Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar...

By OceanKuhn5

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Four sisters who discover their destiny. Four powers bestowed upon these newly discovered witches. Join us as... More

Characters first season
Something Wicca this way comes
I've got you under my skin
Thank You For Not Morphing
Dream Sorcerer
Wedding From Hell
The Fifth Sister
The Truth It Out There And It Hurts
The Witch Is Back
Wicca Envy
Feats Of Clay
The Wendigo
From Fear To Eternity
Secrets And Guys
Is There A Woogey In The House
Which Prim Is It Anyway
That Seventies Episode
When Bad Warlocks Go Good
Blind Sided
The Power Of Three
Love Hurts
Author's note.
Deja Vu All Over Again

Dead man dating

137 5 0
By OceanKuhn5

    At the manor Prim is walking towards the front door. She opens it and Andy is there.' Andy, hi.'

Andy smiles.' I was no where near the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by.

'Honest man, I like that. ( she lets Andy in and closes the door.) So, um, I had a great time last night.' She tells him.

Andy nods.' Yeah, me too. But I forgot to give you something very important. ( he gets a small box out of his coat pocket.) Happy Birthday.

Prim looks at him.' But it's not my birthday until next week.'

She reaches for it but he pulls it back.' Consider this a preview.'

She grabs the box from him and opens it revealing...'A key?'

Andy nods.' Yeah, to the Calistoga Spa. We leave Friday night after work. Don't worry, I got us adjoining rooms.'

Prim raises and eyebrow.' Adjourning rooms?'

'Well, I wouldn't want to assume something I'm not supposed to be assuming. We haven't taken that step yet, so no pressure. I just want to be with you, away, together. Think about it.' He asks her.

Heat blooms on Prims face at the possibility.' Okay.'

He leans over and kisses her making her want more.' Let me know. Bye.' He leaves.

Prim groans.' That boy knows what he's doing. Makes a woman damn near forget her own name. How did Prue keep her hands off him. Happy birthday to me indeed.'

In an alley a man is murdered.

Back at the manor Piper is putting birthday invitations in an envelope when Prue and Phoebe walk in. 'Good morning. What are you doing? Prims coming down. Put those away.'

'She wouldn't have to if you had sent them out.' Prue gives her a look.

Piper is aggravated.' Phoebe, you were supposed to send these out last week., the party is Friday.'

'You guys, Prims not gonna be happy. She hates surprise partys as much as i do.' Prue tells them.

They shoot her a glare as Phoebe answers Piper.' We're right on schedule. The restaurant is reserved, the menu selected, the cake has been ordered. '

Piper hides the invitations.' That's because i did all those things. At least tell me you managed to buy Prim something other than your traditional gift.'

'A card.' Piper began.

'Three days late.' Prue finished.

Phoebe looks at them.' Yeah, well, i decided to break that tradition and start a new one.'

Piper is stunned.' You brought Prim a gift? Where'd you get the money to pay for it?'

'Yeah, aren't you broke Pheebs?' Prue asked right before Prim walked in.

'Morning.' She greets her sisters.

Phoebe is the first to reply.' Good morning. Hey i forgot to ask; how was your date with Andy?'

'Great, until he asked me to spend my birthday at a spa with him.' Prim sighed.

Phoebe sarcastically replies.' Oh i hate when they do that.'

'For this weekend? Your didn't say yes, did you?' Piper asked worried.

Prim eyes her suspiciously.' Well, my body did.....screamed it actually. But i don't know, i just have to think about it. We haven't done, it yet. What if its horrible? What if I'm horrible?'

'Woah, calm down. Just take it one step at a time. It'll be fine.' Prue advised.

While Phoebe starts to encourage her.' A weekend of rest, rubdowns and room service. Whats to think about? ( before Piper slams a notepad on the table causing all three of her sisters to look at her.) I mean, uh, you could be right. Going away with a guy, is like....'

