Taken Wife/Forced Wife (WMBW...

By CluelessBusiness367

532 29 2

"If they're getting married does that mean she'll have his kids? I roll my eyes at the thought. 5 Kids, me an... More

Carter Takes Control
Saniya's Secrets
Confronting the Past

Stranded in an Unfamiliar Place

116 7 0
By CluelessBusiness367

Carter's POV

The night air was cold and I was outside once again collecting plastic bottles from a trash can just outside my local 7/11. The manager was usually a bitch when it came to stuff like that. So I had to find ways to do it without him finding out. This is my only way to get cash so I have to. I mean who's gonna hire a loser with only a high school degree even if this was Brighton?

One by one I put the empty bottles of water into a half-torn-up trash bag I had found on the side of the street. Dumpster diving isn't supposed to be a classy sport but the way I looked doing it right now made me seem crazy. Like those people, my mom had told me to avoid on the street when I was younger.

If she could see me now her precious little son collecting garbage to stay alive she would probably lose her mind. She used to say she cleaned shit so that I would never have to touch it. Ah, just thinking about her and all she wanted for me makes me laugh.

A pathetic loser like me couldn't even give her a proper burial. I had to torch and throw her ashes somewhere. Fucking pathetic. She did all that I barely have a pot to piss in, let alone a place to rest my head at night.

"Hey man, I told you before you can't be outside my business like that," Rick shouts half opening the door of the shop.

I stare at him. If I had it my way right now I would kill him, sadly I can't even afford to kill someone nowadays. Instead, I sigh.

I rub my hands still grimy from the liquids of the trash onto my jeans "You know I need the money come on".

He looks at me with a face full of disgust slightly taken back. He says " I only have room for customers."

"I can be a customer...let me buy something," I told him.

I make my way through the store aisles as Rick watches me, intently like if I made even the slightest mistake he would shoot me on the spot. I look back at him and he pretends like he wasn't looking at me the whole time. I turned back around and rummaged through my pockets as far away from the aisles as possible so it didn't look like I was stealing anything.

From my pocket, a crumpled dollar bill presents itself with three quarters. Shit. I should've just left, I thought. Then the thirst hit me. Fine. I look around the store for something anything that could stop the void inside me from growing.

Fuck, a donut and a drink. My options and I can only get one. Let's see if I don't get the donut I will decompose by tonight and if I get the water I'll still be hungry and I'll have to find a place to pee around here that won't sue me.

"This it?" Rick questions scanning the donut

"Unless you wanna give me something for free," I say. He flashes me a stern look. I continue "Then that's it".

Outside I sit on the sidewalk donut in hand. With each bite the hunger fails to go away in fact it only consumes me more. The only thing distracting me from it is the fact that Rick has his TV on and I can clearly see what's going on.

Techs are down 20 to the Ots...blah...blah...blah. Back in the day, I was a big sports guy. I worked out a lot and was on track to get a football scholarship once I graduated. But now stuff like that has become just another bad memory for me.

I look down at my donut for a little bit clearly over everything when a familiar-sounding voice floats into the air. I looked up and there she was the woman who ruined my life Saniya Randolph; she was dressed in a short white dress made of silk that stopped just before her knees. Leaving her thighs on full display. Her beautiful brown skin looked soft to the touch and the dress hugged her body in a way that made every curve print.

Yeah right on the TV screen there she was Saniya. I hadn't seen much of her since high school, which is weird because she's the daughter of arguably the most powerful man in Vermont.

Still, I was sorta happy to see her in a way that was until I noticed the man next to her. The smile that had been starting to form on my face instantly vanished in a mere second.

Next to her, a handsome man whose face looked like it was chiseled by some Greek sculptor stood. He was an entire foot taller than her and was dressed in the same elaborate white clothing she was.

I can't hear what they're exactly saying but I can see from the smile spread across Saniya's face that she is happy.

She says a few more words that I still can't hear and holds her hand up to the camera. On her finger sits a ring almost as glamorous and beautiful as her. The light from the ring reflects in the camera like a stolen piece of the sun.

It matches her beauty so perfectly that anyone would think it was made in her likeness. I become so mesmerized by her and the ring that I completely forget about the presence of the man next to her until he suddenly grabs her waist and whispers something in her ear.

He pulls her into a side hug and then uses his other hand to grab one of her boobs while the hug. I wasn't there but I could feel the tension coming off them.

God, I wish I could jump through the screen, chop off that hand, and make him eat it. Who was this man? Who did he think he was to be touching my Saniya like that?

