A new world.?

By average_CH_shipper

823 20 24

So uh,yeah this is probably my fith or sixth book,I really don't know anymore BUT what I do know is that this... More

|~Chapter 2~|
|~Chapter 3~|
|~Chapter 4~|
|~Chapter 5~|

|~Chapter 1~|

250 4 1
By average_CH_shipper

So for this first chapter I'll just start it of from when it starts just so you have an idea of just how this started.


No one's pov:

UN had just left from visiting the empires in the retirement home and BE had got an idea on what to do other than sit around in this building the empires called home for the rest of eternity.

"You know what would be real fun instead of being here?"BE had looked up from the book he was reading for probably the 3rd time to face RE who was on one of the other couches.Some of the other empires in there had also stopped to look at BE,however BE didn't know others were facing him aswell as RE.

"Yeah.?"RE questioned also looking over to BE.

"Actually being physical countries in this world."RE had not expected something like that via closing his book with his wings jumping a bit out of surprise.

RE's pov:

"What??B-but BE you know thats not possible because we died...right?"I asked,visually confused on why BE had brought this up,I felt all the other empires eyes on us,I slightly shifted becoming uncomfortable.

"Oh,RE,it just might though,you see last time I visited my son I had caught him say that all the other countries are just shit now and that nothing interesting is happening anymore."

"And.?"BE seemed to pause before smirking ever so slightly.

"I asked him,'So if I wanted to become a country again and take back land you'd help me?'.and,he said absolutely because its so shit nowadays."I was still a tad confused on what BE was trying to say so I mentally sighed before speaking again.

"What do you mean he'd help us?"

"Oh it's simple really,using technology he'd created to,bring us back 'alive'.To become a country again."I was left speechless.How has technology advanced that much that they can be able to bring us back??I looked around to see the same shocked faces of the other empires before facing BE again.


"Mhm!"I'm starting to think being in this place has definitely done something to BE,but,just the thought of being 'alive' again just,makes me feel some sort of joy.

"I might even be able to go out there and tell him!Then we can all come back!And take the land that's rightfully ours to control!"I look back up to BE and put my book to one side.I then hear footsteps coming from behind me.

I look back to see mongol,she has the same shocked face as I do.As everyone does.Sure we,wait I've not actually thought about it that much but we can still use power that we still possess from when we were alive.We could've done that the entire time..

"So,do you want to?If not,then,you can stay here,and,spend the rest of time itself here."I turn back to facing BE again,this time I feel myself smirk a bit.

"Yes."And so one by one,empire after empire,wanted to be alive again.BE had got up from the couch half way,and so did I.BE had said that he'll go out,tell his son,then one by one the empires would be brought back.

No one's pov:

Ofcourse there were some who were skeptical,Kingdom of Italy and Japanese empire,Just standing there in one of the corners.Just watching everything going on along when BE had went out to try and find his son.They were once great countries with stable empires.So it was rare to see them like this.

They didn't like the way BE was anymore,it was as if he had gone insane.

JE's pov:

I looked over to where Italy(nickname for Kingdom of Italy)was to see him stareing at where the empires are.

"I don't like the sound nor the look of this,"Italy eventually said.

"Yeah,me too.まるで彼は気が狂ったかのようだ,(it's as if he's gone insane,)"

(I used the translate thing please don't judge)

"Yeah,it does seem it doesn't it?"I look away from Italy to face the crowd again,then I get an idea.

"Wait,I have an idea."Italy then turns to me with a questioning look.

"What if we act like we want to go back but we then warn the other countries about it before the other empires are back."His eyes seem to light up as he looks up at me.

"È una buona idea,(that's such a good idea,)your a genius!Now cmon'!We don't want to miss our chance!"Italy practically screams before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the crowd.How did he cause I'm like twice his height?I don't know.

 {~A few hours later~}

BE's pov:

I groan as my wings ache,I don't know how long I've been flying for but I know I'm close to where Britain is.Im most likely over the British Isles by now,I do fly pretty fast compared to modern day countries.

I look down through all the clouds seeing as I decided to fly over them to prevent being spotted by countries,or worse,humans.I do spot a familiar place which seemed close to where Britain is so I tuck my wings in to be able to get down to the ground as fast as I possibly can.

I do pick myself back up as I'm about to hit the ground,landing on an opening of grass in what looks like a field.Its pretty dark seeing as I've probably flown for so long it's become dark.I stretch my wings the best I can before tucking them in and doing the rest of the journey on foot.Eventually I end up finding a house,a pretty big one I might add.With a garden full of flowers and a stone path in the front.

It does seem to not be that far away from a town though,so I put the hood on my jumper up so I don't get seen.Even though I might aswell not 'cause its so dark.I really hope Britain's still awake or I don't know what I'll do.

I go up to the house and knock on the door.I am positive this is Britain's house since 1,I've been here before and 2,you can tell that whoever lives here is pretty rich,which my son definitely is.

Eventually the door opens to see a very tired looking Britain.However his mood changed once he saw me and opened the door a little wider in a bit of a hurry while also looking around if anyone else is there.

"Is it just you?"I turn to look back at Britain after he let's me in and closes the door before leading me to where his special basement is.

"Yes,it is just me."

"That's good,so is it about bringing you back into this world?"

"Yep.I had convinced most of the other empires that living in the retirement home for the rest of eternity was shit and it worked 'cause I told them they could be brought back."I say as I pull my hood down and glance at the tech in the room before turning to Britain who had already started typing something into a computer.

"Thought so,I had already started testing the machine on other things for a few days already and I'm proud to say it will most likely work."

"Perfect."I start to walk over to the computer Britain is typing in,seeing a bunch of wording and numbers.Then glancing to the one and only machine to bring the empires back.

"I've started the program up so,you first while your already here?"I look back over to Britain who has his hands all ready to type in the given name along with a button to the side.


"Alright."And with that I saw Britain type 'British empire' into the computer before pushing the button.Then just like that the machine lit up before I find myself only seeing white for a few seconds.After rubbing my eyes I look around to be found inside of it.

Britain pushes another button and a door opens in it so I can be able to get out.I walk out not feeling much different than before,practically teleporting a few meters.

"Did it work?"

"It seems,but I might check something that shows every country at this moment,then we'll know."Before I know it Britain had already got onto a page that showed every country.He scans it for a bit before putting his finger on a part of the screen.I walk over to it and look at where he's pointing.Surely enough I see it.

Im a country again.


Oh wow,that took a turn.Well this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written ever and a good start to this book.But anyway I hope you enjoyed the start to this book so far.This idea of the empires coming back is not my idea but an idea from the book 'rise again' but just with a bit of a twist in my au.
Anyway hope you enjoyed and have a good night/day!

Word count:1557

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