'It's like, bringing them home to to meet the parents. It changes everything. And if your not sure if your ready to make a commitment or not , you know, you don't wanna send the wrong signal.' Piper finishes.

Phoebe continues trying to convince Prim not to go now.' Plus, you need a week to prepare for a weekend away. I mean there's lingerie shopping, waxing, manicure, pedicure. I mean, it's basically a full time job which you've already got learning the craft and starting college. So you'll never be ready, not even if you start packing right now.'

Prue looks at her ecstatic.' Your goi.g to college?'

Prim glowers at Phoebe.' Thanks a lot. Look Prue, i was gonna tell you. I wanted to surprise you. I know how much it meant to you for me to go.'

'Are you kidding? I'm so proud of you.' Prue and Piper pull her in a group hug.

'So do you know what your major is gonna be? I know you love to write, what about that?' Piper inquired.

Prim shakes her head.' No, writings just for me. I was actually thinking....Med school. And i know its a lot of work, what with balancing being a witch and the long hours that being a doctor takes but i think i can manage.'

'Are you kidding? Of course you can.' Prue smiled.

Pipe interrupts.' Yeah, I'm so happy for you. Now can we get back to the matter at hand? Andy?'

Phoebe nods.' Pipers right. Bottom line, unless your ready to put your toothbrush next to his, you shouldn't go.'

Prim looked between them.' You guys aren't trying to trying to plan another surprise party for me, are you?'

Piper shakes her head.' No, never.'

'No, we've given up on trying to surprise you, right Prue?' Phoebe turns to Prue who just nods.

Prim stares them down.' Well, that's good because you all know how much i hate surprises.'

She leaves and Piper turns on Phoebe.' Damn it, Phoebe. If you uad sent Andy his invitation we wouldn't be in this mess. Back me up here, Prue.'

'Leave me out of this. I told you she'd hate it.' Prue puts her hands in the air.

Phoebe shakes her head.' What are you talking about Piper? You heard Prim, she doesn't want a party. So you should be glad that i flaked, besides, you know as well as Prue and I, she's gonna go away with Andy. Now, if you two will excuse me, i have a present to pay for. Which means i have a job interview.'

She leaves and you see her get a job as a psychic at a hotel.

Prim has just finished a class and is talking to Piper on the phone.' So have you made up your mind about Calistoga?'

Prim sighs.' I don't know, i keep thinking it's a bad idea but then i think what's the big deal? So what if we sleep together. We're both adults, and it's not like i haven't had sex before. And i want to ya know. With Andy, i want to. What do you think i should do, Piper?'

Piper is crushed but says.' You should go. On Saturday. I think you should go, on Saturday.'

Prim is confused.' On Saturday? Why? Piper. You promised no surprise party.'

'It's not what you think. It's Phoebe. She bought you a present.' Piper tries to convince her to stay.

Prim is surprised.' Phoebe doesn't give presents. She gives cards, three days late.'

Piper clings to hope.' Not this year. Surprise. And she she really wants to give it you on Friday. So could you please just ask Andy about leaving on Saturday instead? You have no idea how much Phoebe has put herself through. She even got a job and everything.'

'Alright, I'll ask him. If i decide to go. So what kind of job did Phoebe get?' Prim agreed.

'Don't know. Gotta go. Ciao.' She hangs up.

At the hotel Phoebe tells a woman she gained weight which pissed her off when Piper walks up. When a man walks up asking for a psychic. He tells them he needs help which they ignore. He follow Piper when she leaves and she witnesses a car go right though him.

Meanwhile Prim is meeting Andy at Quake. She sees him sitting with a woman and walks up to them.' Hi.'

'Hey.' Andy replies.

Prim looks between them.' Um, i tried calling the station house for you, they said that you would probably be here. (She turns to the woman) Hi.'

The woman returns the greeting.' Hi.'

'Prim this is, um...' he starts.

The woman speaks.' Susan. Susan Trudeau. Nice to meet you.'