As I sat there I watched them some more, soon enough I put one and two together and figured it was some kind of engagement celebration. Saniya was getting married and it wasn't to me that rich douchebag had her. Touching her like that in the ways I wanted to. Kissing her...hell probably fucking her.

Just thinking about Saniya bent over in bed for another man. Fuck. It should be me she belongs to me anyway. She was supposed to be mine after everything she put me through she was supposed to be.

If they're getting married does that mean she'll have his kids? I roll my eyes at the thought. 5 Kids, me and hers that was supposed to be the plan. I even chose names and thought about what house we'd live in.

But there she was out of reach drinking champagne with some other man like some kind of slut. While I go thirsty on the side of the street.

I look up at the screen and watch closely as drops of champagne make their way from the glass to Saniya's lips and how as they did every now drop on her chin like she was trying to seduce me. Tempt me even.

I watched with greater thirst as they both brought champagne to their lips and drank. When the liquid made its way through Saniya's mouth with each gulp, she took, I felt something inside me stir. I can't stop my mind from imagining Saniya down on her knees begging me...I should probably stop.

I find it in me to make my way back inside the store. Pretending to throw away the wrapper for the donut I quickly focus in on the screen.

" Thank you, everyone," Saniya says, still smiling, " I would love to have all my classmates from high school and college at my and Eric's engagement dinner next week."

I pause for a few seconds, confused. Does that mean I'm invited too? Did she forget what she did to me...or is she still playing another one of her little games?

Saniya's POV


Randolph's Residence in Barbados

"Thank you so much for coming" I repeat for the seventh hundred time today. As I usher in another one of my so-called guests. Did I really have that many classmates? Whatever it's fine I guess. I thought my wedding would be different that for once in my life everything wouldn't just be a photo op.

I look down at my ring but even that seems foreign. The wife of Eric Haden - multi-billionaire. Mother says that this is for the best, that this is just the stuff we have to do to ensure our family line. Old money doesn't get a choice.

Eric is sweet, don't get me wrong he truly is. But I can't marry a man who only wants to use me as a prop. In the movies I watched the love interest always loved unconditionally, gently, and like a The Notebook kind of love. Eric doesn't even seem to like me conditionally, he's too busy "Sparring" with his friends.

Mother says I should never let my thoughts consume me like this to never weakness like this and to always keep my poker face. But does anyone think I'm happy right now? I can't even tell Claudia or Jacqueline, to them my life is a dream. If I complain even slightly I'm stuck up and spoiled.

"Oh my god Saniya" I hear Claudia scream as she makes her way over to me, cutting in line of the others I still have to greet.

"Claudia" I murmur trying to stop my face from scrunching up at the idea of talking to her. As she makes her way up to me I look at her, dressed in red at an engagement dinner. The friends I have I think to myself.

"Saniya this is so amazing like I knew you were rich but wow," She says examining my outfit. A floor-length dress my mother chose that makes me look like a mop. I know she's being sarcastic but I don't have the energy for her today. I don't have the time to clearly pick out my words and I know that no matter what I say Claudia Booker would bring it back to my mother.

I give her a faint smile "Where's Jacqueline?" I question looking towards the back of the line.

"Oh. She said she would be late, sorry I forgot to tell you." She says lightly poking at my arm, a smile across her face.

I pull away from her poking and she stops awkwardly retracting her hand "Are you heading inside?" I say trying to change to topic.

"Yeah, aren't you?" She glances down at my dress again

"No I still have a few guests to greet...you know my mom. I can't leave this spot till I greet at least fifty." I joke hoping she'll laugh and take the hint.

She looks back at the line and back at me "That does look like a lot. Whatever I'll just see you inside." She says before leaving me.

A wave of relief hits me until I realize I still have at least twenty more guests to greet and they all expect me to remember all their names and favorite hobbies from high school and college. I take a deep sigh before bringing my attention back to the task of greeting the remainder of the guests.

Inside I'm seated at a table hand crafted by my mother to hold nothing but the best. Of course, she or father isn't present but all the sons and daughters of their prized business partners are. Center stage just how my mother likes me.

The dinner is a blur I don't remember any of it. Just the fact that that my so-called Fiance wasn't there and that have of the classmates my mom had me invite ate their meal and started to pose and take pictures with the gift bags like the poor cockroaches they are.

