Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

111K 4.5K 714

Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
11 : Engaged
12 : Insecurities
13 : Wild Life Photographer
14: Be mine
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan
18 : Meerab's POV
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
25 : Delivery
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue โค๏ธ
BONUS ( First Step)

4 : Trust?

5K 191 27
By TereBin_

Meerab placed her phone aside shrugging the idea of calling Murtasim here. She looked down with tears as she remembered how they fought and she gave herself to him but without tearing the contract. She should have controlled herself and her jealousy but couldn't. This was not meant to happen like this. She was not ready for the baby and getting intimate with him but unfortunately, they did everything which was not meant to happen. She can't even blame him as she was the one who initiated but somewhere she knows it was his mistake. If she lost control then he should have stopped her rather than taking her advantage.

She came here to tell him that she accepts him as her husband and wants to spend her life happily with him but on seeing his reaction she got angry and jealous seeing him close with Haya. How can he let someone come near him? She could have cleared his misunderstanding and would have sought forgiveness but he tore her heart apart.

How can not understand her love for him? She loved him from the core of her heart that's why his closeness with Haya always triggered her otherwise does she care? His closeness with Haya always brings tears to her eyes and he always ignored her feelings. He feels jealous when he sees her with Rohail but calls her wrong when she misunderstands him. Why this hypocrisy? Will he tolerate it if she put the gun on Haya's forehead just like he did with Rohail? Even the blind can see that Meerab also has feelings for him and rather than mending her heart, Murtasim is breaking her more. He is pushing her away because of Haya otherwise she was ready to accept him.

Now she is pregnant with his child but her heart is hesitant to think about him. She doesn't know if he loves her anymore or not. She doesn't know if there is something between him and Haya or not. Tears made their way through her eyes due to her inner pain and she felt very weak to move her body. She doesn't even know how she will manage everything now. At least a whole year is going to be a total waste because of this pregnancy and later she doesn't know if she will get a chance to follow her dreams or not

"You never give me a chance to speak Murtasim", she thought while looking at the ceiling feeling helpless as she want to clear misunderstandings between them but he never listens. Yes, he stands by her but why he never listens? Whenever she tried to clear thier misunderstandings he was not believing her. Why? Why can't he see her feelings for him? Yes, she is not good at sharing her feelings like him but can't he read her eyes?

"This was not meant to happen like this", she said, her lips quivering thinking about this embarrassing and difficult situation. Neither she can run away nor she can stay with him normally. Everything is complicated. Her ringtone caught her attention and she noticed Rohail's call. She closed her eyes tightly to let fresh tears roll down her eyes before answering the call

"Rohail. I have told you not to call me", Meerab said and wiped her tears

"I was tensed Meerab. Your husband sent his guards to beat me. Are you fine? Is he treating you the same way?", Rohail asked shocking Meerab as she was not expecting this. For Rohail, Murtasim has a solution to push him away from her but for Haya, he doesn't have any way. Murtasim never punished Haya even when she is the reason for every problem between them. How can she see her husband with someone else?

"No. He treats me well. Please don't call me", Meerab said sternly as she don't want to give hope to Rohail as there is no chance she will give Rohail a chance.

"I have seen that. He never treats you well. Meerab divorce him yar. When you don't have a relationship with him and you never broke the contract then why are you living with him? You haven't breached the contract right?", Rohail said which made Meerab remember how she gave herself to Murtasim without breaking the contract. But can she tell Rohail about that ever?  And does she want a divorce?  Can she? No right. And If the answer is a big no then there is no use in giving Rohail hope.

"No... Why... I will breach the contract? But please don't call me again", Meerab fumbled while replying thinking what if Rohail doubted her? How she will explain everything? And how she will meet her eyes with him again? That's why she lied which is true as the contract is still alive.

"But you don't even consider him as your husband ", Rohail said

"Because...", Meerab was about to reply but stopped in the middle noticing Murtasim standing near the door. On seeing her gaze Murtasim entered the room taking baby steps as he felt his knees going weak.

"I... I came to ask you want me to live here with you or not but I guess you don't want me", he said and turned to go as he couldn't gather the courage to inside the room, sit with her for a conversation. What is left to talk about when they don't want to live together? When they don't want to spend life as life partners then what is the use of trying?

"Murtasim wait", Meerab called his name which made him stop on his track. He then found his eyes welling with tears and he walked again just to be stopped by Meerab's winching sound. He turned and noticed that her feet got hit by the table.