Prim is confused. 'Trudeau? Not a sister, right?!'

'No. Actually....' He began before susan interrupts. 'Wife.'

Prim starts walking away and Andy follows.' Prim! She's my ex-wife. Just let me explain.'

'Don't bother. There's no need. It's pretty clear.' Shaking her head.

Andy tries again.' It's not what you think.....'

Prim uses the power of wind to move a food trolley on front of Andy who crashes into in landing on the floor. Prim is stunned but flees anyway. Now knowing she can fly because she uses the wind.

Piper and Mark the ghost runs into the gatekeeper of hell, Yama who claims souls to drag them to hell. Piper freezes him and they run.

At the manor Phoebe and Prue stand outside the bathroom door where Prim has just got out of the shower.

'Prim, you can't do this. Piper is gonna be crushed. Tell her, Prue.' Phoebe says.

Prue joins in.' Normally I'd be on your side. But she's right. Piper has worked so hard this.'

Piper walks in.' I'm gonna be crushed?'

Prim walks out in a towel.' The surprise party is off.'

Piper acts innocent.' What surprise party?'

'She's onto us.' Phoebe tells her.

Prue elaborates.' The restaurant called while we were out.'

'Oh, is that why you were so upset earlier?' Piper asked.

'Lets just say it hasn't been a great day.' Prim informs them.

Phoebe jumps in.' Does it have anything to do with why Andy's been calling all night?'

Mark walks in.' Piper, where'd you say today's paper was?'

'Hello.....practically naked here.' Prim says as Prue glares at the man.

Mark looks away.' Oops, sorry.'

Phoebe turns to Piper.' What's the drunk from the hotel doing here?'

'He's drunk?' Prue is unimpressed.

Mark shakes his head.' My names Mark and I'm not a drunk.'

'He's a ghost.' Piper tells them.

'Excuse me, a what?' Prue asks in disbelief.

'A ghost, Prue. You know, like Casper. They usually hang out in cemeteries or old houses, they jump with a "boo". As she jumps at Prue smirking.

Prue smiles and swats her away as Piper continues.' He was murdered. He obviously needs our help. Why else would we be able to see him?'

At that moment Phoebe covers Prim.' Well, he can see us, that's for sure.'

Prim looks down at her towel then back up to the man with red tinged cheeks.' Hey.'

'Of all the days to be a dead man.' He mumbles.

Prue is not convinced.' You sure this guy is really a ghost. He could just be your normal run-of-the-mill pervert trying to see our sister naked.'

Piper throws a cup at him and it passes right through. 'Positive.'

They are now in the kitchen. 'So how do we know this guy doesn't belong in hell?' Phoebe pipes up.

Piper looks at her. 'Because we can see him. He's one of the innocents we have to protect.'

'She's not wrong Pheebs. I mean besides him seeing me naked when Andy hasn't even that....he seems like a good guy. Hell I'd probably try to set him up with Piper if he wasn't dead a dead man walking.' Prim jokes light heartedly.

Prue shakes her head.' Protect him from what though? He's dead.'

'All we have to do is get Mark's family to give him a proper burial and then he can move on to wherever it is he moves on to.' Piper informs them.

Prue nods. 'Okay, so call the police and let them know where the body is.'

'I already did. I just want to give them a little time to notify Mark's mom before I go talk to her.' Piper says.

Prim nods. 'That's a good idea.'

'Wait, talk to her? And tell her what? That your a witch in touch with her dead son?' Phoebe didn't understand.

Piper shakes her head.'No, I'm just going to get her to have a funeral as soon as possible before Yama gets Mark's soul.'

Phoebe gets a call from the hotel to go back to work and Prue offers to take so they both leave.

Prim looks at Piper.' Hey, uh, Pipes....when you called the station you didn't talk to Andy did you?'

'No, it was anonymous. Why, did you decide not to go away with him?' She asked with bated breath.