Wine was my best friend throughout the entire dinner. I think I drank at least ten glasses before I left the table and my way around the estate giving myself a mini tour before I got a little tired. I took my heels off and held them in my hand alongside a bottle of wine as I walked up the stairs to the rooms.

"Ah...oh...I'm close." I hear coming from one of the rooms I pass by causing me to turn back. Wait that sounds like Jacqueline. So that's why she was so late. Nasty. Well, I'll let her be at least someone's having fun.

"Yes baby" I hear a voice say from the room. No wait that can't be. I make my way over to the room door pushing my way inside. On the bed, a shocked Jacqueline accompanied by none other than my absent Fiance Eric.

"You've got to be kidding me" I find myself saying as they both scramble to cover themselves.

"It's not what you think," Jacqueline says looking over at Eric for backup.

"Yeah, Babe-" He starts to say and I scoff.

"Babe" I repeat mockingly. "You're calling me babe right now. You barely just pulled your dick out of her."

Eric looks over at Jacqueline embarrassed and Jacqueline just looks at me like she's trying not to cry. She always did this whenever things didn't go her way, whenever she wanted something that I had. Cry. Like that would fix anything she had done. Usually, I would have slapped the bitch straight across her face but there are too many eyes here and even more ears than needed.

I'm the first to break the silence that had fallen over us "Did you at least use protection." I say looking down at the mess they had created. I look up to see them both looking at each other like they had expected the other to have taken care of it.

I suck my teeth "For god sake...why am I surrounded by idiots."

I see Eric trying to make his way off the bed "Just stay on the fucking bed god knows what you probably have now" I hissed

He stops in his tracks and sits back down on the bed "What does that even mean?" he questions looking over at Jacqueline.

I laugh looking at the both of them "Oh come on. Everyone knows this is a regular sport for Jacqueline." I pause looking over at Jacqueline who's clearly telling me to shut the fuck up with her eyes "If you don't believe me ask her...ask Ms.Ward how many guys just like you she's fucked...because I'd guess from what she told me at least fifteen from just tonight alone.

"Jacquline what is she talking about?" Eric, asks tugging at her arm.

Jacqueline bites her lips before answering "It wasn't supposed to be like this." She looks up at me and then back at Eric "You and her were supposed to get married and then you would leave her for me."

Eric's mouth drops open. "What the fuck are you talking about."

Why is he so stupid anyone could see what she meant "Eric. You stupid idiot. You let this trailer trash, dumpster diving, walking STD having hoe use you." I laughed.

Eric's eyes drop on Jacqueline " You said you loved me?"

I should have brought some popcorn instead of wine cause good god this is the show hell this is the movie of a lifetime. I don't know if I should feel bad or happy that I dodged a bullet like that.

"Did she also say she was on Birth Control" I add. Eric whips his head over to me. Shocked at the words that left my lips.

He definitely isn't used to seeing this side of me. I even thought I left this in high school. But this is just too entertaining.

"I mean how long have you guys been at this...Jacqueline shows up late often. Maybe a couple of weeks. No wait from the looks of it at least two months. Yeah, two months to get this confident." I remarked,

"What's your point?" Eric snapped

"My point, Mr.Haden is that unless you're 100% sure you've been shooting blanks this entire time." I look over at Jacqueline who has moved one hand to cover her stomach "Congratulations you're now a proud expecting father." I continued

I spun around in a circle and began to clap my hands together mockingly congratulating the two of them.

"Jacqueline. Tell me this isn't true." Eric thundered pulling Jacqueline's hands from off her stomach. Jacquline says nothing and begins to cry as usual.

I roll my eyes and try to stop the laughter from bellowing out of me. "No protection and no plan whatsoever. And the point goes to Team Child. Truly a close game."

"Why's everything a joke to you, Saniya? This is serious." Eric says vines popping out of his forehead.

"Serious for who? Last I checked I don't have a child. We only fucked one time and your dick could barely last long enough to put one in me. So I think this is a you problem" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"So you're saying you won't help us," Jacqueline says chiming in

"I know you're fucking lying. You of all people need to keep your mouth shut." I fumed. I knew I should've put her in her place a long time ago but this takes the cake. She fucks my man and then whats me to help take care of their baby?

"The way I see it y'all better be gone by the morning," I say turning around to face the door.

"And Eric this is these are the last favors I'll ever offer you in this life; one not telling my mom you knocked some trailer trash up days before the beautiful wedding she took a year preparing and two letting you guys get dressed before you leave here." With that, I walk out of the room and into the hallway.

