he held his hands out in defiance.

That's when Twilight struck like lightning he stood and leaned over the coffee table aim straight and ready. But as fast as he did he changed detections to the table and broke it. Not in two but into several different pieces. He lifted his hand as blood trickled down it and in a calm cool voice he spoke "apologies, there was a mosquito on the table," he then stood up grabbed my shoulder and led me to the door "thank you all for your time," Swan stood as well and shouted after him "where do you think your going? We're not done here" but once again Loid calmly turned and looked at the sad pathetic man "if belittling the feelings of children and insulting their coping mechanisms is a part of Eden Academy's educational philosophy, then I have chosen the wrong school,"

Not getting the hint Swan pointed and continued to yell "how dare you disgrace the name of Eden academy," Loid pushed me out the door and gestured for the girls to follow "come on ladies," then turned to close the door giving them one last bow "good day," and slammed the door. A monster, I was a monster, wasn't I? For not caring that my parents are dead. How funny.

(AN: oof, that took way to long to finish, though I wish I could have made (Y/n) cause more of a problem for Swan I knew I had to cut back a bit so trauma instead, hope you enjoyed ^^)

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