Prim shakes her head. 'Actually, i did decided to go. That was until i went to tell him and found him having dinner with his ex-wife.'

'His what?' Piper's eyes widened.

Prim nodded. 'Yep. I mean you'd think he'd mention that little fact before we went away together. Especially since it might lead to us sleeping together for the first time.'

'Well what'd he say? Why didn't he tell you?' Cocking her head to the side.

Prim sighs. 'I didn't stay long enough to ask. I used wind to send a food cart in his way and sent him toppling to the floor. Piper, you know I've been burned before. I just don't want to go through that again.'

Mark pokes his head in the door. 'How's it going in here? (Piper jumps causing Prim to laugh.) Sorry.'

At the hotel Phoebe is gets a promotion of a man getting hit by a car. At the manor Piper and Mark are getting to know each. Talking of peking duck and cloning DNA. Bonding over their love of cooking. Back over at the hotel Phoebe tries to warn the man. He doesn't believe her as she had read his wife earlier and she didn't like the outcome. Prue is at Buckands as usual.

Prim was on campus. She had just got out of another class to see Andy waiting for her with a bouquet flowers. 'Hi.' He smiles handing them to her.

She takes them smiling back as she smells them. 'Ya know....bribery is crime.'

He smirks. 'Apologizing isn't. Look, Prim, I'm sorry i didn't tell you I was married before. I should have. I was going to.'

She looks at him. 'When? Before or after we slept together this weekend?'

At first he was surprised hearing her say they were going to sleep together but he quickly recovered. 'I deserve that. Look, i would never hurt you. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do.'

She nods. 'I just don't understand why you didn't tell me. My heart is already bruised and beaten. If it takes another beating i might not recover.'

'I know. Believe me when i found out what that bastard did, i coulda killed him with my bare hands.' There's fire in his eyes from all the pent up rage.

She looks at him. 'No. You wouldn't have. Your to good of man.'

'Fine. Maybe i wouldn't have killed. But i wanted to beat the hell put of him for sure. Make sure he'd never forget what he did to you.' He says quietly.

His protectiveness almost takes her breath away. 'Thank you. But your not off the hook just yet.'

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 'It was an innocent dinner, Prim. I swear. I have an ex-wife who i don't hate. Is that so wrong?'

She shakes her head. 'No. It's not. But you should have told me.'

'Which I've apocalypse for. Why are you trying to turn this into something it's not?
What's really eating you up Prim? Looks like I'm not the only one with secrets.' He starts walking away. 'Congrats on the whole doctor thing.'

Piper and Mark find out his mom doesn't know he's dead. She thinks he's only missing.

Back at the manor Prim is hitting a small punching bag when Phoebe walks in. 'Man trouble?'

Prim continues practicing. 'I don't wanna talk about. By the way where were you last night? (Phoebe starts cleaning. Prim stops.) Something wrong?'

'I don't wanna talk about it.' Phoebe continues to clean.

Prim walks over to her. 'Okay. you never clean and you'll talk about anything. What's up?'

'Nothing.' Phoebe still denied.

She starts scrubbing. Prim stops her. 'Pheebs?'

She stops. 'Okay. I had a premonition. A really bad one. I saw a guy being run a pink Cadillac.'

'A pink Cadillac? Really?' Prim smirks.

Phoebe sighs.' I know. It sounds ridiculous. But it's true. I don't know what to do.'

Prim nods. 'Well, did you warn him?'

'I tried. He thought i was out of my mind, thought i was stalking him or something. I mean, how do you tell a complete stranger that you know their gonna die?' She asks forlorn.

Prim looks at her. 'Where is he right now?'

'Hotel Neptune.' She tells her.

Prim is confused. 'What were you doing there?'

'I just wanted to get you a really great birthday present to make for the cards. So i got a job as their lounge psychic. Prue already yelled at me.' Phoebe blurts out.

Prim shakes her head. 'Pheebs I'm always on your side when it comes to your power. You can't leave the man alone for a second.'