The halls feel colder than when I first went inside but at this point, I'll take what I can get. I stumble my way onto the beach where I find myself sitting on the sand at the point just before the shore and sand collides. Chugging the wine until I see someone walking over to me from a distance.

"This is a private beach," I shout half drunk. The stranger says nothing and continues to walk over to me.

Once in view, a tall man with hair covering a good portion of his face. It's not until he's in a second reach of me that the wind blows the hair slightly off his face giving way to his chiesled features and striking light green eyes. He's dressed like one of my mother's important guests. Wearing what looks like a costume-made black suit. He looked like Hades reincarnated. Mysterious and tempting.

His voice breathy and seductive he says "Don't worry I'm here from the dinner."

I had forgot all about the dinner. I thought everyone would have left by now but I guess not.

I tilt my head slightly confused and even more drunk. I smile. "Well, what's your name I'd hate for a guest to go bye ungreeted."

He plops down right next to me "Not sure if you remember me." He says

"I hardly forget a face...especially one like yours," I whisper. He laughs.

"Mickley," He says looking down at the sand.

Mickley. I try to search my head for who he might be but nothing rings a bell. "Is that your first name?" I say after a while.

"No. First name's Carter." He looks over at me and suddenly fear hits me like that of a car well more like a truck.

I try to avoid eye contact. Carter, mother said he died. There's no way he's Carter. Not here not now this can't be right. "That's a nice name," I say picking up some sand into my hand.

"You don't remember me, Saniya?" He questions picking up some sand as well.

"Maybe... even my memory gets foggy sometimes." I joke trying to ease the tension.

"But you just said you got a good one. Saniya, you remember me right?" I can feel his eyes shift from the sand to me. The uneasiness begins to get worse.

"Vaguely," I murmured.

He suddenly grabs the wine and begins to chug it. "Vaguely" he mocks

I throw the sand out my hand and back into the ocean "Look I'm having a bad okay this is the last thing I need." I snapped

He turned to face me "Do you regret it." He asks setting the bottle back down on the sand

I look at the bottle and then at the waves that nearly hit us while we sit on the sand. Regret. I think such words are stupid. The only thing I regret is the fact that he's not actually dead.

Wait he might be. Maybe what I'm seeing now is just a ghost haunting me. Right the ghost of Carter is here to hit me while I'm already down.

"What do I have to regret? I'm rich. About to get married. And successful." I boast turning to face him.

"Do you know what you and your family put me through?" He shouts, some of the spit from his mouth lands on my face and I wipe it off.

"Welcome to life...get over it," I replied reaching for the bottle. I continued. "I mean look at you though dressed in... what is that...a snazzy Ralph Lauren suit. At least a couple hundred. I would say we helped you."

He snatches the bottle before I can get it "Helped" he mocked.

"Yeah helped," I responded looking at him with disgust.

He chugs the bottle and suddenly he latches his lips onto mine. The taste of sweet savory wine clouds my judgment. Heat begins to engulf me and the feeling of our tongues touching further entrances me. I don't fight it.

I don't even know when but soon my back is on the sand and Carter is on top of me. Soon our bodies begin to grind against each other. Our hands wander all over each other and the heat we provide each other makes the cold of the ocean seem like a distant memory.

Carter's hands make their way up my dress and begin to enter inside my panties. His hand begins to trace my folds and the coldness they bring makes me start to moan. He sticks a finger inside me and I can almost hear the noises my insides make out of the eagerness to feel him.

Then it hits me. This is Carter the dumpster trash my mother told me to stay away from. Carter. If she saw me now hell if anyone saw me now what would they think?

I kick him in the balls and he falls slightly to the side "What the hell Saniya?" His voice echoed against the quiet of the beach.

I try to collect myself before answering him " A poor bastard like you can't even dream about fucking me." I cursed.

"What." He challenged standing up in front of me.

"I said what I said," I begin to stand when he suddenly pushes me back down.

"You never change do you." He scoffed while untop of me.

"Why would I need to? No matter what I do I'll still be better than trash like you." I hissed

Why did I say that? Carter could easily kill me right now. He wouldn't get far if he did but still. He's just crazy enough to do it. He looked up for a second shocked but he wasn't looking at me no he was looking at the Ocean. I followed his eyes to see a wave the size of Mt. Everest rushing towards us.

It takes a second for my brain and body to work with one another but when they finally do I take the opportunity to push Carter from me and I start running back toward the Estate. I hear Carter say something as he runs not too far behind me.

But it's too late we weren't fast enough, the water consumes both of us.

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