Paw Patrol AU: Mighty Meteor...

By Antonio_leSha

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This is Book 2 of the my series (A Journey Never to Forget) This story does consist of relationships includin... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: Snow Way!
Chapter 3: New Friends/ Old Foes
Chapter 4: Heart "Pounding" Rescue
Chapter 5: Mighty Pups Reborn
Chapter 6: Derailed
Chapter 7: Lights Out
Chapter 8: Special Rendezvous
Chapter 9: Dawn of Destruction
Chapter 11: Fight for Our Home
Chapter 12: To Stand Once More
Chapter 13: Magenta vs Primrose
Chapter 14: Aftermath
Chapter 15: Christmas Cheers

Chapter 10: The Battle Begins

165 3 0
By Antonio_leSha

Racheal blasts volts of electricity at the group.

Dina: "Everyone, split up!"

Everyone split up to take care of each villains in their own teams.

Ryder flew off and Harold chased after him with his jet boots.

Harold: "Get back here!"

Harold chased after Ryder. Ryder continued to fly away using his jet pack.

Ryder: "Your gonna have to catch me first Harold!"

Ryder sped up as he flew around buildings trying to make distance from Harold.

Harold: "Let's see you fly away from this!"

And launcher full of rockets popped out of the back of hit suit and fired a bunch of rockets in Ryder's direction.

Ryder: "Oh crap!"

Ryder quickly moved around to avoid the rockets. He managed to avoid them as they all flew into surrounding building causing explosions all over.

Ryder: "You missed Harold, now it's my turn."

Ryder turned toward Harold and charged up a beam of energy and fired it directly at Harold, but Harold moved out of the way and avoided it.

Harold: "Nice try, but you missed as well."

The chase continued throughout the city. As Harold and Ryder fired their attacks at each other. Eventually Harold managed to catch up to Ryder and crashed into him as they both fell down onto the rooftop of a building.

Harold and Ryder both groaned as they picked themselves back up.

Harold: "Looks like I'll get to take you out the fun way..."

Harold them pulled out his two purple energy blades.

Ryder: "Don't think I'll make this easy for you Harold. I don't plan on backing down."

Ryder the pulled out his Double-Sided Energy Axe.

Harold: "Hmph... pathetic."

With Dina and Racheal

Dina and Racheal's weapons collided and created a shockwave of air in the area.

Racheal: "I'm as powerful as you are... what makes you think you can stop me."

Dina: "Oh I don't think, I know I can defeat you."

Dina's mind: "Looks like she doesn't plan on holding back. If I have to I'll kill her but I'd prefer to just knock her out."

The two struggled until eventually Rina got pushed back by Racheal's power. Rachael then shot bolts of electricity at Dina. She countered it by creating a beam of stars and firing it back at her. The two attacks collided and created a large explosion in the center sending the two back even further. Dina crashed into the wall of a building.

Dina: "Oww, that's gonna leave a mark."

Dina then saw Racheal fly at her with her voltage slicers out.

Dina: "Oh crap!"

Dina quickly dodged out of the way and Racheal slammed her voltage slicers into the building. She pulls then put and turns toward Dina.

Racheal: "Looks like your having trouble there."

Dina: "I'm just getting started."

Dina flys at Racheal full speed charging up a Star Punch. Racheal then generates hundred of boys of electricity in her fist and charges at Dina. The two punches collide and create a shockwave even bigger than before.

Dina's mind: "She's tough, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought."

With the pups

Chase, Marshall, Skye, Everest, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Liberty were all facing off against Humdinger rand his octo-suit.

Humdinger and the pups charged at each other. Humdinger grabbed Liberty and Skye and slammed them to the ground. Just after Humdinger gets sent flying backward after taking a punch from Chase.

Chase: "You guys okay?"

Liberty: "Yeah... I'll manage."

Skye: "I've felt with worse."

The two get back up and get into a fighting stance.

Humdinger: "I've been waiting for this ever since you pesky pups put me back in jail, and I plan on enjoying every single moment of this."

Marshall: "Bring it on then since you think your so powerful."

Humdinger: "Gladly."

Humdinger charged at the team once more. This time his claws open up to reveal middles inside.

Chase: "Everyone! Watch out!"

The pups scattered around as the missals fired from his claws. What was worse was story they were heat seeking missals so they just followed the pups around.