'Don't worry. I broke a key off in his door when he went to sleep. He'll be safe until morning.' She smirked.

Prim goes back to hitting her punching bag. 'Your going to get to something something amazing, saving that man's life. I'm so proud of you. I couldn't ask for a better gift.'

Piper and Mark walk in and turn on the tv. Mark's body has been found but the police think it's the head of the Chinatown triad. Phoebe has a premonition of the man alive. Piper and Mark go to the warehouse from Phoebe's premonition to get proof he's alive. They leave but the man gets Piper's license plate number. The two head to the police station where Piper drops the envelope with the proof on Andy's desk. As the two are getting ready to leave Andy walks up to them, seeing Piper seemingly talking to herself. 'Talking to yourself huh!?'

She jumps, startled. 'Andy, hi. Yeah, um, it's an old habit, i do it all the time.'

'My mom used to call it interesting conversations with an interesting person.' Smiling.

Piper nods. 'Yeah? Interesting.'

'Very.' Mark smiles at her.

'Not that it's not a pleasure but what are you doing here?' He asks her.

She stumbles over her words. 'Oh, nothing, you know, just passing by.'

'Prim tell you what's going on?' He asked.

Piper looks at him sadly. 'No. Well, yeah, i mean, sort of. Kind of screwed up huh?'

Andy sighs. 'Any idea what i should do?'

'Oh, that Andy.' Mark says.

Piper nods. 'Yeah....I mean, yeah, um, hmm, just give her some space, let her work through it.'

'Yeah, okay. (He hugs her.) Thanks. Take care.'

She nods. 'You too.'

He walks away but turns back to see her talking to herself again.

At the hotel Phoebe saves the man. At Mark's place he gives Piper his family recipes that were passed down from generation to generation. Making her promise to make the peking duck for Prim's birthday.

Prue's at work again.

Phoebe comes home and tells Prim she saved the guy then asks her about Andy.

Prim sighs shaking her head. 'I have no idea.
Andy kept something from me. But I keep the truth about being a witch from him everyday. How is that fair to him? I should be able to share every part of me with him. How is this even gonna work between us if i can't share the fact that I'm a witch with him?'

'We're the charmed ones, Prim, not the doomed ones. We have lives just like everyone else. Call him, go see him, do something. Give to get, that's the secret to life, not our powers.' Phoebe tells her.

Downstairs Piper and Mark are back. They share a sweet "kiss". Then some of Wongs men show up and kidnap Piper. Mark calls for the girls as Prue walks in the door. Then they head off to save their sister calling the police from the car.

They walk in the warehouse and Prue and Prim send men flying with their powers then bust in the door at the top of the stairs. Wong has got ahold of Piper now and shoots at the three women who walked in. Piper freezes everything. Prue sends the man flying down the stairs. He runs outside where the police pull up. The girls watch from the balcony as Andy tells the man to freeze. He tries to shoot Andy but gets killed in the process.

Piper is pale. 'I've never seen anybody killed before.'

Prue speaks up beside her. 'Jeremy.'

'Javna.' Phoebe says next.

Piper looks at them. 'I mean human.'

'He might not have been a demon Piper, but wasn't human. He was a monster.' Prim tells her.

'Come on lets get out of here before Prim's boyfriend sees us.' Smirking at her sister.

Tony's spirit rises from his body and follows the girls and Mark down the alley. Yama appears and Mark pushes Tony into the spear he wields. Yama then turns to Mark but Piper stands in front of him declaring him a good man. Yama leaves.

The girls are at Mark's funeral. He tells Prim not to miss her birthday and she says she won't. Him and Piper share a tearful goodbye and then he walks off to where his dad is waiting for him. They both disappear. 'Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.' Piper cries out.

'It's an improvement. At least he wasn't a warlock.' Phoebe jokes. Piper laughs and the sisters smile.

Back at the manor the girls surprise Prim with her birthday party. Prim then sees Andy and they smile at each other.

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