"Careful. You are carrying a child", he ran towards her and helped Meerab to sit. He was about to touch her cheeks but then remembered that she doesn't like him and took his hand back. He touched her leg softly feeling her wound and winched when he noticed Meerab closing her eyes feeling her pain.

"Where were you going?", Meerab asked angrily

"To home, as maa Begum was calling me but I thought to talk with you before discussing your pregnancy with her ", Murtasim replied

"Don't tell her", Meerab said to which he nodded and got up to go again.

"Thik hai. I will come tomorrow ", he said but again Meerab called him

"Murtasim at least listen to me", Meerab requested softly. Murtasim sighed as he don't have any option left to listen to her. He can't let her run behind him in this condition and ruin thier relationship with a misunderstanding.

"It's not like what you are thinking Murtasim ", Meerab replied and placed her hand on his. Murtasim looked into her eyes intensely as her mere hold and soft voice is enough to make him forget the world. He gets lost in her beauty and her sweet voice. He looked towards her hand which is holding her hand and he felt sudden attraction towards her but realisation hit him that she doesn't like him. Everything happened just because of harmones otherwise she was going to leave him. She came for baby not for you .

"I... I know you don't like me and I'm responsible for this baby. I'm sorry ", Murtasim apologized thinking that she regret their closeness and want to live with Rohail. Just because of this baby, she has to deny him otherwise they wanted to marry. He thinks that Rohail and Meerab have liked eachother since college but this forced marriage ruined everything.

"I don't love Rohail. I was just asking him not to chase me that's it. I...", Meerab was about to explain herself when they heard Murtasim's mobile phone ringing. Murtasim immediately picked up the call up and his expression changed into worry. Meerab noticed his face losing color suddenly and wondered the reason. Before she could ask anything and explain herself Murtasim told her that he has to go

"Sorry, I have to go. I will come tomorrow", Murtasim said and rushed outside scaring Meerab as he behaved very weirdly. She guessed there is something important but the way he left scared her. Her heart thumbed rapidly thinking about various probabilities. She called him and surprisingly he answered the call but she sensed that he is huffing badly.

"Yes Meerab?", He answered. Meerab sensed his broken and feeble voice which increased her worry

"What happened?", she asked

"Will tell you later. Take care please ", he replied and declined the call. When she called him again she heard his line going busy. She threw her mobile phone aside in anger plus worry and held her head

Murtasim rushed and drove towards Wakas house. He reached there and noticed him lying on the sofa and Aneela was trying to wake him up. Murtasim ran towards them and checked the heartbeat of Wakas and sighed in relief finding him alive. He picked Wakas up and rushed towards his car. He made Wakas lay on the back seat and asked Aneela to hold him. He ran towards the driving seat and drove towards the hospital very rashly fearing the nightmare coming true.

Tears fell from his eyes thinking about Wakas as his pain. He wants to hug and tell him that he found Meerab but how when he is unconscious? His heartbeat is rising with each passing second thinking about Wakas and Aneela. Soon he reached the hospital and wiped tears from his eyes as his vision was getting blurred due to these tears. He called emergency and nurses took Wakas with them

"What happened to him Chachi", Murtasim asked in a low voice when doctors took Wakas away. He walked towards Aneela as she is also crying for a long time and now he need to calm her down. He pulled Aneela into a hug to calm her down.

"He... He dreamt of Meerab and panicked... Then.. ", Aneela couldn't complete and broke down in tears. Murtasim understood the whole situation and told her not to worry as Wakas would be fine.

"He will be fine don't worry", Murtasim said softly to Aneela and heard his phone ringing. He guessed the caller's name and walked away from Aneela to talk with Meerab

"Hello, Murtasim. What happened? Why you went in a hurry?", Meerab asked with concern as she is worried from the time when he left and is getting restless with her prediction. She will get peace only after knowing the truth

"Everything is alright but Can I tell Wakas Chacha and Chachi about you? They are very tensed and they will not tell anyone ", he asked

"I don't trust them and tell me what happened Murtasim", Meerab replied and asked angrily. She is irritated with his questions and wants to punch his face for not answering her

"Do you trust me? Can't you forgive them for me? You said that we become wise if we forgive our enemy and they are your parents. Won't you?", Murtasim requested not knowing the answer but he had only this option left as he knows Meerab will never agree with her wish. If she has to melt then she would have melted a long ago but she didn't. He doesn't know if she trusts him or not and is very scared of her answer as he will be heartbroken if she replied with a no.

How's this chapter?

Will they clear thier misunderstandings or will things go worse?

Do you think Meerab trusts him?

Share your views in comments❤️. I hope you are loving the concept

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