Chase used his super speed to avoid it and make it crash into a building. Skye flew around until it exploded on its own. Zuma got a good distance from it and fired a beam of water at it to neutralize it. Marshall threw a fireball at his to make it explode in the air. Everest used her ice breath to freeze hers. Rocky knocked it away with his energy hammer. Rubble turned into a wrecking ball and was able to take the hit. Liberty stretched her body so that the missal bounced off and went in another direction, it then crashed into a building.

Chase's mind: "If he keeps firing mussels it's gonna be hard for us to get a hit. We're gonna need a plan."

With Magenta, Mika, and Rowdy

The three pups were facing off against Primrose. Magenta created shadow wind and flew at her, but Primrose got out of the way by creating a portal behind her and running into it.

Magenta: "Huh? Where did she-"

Primrose: "Right here."

Before Magenta could even react, Primrose portables behind her and punched her hard, sending her back.

Mika: "Magenta! Are you okay?"

Magenta: *groans* "Yeah. I'm fine. Those petals are gonna be a problem though."

Mika: " I think I can help with that."

Mika uses her powers and calls down a bolt im of electricity from the sky. Primrose however, uses her portals to avoid it. Then Rowdy draws up a bunch of rocks from the ground and throws them at Primrose as she exited her portal. Unfortunately, she avoided his attack as well by stepping back into the portal she created.

Mika: "Dang, this is going to be tough."

Rowdy: "Yeah, I don't think she has any moves she can use to attack us though, but we gotta find a way to get a hit in."

Primrose: "You guys look like your having trouble."

Magenta: "Your eyes must be messing with you then, cause we're just getting started!"

Primrose smirks at the three pups

Primrose: "Your special I'll give ya that, but you'll never hit me anyway."

Magenta without thinking created a ball of darkness in her paw and launched a ball of darkness at Primrose, but she used another portal to move out of the way and get behind her.

Mika: "Not this time!"

Mika quickly shot a bolt of electricity down from the sky on Primrose, she tried to get back into her portal but got knocked back by the impact of the bolt.

Primrose: "Dam you and your dirty tricks."

Mika: "I've got more than that if your interested."

Primrose started to get angry as she then created another portal and ran into it. The pups were ready for when she came out, but she didn't come out.

Rowdy: "Wait, where is she?"

The pups looked around for Primrose who was nowhere in sight.

Magenta: "Did she run away?"

Primrose who was on top of a nearby building spoke aloud.

Primrose: "Right here idiots."

The three turn around and Primrose launches a beam of energy at the pups. Thankfully, Rowdy was quick and created a forcefield to block the attack.

Mika: "Okay so she does have other attacks, this'll be fun..."

Magenta: "Totally."

With Ryder

Ryder and Harold are on the rooftop of a building fighting.

Harold: "You can't beat me Ryder."

Ryder: "We'll see about that."

Ryder and Harold slashed at each other with their weapons.

Ryder fired an energy beam at Harold, but Harold dodged out of the way just before it hit him. Harold then countered by firing more rockets. Ryder jumped around trying to avoid as many as he could, he got hit by a few but was holding up.

Harold charged at Ryder with his energy blades. Ryder did the same with his Energy Axe. Both their weapons collided and they were both struggling to push back the other.

Harold: "Just face it, your not beating me. Not this time!"

Ryder created a ball of energy in his palm and threw it at Harold. Harold tried to dodge but there wasn't enough time and got hit. He was sent back a bit.

Ryder then charged at him full speed with his Energy Axe ready to swing. Harold got himself stable and launched a laser beam from the palm of his hand at Ryder. Ryder got hit and was sent backward. Harold used this chance to run at Ryder and try to slash him, but thankfully Ryder managed to guard against Harold attack.

Ryder: "I'm not gonna make this so easy for you Harold."

Harold: "Neither will I."

With Dina

Dina summons dozens of stars above her a and sends them directly at Racheal, but Racheal simply counters by unleashing volts of electricity.

Dina: "Your strong, I'll give you that."

Racheal: "Flattery won't get you anywhere girl."

Dina: "Not what I was trying to do anyway Static Head."

Racheal: "Oh why you little brat!

Rachael was infuriated by the nickname Dina gave her and sent thousands of bolts of electricity at her.

Dina: "I've been wanting to try something like this for a long time y'know."

Dina channels a bunch of power into her hands and once she had enough, she released all the power creating a blast that stopped Racheal's attack.

Racheal: "Woah..."

