IF ONLY. marichat | ✔️

By barcelony

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COMPLETED!! (book 2 is out: NUMB.zoenette !!!!) Adrien and Kagami are together and Marinette is in pieces. Ho... More

more marichat by me !!


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By barcelony

Chapter Thirteen: I'm Sorry

"Give me your miraculous," his father's hand is extended.

Adrien shakes his head. "No, I'll need it to help retrieve the other one."

But really it was because he wasn't ready to throw away the possibility of seeing Marinette away just yet.

"This isn't for you to fight. Let me handle this."

"Yes it is. I want Mom back too. And you've forgotten that I've been Ladybug's partner this entire time, I know how she thinks."

Father pauses, thinking thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right."

:. *₊ ° . ° .•

Chat Noir goes to see Marinette. He needs to explain his plans with his father. She should know that this will be the last she sees of him. For now, that is. Chat is sure he can convince Father to grant a life with Marinette where they're happy; it's the best he can think of where their story doesn't end in heartbreak. 

When he reaches the balcony, not only is his girlfriend nowhere in sight, the hatch to her room is locked. She'd made a habit of leaving it open for him, so what the hell? He throws pebbles at the hatch to grab her attention. 

"Chat, leave." Marinette booms from below.


His stomach drops. "I-I don't understand."

"I want you to go. Better?"

"That's not what I..what I mean. Why are you doing this?"

There's silence for a moment and he started to wonder if she walked away.

"Chat, Ladybug is my friend and she told me you're working with Hawkmoth and that you're...that you...that you're..."

She didn't have to finish that sentence, he already understood.

The gig was up. Marinette knew his true identity and was casting him off. Forget everything they did when he was Chat Noir. Now that the mask was off he was being disregarded. 

How could he had believed that the two could become more than what they were? Two lost souls.

"I'll leave, m'lady."

The sacrifices he's making for his mother are becoming steeper and steeper. Betraying Ladybug, losing Marinette. Adrien doesn't want to imagine what could come next. Why can't they understand that he has to do this? This is the only way for him to have a happy family. 

Father barely looks at him, much less speak to him, but now? Now he's listening to him, confiding in his plans. They've come together to bring Mom back. He's not excited about helping a bad guy, but is he really so bad for being held up on his wife?

Plagg shakes his head at him. "You know, this will never work. There are consequences to altering the timeline. When you bring your mom back, the Parisians you've come to know won't be the same, some may not be there."

Adrien holds his hands in fists. Not even his own kwami gets it?

"I need to do this," he almost yells, his voice stone cold.

"Fine," Plagg is taken back, "where's the new batch of camembert?"

He points to his fencing bag, not wanting to make eye contact.

He was alone in this endeavor, Adrien sees that now.

And he thinks he's okay with it.

:. *₊ ° . ° .•

Father, transformed as Hawkmoth, had evilized some of his past victims; Stormy Weather, Volpina, Glaciator, Simon Says, and the one he believes who will prove the most helpful, Copycat. Chat Noir stands with his father, looking down at the disciples meant to end this battle. With this, they should surely have Ladybug's miraculous. All of Father's followers, aware of their mission, splits up choosing different areas of Paris to control. 

Stormy Weather calls upon a thunderstorm; lightning, dark skies, and heavy rain. She saunters around with her umbrella, shooting lightning bolts in unpredictable patterns. Volpina creates a grand illusion of an asteroid coming toward Paris, snickering at her handiwork. Glaciator crushes everything in his path, wandering aimlessly. Simon Says holds a megaphone in his hand, telling all in ear-shot to find Ladybug and bring her to Hawkmoth. Copycat is the only one who doesn't move, he was instructed to stay put. Father wouldn't tell Chat Noir what for.

As Chat Noir stands alongside his transformed father and surveys the actions of the disciples meant to aid them in obtaining Ladybug's miraculous, he can't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, his loyalty to his father and the desire to fulfill their mission tugs at him, but on the other hand, he knows deep down that there's a reason he's in this alone. A reason he and Ladybug never gave up his miraculous before. 

While Stormy Weather creates chaos with her thunderstorm and Volpina deceives the citizens of Paris with her illusion, Glaciator wreaks havoc by freezing everything in his path. Simon Says, using his megaphone, commands people to find Ladybug and bring her to Hawkmoth. The purpose of Copycat's stationary position remains unknown to Chat Noir, tickling his brain. What could be the purpose? He, the real Chat Noir, was right here!

Despite the imminent threat posed by these transformed villains, Chat Noir's conscience gnaws at him. He recalls the times he fought alongside Ladybug, the trust they built, and the responsibility they shared as defenders of Paris. She probably hates him. Marinette too. Would his mom be okay with how he saved her? Would he tell her?

Chat Noir takes a deep breath, feeling torn between his loyalty to his father and his duty as a hero. He knows that his father's disciples is necessary to secure the other miraculous, but he also understands that Ladybug's miraculous shouldn't be used for selfish purposes.

Mom, I'm so sorry.

With every fiber of his being, he confronts his father. Something he never thought he'd do, if he's being entirely honest with himself.

"I'm not giving you my miraculous."

"Like hell you're not," his father lunges toward him.


Father stops, eyeing him not seeing this side before.

"We can't save Mom this way. I want to so badly. She made us whole, made you happy, but it's not fair to everyone else. It's not right. As a hero of Paris, I have a sworn responsibility to protect the citizens of this city, so what do I look like teaming up with the enemy?"

Chat Noir extends his baton, shaking his head at himself for ever believing in his father.

"Adrien, please."

Chat looks back one last time, seeing the malice behind his eyes, the power lust swirling in the center. It was always there, wasn't it?

He was just didn't know what to look for.

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