Dina: "Still think your winning this?"

Racheal: "Shut up! You and your stupid Paw Patrol friends are so annoying."

Dina: "Why do you want ti build a new city anyway? What's wrong with this one?"

Racheal: "It's not advanced enough. I can and will make it better than ever!"

Dina: "Don't you consider anything?"

Racheal: "What do you mean?"

Dina: "I mean everyone who lives here. What about them? You ever considered what to do with everyone who is already living here?"

Racheal: "They'd simply have to do as I ask or else."

Dina: "Geez, you really are a scientist, a mad one at that."

Racheal: "Oh you dam..."

Racheal created voltage slicers in her hands and charged at Dina.

Dina: "Y'know what, this might actually be kinda fun."

Dina got her Scythe and charged at Racheal.

With the pups

The team was struggling against Humdinger. His suit made him fast and powerful, he was able to grab them with ease and slam them to the ground.
The pups used their powers to try and fight back.

Everest used her ice breath but Humdinger got out of the way. Zuma tried to shoot beams of water at Humdinger but he just maneuvered around them.

Zuma: "Geez dude, for once Humdinger is actually being a real problem."

Everyone nodded in agreement

Marshall throes throwing Fireballs at Humdinger but he was able to maneuver himself around them with his suit. Skye then tried using Air Punches to hit him but he avoided them as well. Humdinger grabbed Marshall and threw him against a nearby wall.

Everest: "Marshall!"

Marshall grounded in pain as he got back up.

Marshall: "I'll be okay Eve. It's just a scratch."

Humdinger grabbed a nearby car a lifted it above his head and threw it at the pups.

Chase: "Liberty! Rubble!"

Liberty stretched her body and Rubble used her as a sling shot and shot himself at the car and used his super strength to knock it back at Humdinger.

Rocky: "Nice one!"

Humdinger: "Don't celebrate just yet."

Humdinger grabs 2 more cars this time.

Liberty: "Oh my lord, this guy never quits."

Humdinger throws the cars at the pups.

Chase: "Everest!"

Everest jumps in Front of them and created a wall of ice using her ice breath, stopping the cars.

Marshall: "Good going Eve!"

Rocky: "Hey Humdinger!"

Humdinger turn around and sees Rocky

Humdinger: "Gah you stupid pup, come here!"

Humdinger charges at Rocky but was completely unaware that Rocky was using his telekinesis to hold a car up in The air. Rocky timed it perfectly so that the car fell directly on Humdinger. The car fell on top of him.

Skye: "Way to go Rocky!"

Humdinger: "Curse you pups. It's not over yet!"

Humdinger lifts the car and throws it at Rocky.

Rocky: "Woah!"

Rocky quickly jumped out of the way of the car as it crashed into a building.

Rocky: "Whew, that was close."

Humdinger: "You thought it would be that easy?"

Chase: "Looks like we're in for a rough fight guys."

With Magenta, Mika, and Rowdy

The three pups struggle against Primrose as she blasts beams of energy at them. Rowdy is holding his Forcefield to protect them.

Mika: "This isn't going well for us guys."

Rowdy: "Your telling me. I don't know how much longer I can hold this Forcefield up."

Rowdy struggles as Primrose continues to blast them over and over.

Magenta: "Do you not have a limit?!"

Primrose: "Don't know. Don't care."

Magenta: "This pup is killing me."

Mika: "Well she's about to literally kill us if we don't do something."

Rowdy: *struggling* "Guys.. you got a... plan? I can't hold this... much longer."

The other two pups quickly tried to come up with something.

Mika: "I got this an idea. Rowdy, hold that Forcefield."

Rowdy: *groans* "Okay."

Mika creates a vortex of storm clouds in the sky.

Magenta: "Mika... what are you doing?"

Mika: "Your about to find out. Here goes nothing.... Lighting Crash!"

Mika slammed her paws to the ground and dozens of bolts of lightning came down from above them. The three were safe from it thanks to Rowdy's Forcefield, but Primrose got hit a couple times.

Mika: "It worked!"

Rowdy let his Forcefield down and took a second to rest.

Magenta: "Good job Rowdy and Mika."

Primrose: "Okay, I'll give it to you pups. That was pretty good, but don't think it's over yet!"

Magenta: "God do they ever give up?"

Mika: "Guess not."

Rowdy: "We can take her."

Magenta: "Okay guys, let's do this."

End of Chapter 10

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